
By Collin Ireland

Published on May 25, 2009


DISCLAIMER -- This is a story of complete fiction between high school aged students. There is sex in this story between underage people. If boy on boy or man on man sex turns you off, then what the hell are you doing on this site. Anyway, All characters are fictional and any relation to a real story in completely coincidental and accidental. If you've ever heard of a story like this, then I'm terribly sorry that I stole your story idea. But I swear to you this is coming from my head and not from any real events.


Travis Part Two

I looked over and I saw him. He was sitting there, wanting memories to teach me, to see the beauty in the world through my own eyes. Yes, I just quoted a song, so don't be afraid of me. Anyway, I just couldn't keep my eyes away. He looked back at me and smiled. God, his smile was so cute and then he stood up and walked over to me. Let me repeat that, he walked over to me. Me! Yes!

"Hey," Travis said as he sat down next to me. "How's it going?"

"Well, I guess it's going good. You?" I said, nervous as hell.

"It's okay."

Alright, that was probably the most boring conversation I have ever had with anyone, but Travis was talking to me and that was all I cared about. The bell to start class rung and everyone stood up to stand in our line for attendance. Our teacher called my name and I headed towards the locker room. I walked slowly so that I would meet up with Travis and the two of us could walk into the locker room together. I smiled when I saw him in the hallway that led to the locker room and he smiled back at me as we waited together for our teacher to open the locker room doors.

I stood next to him and just breathed in his scent. I really couldn't describe it but I think it was a mix of some musky cologne, sweat, and deodorant. I just really loved the combination of all three, it was nice. Anyway, as I stood there looking at the lock on my locker, just thinking about random things, Travis started to strip off his shirt and I couldn't help but stare. I just loved the way his perfectly erect nipples complemented his perfectly defined chest. He was skinny, but not too skinny where you start seeing ribs when he isn't flexing. He had some baby fat still on him as he was battling the difficult years between puberty and obtaining hair in places on your body you never thought possible. Anyway, Travis just looked like the perfect little Adonis that I knew he was.

"What?" Travis asked slyly as I just stared open-mouthed at him.

"Nothing," I said quickly while smiling and turning around to concentrate on the lock on my locker. As I was changing I couldn't help but move my eyes over to Travis. He was unzipping his jeans, very slowly I might add, and he was wearing a pair of silky black boxer shorts. He just looked incredibly cute and maybe even more adorable than the day before. Travis then proceeded to take his clothes that were on the floor and put them in his locker. He bent over and I got a perfect view of his beautiful ass. It was round and (dare I use the word) it was gelatinous. His buttocks were just so damn sexy I couldn't help but let out a small gasp.

"That is beautiful, isn't it?" a voice behind me said in a whisper.

I froze in my tracks. I slowly spun around to see that it was Josh talking behind me. Josh was incredibly sexy. He had nice defined arms and pecs. He had a washboard stomach that perfectly accented his beautiful treasure trail to parts unknown. And I guess that Josh was talking about the beautiful boy Travis that was currently bending down in front of me to pick up his clothes that were on the floor.

"Yeah," I whispered back to Josh. "He is very beautiful."

Josh just gave me a wink and headed out of the locker room. I had no idea what just happened. I mean was Josh leading me on that he actually thought Travis was cute and found out just then that I thought he was incredibly cute too. Or was Josh just being his normal obnoxious self and just kidding around. I sure as hell hoped that he wasn't kidding around.

Travis slipped his gym shirt over his head and slammed his locker shut. He walked past me and told me to get dressed or our teacher would yell at us again to quit being late. So I quickly dressed and followed Travis out of the locker room.

It was going to be another very interesting class period.


Comments? Questions? Concerns? Don't be afraid to e-mail me. And if anyone has any ideas of how this next part should go, don't be afraid to tell me. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 3

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