Trent Hardacre Meets His Match

By Stu Hadley

Published on May 13, 2020


Trent Hardacre meets his match Chapter 3 - Life Changes

Themes include toys, bathhouses, fucking, double penetration, sucking and fisting. Average reading time 15 minutes.

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A few weeks passed and Jacob's life had completely changed. His purchases had arrived and he spent all the time he could spare working his hole. Nothing made him happier than when he managed to level up to a previously untaken toy, eagerly inhabiting the new and bigger stretch. The thought that soon he'd have to buy an entirely new batch of dildos in ever larger and more extreme sizes deeply excited him.

His only disappointment was the state of his hole. To his eyes it looked shockingly undeveloped (especially as he now knew what a well-used hole looked like, having searched many times on the internet for tips and tricks to aid his progress). Of course, his disappointment was actually only his hole dysmorphia talking. In reality, his cunt was starting to puff up beautifully. He even had a delightful beginner's gape!

He decided he must push himself further. He started using his years of experience working his body in the gym to craft a proper regime for his pussy. The principles were just the same. A certain number of reps for a certain number of sets. Instead of weight increasing, he upsized girth of toy. Instead of body part exercised, it was shape of toy that changed (flanged, coned or ultra-realistic). He used all his discipline and soon - even to his warped eyes - he started seeing results.

Of course, he kept his regular gym workouts going too. He knew that a good body would help him attract tops of all sizes and colours. He exercised in revealing clothes that screamed his bottom/suck-boy status (though he had no idea where his new found confidence to dress like a slut came from, previously he'd always been rather prudish). He made sure that he worked out at a very gay gym where he knew there'd always be somebody who needed servicing. And that meant he'd be able to wolf down every precious drop of cum he was given.

It helped that any man looking at Jacob would see someone desperate to please. That was because Jacob still hadn't cracked the code of how many loads he needed to swallow to allow his body merciful release. In fact, he hadn't orgasmed in weeks. He could sense the answer wasn't all that far away (although his constant unrelieved erections were getting more and more frustrating). However, his main focus was undoubtedly his hole. Its progression was always on his mind which unfortunately meant his short-lived porn career was truly on the wane. He'd developed a reputation for having a loose hole that was difficult for a cock to get purchase in. The average porn top would slip and slide meaning that developing a good fuck rhythm was almost impossible.

Jacob couldn't understand it - he listened to the words of frustration from directors and co-stars and yet didn't hear any of them. Surely his hole was tiny, not big? That attitude meant he rapidly fell off the list of mainstream porn studios; the strait-laced tops were too freaked out at just how much of a beating his ass wanted and the fetish guys were turned off by his size obsession.

Jacob's only positive porn experience had been a one-off with Treasure Island Media. He'd gotten to be one of their cum junkies, felching loads out of a tox bottom. It created a bit of a stir as his dick was like a rock the entire time and - unknowingly - the felching took him over the load count he'd been hypnotised to need before he could shoot. And shoot he did! It was pure orgasmic relief and happened completely spontaneously. Jacob hadn't even touched his cock, it just went off like a firecracker.

The orgasm didn't do him any favours with the porn studio though. If they'd known Jacob was going to unload then they would have shot the scene entirely differently, with cameras to capture the explosion and a boy on immediate clean-up duty. To them, Jacob's big load was a missed opportunity and a serious black mark. Bottoms with no control were next to useless.

All of this made him pretty desperate. He tried to stay hopeful of using hook-up apps to aid his progress but it was tough. Sometimes he'd find a hung guy who wanted a slack pussy to fuck but he was so insecure about his hole that he always replied he was tight, meaning he was ghosted immediately. And then the guys who were looking for a tight fuck did the same too, except they blocked him when he tried to reel them in with a picture of what he thought was his puckered hole. He had no idea just how well-used he was becoming.

Meanwhile Trent was watching from a distance in complete horror. His studio had sent him on a porn tour of the world in the hope of calming his slightly manic energy down. It hadn't worked.

With every day that passed the hung porn star had become more and more anxious that Jacob hadn't realised that only he - Trent Hardacre - was the answer to the boy's desires. That only he (and his extravagantly large cock) could solve the bottom's hunger.

He watched Jacob perform in two-bit roles in cheap films churned out by sleazy studios and couldn't believe what had become of his crush. Hell, he still found it difficult to even understand that he actually had a crush, lusting after some random guy wasn't like him at all. Obsessing over a guy? Definitely not him... It was all going wrong. After their disastrous porn scene together Trent had felt a desperate need to banish the memory. He had asked the studio's doctor - a hypnosis expert - to give the boy a strong lust for his big cock and a strong thirst for his cum. Then, when Jacob came running in serious dick lust he would be able to spurn the boy, humiliating him just as badly as Trent had felt on set.

At least, that was how he remembered the programming.

In truth, his instructions had been interpreted far more widely by the studio's medic, Dr Campion. The doctor knew that Trent's goals were more likely to be implanted if they were phrased from the bottom's perspective. That meant Jacob had been programmed not with a desire for big cock, but with a desperate need to supersize his hole. And not with a hunger for Trent's cum, but with an inability to orgasm until he had swallowed large quantities of manspunk himself.

Even with his long experience of hypnosis, in his excitement Dr Campion hadn't stopped to consider that his programming didn't exactly match what Trent wanted to achieve: Jacob's humiliation. That meant that when Trent called Dr Campion to find out why on earth the boy hadn't yet hunted him down he was truly surprised. Hearing the alternating fury and anguish in Trent's voice the doctor didn't reveal just how fucked Jacob's programming really was. Instead he desperately backtracked and said there may still be hope. If Trent could get Jacob to him then he might be able to deprogram the boy. But only if they did it very soon...

By now Jacob's hole and cum addiction meant he was starting to take more risks and be more brazen with his desires and needs.

After a despondent and another unsuccessful day cruising the apps (and finding out he'd being turned down yet again for more low-rent porn) he plugged himself and decided to head to a bathhouse in a rough part of town. He'd heard on the grapevine that it was full of hard fuckers eager to take their injustices out on the world. Most bottoms stayed away as it had a bad rep, meaning it was the only place in town where bottoms got free entry.

The guy at the door smirked at Jacob's arrival. "You got the guts for it, boy?" he asked. By now Jacob didn't have that much of a filter on danger. Of course he could take it.

He made for the changing rooms, heady with heat and the funk of sex. And also with the heavy musk of black dick. Jacob twitched, he could be onto something here... unfortunately the room was completely empty. Jacob was so horny with need that he couldn't help immediately taking matters into his own hands.

He speed undressed in front of the open-plan lockers and then reached round to pull out the dildo embedded in his arse. A thick glop of lube and slime immediately fell on to the tiled floor, hinting at just how long the toy had been rammed inside. The dildo had a wickedly flanged head and Jacob knew full well that popping it in and out of his cunt was exactly the kind of action vital to the long-term development of his pussy. He needed to tame that hunger now.

Little did Jacob know that he was actually giving a floor show for a mean black top who'd arrived just moments after him. The swarthy stud had come from an angry argument with the girl he'd hoped to fuck that night: he needed relief and he knew fags could always take more punishment than the hoes he normally screwed... which is why he liked this bathhouse so much.

The top was tall, dark, hung and solidly built. He was industrial blue collar, still in his dirty work clothes, and the sight of the hole-show was making him ooze precum. He manhandled his meat out into the fresh air and gave himself a good stroke. It only made him more eager.

Jacob was completely lost in his own world so it was easy for the top to stealthily approach from behind and grab the heavy toy for himself. Jacob was too stunned to react and in seconds the black top was holding the boy tight with one hand and toy-raping him with the other. Jesus! He couldn't believe how easily the fat dildo slid in and out of the muscular boy... the lack of resistance made him super aggressive and Jacob's toes curled up in ecstasy.

"Gonna' fucking split you in two" said the stranger. He cast the dildo aside and seamlessly bent the little bitch in half, all whilst guiding his fat dick towards the boy's arse cheeks. He barely needed to press his ripe helmet against the juicy hole before it was swallowed up whole. Christ! This was one of the best pussies he'd ever fucked! Way sloppier than Alyssa's tight cunt! The way it enveloped and caressed his dick felt amazing. He immediately took full advantage and started jackhammering away, almost fucking the life out of poor Jacob. If the top hadn't of held on so tight then the boy would have toppled over from the sheer brute force.

With a final painful thrust the stranger came strong and deep inside. It was the best fuck Jacob had had in a long time - sure to have stretched his cunt - and he felt sad to feel the sudden emptiness in his puss as the man pulled out. However, Jacob quickly distracted himself by dropping to his knees to lick the cum and ass juices off the top's dick. The black guy was impressed by the boy's dedication, even more so when Jacob stuck his hand under his freshly fucked cunt to push any cum he could out.

"Damn, you're a nasty little skank aren't you? I'm gonna' get undressed and then you're coming me with me. I need to see whether any of my buddies are here tonight... they could use a cunt like you that gives and gives."

And so started Jacob's night at the meanest and toughest bathhouse in town, one long power fuck after another.

Jacob was never to know that someone else had been watching his performance from the shadows too. Trent had flown back from his studio tour as soon as he could to get the boy `deprogrammed'. He'd gone directly to Jacob's house just in time to see his crush head out with great determination. Some instinct made him follow rather than shouting out.

He'd then painfully witnessed a big nigger fucking `his' boy. He was insanely jealous. The guy's dick wasn't as big as his - whose was? - but he could tell from Jacob's facial expressions and cries of pain that the boy was being made to feel every fat inch. Seeing the boy fucked was a real sucker-punch to Trent and he couldn't bear to witness another moment. He beat a hasty and silent retreat, only stopping to get the black guy's name from the door staff on his way out.

It was going to be a night of consequences for everyone, however, Jacob wasn't to know just how many things would happen that evening that would change his life considerably.

It was when he was double-dicked that the first shift happened. What a way to have your hole stretched! He was being doubled by Tyrone - his changing room fucker - and one of the black guy's many big-dicked friends.

(In fact, the second cock belonged to Tyrone's old varsity coach. Despite different backgrounds and ages the two men had been swapping bitches since time immemorial - ever since that time coach walked in on Tyrone reaming out a little sissy in the store room and the black stud hadn't hesitated for a second in offering the bearish coach a piece of that juicy fag ass!).

The two men almost shot their loads in unison but thankfully not. Tyrone was still so turbo-charged from the locker room fuck that he unleashed first, a big load even for his second deposit of the night. That meant a great moment for the coach when he could feel his former student's dick pulsing against his own and then the boy's snatch becoming extra juicy... the feeling was so good that his own fat dick soon crossed the line.

The coach was an expert as assessing the fuck potential of young men and it was what the boy did next that sealed the deal for him. As soon as both dicks left Jacob's hole the bottom reached round to scoop up any cum run-off from his cunt before eagerly offering to suck and clean both of the skanky cocks that had just been fucking him.

Tyrone laughed and said he needed to be off. Coach though? He let the boy get to it even though he knew it normally took him an hour or so to reload. He wanted to experience the thirst of the boy's face cunt for himself. He was on the look out for a new waterboy and this slut's tight frame and evident hunger might be just the ticket.

The coach was a big believer in not letting teenage hormones get in the way of a strong performance on field. He knew girlfriends couldn't be relied on to put out, and the team certainly couldn't be expected to suck one another off. Enter the waterboy... it was his job to keep the team relieved and match fit. It was an unpaid position but coach knew that for the right guy sucking off the team's compliment of 42 horny jocks was more than reward enough. He just had to find a boy with a real thirst for cum and stamina to match!

As coach felt fresh cum boiling in his balls - the little slut had been so good with his tongue that they'd recharged in record time - he knew he'd found his man. The thought made the Coach spunk extra hard and he told the little slut about the opportunity whilst Jacob worshipped the last remnants of cum from the coach's stubby dick. The bottom was delighted to hear that such a role existed, and eagerly took the coach's details. Drunk on spunk and big dick as he was, it was pretty easy. He just had to remember to turn up tomorrow afternoon at the team's practice field.

Jacob watched the bear of a coach walk off. Part of him was sated but - as always with a good shag - a hunger had been unlocked inside him that wanted even more. The hole expansion possible through double-dicking made him eager for more, and he decided to wander the maze of dark corridors and casual conquests, hoping to find another top couple (or at least an evenly matched pair of guys) who could team up on his ass.

No such luck though. Mindlessly he walked round in circles, beginning to think the night was a busted flush. But then the second great shift of the evening happened: a hole new way to fulfil his purpose in life.

Jacob turned a corner and walked past a dark and insignificant alleyway he'd ignored on his earlier rounds of the bathhouse. Each time he'd passed this entrance it had looked deserted and abandoned, more like a service corridor than part of the sauna. However, this time a deeply contented moan and sighs of appreciation caught his attention. He had nothing to lose, so he followed the noise. It was to be his first real-world exposure to fisting.

Of course, Jacob knew about handballing (it had been impossible not to stumble across the fetish when doing his combined hole and toy research) but somehow he'd never considered it as an option for himself. Too extreme, too on the edge... but now? On seeing a man take a fist up his butt? Now he had a serious case of hole envy!

The alleyway opened out into a small room that had a leather sling hanging from the ceiling. It was lit up to be the centre of attention, the light casting long shadows on the collected naked men standing around the edges, eagerly watching the action playing out in front of them. Dicks were being stroked, nipples pinched and butts manhandled. Jacob felt his own cock and horn rise to join them.

He was looking at a bottom who was so enthusiastically taking a man's fists that it was awe-inspiring. He felt drawn in, compelled to get closer and see every detail... to imagine that it was his ass in the sling getting wrecked with every heavy punch. The bottom was in good shape but obviously not a slave to the gym. His broad body happily filled the sling and was accentuated by a black, red and yellow lycra wrestling singlet that made the most of his curves. Ass-free, of course. The tall and beefy top doing the work was naked apart from a leather harness, his thick dick and lubed forearms projecting an easy and calm authority.

That wasn't what caught Jacob's eye though. No, he saw one thing and one thing only: hole destruction. Jacob found a good vantage point and watched intently. In fact, he was appraising the bottom's trench with an expert eye. It was juicy and sloppy, apparently taking everything the top doled out with ease. When not in use the bottom's cunt gaped invitingly, but at all other times it was a hole transformed.

Jacob watched the top's fists slide in and the bottom's taut ring clenching down on the hairy wrists. The top then seemed to be expertly manipulating the bottom from the inside - pulling and pushing - before yanking his clenched fist out in one. To a growl of shocked hunger from the sling and sighs of appreciation from the crowd, the bottom's hole blossomed. Literally. Jacob was amazed to see the used hole develop fat and puffy lips - just like a cunt - and a wide expanse of ass-flesh ripple from the centre. Man, did Jacob want his hole to be in such great shape!

Of course, Jacob wasn't witnessing a typical bathhouse fisting scene. No, this wasn't a casual and mindless ffuck, but a carefully orchestrated night between two lovers. The couple relished putting on a show and took energy from the enthusiastic crowd, turning the night into an exhibition of pure brute fuck force.

Channelling confidence he didn't really feel, Jacob took advantage of a pause in the proceedings to ask whether he might be able to have a go. He was shocked at how forward he was being - he didn't know these guys from Adam - but he had to be a part of it. He needed to experience this for himself.

As it turned out the top had seen the eager young bottom earlier that night. He'd gone to shower and couldn't help but notice and admire the boy being reamed out in the changing rooms. Kudos to the guy for taking such a savage fuck he'd thought, and props for having the balls to ask for a go on his partner...

The top was in a generous mood so looked down at his man in the sling and raised one eyebrow. A smile in return was all he needed. In seconds the beefy top took the young lad under his wing (many in the crowd jealous that they hadn't seized the opportunity themselves, but excited to see the muscular young stud step up to the plate). The top asked whether the boy had ever fisted anyone before. Jacob shook his head, worried that might rule him out, but in reality it meant he was soon to receive a masterclass in hole-wrecking.

He got to see up close just how puffy and fucked up the bottom's hole was after a night of work. Surely this could be Jacob's ultimate path to making his own cunt big? Momentarily he had another flash of hole envy, but soon it was gone as the friendly top decked him out in black latex gloves and lube.

Seconds later he was experiencing the hole he was so jealous of from the inside. He couldn't believe how warm and inviting it felt! The top directed him to start off with his fingers shaped into a cone but it was obvious to even the fist-newbie that the sling-bottom's cunt wanted so much more. After all, the top had done an amazing job of opening up his partner, and Jacob was able to fully enjoy the benefits of his work. In seconds, Jacob's coned hand had sunk deep into the bottom's eager pussy in one smooth motion.

The couple were delighted to see the resultant expression of delight and total disbelief in the stranger's face. The warm embrace of the bottom's cunt was like nothing Jacob had ever felt before. It felt like touching wet velvet - so warm and inviting - whilst his wrists were gently gripped by that amazing set of puffy lips that surrounded the guy's trench. It was joyous!

Instinctively, Jacob couldn't hold back. Yes, he was a stranger to fisting, but he knew arse. He had watched from the sidelines and knew just what this cunt was capable of. Carefully directed at first by the generous top but then acting on his own compulsions, Jacob laid into the hole in front of him as if he was wrecking his own. For a novice, Jacob exhibited a natural ability that was almost unworldly. Soon he was coaxing the bottom's hole to bigger extremes and then punching it out to the delight of the watching crowd. It was a magnificent display and fired the hunger of everyone there.

The onlookers shot their loads - either now or later - as they watched the muscular stud cunt-wreck the fist bottom. The guy taking it all in the sling was loving feeling the sensations of a new fist and knowing his hole was the one responsible for lighting the addictive fire of fisting in yet another man...

Meanwhile the FF top delighted in seeing his partner's pussy used and abused, although he couldn't wait to lay in some more work in himself. He kept on wanting to pull the stranger away, but it was so hot seeing this guy's new-found enthusiasm for cunt punching.

However, Jacob was by far the one most transformed. As he pounded the manpuss splayed in front of him he knew that this was exactly what he needed doing to his cunt.... hours later Jacob left the bathhouse giddy at all the new possibilities.

Next: Trent takes jealous revenge on the black top he saw fucking Jacob.

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Next: Chapter 4

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