Treasure Hunt

Published on Aug 10, 2011


Treasure Hunt

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Rod was a wild man. He was impulsive, head strong and enthusiastic. He was also intelligent, imaginative and wealthy. All of these characteristics resided in a beefy, bearded and hairy body. He was a good-looking man. He was the sort of man other men think are attractive. If you are a woman, he'd probable not make it as a male model.

I'm Steve Holloway. Rod and I went to college together and then our paths diverged. He took over his father's investment company in California, and I became a schoolteacher in New England. Neither of us had the careers we wanted. We both had family obligations that gave us few options. I had to take care of my parents and he had to run the family business.

We met again at our 35th reunion and it was as if we were in college again. Sometimes you grow apart from friends you haven't seen, but that wasn't the case with us. We were both getting ready to retire and ready to start a new phase of our lives. His company had grown and prospered. He sold it to some cousins for a pretty bundle.

My mother had recently died and I was alone. I had taken care of both my folks for 10-15 years and a maiden aunt and childless Uncle left me a good inheritance. Quite unexpectedly, I was well off.

Rod and I discovered sex together at college. We were very different men. He was a jock and a business major. I was studious to the extreme and a Classics and History major. We accidentally discovered that we both liked men. We were both virgin or at least near virgin and curious as hell. While were lovers, we were more like the modern term "friends with benefits." Since it was no strings fun, there was no problem if we tried something out just to see if it would work. Just about everything we tried worked out well.

We were into sex as a pleasurable experience. Neither of us had any interest in S&M or bondage. Rod tried some leather stuff, but it was too hard to get on and way too hard to get off. We were happy with good old sucking and fucking. Eventually, Rod got married to a girl his parents liked after college. It was successful in its own way. They were divorced but were still good friends when I saw him at the reunion.

I had several modest relationships with men. They too were friends, but none was the love of my life. I lived in a small town and was a teacher so grand passions weren't an option. I would have lost my job.

A year after the reunion Rod called me. "How would you like to go on a trip?" he asked. "I have a proposition for you."

"I've been retired for six months now and I'm bored to tears," I said. "What's up?"

"I went on a trip to Mexico and Central America earlier this year," Rod explained. "I met this guy who owns a big estate. Julio and I hit it off big time."

"How big time?" I asked.

Rod laughed. "Eight inches of big time fun, if you get my drift. Well, between the wild and wonderful sex we discovered some Mayan ruins on his property" Rod continued. "It is a big estate and as far as we can tell, they are completely unknown. He's not much into ruins, but I am, and as I recall, you are. Are you still going on digs in the summer?"

"I've missed a few years, but I usually got away during the summer breaks."

"Well Julio is willing to let us take a look," Rod said. "As I said, he not into it, but I think this is real National Geographic type stuff."

"You are planning to play Indiana Jones?"

Rod laughed again. "I do think about Indiana, but I'm afraid he's straight. I need to warn you about one thing. The area has had a problem with guerrillas. That's why it's all but unexplored. It would be dirt poor, but the dirt is so bad it barely qualifies. Julio is one of the few good guys there. He pays his people a living wage and had a school and a hospital for them. El Lobo, the guerrilla leader is a pal."

"I'm not sure that sounds like a good, long term situation."

"Well Julio is called El Oso, the bear. It turns out we are all members of the same fraternity," Rod said.

"How did you find that out?"

"Well let's just say, we had a meet and greet and one all-American capitalist cock rubbed a commie prostate just the right way," Rod explained. "Do you remember Lou Toloff from school?"

"The president of the local SDS chapter?" I asked. Rod had brought Lou back to our apartment one night. They were about as far apart politically as was possible, but lust makes for strange bedfellows, Lou turned out to be nice guy once he stopped talking politics and got naked.

"That's him," Rod said. "El Lobo reminds me of him. He's an idealist, not a crazed mass murderer. El Lobo's hoping the ruins might be viable as a tourist attraction. That would produce jobs and perhaps undercut the control of the local landowners. Quite frankly, they are more like slave owners than landowners."

We talked a long while. Archeology is my great love. On my summer breaks from teaching, I tried to spend as a volunteer on an excavation. Living is a small town gave me lots of time to keep up with the literature. I filled my house was with books, reports and scholarly journals. I knew and had worked for many of the leaders in the field.

This was the chance of a lifetime. I didn't say I'd do it, but I did agree to visit the site and look it over. I wanted to see if it was as Rod described it. Rod was a good man, but very enthusiastic. I also wanted to meet Julio. Sometimes Rod had infatuations that could be problematic.

Two weeks later, I was in Mexico City with Rod, and two friends of his, Chuck and Robin. Chuck was a secretary and assistant to Rod. Robin was a retired builder. Both seemed like nice men, although Robin seemed a bit rough around the edges.

Julio had sent an old Ford Explorer to pick us up manned by a young man named Alfonso. The Explorer was a good 20 years old and had seen hard wear. It was well-maintained and ran like a top. Alfonso was personable. I later found out he was Julio's half brother by his father's former mistress. Julio got along with his wife as long as she stayed in Mexico City and he was on the ranch. That arrangement seems to satisfy both of them.

The trip took more than a day. Mexico City is thoroughly modern, but with each hour away from the city, it got more primitive.

It was late in next the day when were reached Julio's estate, La Casa. Parts of the house were modern, but others were very old. The plumbing and electrical systems were up to date. Museum quality furnishings filled the living areas. Servants took us to our bedrooms in the hacienda's guest wing. The place looked like a Hollywood 1920s stage set, except the tropical plantings were too extravagant to be real. In contrast, my bath was modern and looked like something out of a James bond movie.

I shared the room with Robin and we flipped a coin to see who have to shower first. He won. He vanished into the ultra modern bath. I got on the bed and closed my eyes. I was tired and must have cat napped. Robin woke me when he returned to the bedroom from the shower.

I hate to seem like a sex-crazed man, but when Robin was naked and he looked good. I had thought he was a bit rough around the edges, but naked he was just rough enough. When they passed out masculine characteristics, Robin got a double dose. He was a beefy, muscular man covered in red hair. Oddly, unlike most red haired men, he tanned. I noticed he didn't have a tan line. He was also comfortable being naked. His uncut equipment was standard issue, but more than adequate.

I went to take my shower. It was refreshing. There was no curtain on the tile shower. I remembered there were servants who would take care of that. In a poor country, it was better to employ someone to clean up the bath than buy a curtain. Robin came in to shave as I showered, I was pretty sure he wanted to check me out.

Rod had emphasized the trip would be fun. I wondered if his expedition was also going to have an all-gay staff. One of my friends back home was a carpenter. As a bachelor History teacher, I was suspected of being "that way." No one guessed Louie was gay as a goose. He loved man sex and everyone thought he was just to contrary to get married. Robin reminded me of him.

I was taller, hairier and thinner than Robin. My cock is cut and long. My balls are big and hang low. Robin seemed to like what he saw.

We got dressed and when to the central courtyard of the hacienda. It was a tropical paradise surrounded by deep, well-shaded arcades. Rod was talking with a distinguished looking mustached man in a white shirt.

"Gentlemen, meet out host, Julio SanGallo," Rod said and he proceeded to introduce us to Julio. Julio spoke excellent English with very little accent. Servants brought us drinks and we discussed the proposed project. Julio was a good host and a cultured man. The conversation flowed freely.

We went to dinner and Rod laid out his plan to search and explore the ruins. Julio and Alfonzo made sensible suggestions to fine-tune it. Robin was also helpful. He apparently had been involved with some preservation projects and wanted to make sure we had materials needed to protect any fragile discoveries nearby.

I noticed one thing odd about the house. All the residents and staff were men. There were no women evident. We talked until about 11:00. We were to get an early start on the next day's work so we went to bed. When we got back to our bedroom, a man was waiting for us. He was an older, white bearded man named Pedro. He was to be our personal servant and helper. As I had guessed, the room was straightened up and the bath was clean and dry.

Pedro was heavily tanned and had European features. He wore white shorts and no shirt. The luxurious house wasn't air-conditioned. It had its own electric generating system. The system was adequate for fans, light and normal electric services, but not big enough for an air conditioning system.

Pedro told us it was normal to wear as few clothes as possible. "Outside you must wear clothes to protect you from the insects and sun," he said. "Inside there are screens and you can wear as little as you want."

Robin said that was fine for him. "To tell you the truth, I'd be naked given the choice," he said.

Pedro smiled. "That is the way I would like it," he said. "We dress when there are visitors."

"Did you dress for Rod?" Robin asked as he took off his shirt.

Pedro smiled again. "At first we did, but he is a like spirit. He is a most open minded man." By now, Robin was naked. Pedro stripped too. I turned out the lights and went to bed. Pedro went to bed with Robin. After a short while, I heard Robin moan. A little later, he was sleeping.

Pedro moved to my bed. "I will put you to sleep," he said as he took my cock into his mouth. He was a good cocksucker. I soon climaxed and fell asleep.

When I woke the next morning Robin was slow fucking Pedro doggy style. I was shocked, until I saw Pedro's face. He had the blissful look of a satisfied man. Pedro offered his ass to me after Robin shot off, but I declined. I showered and went to have breakfast. Julio was the only one there. He asked me if I was satisfied with Pedro. "I can send you a younger man if you want," Julio said.

"Pedro was more than satisfactory," I said. "He had an unusual way of helping me to get to sleep."

Julio smiled. "That is not part of his duties here. Believe me it is more for his own pleasure than yours. An orgasm is a bit like a glass of warm milk that the English favor to put you to sleep, isn't it? Pedro likes a mouth full of man seed." I nodded. "He has been with me for years. Pedro is always dependable and cheerful." Breakfast was served buffet style. I was a full American style breakfast, with some Mexican dishes.

Rod, Robin and Chuck were dressed for the jungle. The serving men wore shorts as did some of the gardeners working in the courtyard. Several men were nude. No one seemed to notice. After eating, we got in a caravan of Explorers and Broncos and went into the jungle.

Jungle isn't the right word for the landscape. Some areas had poor soil or were very rocky and supported only scrub growth. Other areas had dense jungle like growth. Alfonso was our driver and explained the topography.

"We're on a limestone shelf with extensive underground rivers. The rivers have undermined the limestone and the stone has collapsed. Eventually the collapsed area fills with organic matter. These are the jungle like areas. Where the stone remains only scrub can grow." He gestured to a heavily forested area ahead. "That is where the ruins are."

We came to the edge of the area and got out of the cars. The ruins were about a half mile in and we had to walk. Four men with machetes went ahead cutting a path through the vegetation. Rod said the path had been cleared a month and a half ago. It had totally grown over since then. Alfonzo heavily doused me in bug repellent, but creepy crawlies of one sort or another filled the area.

One of the men had a metal detector. He suddenly got strong indications of metal. This was unexpected. Metals were rare in Indian cultures and usually were used in small amounts. We placed a flag on the spot and got its GPS coordinates. The ruins were all but invisible since they were covered in dense vegetation. We were in a flat area surrounded by four hills-mounds. The hills were the same size and were rectangular. Scholars typically described this sort of building as a palace, although this may well have be a romantic fabrication. It could have been an administrative site or a monastery. The complex did not have a pyramid as far as I could tell. Either it hadn't been discovered yet, or the subsoil conditions wouldn't allow a massive and weighty construction.

We got several of the laborers to clear a side of one of the mounds. After clearing off the greenery and about two feet of decayed vegetative matter, we found limestone glyphs. In an hour the cleared off six or seven feet and found stone glyphs covered the side of the mound. Each was about twelve inches square.

The stone was a wonderful find, since much Meso-American work was often done in stucco that is much more fragile. That it was a monumental inscription was unbelievably significant. After more than a century of work archaeologists finally deciphered many Mayan hieroglyphs they were well on the way to beign able to read them. Long inscriptions were rare and important. The side of the mound appeared to be a mosaic like inscription.

We moved our attention to a second mound and discovered the same mosaic of hieroglyphs. It was a gold mine. I know little about the glyphs, but I didn't notice many numbers or dates. They were the only glyphs I recognized. This too was good. Most inscriptions were genealogies or calendars. There was a chance this was a literary or historical inscription.

I seemed as if we had just arrived at the site when it was time to return to La Casa. It had actually been ten hours, but it was so exciting, I hadn't noticed. Julio wasn't particularly interested in archeology, but when I explained what we had found, he got more interested and understood the significance of the find.

When we returned to the hacienda, the dress code was much simpler and minimal. The ratio of dressed to nude men slipped in favor of nudity. I also noticed it was no longer only the younger men who were nude. I took a shower and then went to go to the pool and relax. Dinner would be after sundown. Pedro told me the pool was nude. The pool was to the rear of the main house in a shady courtyard.

I jumped in the pool and did a few laps, then got on a lounge chair and promptly dozed off. I wasn't use to being out all day in the tropical heat. I think the rest of the men had the same reaction. In the sweltering heat, nudity seemed appropriate. While many of the men didn't seem to notice it, others were looking. When I woke, the sun was low and the pool was in deep shade. Julio and Rod were talking with Chuck on the other side of the pool. When Rod saw I was awake, he gestured for me to come over.

Julio was wearing a mesh jacket and nothing else. He was impressively endowed. Rod and Chuck were naked and at ease. I was oddly titillated seeing Rod's cock exposed. I knew it very well in my college days and to see his with his new lover, Julio was exciting. Chuck was a massive, bear like man, but he was smooth except for his bush. His cock was long and thick even soft.

"Steve, unless I'm very mistaken, this site has a potential to be a major find?" Rod said. Rod was always enthusiastic. This time his enthusiasm was justified.

"I think this could be as good as it gets depending on the inscription," I said. I explained my thoughts on the lack of numbers and dates. "It could be a history or perhaps a work of mythology."

"A Mayan Iliad?" Julio suggested.

"If it is, this will be the most important find of the last 100 years," I said. "We need to get a paleographer here. Decipherment is a difficult task."

"I will call the University," Julio said.

A Gong rang and diner was ready. This was a much more informal affair than the night before. This time it was more like a picnic and Julio's staff and retainers mingled with us. In some ways, the estate was a medieval throwback, with Julio as the Lord of the manor. Most of the men referred to him as the Patron.

I was with a young bearded man called Doc. He worked for a foundation named in honor of Julio's mother Donna Elizabeth. He traveled to villages and provided medical assistance. Doc told me Julio's interests were in health care and education. Doc was a lefty by American standards. "At first I thought the foundation was the result of a guilty conscience. The SanGallos came here with the conquistadors and have never moved," Doc explained. "Julio's mother, Donna Elizabeth, was originally Liz Murray. She was a Scottish lady with what seems to have been a heart of gold. How she met up with Don Escobar is anyone's guess. He was a typical Patron, except he wasn't cruel and he didn't despise the Indians."

"Liz had brilliant red hair and enough energy for four people. The Indians came to regard her as a saint. Apparently her generous nature rubbed off on Don Escobar and was inherited by their only child, Julio," Doc continued. "I was at a demonstration against the power of the Patrons, and Julio confronted me. He told me to put my action where my mouth was. I thought I would expose the falseness of his philanthropy, but he is what he says he is."

"Julio doesn't seem to be very class conscious," I remarked. "There is an unexpected mixture of people here."

Doc smiled. "He is open minded, but it's not for the reason you might think. Don Escobar was a horny man. Elizabeth's pregnancy was difficult and the birth was attended by a quack doctor. She couldn't have children and sexual relations were all but impossible. Escobar spread his seed around. My mother thought he was a great and kind man."

"You are related?"

"The best guess is that I'm a cousin or a half brother. Pedro may be my uncle or half brother," Doc said. "It gets a bit complicated."

"Sex can complicate things."

Doc leaned close to me and whispered, "Fortunately Julio likes man sex. My Father was Escobar's son and my mother was his daughter. If that sort of a thing happened too often, there could be a problem. Here enjoying a man isn't sex, it's just a nice way to kill time." He paused. "Television reception here is piss poor!"

I laughed. "Is it all just fun?"

"For all of us it's fun," he said. "For some of us, like Julio, it's more than that." He reached out and fondled my cock and balls. "Your friend Rod hads brought a lot of happiness to Julio."

It was dark now and I could hear quiet conversations in the darkness. I also could hear heavy breathing and the soft sound of men sucking cock. Doc was tall for an Indian, hairy like a Spaniard and horny like men everywhere. He wasn't shy. He fondled my cock and soon we got on the floor and sixty-nined. He was ripe and juicy. His cock was fully enshrouded in foreskin and when my lips peeled it back, there was a explosion of man tastes. He was a good sucker, but I noticed he had an interest in my hole.

As we sucked, I could hear Robin moaning. Julio must have been in his ass, pumping slowly. I had deep throated Doc and buried my nose in his balls. When I pulled off, I suctioned a pint or two of precum from his balls. I forgot about Rod and concentrated on Doc.

I was still sucking him when another cock poked in my ass. I might have complained if it hadn't felt so good. The invader was thin, long and curved and it did the trick. For some reason, I was thinking it was Doc's cock in my ass. I realized I had his cock in my mouth. I shivered in excitement. A wave of sexual lust flowed over me. I tried to suction more of Doc's juices from his balls as he deep throated me and a perfect stranger fucked me. I know I should have been shocked, but I wasn't.

The man in my ass said nothing, but this wasn't his first time in a man's ass. He seemed to know where the good spots were located and when he found them, he went back for more.

I hadn't exactly been a virgin in my small home town in New England, but it was nothing like this. This was my, "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto," moment. The man in my ass picked up his pace and soon I was over the edge. Doc had no problem taking my load and he gave me his in return. He flooded my mouth with his cream. My friend back home had a knob that got ultra sensitive when he shot so I never took his sperm. Doc didn't have that problem.

The man who was fucking me began to moan and I felt his cock twitching. I think I felt his spurting his cream in my hole. I should have been shocked, but I was way too turned on. After I sucked all of Doc's sperm we broke apart.

I finally got to see the man who had been fucking me. "Let me introduce you," Doc said. "This is my cousin, Ernesto, Padre Ernesto to the locals."

"You're kidding!"

"Do unto others what you would have done to you, is my motto," Ernesto said. "El Doctor and I haven't shared anyone in years. I hope it was a good for you as it was for me."

"It was good for me. Do you do this often?"

"The last time was five or six years ago," Doc said. "We don't have the same taste in men." He looked at me. "Present company excepted it seems." We talked for a while and then I went to bed. We had an early start the next morning. Padre Ernesto and Doc came with us.

Our second day at the site was even more productive than the first. We spent most of the day in the square courtyard. We partially cleared vegetation from the sides of the other two mounds. Inscriptions covered the sides of all of them. Each mound was 30 meters long and 15 meters deep they were 10 meters high. That could be an inscription of 30,000 to 45,000 glyphs. This was a colossal discovery.

Padre Ernesto made a discovery on his own. He cut through a mass of greenery and found a Stele, a standing inscribed stone. On one side was a human figure surrounded by explanatory glyphs. On the other side was crude graffiti. It said Dux Lerna and AD 1532.

Ernesto said something that I think was the Spanish equivalent to Holy Shit. He knew what it meant. That evening at La Casa he told me the story. Duke Lerna led an unsuccessful military expedition to conquer southern Mexico following in Cortes' bloody footsteps. He and his expedition vanished without a trace after collecting a vast hoard of gold and emeralds. That was the outline of the story.

"As a matter of conventional storytelling, gold and emeralds are a necessary ingredient," the Padre said.

"I've never heard the story," I said. "Ponce De Leon, I have heard of."

"There are many similar stories," Ernesto said. "The Spanish were not that interested in publicizing failures. The gold and emeralds were useful in encouraging the younger sons of important families to sail to the New World. Duke Lerna's expedition was cursed by not having a single survivor. Other disastrous expeditions were sensible enough to have at least one literate survivor."

"The Duke was active in this area?"

"There's a chance he was, and after today's discovery a good chance," Doc added. "The Padre's library is loaded with undecipherable volumes on the history of the area. The church has a fine unexplored library,"

"Why is it unexplored?" I asked.

"The earliest priests in this area were educated and literate. Alas they wrote in Ancient Greek," Padre Ernesto explained. "Sadly the last Priest who could read Greek served in 1620. Not many books get signed out of the library."

"This is your lucky day. Greek is my specialty," I said.

"You're kidding?"

"Tom was a Classics and History double major. Greek and Latin are his strong suit," Rod said.

"Actually I was particularly good at reading hand written manuscripts," I added. "I have a knack."

We had a simple but good dinner and the conversation continued into the evening. The atmosphere was relaxed and casual. As it got darker the ratio of dressed to nude men shifted still more decisively toward the naked. Actually dressed and nude merged in some ways. Julio wore fish net jockey shorts that provided some support for his weighty genitals, but were see through. Alfonso, his half-brother, wore and long, net coat, a gold cock ring and nothing else.

I later realized that Julio's father had many children who were greatly varied in appearance. Some looked entirely Mayan, other Spanish. Most were a mixture of the two. Don Escobar gave all of his sons' one common characteristic. They inherited his over sized cock. This was very evident in his more Mayan sons. They were shorter in stature, but their cocks looked huge in comparison.

While Julio was Escobar's son and heir, he didn't reject any of his offspring. Elizabeth was understanding. When Alfonzo's mother died, she raised him and well as two children she had by her husband. She regarded them as an aunt does her favorite nephews and nieces.

There was no trace of tension in air. As we chatted, several couples in the courtyard intimately coupled. I was tired and went to bed. At the bedroom, Robin and Pedro were waiting for me with two friends. One was a short, young, but very muscular Indian, and the other was a tall, rather elegant Mexican police officer. The Indian was in shorts and the policeman was fully dressed. Robin and Pedro were naked and I was wearing no more than a fishnet jock. Pedro made introductions.

The Indian was El Lobo, the guerrilla leader. The police officer was Captain Luis. He was the head of the local police. Apparently, the standard police-guerrilla relations were good in the area. Both men were armed, but didn't seem to be inclined to use their weapons. The men wanted to know what we had found. I gave them a quick rundown. Both men spoke English to some extent, El Lobo spoke English well and translated some things for Luis.

I wasn't sure if this was a shakedown of some sort, but it soon became apparent they weren't planning to take a percentage of the discovery. Captain Luis was interested in archeology and was excited by the finds. El Lobo was thinking about the prosperity a major find might generate if the area became a tourist attraction. The immediate need was to avoid pillaging the site and plundering any valuables we might find.

I mentioned the inscription about Duke Lerna's expedition. That was bad news from their point of view. Pedro had opened a bottle of wine and the conversation became freer. The room was warm and Luis began to take off his uniform. El Lobo noticed that and smiled. The scene was odd with half of us naked and half dressed. After a glass of wine, El Lobo and the Captain were looking at us with interest. I remembered Rod said he had hit it off with El Lobo.

I had thought the Indian leader was quite young, but I now realized he had to be well into his thirties. He was in good physical condition; his smooth chest was defined by his muscles and his large nipples. His pants hung low and the top of his pubic hair was visible. By contrast, I thought the Captain was older. He had a beard and was bald. I think he was prematurely bald. When he unbuttoned his shirt, he exposed a thick mat of black hair covering his chest. He was a young man, barely thirty I guessed.

Pedro was a matchmaker of sorts. He later told me he thought Robin would excite El Lobo. Robin was a ginger bear and thus would seem exotic to the Indian. I had to admit the Captain turned me on. El Lobo sat next to Robin and I saw his hand stray to Robin's knee. Robin didn't object at all. Robin was nice enough to get half hard Luis had been looking at me and my cock responded to the attention. We were off to the races.

I never found out if our meeting was planned by Pedro to be informational or sexual. Pedro was older, but horny as hell all of the time, and liked to watch. He did not object at all to mixing business with pleasure. Pedro also felt that sexual play could establish trust more quickly than hours of conversation.

At that time, I would have said he was crazy. Now I know enough to understand his reasoning. In the grand complex of beliefs and myths of the area bears played an important role. The shamans wore bear skins, and the most important of the local gods had been a red bear. Red bears were most rare in Central America.

Christianity officially had replaced most of the local legends, but memories remained. Robin was red headed and hairy, both characteristics were unknown to the Mayans. Mayans can have straight, black hair or gray hair. Robin was more than a sexual opportunity for El Lobo. I was a chance to connect with a god. On the first day we were there, I woke to find Robin in Pedro's ass. That wasn't a spur of the moment thing. Pedro was checking out Robin's suitability as a Mayan deity. Apparently, that had gone well and El Lobo was here to share the same experience.

The Captain was a man of rank who had no particular interest in Red Bears. He wanted a man who was similar to his status. Traditionally a man of his rank could pick and chose whoever he wanted to play with. Luis was liberal in that respect and didn't want to use men of lesser rank for his needs. I was a distinguished visitor and thus I was fine.

This turned out to be good for me too. Luis was shy and a slow starter, but once he got underway, he was a madman. He sucked me carefully as if he might do something wrong. I traded places with him and licked his cock. He had a nice seven inches, with a mushroom head and a thin shaft. I deep throated him. When I pulled off, I suctioned precum from his balls. We were off to the races. He was reserved until the sweet juices began to flow.

Soon we were in the 69 position, deep throating each other. He had no problem with mine and I loved his. I was shocked when I discovered I had a mouthful of his sperm. Pedro was watching in approval.

"Don't worry," he said. "He shoots many times. It's not over." That was an understatement. Luis had beautiful balls. They were egg sized and were supported by a hairy, low hanging sack. They were productive and Luis was never short of the man cream. Luis was capable of multiple orgasms. His recharge time could not have been more than five minutes.

These were mini-orgasms. There also were full-blown drain-the-balls orgasms, except they never drained his balls. He wanted to fuck me and I got on my back with my legs on his shoulders. It was hard to believe how good it was. Luis was self lubricating, but not with precum; he used sperm. He shot off when he popped his cock head through my sphincter and then periodically shot a load to freshen up my ass.

I have to admit, I hadn't been fucked by anyone new in years and I had all but forgotten the thrill of feeling a new cock in my ass. Luis was intensely excited and this turned me on too. Remarkably, Luis was considerate. His English wasn't too good, but he figured out what I liked. We had only met a half hour earlier but it was as if we had been friends for years.

Luis relaxed slightly a few times, but he was soon working on another orgasm. He would tense up as he shot another load of his cream into the deepest recesses of my rectum. He wanted me to fuck him so he pulled out. His cock was sperm drenched and I scooped some up to use a lubricant. Luis loved that.

Next: Chapter 2

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