Trent Hardacre Meets His Match

By Stu Hadley

Published on Aug 26, 2020


Trent Hardacre meets his match Chapter 10 - Completion

Themes include fisting, gear, tattoos, cum and fucking. Average reading time 10 minutes.

This scene picks up immediately after the preceding chapter.

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"I want to fist you."

The words hung in the air. It was more than Trent had ever hoped or expected. For years he had been sustained by fantasies of topping Jacob, but now his mind had been opened to what was fully possible. Both roles in fisting take a huge amount of pleasure from the act, but to see that pleasure mirrored was the ultimate bonding experience. Jacob saying that he wanted to fist Trent was a real surprise though - all of Jake Hole's videos were of him as a committed bottom. Nothing online suggested he'd ever taken an active role. Would this be his first time?

Trent looked into the eyes of the man in his arms and smiled. "I would love that" he said (though he added that he wasn't anywhere near as experienced as Jacob and wouldn't be able to take anything like as much).

Jacob looked back and tried to process his emotions. This was new for him. He had focused on his own hole for so long that the idea of topping was completely new. Hell, he couldn't even remember the last time he'd fucked someone! Trent was different though. The fuck had been amazing but what he'd experienced in the sling was next level, like he'd felt a new sense of completion. He simply had to return the favour... he had to find out what it was like to deliver that much pleasure. He felt nervous and ambitious at the same time. Sure, he had a lot of experience as a bottom, but would that translate into skills as a top?

"Let's take a shower first, eh?" said Trent.

Jacob was all for the funk of man-sweat built up over a long session and often buried his nose in his own pits, believing inhaling his own musk made him higher than poppers, but this was different. This wasn't the continuation of a session... this was a break from the past. This was the start of something new and it was time to wash away the stink of the pig-sheds and line of communal slings. Time to see each other for how they truly were, naked of gear as protective armour.

It wasn't long before layer upon layer of leather was discarded around the room. Neither one had realised just how sweaty, damp or heavy their second skins had got and it was relief to toss them aside. Unexpectedly it became an erotic contest between the two men, as if they were seeing each for the first time. Each garment was removed with an easy seduction as more and more naked flesh was displayed without inhibition. Both were lost in teasing the other and revelling in the show. When the last piece was removed they simultaneously leapt into each other's arms.

They explored each other's naked bodies with the eagerness and enthusiasm of teenagers. Snogging, fondling and touching - except without the doubt and self-constraint of adolescents. If a finger or two slipped into a hole, who cared? If a nipple was ripely squeezed between thumb and finger, all to the better. If a sack was stretched and crushed, then that was just playful affectation. Just as if spit was swallowed or fingers slippery with precum were shoved in one another's mouth. They even seamlessly fell into breathe play, locking their mouths and inhaling the other's out breathe to drown in carbon dioxide. This was advanced rutting!

Trent kept on trying to manoeuvre them to the shower but their horn for each other was too extreme. They couldn't keep their tongues - or their hands - off each other. It was after one such passionate breathe play embrace - head exploding with fireworks - that Jacob decisively pushed Trent back onto the room's king-size bed. He simply couldn't wait any longer!

Jacob felt desire he hadn't felt before. A muscular stud laid out in front of him - a role that he'd taken on so many times himself - and yet this time there was a hole for him to use, not the other way round. A mixture of emotions ran through his head but mainly desire and trepidation. The confidence in Trent's eyes carried him through. Time to experience things from the other side.

Trent had been right in saying he was nowhere near as experienced as Jacob (not that many people in the industry were) but that didn't mean his hole wasn't eager. In fact, it looked pretty damn delightful. He held his muscular thighs back to open up his big butt cheeks, all topped by his tumescent dick and lemon-sized balls. Right in the middle was the target: a deeply corrugated hole on the cusp of true potential, it just needed its rightful owner. Was Jacob that man?

Jacob moved in, both eager and cautious, walking a fine tightrope between his nerves and his excitement. He'd grabbed a bottle of pre-mixed J-Lube and slathered his hands with the elegance of the tops he admired the most. His slippery fingers found Trent's bunghole and gently probed and warmed it up... one, two, then three fingers. He could feel how muscular Trent's ass was, how much strength it had, how much strength it was holding on to...

Jacob was amazed at how exciting it felt to be exploring another's person's body from the inside, and yet he also felt hesitation, as if Trent wasn't quite letting him in. It was nothing to do with technique, just nerves in the moment, even though feedback was flowing between the two seamlessly. Jacob subtly stretched and probed - calling upon all his years of experience as a guide - and slowly his knuckles went inside.

The stretch was like nothing else that Trent had ever experienced. Sure, he'd been opened up before, but nothing like this: so naturally, so eagerly. An inviolable connection. That most gorgeous stretch and the feeling of being full, of being invaded and yet caressed from the inside at the same time. Of every fibre of his being living through his cunt and the man fisting him. The brutality and the tenderness.

Jacob marvelled at the soft enveloping folds of Trent's cunt, how it grabbed his wrist and pulled him in, of how perfect it felt. He never knew that it could feel like this and how much delight could be gained from taking care of a man. And yet Jacob wanted more... he decided to bring some of his years of bottomming experience to the fore. He slowly pulled his fist out before telling Trent to stay put, dismounting the bed to get the bag of tricks he'd bought with him. He had imagined some it would be used on him at some point, but he was more than happy to use it on Trent: he knew the effect it would have.

It was a giant plastic syringe, filled up with about 150ml of liquid lube.

Trent's eyes went wide as he saw it approach his hole (what the fuck was this?) and even wider when he felt the entire contents pushed into his anal cavity. It was a shock, quite unlike anything he'd felt so far in his fisting journey, especially hearing Jacob telling him to clench as the syringe was removed.

"Are you ready for this, babe? I want you to take a hit of poppers and then completely let go. Trust me" asked Jacob.

Trent didn't doubt it for a moment. A big intense huff (and one more, demanded Jacob) and Trent was flying. Jacob could feel the exact moment that Trent's hole dilated. He could feel the muscles relax and give way, he could feel the opportunity...

He took it.

His coned fingers - already pressing against the clutch of Trent's tight hole - pushed firmly and relentlessly forward. Trent had no choice but to let him in.

It was a revelation for both of them.

Jacob had never felt the lube trick from the top's side before. Jesus! Where once there was friction now there was freedom. Where once resistance now receptiveness. Previously a tight canal - its deeper paths a hidden mystery - now it was a sluice gate full of lube. The over-sized injection of liquid released Trent's insides, suddenly providing the clearest of paths for any fist, revealing every turn and twist. Jacob was suddenly able to go deep.

Trent was lost in the moment as Jacob confidently edged forwards. The depth provided an unparalleled intimacy, Jacob able to feel Trent's heartbeat in his hand. It was all too enticing. Jacob had to take advantage of the moment: he had to use this hole. He had to feel what it was like to manhandle a cunt, just like the way Trent had punched him earlier. The lube gave him all the invitation he needed.

He pulled back, knowing from experience that a thick tidal wave of lube would follow. His other hand was ready and waiting, it caught the lube on the out flow and he immediately transferred it to the top of his other hand for it to be reinserted back into Trent's waiting cunt. Over and over the cycle repeated itself, Trent's hole becoming bigger and bigger, taking more and more of Jacob's hands.

All this time Trent's gigantic beaded dick had been rising to vertical, something that had never happened to him before. Previously when being fisted all of his sexual attention had gone to his hole, somehow keeping his dick flaccid. Too much going on he guessed. It had never worried him, though sometimes he'd wanted to show just how much he was turned on by what was happening. Now though? His dick was fully taking advantage of his headspace to show off like the porn star and exhibitionist he was at heart.

His dick was now painfully hard and was too much of a target for the cum-fixated bottom to resist. Plunging his fists into Trent, Jacob lent forward and opened his mouth to swallow as much of the towering giant as he could, all whilst manipulating Trent from the inside - rotating, twisting, edging...

Trent couldn't hold out for long. Jacob kept the pressure up, managing to both delve forward and punch that prostate, all whilst relentlessly sucking the giant dick. The resulting orgasm was tear-inducing and sweet relief, long overdue! Every slug of cum swallowed, every pulse echoed by Jacob's deft hands, shattering waves running throughout Trent's entire body...

For the second time that day they collapsed in a heap together, bonded by the intensity of their actions. Both drifted off to sleep, content and truly settled for the first time in years.

Trent was the first to wake with a night-time wood that would not quit. It was like he was a teenager again: his dick was so hard that it was almost painful. His foreskin was peeled back so far from his helmet that it made his cock look like an angry weapon of war. He slid his hand up and down the shaft, feeling the beads until the skin, remembering their brilliant effect on Jacob just hours earlier... it all all been worth it.

Pleasing as the sensation was, it was just making him more horny. It was obvious his cock wanted something and wasn't going to go down until it was fed. Swapping hands, Trent reached down with his right hand towards the cleft of Jacob's meaty ass crack. The boy was still cuddled up tight, his body so perfectly positioned that Trent didn't even have to reach: it was almost as if it wanted to be used. A shiver of anticipation went through Trent as his finger's found Jacob's trench - still moist and juicy from their earlier play session. Jesus! Didn't this boy's pussy lips ever go down?!

Trent couldn't resist. He'd meant to only lightly caresses the boy's slot, bringing him softly back to consciousness and ready for more... however, the rubbery and distended cunt flaps meant Trent couldn't hold back. His fingers started squeezing, primping and exploring. His lust was simply too great, turned on too far by the man laid out by his side... and of course Jacob's relaxed hole was so slack that the fingering didn't stop on the outside. It was all too easy for Trent's fingers to slide deeply into the warm and inviting pussy.

All this meant that Jacob didn't wake gently. No, he woke up like a bitch in heat! Without thinking the bottom pushed his butt back onto the hands at his cunt's door, his pussy always wanting more work. He wanted more cock too and the aroma of Trent's leaking dickslop acted as a magnet for Jacob's mouth.

Trent felt like the luckiest bastard in the world, and he could have let the bottom suck him all day - especially when his fingers were enjoying toying with Jacob's sloppy cunt so much - but Trent wanted more. He wanted his fists inside his bitch now.

Words didn't need to be spoken. Trent dismounted from the bed and manoeuvred Jacob onto all fours, doggy style. The bottom eagerly pushed his arse up and arched his back: he knew how to present himself. Trent - standing at the business end - looked on in pride. Jacob's muscular legs led up to a beautifully big bubble butt, before pinching into a taut waist and then up to a broad and muscular set of shoulders and arms. Every fibre of Jacob's body screamed out desire, not least his quivering and juicy snatch, already primed by Trent's exploring hands.

Trent took it all in, however, in all this vision of perfection something wasn't quite right, something was missing. But what-- there it was! He grabbed a mirror off the wall and positioned it on a chair just so. If he was going to fist his cunt then he sure as hell wanted his boy to see it - every last degrading and beautiful moment. He moved back to the bed, capturing their reflection in all its glory, Jacob giving a suitably lustful smirk back to the muscular and powerful top.

"Let's get this started" said Trent commandingly, his achingly thick dick still standing proud and oozing precum. It was rock hard not just by the sight in front of him, but by the anticipation of his fists wrecking that beautiful cunt. God, it was going to be destroyed!

The sight was too much for Trent to resist serving up a first course. For years his cock had been a cunt-splitter, but now it was going to be a cunt-warmer. His plunged his dick meat straight into Jacob's waiting pussy. Years ago - on that fateful porn set - Trent's cock not being able to touch the sides of Jacob's arse had set in motion a train of events that had led to this room... back then he had felt humiliated by Jacob's drug-induced slackness. Now though? He adored the loose and velvety embrace. No longer tight, but oh so inviting. Trent could feel the meaty walls of Jacob's big cunt sucking in every inch of his beaded cock. It was the best feeling in the world. Trent pumped his cock deep into the willing pussy, but he couldn't be contained for long. He needed to destroy the cunt gripping his cock. He needed to ruin it, to wreck it, to make it his own.

He pulled his giant dick out and swiftly replaced it with an eager fist - dipped in a waiting container of lube. No matter how amazing the union of cock and cunt had felt to both of them, nothing matched the blessing of fist and pussy. His hand slipped in so easily, not least because Jacob wanted it - needed it - so badly. He had a hunger that constantly had to be fed, much to Trent's relief: he wanted to do damage. Loving, tender, hole-hearted, full-cunted damage.

Poppers appeared out of nowhere and Jacob took a healthy and deep huff. Trent saw his opportunity. As Jacob took the bottle close to his nose, one of Trent's fists was already inside of the bottom. The other? Well, that was waiting to force its way inside to join it in blissful union.

Dear god it was a stretch. But both of them were united in this singular purpose. They both knew their part. Trent pushed his co-joined fists forward, whilst Jacob arched and pushed his butt back. He focused his mind on opening his pussy, making himself receptive to the double fists about to plunder his hole. It was the ultimate test. The bottom really has to want the double and the top has to be ready to seize the opportunity, each ready to take their partner over the edge of what they believe is possible.

It was possible. Magnificently and heroically possible.

Trent's fists made a towering column, plundering and corrupting Jacob's cunt forever. For both of them the entire world shrunk down to this one singular moment of hole expanding truth. But, for the first time in his life, Trent truly understood that sex wasn't one person taking advantage of the other, it was a union, a symbiosis. A shared desire and a shared passion that meant anything was possible...

Trent could feel Jacob's blanched pussy lips clutching his fists - there was barely enough room inside to move his hands, let alone to double punch. That was going to have to change - there was no way Jacob's hole could stay this small!

Using all of his strength Trent started to rotate his forearms, fighting against the resistance of Jacob's pussy to give himself room to work. Jacob sensed what Trent was trying to do and his cunt growled in anticipation. Both knew that the session wasn't going to end until Jacob's hole was back to making sloppy noises and could take the twins with ease.

Trent couldn't wait to see the size of Jacob's gape once the double-punches got going! Maybe he'd found his match after all...

The End.

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