Trent Hardacre Meets His Match

By Stu Hadley

Published on May 3, 2020


Trent Hardacre meets his match Chapter 2 - Programmed

This chapter's themes include fucking, porn, hypnosis and toys. Average reading time 15 minutes.

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Trent left the set scarred by meeting Jacob. For someone who lived through his dick, who put it at the heart of their identity, he found it insane to be emasculated like that. Trent had always been able to rely on his junk. It was rock hard when he needed it to be and forced its way into the tightest of holes each and every time he wanted. It made every pussy his bitch. But now? That fresh-faced bottom had just taken his gigantic meat as if he was no bigger than a fucking popsicle! He'd barely touched the sides and his erection had melted away to nothing.

The scene's director was so worried that he'd speed dialled escorts before Trent was even out the building. He knew Hamilton Studio's top star would need the release of an immediate grudge fuck if he was going to come back from this. The sooner the humiliation of Jacob's clutchless fuck was out of Trent's system the better.

That meant a rent boy was waiting a few metres from Trent's apartment before the top arrived home. The escort wasn't to tell Trent he was paid for or to make the hook up look too easy. No, he was just meant to be a bitch off the street that Trent could tear into. The director had requested as close to virgin as the escort service could provide (a tough thing in this profession), however, Hamilton Studios was so well funded that they usually got what they wanted.

Trent immediately saw the perfect piece of trade and almost fucked him right there in public. However, he managed to hold back and threw the boy inside to lay down a brutal and punishing fuck. Trent loved that the street rat seemed totally unprepared for a dick his big, the boy even trying to make a run for it on first sight. He delighted in turning the little fuck puppet from mewling quim into total whore for his prick.

And yet... something still wasn't quite right for Trent. Jacob had gotten to him and the whole experience had shaken him to his core. He simply couldn't handle his latent and unmatched desire for the innocent and novice looking boy with the reality of that loose and sloppy snatch.

Even when the truth about the boy's slackness went round the studio (the packet of high-strength muscle relaxants had been found in Jacob's jeans) Trent was still deeply warped. He wanted payback for the agony he was feeling and for the deep humiliation he'd suffered on set. It didn't matter that the `true' state of Jacob's hole had been revealed now the drugs had worn off. Who cared that the bottom was actually close to cherry and incapable of taking a dick as big as Trent's without medication (or extreme pain!), Trent wanted revenge.

He decided that if Jacob had been able to take his giant dick so easily on meds, then Jacob's hole should be that size all the fucking time! After all, if Jacob's hole was big then it would permanently crave nothing but the biggest dicks - not least Trent's own monster cock.

And - remembering how the bottom had so eagerly lapped up Trent's cum shower (putting his dazed thirst for any liquid to one side) - then the bitch should drink spunk non-stop!

Sick as these desires were, Trent was unfortunately enabled by the studio system. He was Hamilton's top star and anything he wanted he got. The boy was still in the recovery suite and the company's doctor was an experienced hypnotist who was more than capable of planting just such commands to twist Jacob's natural desires.

Trent knew that as soon as the boy felt those urges growing inside he would come running to the porn star and beg to be fucked! After all, who had the biggest and most loaded dick in the business? Trent Hardacre, that's who! And then he could spurn the boy ice cold! He'd laugh at the boy's desperate desire to be fucked by his giant cock and then send the boy packing. Who would be the humiliated one now?!

Trent sat down with the studio's doctor to get things going. Dr Alan Campion had heard what had gone down on set and was initially open to hearing Trent's ideas. However, the more he listened the more Campion pushed back. It sounded like Trent hadn't thought any of this through. He was suggesting hypnotising someone with long-lasting and life-changing commands just so he could tell a boy to fuck off. Surely it would be easier to simply give Trent's crush a serious case of short-term fuck lust and handle it that way? Trent could still be as brutal as he liked but it wouldn't fuck the boy up forever.

Hearing the doctor use the word crush' flicked a switch in Trent. He felt an inexplicable anger that he hadn't realised such a simple explanation for his obsession with Jacob. Especially as he didn't do' silly things like crushes. That irrational anger meant he demanded Campion followed his instructions. He wanted the boy to have a hole that could only be satisfied by big dick, and a thirst for cum that was painfully real. Trent truly believed these urges would mean the boy would come running straight to him, and then Trent could restore his masculinity by rejecting the boy stone cold. Only that would make up for his on-set humiliation.

Swallowing his misgivings, Campion set to work. If he was honest, Trent's vengeful anger was a bit of a turn-on and he became determined to do a good job. Maybe too good a job...

He woke the recovering bottom up gently, saying he was here to help him get back on his feet. Jacob was initially unsure what had happened, only that he felt woozy and off-colour. The doctor said there was nothing to worry about but that he did need to go through a quick exam before being released. All totally standard procedure before payment could be made.

However, that didn't explain why Jacob was soon transfixed and staring deep into Campion's eyes. The doctor counted down from ten to one and Jacob sunk deeper and deeper, listening only to the medic's voice and following his instructions without question... without hesitation... and without any memory of the trance.

Soon Campion was implanting Trent's goals for the boy deep inside the bottom's mind. Firstly, to have a hole so big that it could only be tamed by cock as big as Trent's. Surely that meant the boy needed to have an unnatural obsession with size?

"Jacob... from this moment on you're going to have a new purpose in life. Your new goal in life is to have as giant an ass as possible. You will work ceaselessly to increase the size of your hole... your pussy... your cunt. Don't be afraid of these words, they are all names you will become intimately familiar with and be proud to use as your own."

And that's when Campion went a bit too far.

To prevent any backsliding of Jacob's hole (and because the doctor knew just how big Trent's dick was) he gave the boy an acute case of hole dysmorphia. Normally it's bodybuilders who have dysmorphia: they look in the mirror and no matter how big their body they barely see their true size. That mismatch with reality drives them to new heights of ceaseless exercise and dieting.

However, for Jacob the condition would manifest itself in a very different place. No matter how big the boy's cunt Jacob would always see it as small. It meant his hole could never be stretched too far or too wide.

Campion was just as elegantly brutal when it came to the second part of Trent's desires: the cumlust.

He twinned the boy's ability to orgasm with the boy's own cum consumption. From now on Jacob would have to swallow a significant amount of semen before the bottom could shoot himself. Campion set the target at 25 loads (give or take a few millilitres...). This unnatural command gave Jacob a powerful and all-consuming thirst that the bottom would never truly understand. Just that his hunger for spunk would be very real and that he needed lots of it to unload himself.

Campion slowly bought the young bottom out of his trance and helped him get ready to leave. Jacob left in good health but of course neither the doctor nor Trent knew the true consequences of their actions.

Up till a few weeks ago Jacob Dax had led a calm and sheltered life. Handsome and well put together, his skin was flawless and he was blessed with a beautiful bubble butt and piercing blue eyes. You could get lost in either if you were honest.

However, his exposure to sex had been very different to Trent's. In fact for a long time Jacob wasn't sure he even had a sex drive, so sheltered was his upbringing. His home life had been secure but his parents were over-protective of their only son. They had wanted to keep him `safe' and therefore kept his internet use locked down and even his TV viewing restricted.

It meant that sexual desire was something on the periphery for him. Sure, he had wet dreams as a teenager but that was down to him not being in control of his body, not that he was unfulfilled, right? His latent feelings of homosexuality hadn't helped, unnecessarily squashing his natural instincts to explore. He was under such a bind from his morally conservative parents that he truly wanted to keep them happy. He took that frustration out at the gym, constantly honing his body into physical perfection.

All that meant discovering his sexuality was a slow and gradual progress. Yes, porn got passed around school, torn pages of girlie mags and snatched film clips (though the school's internet filters were insane at shutting stuff down before the students got to see much about anything). It was years before he finally got to really see a porn clip of a man properly fucking a woman. Watching it confirmed his deepest feelings: he was instinctively focusing on the dude and his dick, rather than the girl and her fanny. He was sure he was gay.

That realisation didn't do him much good though. He was too under the parental thumb to do anything about it. He was just able to pick up the driest details from sex-ed classes or from infrequent TV programs that occasionally slipped through his parent's careful watch.

Everything changed the summer before College and his pent-up yearning meant he finally became determined to be free of his parents. He left home, wanting to discover both himself and earn his financial freedom before entering higher education. He struggled to think of a temp job he was capable of, but then an encounter in the town's swimming baths changed all that. A muscular jock had tried to force himself on (and in) Jacob's bubble butt. He had only managed to slip away because some kids had wandered into the changing rooms. It was a crazy, crazy thought... but if that jock had wanted to fuck him so bad then surely others would too, right? He could skip the judgement of his small-town folks, head to the city, do some porn and earn some money whilst learning about life. Perfect! He really was that naive...

Unsurprisingly his plans didn't turn out as expected. Sure he had the body for porn but he hadn't appreciated just how many other men were trying to make a living from selling their bodies too. It was a competitive market and he quickly found out his only chance of getting a call back was if he capitalised on his innocent looks and only auditioned as a bottom. Thankfully he realised the role suited his temperament but he was still nervous when his first scene arrived. He didn't want to be taken advantage of so he hadn't told anyone on set that he was still virgin... sure, by now he knew the theory - thanks internet! - but not the practical.

Taking that first dick had been something of a revelation though. His flawless skin worked in his favour and the entire set talked about his V-shaped body and broad bubble butt. The experienced top sensed Jacob's innocent energy and unknowingly made the bottom's first time a perfect introduction to gay sex. The initial shock of pain turned to a surge of pleasure and instilled a strong desire inside of Jacob to do it over and over again.

Of course, that desire didn't automatically translate into work. He only had a few films to his name when he'd come to Trent's attention. And his shyness meant he'd only managed a few one-night stands too. That was why Jacob volunteered so quick at the suggestion of working for Hamilton Studios. He needed the money and wanted the experience.

He remembered turning up for the shoot but he walked out of Hamilton's recovery room in a very odd mood. He couldn't place what had just happened. Had he really taken Trent Hardacre's dick? Something told him he had but he couldn't be sure. Something was different though, something he couldn't quite place. It was like he was feeling things in his body that had always been there but yet he'd never heard or listened to before. He couldn't explain it.

He immediately set out to find more porn work with a desire and zeal that surprised him. He got in touch with every studio he'd worked with so far (and many more besides) reminding them of his availability and pert bubble butt... however, he didn't have much success though. Yes, he was still fresh-faced, but there was a rumour flying around about his visit to Hamilton Studios. If Jacob had met Trent Hardacre then that could only mean one thing for the bottom's previously tight hole.

Finally he managed to score with a studio that hadn't heard the gossip. A last minute cancellation that needed covering. Jacob couldn't remember ever being quite so keen to be fucked. He really wanted this one, not least as he knew the top was nicely hung. He was shocked to discover himself researching his co-star, intently studying photos of the top's dick and trying to imagine what it would feel like inside of him. This was crazy he thought - his arse was literally itching in anticipation as he reported to set.

It was super weird though. Seeing the top for real had immediately turned him on and feeling the heft of the guy's dick made him leak. The sensation of it inside him though? Soulless. All he could think about was his hole and not the dick fucking it. He suddenly had a crazy thought: was this guy's cock making his hole bigger? He instinctively didn't think so and started begging to be fucked harder.

When he first started crying out his co-star and the crew had found it cute: it was hot to hear the innocent-looking bottom let himself go. However, it soon became an annoyance. Jacob seemed to be in throes of some crazy and deeply inappropriate fuck lust. This film was meant to a nice pump and dump not a power-crazed-bottom exhibition fuck!

The director virtually had to bitch slap Jacob to get him to calm the fuck down. The top just about managed to hold it all together, but even then he was so frustrated that he blew his nut inside the annoying bottom rather than deliver a money shot. Jacob was hustled off the set in seconds in a crazy state of disbelief at what had just happened. Was that really him begging to be fucked harder?!

He was pushed into the studio's prop room to get changed and leave. Jacob then did three things he'd never done before. He couldn't explain any of them; it was like he was on sex auto-pilot.

Firstly, he squatted his still naked body over a low table and tried his hardest to squeeze the top's load out. He didn't know why, he just sensed he needed to swallow that cum. He wasn't all that successful, but he slavishly licked up the small drips of spunk and lube before he could question himself.

Then he saw his reflection in a mirror stacked against a wall. Without hesitating he stood up, laid the mirror on the floor and then squatted down again, positioning his body just so. It was the first time he'd ever looked at his arse, the notion having never occurred to him before. His hole looked just like he'd imagined, and yet somehow he was disappointed. It looked fresh and puckered, with only the slightest traces showing of his recent fuck. His eyes missed the red inflammation from the top doing his best to step up the pace, and the juicy and slightly corrugated edges to his sphincter passed Jacob by completely. He only knew he must do better.

He hung his head low, crestfallen. However, his different view in the mirror meant his eyes caught something he hadn't noticed before. Shelves with row upon row of dildos in every size conceivable. His eyes lit up and he went over to explore his discovery.

Jacob obviously knew of dildos but they weren't something that had featured in his life so far. Hell, even his school sex-ed classes had used cucumbers and courgettes instead of life-like pricks in the condom-rolling lessons.

He hands roamed through the toys, studying their shape and size. He kept on coming back to one rubber cock in particular though... one that seemed to be a very close replica of the dick he'd just been fucked by, except slightly bigger all round. With a pointless furtive look around the empty room, he stuffed the dildo (and a tub of lube) into his bag, got changed and rushed outside.

The weight of the rubber cock in his bag felt real good even though he couldn't quite believe he'd stolen it. He felt like a man on a mission, racing to get back to his digs so he could start exploring fast. As soon as his hands had felt this particular toy he knew he'd discovered it for a reason: it was going straight in his ass when he got home!

It was a totally new experience for the young bottom. He lubed up the fat toy, eager to continue and make the disappointing fuck from earlier count for something. However, he found taking the firm and hard dildo surprisingly tough, even though it was only slightly bigger than its human counterpart. He wiggled, strained and pushed though... and the relief of it finally sliding inside of him felt sensational. In fact, the feeling of being stretched by the toy was stunning. He couldn't hold himself back. He grabbed the rubber dick by its fake balls and started pounding his arse.

Sweet Jesus! It was like entering a dream state! Way more time passed than he would ever care to remember, all with him aggressively self-abusing his hole. Soon the toy - so similar to the dick that had fucked him earlier - was sliding in and out of his ass without resistance or effort. The ease at which he took it made him realise that his hole was demanding more: it was hungry and needed to be stretched.

In desperation the toy-stuffed bottom wandered around his apartment looking for anything bigger he could use to work his ass open. He cast his net wide, his hunger making him appraise everything he owned with new eyes. That thick church candle his mother had given him for Christmas? Perfect. The can of deodorant he'd just bought? With enough lube he could take that, right? And if he couldn't then surely the root vegetables in the fridge would make do?

Soon he'd assembled a wild collection of amateur dildos - from biological to man-made - and he couldn't wait to try them out. The aerosol can was first. It had more girth than the stolen toy, but he judged the rounded cap would slide in pretty easily. He was right. Yes, the metal canister was hard and made for an unrelenting stretch but that was exactly what he needed right now.

Jacob's hunger was so extreme that he worked through his alternative dildo collection at speed. The constant stimulation of his prostate meant he leaked precum the entire time, though he was deeply frustrated that he wasn't able to cum no matter how hard he tugged his dick. That lack of release compelled him to push his hole even harder. It was only when he caught sight of himself in a mirror trying to stuff a third, fat carrot alongside the two already wedged in his taut ring that he stopped. What the fuck was he doing?! Surely there had to be a better way?

He realised with all his heart that he needed to buy some big rubber dicks stat. His desire to stretch was simply too important to ignore.

The next day he fully realised the power his hole had acquired over him. In fact, it was his first waking thought. That stolen rubber prick was calling to him, or was his hole calling the rubber prick? He sunk the beautiful dildo back inside of him (immediately feeling satisfied at the joy of being full again) and then started scouring fetish websites for new toys, determined never again to have to make do with household implements.

It took him hours. This was one of the most considered and careful things he'd ever done in his life, but by early afternoon he had assembled a basket full of dildos to continue his stretching journey. He'd done his research: understanding exactly the differences that texture, firmness and material made. He also knew exactly what a suitable jump in size would be between each toy (though he couldn't deny that the larger sizes he'd added were definitely way bigger than he'd be able to take for a while!). Without hesitation he hit the purchase button. Jacob had just shelled out a large portion of his savings but somehow he'd never felt more satisfaction and anticipation in his entire life. His only disappointment was his total inability to orgasm. He tried all he could but it simply wouldn't happen. He remembered squeezing out the impregnated load in his arse yesterday and then licking it up. Was it possible that he needed cum to shoot himself?!

He did the only thing he could think of. Create a new profile on Grindr with the express goal of sucking as much dick as he could. It ended up being deeply frustrating though. So many guys were arse-centric but he knew he didn't want to be fucked - not when he'd started taking control of that for himself. However, guys who only wanted a blow-job seemed to be desperately thin on the ground. His only taker was an ugly, elderly man far away in a cheap part of town.

Jacob hesitated as he knocked at the seedy apartment door, scared at what he might find, but his new urges compelled him forward. The thought of sucking cock made him nervous though. He was still pretty inexperienced and he didn't have much mileage. Would he be able to take a total stranger's dick in his mouth - a man who he didn't care about in the slightest - just to extract their load? Hell, did he even have the skill and technique to get the job done?

He soon found out. When the door open he was repulsed at the sight of the unshaven, unkempt and uncared for 50 year-old looking at him expectantly. The next 10 minutes were a blur. He looked past the stained and beige polyester trousers. He ignored the rank smell of stale urine as the man undid his fly. He even shut his eyes to how ugly and misshapen the prick in front of him was, just focusing his mind on one thing and one thing only: cum.

That hunger made him forget his reservations. He took the aged prick in his mouth and started to suck, feeling it slowly get hard in his mouth. The taste was sour and bitter, and the erection soft at that. The trick was remarkably passive, neither taking control nor giving feedback, and it felt just like sucking a damp fish. Jacob hated himself for going through with it, especially as the load he eventually extracted was thin and watery. As soon as he was done he hurried out, ashamed and hoping his clothes hadn't picked up the man's stench of defeat.

It was then that Jacob had a stroke of pure luck. His phone pinged with a message from a guy who was the exact opposite of the one he'd just sucked. Jacob felt his dick stir as he looked at the man's profile: the top had seen Jacob's eager face pop up on the app's nearby grid and couldn't resist having his dick sucked by the muscular bottom.

Ten minutes later Jacob was on his knees in front of a hung and buff black teenager. Both top and bottom were about the same age, and Jacob couldn't help but feel an unspoken connection. That meant he was soon idolising the youth's dark skin, taut muscles and musky smell. Worshipping the stud's thick fuckslab came easily and he delighted in cradling the teenager's heavy balls in his hands.

Soon the big-helmeted black cock entered Jacob's mouth. It was a revelation for the young bottom. He had no idea that cocksucking could feel this good! The punishingly hard fullness of the meat in his mouth redefined what pleasure could be for him. Jacob realised how delightful the heat and heft of a big dick could feel, and how rewarding it was to work a thick shaft and truly take a cock.

And taking a cock Jacob really was. Despite the top's youthful looks he was experienced beyond his years - having a 9.5" fuckslab from the age of 15 tends to do that. The black stud took total control, guiding Jacob's head deep onto his meat and then holding it firmly in place. The resulting desperate struggle for air flicked a switch in the bottom's head.

Sure, up till now Jacob had been enjoying the physicality of the black top - the size of his meat and the taste of his cock. But now? Jacob suddenly clicked why he was here. To give the black stud the best blow job he'd ever had in his life. Jacob became determined to wolf down the teenager's thick dick without abandonment. Even though he was inexperienced his desire and hunger over-ruled his gag reflex, meaning Jacob could take the teenager's thick and long shaft to the root (no matter how hard the top face fucked him or how long Jacob was impaled in place).

Soon Jacob's hard labour was rewarded by his cheeks filling up with thick cream, and he ended up delighting in licking the last fat dollop of spunk that collected at the tip of the stud's cock. The taste was divine and like nothing he'd ever experienced before. It made him want more.

Jacob didn't have to look at the black teenager to know he'd done a good job. The top was smiling down on him with a look of pure contentment, and Jacob left with a giddy sense of pride and satisfaction. Unfortunately he felt he was going to have to work a lot harder if he was able to orgasm himself though...

He returned home with his idle thoughts flipping between his desire for more cum and his excitement at his dildo order arriving. They'd be here soon, right?

Meanwhile, Trent was reflecting on the instructions he'd given to the studio's doctor, Campion. By now he had imagined Campion's hypnosis would have taken hold of Jacob and the bottom would have come running, begging for Trent's hung meat and healthy load. He imagined Jacob's hunger for big dick overtaking the bottom and then the creeping realisation that only Trent's dick could truly meet his needs. And then? Then Trent would crush the boy's mind and humiliate it by denying all his desires. No big dick for Jacob! No juicy cum load! No. Jacob would be spurned forever.

God, Trent was fucked up!

And yet... a few days passed and nothing happened. To begin with the top wasn't concerned. The longer the wait, the stronger Jacob's hunger would be and the more enjoyable the fall, right? However, Trent's producer's couldn't help but notice how much their top star was bouncing off the walls. They decided to send him on a break - a tour of sister porn studios around the world - hoping the change of scene would do him good. A chance to reset...

Next: Whilst Trent is away Jacob's porn star wanes. He finds solace in a local bathhouse and a hands-on experience that changes his life...

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Next: Chapter 3

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