Trent Hardacre Meets His Match

By Stu Hadley

Published on Jul 8, 2020


Trent Hardacre meets his match Chapter 6 - Never Coming Back

Themes include porn, fisting, fist punching, rubber and fuck machines. Average reading time 10 minutes.

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Jacob's hunger for fist was slowly growing inside of him, now consuming all his thoughts. He even felt it when riding his collection of oversized dildos, imagining it was a man's hand working his pussy and not merely inanimate objects.

Ever since he'd seen a guy getting handballed in the bathhouse (and been lucky enough to have a go at the bottom's hole for himself) he had been obsessed. He had done his research - understanding what was involved, what the possibilities were and exactly what he was looking for himself. He wanted the stretch (and the fast tracking of his hole development) but he was also intrigued about the extreme pleasure so many guys talked about online. Surely fisting couldn't be that addictive, could it?

From there it was a logical step to search for tops he liked the look of. However, none of his conversations went very far: all the guys he liked didn't want to play with a novice, no matter how big Jacob could prove his toy collection was. Surely that was a sure sign of his capable hole, no?

He searched for other solutions. One day, whilst sucking varsity cock in his role as team waterboy, it suddenly came to him. Yes, he'd just about burnt all his porn bridges, but he still had one big card left. His fist cherry! As soon as he got home he started hawking it to the studios he still had connections with, offering it up for the taking.

Most studios weren't interested, failing to see the opportunity apparent in Jacob's obvious hunger and desire. However, Hazard Inc, did. They knew that if they had the right material to work with then it could be top quality porn.

They set out to understand just what was on offer, subjecting Jacob to a deeply intrusive and probing inspection. Not an inch of his was body was left to chance, nor a single capability of his hole. To Hazard's delight, they realised Jacob's would be able to take some serious work. This wasn't going to be a `tentative first-steps' video with everyone on tip-toes. No, this was going to be full-on pig-porn.

In fact, the only problem Hazard foresaw was the danger that nobody would believe the young, lithe and muscular bottom was actually cherry. If their inspection was to be believed then Jacob would be taking continuous-punching before the end of even the first hour in the sling... and no fist-virgin could take that kind of abuse, even with the best will in the world.

Hazard explained the problem. They said it was almost insurmountable. Almost. They felt the only way round it was for Jacob to offer more. Not an edited half-hour porn scene, but a 6 hour live stream exclusive to their pay-per-view members. Every minute was to be spent in action, with no get-outs or early release (no matter what happened) unless Jacob wanted to forfeit payment for the entire session.

Jacob quickly thought it through. This was an opportunity his hunger couldn't miss, but then he realised for a 6 hour session he could make his own requests too...

Like the top. Whilst he was turned on by the idea of muscles and ink, above all he wanted experience over porn perfection. Jacob wanted fetish realness - someone who genuinely knew their way around a hole, not just a gym. Someone with the right attitude, who both appreciated his goals and shared his outlook. Someone who would take intense pleasure at the task in hand and yet wouldn't stop until the job was done. Someone sane enough to appreciate Jacob's limits but who knew what was truly possible.

Then there was the gear. He'd done enough vanilla porn in his life that he wanted this to be in full rubber or leather. That went for the location too - he was fed up of faux porn studios. He wanted a real industrial setting, something authentic and nasty feeling.

None of his requests were a problem for Hazard, in fact they liked the ideas. Apart from the last one. Jacob only wanted his fist cherry to be harvested by a top with real meat cleavers for hands. They had to be extra-large. They had to be fists that there would be no coming back from. Ever. Hazard paused the negotiations for their stable of tops and executives to debate the request in detail. Yes, Jacob had shown real passion for fist and his inspection results were truly impressive, but even so?... and then they shrugged their shoulders and said fuck it - who were they to argue or place barriers between a hole and its true desires?

The shoot was quickly agreed. The location, the money, the time and the scene. It came together so quick that Jacob barely had time to think through the moment and the consequences... it was only when he walked into a dank and dark disused factory, a leather sling hanging down from the giant metal girders and a full film crew in attendance that he fully appreciated what was about to happen.

The clock was ticking down to the start of the live stream and he was immediately directed to wardrobe, getting suited up in a thick black rubber catsuit. It hugged every muscle and curve on his body, the only parts uncovered his head and arse. In fact, his bubble butt was beautifully framed by the suit's chaps cut, his arse inviting and ready to use.

It was in wardrobe that he met his top for the next 6 hours: Adam, a true master fister - there wasn't a hole alive that he couldn't pry open. He was even more that Jacob had hoped for. A strong but natural body (though adorned with ink and piercings), he was dressed in well-worn leather and boots. A uniform yet not a costume. He looked hot as fuck. More importantly, he projected authority and evil intent, but with a calm centre that gave Jacob huge confidence about what they were about to do. They seemed to click immediately. Even more so when Adam took a look at Jacob's hole in the flesh for the first time. Adam had seen the report - he'd seen the photos, but that wasn't the same as a hands-on inspection - but he was very pleased. Immediately Adam's expectations for the session levelled up. Here was a hole with serious mileage, a pre-worked pussy that had so much potential to be a true cunt.

Soon, Jacob was led to the set by the scene's producer and told to jump in the sling. Surprisingly, it was his first time in one, but the bottom was amazed by how at home he felt. Just like that bottom in the bathhouse. It was all so... natural. His back supported, his arms comfortably above his head, his legs held open with his hole on full display. He saw his rubbered reflection in a strategically placed mirror and every part of the scene turned him on.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, action!" shouted the director as the live stream started. 360 minutes to go and counting...

Adam walked up to the sling and immediately owned the space, including the rubber bottom so willingly offered to him. The top wasn't to be rushed but no time was wasted before he was lubed and coning his thick fingers into Jacob's tactile hole. This was the moment. Would Adam's extra-large hands be too much for the young bottom? Thankfully, Jacob's hole spoke for itself, eagerly accepting the first big fingers invading his pussy. Soon it was juicy and ready, Adam feeling the desire in the boy's cunt through his finger-tips. Staring deep in the bottom's eyes, he firmly pushed his hand forward and through the barrier of Jacob's fist cherry. Pop! It was gone forever.

Fuck! Jacob was in nirvana like he'd never known. The stretch felt SO good, the pain seductive and the intensity on a level he'd never experienced before. Adam briefly let him get used to the size of his hands - letting him luxuriate in the feeling of being invaded by another man - and then went to work.

Adam pushed, punched and penetrated. He used every ounce of his experience to make the live stream the highest quality porn possible. Two guys totally into each other and relishing the dynamic. As with all great fisting scenes, anyone watching would be hard pressed to know who was enjoying it more: the top or the bottom. Both were using each other for their shared pleasure. Adam's fists became more and more eager, not tailing off for a moment, all whilst Jacob's hole was stretched to overblown glory.

After a couple of hours of continuous use it was time for a break. Only for Adam though - Hazard had one or two surprises up their sleeves for Jacob whilst the top reset and recharged. Jacob lay back in the sling, hot and sweaty and still cocooned in his thick black suit. The rubber had made it very easy for him to get totally lost in the experience, but now his body was still and his hole warm but empty...

Suddenly he felt the presence of several rubbered up assistants nearby, and then belts and buckles slapped against his body. In seconds - without time to struggle or protest - he was thoroughly secured to the sling. The last thing he saw was a complicated looking trolley bought up to his arse, then it all went dark as a rubber gimp mask was slid over his head and tightly laced. He was about to lose all sense and sight of time...

The trolley held a masterpiece of destruction. It was a kind of fuck machine, but calling it an inflation device would be more accurate. An evil looking butt plug - secured to the end of a heavy metal piston - was inserted into Jacob's well-used hole. The trolley's wheels were then locked so the machine couldn't be pushed or shied away from.

Inside the plug was a compressed air line and a set of electronic sensors. These would constantly detect the available clutch in Jacob's hole... clutch that the machine was determined to overrule. The butt plug would inflate, filling every last inch of space available inside the bottom. Then it would go that little bit further, painfully stretching the walls of the boy's new cunt. It would hold and hold and hold and then deflate right back to zero. All before starting again, just a step bigger and held for a moment longer...

All of this was combined with a haze of poppers to Jacob's gimp mask and a recording of Adam's voice. It was designed to condition and fully break a hole down. Or build it up... no matter how extreme the pain in Jacob's arse, all he could hear was how pain was inevitable if he wanted to meet his goals, that being able to feel the stretch was a sign of true progress... then, with masterly timing, the voice would change and say how well Jacob was taking it, how great his hole was... but surely he could take more? Surely Jacob wanted to make Adam proud, right? Jacob did, and was loving every moment.

By the time the master fister came back from his break Jacob's hole had virtually given up, nothing more than a distended mess waiting to be abused. Neither top nor bottom could be any happier: in fact, as soon as the trolley was removed (maybe they should have deflated the plug first, but the pop made for such good TV) and the sloppy punching re-started immediately, except this time without resistance or pushback. Jacob's cunt was completely destroyed.

(Experienced fist bottoms watching the stream will have recognised the moment intimately. This was the moment when your hole demands your head throws all caution to the wind and you give in to what your inner beast wants. Your hole needs more... so fuck the consequences. Fuck being slack, fuck growing pussy lips that chafe when you walk, fuck oozing lube for days after a session. Embrace it. Embrace the true pig you really are.)

The climax was Adam teaching Jacob that a dick could still surprise and stretch. Jacob's gimp mask had been removed and he was now lost in the constant battle between his pussy and Adam's fists. He suddenly felt the sling move and he came out of his fist coma. He looked up to see the powerful top standing between his legs, his tattoos glistening with sweat, his hands covered in lube, his arms with prominent tide marks... however, what was different was the thick and veiny club now jutting out from Adam's leathered crotch. The top had removed his leather codpiece to reveal a truly substantial piece of meat.

Jacob realised the sling was being lowered so Adam could fuck him. Surely he wouldn't be able to feel it, even given those thick veins and the uncut helmet? How wrong he was. Adam made to slide his substantial slab into the warm and velvety embrace of Jacob's hole, but quickly wrapped his right fist around his dick too. Both were then forcibly entered into Jacob's hole: it was the biggest stretch he'd felt during the entire session and it was a real struggle: he had to push back with all his mind to help Adam achieve his goal, even though he wasn't sure what was really happening. He just trusted in his top.

Finally, both dick and the fist wrapped around it were inside Jacob. That was when Adam started pounding his meat, wanking his big dick with long intense strokes whilst fully inside the boy's cunt. It was a true power move and Jacob's eyes went wide in delight. Was there no end to how fucked up he could be?

Hours later everyone at Hazard agreed it was one of the best introductions to fisting videos they'd ever shot and it was already setting the internet on fire. The buzz was so loud that it was inevitable that Trent would eventually see it. He couldn't believe it! What had become of his boy?! His hole was now completely wrecked! God damn, there hadn't been any need for this...

He demanded Campion - the studio's doctor - went to see Jacob, trying to make him see sense. To tell the boy that his desires weren't natural but entirely artificial and implanted in his head. Jacob, still glowing with the after-glow of taking his first fist, wouldn't listen to a single word and sent him packing.

Jacob was lost to Trent forever.

Next: Years pass... Jacob's hole grows more capable, whilst Trent's despair only deepens.

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Next: Chapter 7

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