
By Collin Ireland

Published on Feb 7, 2010


DISCLAIMER - This is a story of complete fiction between high school aged students. There is sex in this story between underage people. If boy on boy or man on man sex turns you off, then what the hell are you doing on this site. Anyway, all characters are fictional and any relation to a real story is completely coincidental and accidental. If you've ever heard of a story like this, then I'm terribly sorry that I stole your story idea. But I swear to you this is coming from my head and not from any real events.


Travis Part Three

Gym class that day went by without anything weird or awkward happening. I hate admitting this to anyone, but I'm not the best at sports. So I actually have no idea what I was doing in this gym class. Anyways, I was really glad that I was. It meant that I could stare at four incredibly cute and hot guys for an entire block. And, if I got lucky, I could maybe see them half naked or fully naked if anyone actually decided to take a shower.

So class ended for the day and we were heading for the locker room when our teacher called me back to help put stuff away.

"Thanks," our teacher said to me as he headed out to unlock the locker room doors.

I always hated putting the equipment away but today was easy. It was just the cart full of basketballs since we were playing basketball.

"Here, let me help you with that," came a voice from behind me.

I turned around and Travis was standing there. Yes! He was still cute and incredibly adorable. I just loved how he looked in his black gym shorts and black t-shirt. He was just incredibly cute. Okay, where was I? Oh yeah, Travis wanted to help me.

"Oh," I said as I turned around and looked at him. "Yeah, no problem."

Travis bent down and picked up a basketball that was lying next to the cart. We then ran around the gym and picked up the rest of the basketballs that people were too lazy to put back in the cart that was right next to the door they use to exit the gym to go to the locker rooms. Anyway, after we were done, Travis helped me push the cart into the gym storage. Then we walked together into the locker room. I went to my locker and he went to his. I started by changing out of my shorts and then removed my t-shirt. I guess one could say that I had an okay body for somebody who has never lifted a weight or worked out or ever joined a sport. I guess I was just lucky that I ended up with the body that I have. I mean I'm not ripped but I'm not bulky either. I have somewhat defined arms and chest. That's about it. I don't go around bragging about it either, that's just not me. Well then you have Travis. Travis was possibly the cutest little boy I have ever seen. When he stripped out of his shirt and gym shorts, he is ripped. Not insanely ripped or anything, just well defined. His chest is cute and he has the workings of a six pack. That could possibly be from hockey, or maybe he does work out. He also has the cutest leg muscles. I love watching him or anyone for that matter who has amazing leg muscles because I just love it when they ripple. It's just the best thing ever.

As I was watching Travis, I guess I forgot to look away quickly, but he caught me. I just smiled at him and he smiled back. I felt my heart flutter. It was just the best feeling in the world. I couldn't wait for something real to happen between us.

The next few days in gym went by without anything major occurring. Then it was Friday, the day in gym where we as a class get to decide what we want to play. The class decided that we wanted to play a game of soccer. I don't really enjoy soccer (my vote was for a free day where we basically get credit for sitting around doing nothing), but it was still better than basketball. The teacher got the equipment we needed from the storage closet and we all headed toward the field house. It was a big area, perfect for playing soccer. The teacher put us on our teams and I was fortunate enough to have Travis on my team. Travis was a decent enough player and we stayed by our goal and defended it from the other team. We worked well together, trying to get the ball away from our goal and to the other players on our team so that they could try and put it in the other team's goal so we could score a point. What makes gym soccer more interesting than normal soccer is that we played with two balls. It makes it more fun and entertaining to watch.

So after a while, something I will never forget happened.

I was watching Travis trying to keep the ball away from our goal. He was handling it well with his feet, and then he tried to kick it away toward another player. Then a player from the other team, Josh (of all people), kicked the ball. It was like the world slowed down for the few short seconds. When Josh kicked the ball, it went straight towards Travis. He tried to kick it but he jumped and the ball hit him right in the groin. Travis went down on the ground, curled up in the fetal position. I just watched in shock and horror, then Josh started laughing for a second, then he quit when he saw Travis lying on the ground. I couldn't help but head over to him and kneel down next to him to ask if he was all right.

"Hey," I whispered as a knelt down next to Travis. "Are you going to be all right?"

"I hope so," Travis whispered back when he looked up and saw that it was me. Then he smiled and I couldn't help but smile back at his cute face.

"Do you want me to carry you to the bathroom?" I asked him gently, praying for his answer.

"Yeah," he whispered to me as he nodded his head.

I gently picked Travis up and carried him towards the bathroom in the community center lobby. I just couldn't believe that I had Travis in my arms. His muscles on his back and on his legs I could feel. I just prayed that I didn't get a hard-on on the way to the bathroom, which would have been embarrassing when I set him down. We made it to the bathroom and I awkwardly reached out for the door handle to open the door, but Travis whispered softly in my ear.

"You can put me down now," he said. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at him. He was looking at me with those cute eyes of his and I couldn't look away. I eventually put him down, and we walked together into the bathroom. He went to the small locker area near the back of the bathroom and sat down on one of the benches. I could see him grimace as he sat down, but he looked up at me and smiled.

"It's not that bad," he said to me as I looked at him. "It just hurts a little."

"Yeah, I know what you mean," I said.

I then asked him a question I will never regret asking.

"Do you want me to check?" I asked.

Travis looked confused for a second, but then smiled. He said, "Sure, if you really want to."

I smiled and looked at him. "Are you sure?" I asked.

He nodded and I walked over to him. He slowly stood up, grimacing from the pain. I reached my hands for his shorts and gently placed my fingers in the waistband of his gym shorts. I slowly pulled them down. I looked up at Travis and he looked down at me. He nodded, wanting me to continue. I smiled and pulled his shorts down to his ankles. Travis stood there in his boxers. I then reached my hand for the waistband and hooked my fingers in and gently lowered them. I grazed my hands on his bubble butt and I couldn't stop my heart from pounding.

"How does it look?" Travis asked me. I looked at his cock and balls and couldn't help but smile.

"Perfect." I said.

Travis looked confused for a second and then grabbed my hand and put it gently against his scrotum. It was lightly dusted with hair and I groped it. Travis groaned with pain and I immediately let go.

"No," Travis said suddenly. "Keep going."

I smiled and put my hand back on his balls and gently rolled them in my hand. Travis's cock twitched and started to slowly grow larger. With my other hand I grabbed his cock and started to gently stroke it. Travis moaned with pleasure and looked down at me. He smiled and sat back down on the bench. I worked my hands over his cock and started stroking him to full mass. Travis moaned as I worked my hands farther up his body, stroking every inch of his skin. I felt the definition of his abs and tweaked his nipple. I then lifted his shirt over his head and threw it down. I felt the beauty of his face. I then slowly put my lips to his and kissed him. He kissed me back, parting my lips and invading my mouth with his tongue. After several minutes of intense making out, I pulled off his mouth. He looked at me and smiled.

"We should probably be getting back," I said, caressing his beautiful face.

"Yeah," he breathed as he pursed his lips and kissed me. I caressed his back and shoulders, feeling the rippling muscle he had. I then broke the kiss and grabbed his shirt from the floor. I gently lowered it, covering his beautiful chest. He then pulled his boxers and shorts up. He grabbed my hand and we left the bathroom.


Sorry it's been a long time since I've added to this story, but a busy schedule will do that to someone. So what should be next for the two lovebirds? Comments? Concerns? Questions? Ideas? Are all welcome, just e-mail me and if you have an awesome idea, it might be used. Again, thanks for reading, it really does mean a lot to me. Thanks.

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