Trent Hardacre Meets His Match

By Stu Hadley

Published on Mar 28, 2020


Trent Hardacre meets his match Chapter 1 - First Moves

Jacob Dax was a regular guy who fell into being a porn performer, but Trent Hardacre was a man born to be a star. The two meet and feel something big, but can they ever make a match? Through cock, mouth, arse, dildo and fist this is the story of them battling it out... Overall themes include big dicks, fucking, sucking, toys and fisting.

This chapter's themes include big dicks, fucking and porn. Average reading time 10 minutes.

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Trent Hardacre was the meanest top in the business, caring for nothing but his own pleasure and the pain he could cause others.

He had no fetishes, but one giant vice: splitting holes wide open. Nature had made it inevitable: Trent had been blessed with a dick so big that it had defined his entire life. Even before puberty hit - long before boys are normally aware of these things - he'd known his cock was different. It wasn't just slightly bigger than the other boys in the school changing rooms but in another league.

With all the innocence of youth his friends basked in knowing him. They enjoyed the aura of reflected glory; at the `get hard' displays in the communal showers or the competitions to see how much higher Trent could piss up a wall. However, it all turned sour when it dawned on his friends that they were never going to catch up. Already big as a kid, when puberty hit Trent's dick started swelling at an alarming rate. Well... alarming for the guys around him but not Trent. No, he got a huge power rush from his growth spurt, flaunting his meat at every opportunity to make the other boys jealous.

His unbeaten size meant he grew up to be an arrogant fucker. He discovered he could use his dick as a weapon to nudge, intimate or bend people to his will. By the age of 13 no teacher or adult was safe. All he had to do was nonchalantly run a hand over his bulge and teenage hormones would do the rest. His crotch would immediately swell and command the attention of anyone nearby, including innocent bystanders. Even the straightest of teachers wound up intimidated by how much heat the young teenager was packing, backing away in embarrassment at not being able to look away.

By 14, Trent had discovered the infinite pleasures of sex. Or, more precisely, the pleasure of forcing his thick shaft down a classmates' throat and making them gag till he drained a load. Or the sound a fag made when he pierced their cherries and got to work...

For him, sex was both abundant and instinctual. Whilst his peers turned to porn as a substitute for the real thing, Trent had no need for a wank companion. Despite his aggression - maybe because of it? - there was always a line of guys who wanted his dick. And if there wasn't one around? Well, he just took what he needed. None of the faggots wanted to be known as a guy who had turned down Trent's dick, no matter how big it was. And if that guy was straight, who cared? Trent didn't. As long as they had a cute bubble butt... besides, even though he was a teenager, Trent liked a bit of a struggle.

In fact, his desires were so hard-wired that he had no need to watch porn for instructional purposes either. He could intuit every move. The right angle to force a hole open, the best angle of attack for a punishing piston fuck, the ultimate angle to empty his balls deep...

He liked to joke that no hole was the same after being fucked by him, and it was true... in fact, a whole generation of his classmates were affected by his #bigdickgame. Guys would be left turned inside out and gaping, scared that they would never snapback. Young bodies are remarkable resilient though.

Some tops would have felt shame at this behaviour, or at least compassion for the guys they dicked. Not Trent though. Hell, he didn't even feel shame at his sex being on brazen display through his deliberately tight trousers, or that the smell of hormones and potent dickslop lingered wherever he went.

By 16 Trent possessed an erect dick that was over 10" long and 2" thick, nestled on a bed of dense pubes and near lemon-sized balls. He knew he was packing and he drew strength from it. That energy made his confidence alluring, with a lively and handsome face with a winning smile (despite all that dark energy) and a powerfully defined and strong body that belied his youth and the growing he still had to do. Deep down, he knew he was built to fuck, built to win, built to intimidate, built to get exactly what he wanted... who could stand a chance?

Things turned when he started filming his exploits and posting them to the internet. His traffic was huge. Here was a strong and lithe guy power-fucking his way through life, dick first. Was it any wonder that he got headhunted by the best funded gay porn studio around and yanked out of school?

Sure, the market for studio porn may have died with the internet and killed many old brands, but Hamilton Studios was different. It was funded by a dot com millionaire who ran it for pleasure, not profit. He had a thing for giant cock and was prepared to pay a lot to see big-dicked guys like Trent fuck and fuck people up.

Trent was given free reins, like a nymphomaniac in an army barracks. Except he was more like a satyr in charnel house. He took anything and everything he wanted - an orgy of fucking, fellatio and felching. All caught on camera.

Of course, even after being hired and making his name in porn, Trent would still go out incognito to pick up hot guys and violate them. His young age and guile deceived many. Some tried to escape but he was good with words. He hunted the unsuspecting. He didn't want the guys who saw his packed bulge and approached him in lust. Confirmed cock sluts didn't interest him at all. No, he only wanted the unprepared, the innocent, the guys whose instinct was to turn and run at seeing such uncompromising junk. He only wanted to fuck guys who would feel each and every inch of his thick pussywrecker.

Unsurprisingly, that meant he didn't like repeat shags. He'd found that even the most cockshy of bottoms quickly became captivated by his dick and became obsessed by it. He spurned clingy guys who hung around, especially as there was so much ass in the world and he had so much dick to go around. Anyone who showed him love or affectation was quickly rejected out of hand.

Several years of on-screen fornication happily passed. Trent was now 24 and one might have thought that by now the internet would be saturated with videos of the big-dicked stud. However, Hamilton was determined to keep the quality of their output high and their reputation top notch. That meant a carefully planned trickle of releases and a resulting constant demand for new clips.

The fact that Trent's fuckslab had only continued to grow as he came of age helped. His pole was now a monumental 12" by 3" and immortalised in his own line of Trent Hardacre dildos and butt plugs. They flew off the shelves with no shortage of fags willing to take a ride.

However, the one thing that did dry up was a ready supply of porn bottoms. Everyone knew his dildos were a pale imitation of the damage Trent could do in real life. And that was the problem. His dick now had such a fearsome reputation that hardly anyone wanted to risk it. Would you chance your hole being wrecked and precipitously ending your porn career? It got so bad that Hamilton had to draft guys in specially, paying them not just for the fuck but for recovery time too. This extra danger money was crucial as it meant a bottom stood a good chance of regaining their lost clutch and being able to work again.

The bottom shortage meant that when young Jacob Dax came on the scene he was an obvious target. He'd just turned 20 and was fresh-faced, just the way Trent liked them! When Trent had seen the boy in a competitor's video his dick had immediately tingled and pulsed with heat. He wanted to plough Jacob's arse and rip him a new hole so bad. He felt a hunger he hadn't felt in a long time...

Trent told his bosses at Hamilton what he wanted. Years of being the studio's king stud meant his requests were usually met without question. As it was this time, though he was shocked to be told that the boy had already offered up his services. Immediately Trent's hackles went up. The eye of his lust had volunteered?! Seriously? What kind of a bitch was he if he wanted to be fucked by a category-defining dick like his?

Trent dismissed his concerns though as his cock was hungry. He let his producers get to work, knowing from painful experience just how long it usually took to negotiate the contracts of his co-stars. Everything had to be carefully weighed up: how long the scene was planned to run for, how aggressive, how many times Trent was allowed to cum, how much danger pay and how many days recovery time were to be factored in. It was such a bore.

However, Jacob's naivety and inexperience meant virtually all these questions were skipped. Jacob had heard on set that Hamilton Studios offered better money than anyone else in the business and cash was the only thing that mattered to him. How was he to know the pay was better for a reason? (A reason maliciously hidden by the old-timer who had made the recommendation - they knew sending youthful `innocents' to be wrecked by Trent's cuntrammer was a great way of keeping the competition down!)

Hamilton felt they were on to a good thing and upped the ante, rising the money on offer if Jacob agreed to film the very next day. It was all so fast that the boy had no time to think, let alone research his co-star. The cash was simply too tempting and he quickly signed on the line.

Trent swung into action. As his lust for Jacob was so high he was determined to make it look as authentic and natural as possible. A darkened alley, two men exchanging glances... Trent standing in the shadows, maybe in leather, luring the innocent bottom towards him. Poor Jacob wouldn't know what hit him...

However, the very night before filming (and just hours after signing the contract) Jacob met up with one of the few friends he'd made whilst he'd been in town. The friend was stunned to hear the young bottom was about to do a scene with the infamous Trent Hardacre. Did Jacob want to kill his porn career in one stroke?! (Of course, the friend didn't actually say that, maybe the innocent-looking boy was hiding a true power bottom on the inside??)

Even then, Jacob's friend couldn't help but be worried. So worried that he handed over some muscle relaxants a kinky pharmacist had given him. They were intended to be sold over-the-counter in gay sex shops around the world, designed to relax a hole just enough to easily take a dick, but were still in the experimental phase. Surely just what the young bottom needed? Jacob promised to take one before filming started.

Jacob reported to the studio in his sweats, going commando and straight from the gym, just as instructed. He'd only been briefed in the most general terms, being told that if he knew too much then it wouldn't feel real on camera. All he had to do was walk on set - an alleyway - and act natural. From then on he'd know what to do.

Meanwhile Trent was dressed in full leathers to assert his dominance. For once he felt unnerved though. Yes, he had his usual dick lust - the blood already painfully pumping around his schlong - but he also felt something else, something new, something primeval. Could he be feeling more than just fuck lust?

The cameras rolled and Trent easily caught Jacob's eye as the boy strolled down the realistic set. The hung top had planned on being stand-offish - making Jacob work for it - but to his surprise he was the one making the moves. Not normally a passionate man - he was too unavailable for that - now he was the one ravishing his co-star with his tongue and hands, his dick harder than it had been in his entire life.

The camera crew were all delighted, filming a new side of their top billing star that they'd never seen before. The bottom was totally into it too, and it wasn't long before Jacob's shorts were discarded and he was bent over to take Trent's big dick.

And that was when it all started going wrong.

You see, Jacob wasn't all that foolhardy. His friend's stilted reaction the night before meant he knew he may have made a mistake. He'd looked up Trent online as he made his way to the studio and was shocked at the size of the man's dick. He thought about abandoning the shoot - could he really take that? - but he needed the money. And he had the muscle relaxants, right? He'd just take a couple rather than one... okay, maybe three or four...

By the time Trent's dick was leaving cock-slime on Jacob's pert cheeks, the young bottom was feeling more relaxed and out of it than he'd ever been in his life. He was bent over and ready, his bubble butt proudly presented and ready to take the hot top. That was good, as Trent was all ready to pile drive his dick home in one. It was his all-time favourite move and no hole had ever resisted the brute force of his 12" thick meat... not that he was allowed to pull this kind of a stunt very often - not after that 3rd hospitalisation. However, this time it had been specifically written into Jacob's contract and Trent was rock hard in anticipation.

And then... Trent and his monster dick slid in effortlessly. There was no resistance, no pushback, nothing. It was so smooth that Trent almost lost his footing. Jacob's hole was so relaxed that that he was nothing more than an open tunnel. Trent's amazing girth barely touched the sides. And his length? Swallowed up as if by a bottomless pit!

Trent pulled out in shock. It was a total buzz-kill and he shouted out that Jacob had no clutch, that he'd been promised a fresh hole and this was anything but. From then on it didn't matter what anyone on set did. Nobody could get Jacob tight. Even slapping his balls didn't make a difference. For the first time ever, Trent felt his dick go soft mid-fuck. It was like trying to shag with a wet sock.

His frustration was extreme. What the fuck was wrong with this bitch?! He suddenly realised how much he'd lowered his guard by passionately kissing this young buck and showing his true feelings on set. The thought made him red with anger and he immediately reverted to type. No way anyone could take his horse cock without pain! Jacob was showing him up and should be punish fucked for it, however, no matter what Trent tried it was all for nothing. He simply couldn't stay hard.

Eventually the director realised the scene wasn't going anywhere. He called it a day and said they'd rescue it with a facial. These were usually one of Trent's trademarks. He could double shoot like nobody else in the business; one in the butt and then one on the face. Trent's dick may have been too soft for Jacob's ass, but surely he could jerk a load out, right?

However, for the first time in his career Trent struggled to cum. Jacob was sprawled like a rag doll against the set's brick walls, completely unsure of what was going on, his mind hazy and confused. Those muscle relaxants he'd willingly taken really weren't designed to be taken in large dozes, but how was the innocent and naive boy meant to know? He looked up to see the big top wanking over him and he was bewildered at the sight. Eventually Trent just managed it, yanking his dick for dear life, thinking of all the guys he'd fucked, of all his cum that had rained down on so many faces... finally he crossed the line!

The shower of spunk landing on Jacob's face bought the boy out of his slumber. He suddenly had a such powerful thirst that his reaction to the facial was involuntary. He licked a big dollop of the cum off his lips like it was water.

It was all too much for Trent. He had wanted to ride this boy's ass so hard, feeling a painful yearning he hadn't experienced before. But then it had turned into a truly impossible fuck with him painfully humiliated in front of the entire production crew. And now the slut was licking his spunk up like a bitch in heat?! Jesus! He hadn't even got a kick out of forcing his load down the boy's gullet!

The director knew this film was never going to see the light of day.

Next: Trent wants to take his revenge and things change forever...

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Next: Chapter 2

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