Travelin Thru

By moc.loa@bsissarG

Published on Mar 11, 2006


As always, if you're not supposed to be here, please leave. In other words, if men kissing, fucking, or doing anything remotely sexual offends, disgusts, or angers you then you should get out of here. This story includes sex between two men. But it is at heart, a love story. Plenty of sap, romance, and professions of love. So be warned. This work is copyrighted and may not be used without explicit permission from the author.

Thank you to everyone has sent notes and comments. They are greatly appreciated. Keep em' coming.

Comments, suggestions, complaints are all much appreciated and welcomed at

Some comments about the last chapter...

It seemed to elicit a, how shall I say it, divisive reaction from readers. I'll say this. Going into it, I realized that people might not take too well to it. I, myself, was not exactly ecstatic over the way I introduced Hank and Simon. But they needed to be brought into the story somehow and I just thought, what the hell. Why not bring em in with a bang? :) Their story is far from over though and anything left unresolved was left that way intentionally. They will play a prominent part in the coming chapters and more light will be shed on their situation.

The main question that readers have asked is "How can you forgive and fall in love with someone who has raped you?" I'm not sure that there is a right or wrong answer to that question. As this story is mostly fiction, I've never been in a situation like that. And I hope to God none of you have either.

But "Travelin' Thru" has been, and will continue to be, about redemption. As Dolly's song says, "God made me for a reason, and nothing is in vain, redemption comes in many shapes with many kinds of pain. Oh sweet Jesus if you're listenin', keep me ever close to you. As I'm stumblin,' tumblin,' wonderin,' as I'm travelin' thru."

Nevertheless, I thank everyone for e-mailing me with comments, good or bad, suggestions, etc. Keep em coming. It's the only way I know if I'm doing a good job. (Or if I'm not.)

Enjoy, Anthony

"The Seeker" - Dolly Parton

>From last time... "Okay. I'll see ya in the morning." I looked at him. "Pete. I'm..." He stopped me. "Lukie. It's alright. Go to bed. We'll talk tomorrow." He kissed my cheek. "I love you." I smiled. "Love you too. G'night Pete." "Night." I made a pitstop at the bathroom and then finally made it to my room. I plopped down on my bed and yawned. I closed my eyes and thought about my plans tomorrow. I had a lot to do. Alan was first on my list. At the thought of his name, my heart did a small flutter. What a day, I thought. Tomorrow would be better.

Chapter Four - The Seeker

Did you ever have just a perfect night's sleep? You know the kind. Where you wake up and you just feel... well refreshed I guess? Maybe I shouldn't have felt that way waking up this morning. But I did. For some reason, some god forsaken reason, I felt good for a change. I didn't wake up thinking, "Fuck, another day!" Maybe that meant something, maybe it didn't. Who knows? What I did know, though, was that today I was gonna relish in the fact that I was happy one morning and hopefully, maybe, a few mornings to come. I finally opened my eyes to face the day. "Where the fuck were you all night?" Okay. So that was not exactly the way I wanted to start my day. I sat up. "Listen Em..." "No. You listen. I was so worried about you. You didn't call me. Didn't answer my calls. Where were you?" She was sitting on the edge of my bed. "I was worried." She said a little softer. I lifted the covers and smiled. "Crawl in." A brief smile flashed across her face before she remembered that she was mad at me and suddenly the bitch face came back. Nevertheless, she kicked off her shoes and crawled in next to me. "I talked to Alan." She said. "Oh." I said cautiously. "He said you just left. He wouldn't tell me why. He just told me you left." I breathed easier. In another situation, Emma would be the first person I'd have told. But not having worked things out with Alan yet, I didn't really want to count my chickens before they hatched. I shrugged. "The movie fucked me up." She looked skeptical. "That was it?" I smiled. "I guess it just... I don't know. It just made me wanna be alone." She cocked her hide to the side. "Why don't I believe you?" I laughed. "I have no idea. Because you know I never lie." "Says you." She smacked my arm. "Ow. What the fuck was that for?" I asked a little irritated. "That..." She said accentuated the word dramatically. "... was for scaring the living daylights out of me last night." I looked up at her. "I'm sorry." I said softly. And I did mean it. I just couldn't help the fact that I was a psychopath. She smiled. "You're forgiven." She cuddled up to me. "But... you gotta buy me breakfast." I groaned. "There goes my life savings." I got a harder slap for that comment.

"Why do you look so anxious today?"

I was broken from my thoughts by my friend Lee.

"Huh." I asked lamely. "What do you mean?"

He smiled as he sat down in the seat next to me. "You look anxious. Like you're waiting for someone." Something clicked in his head. "Oh... the hottie."

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"The hottie from the other day." He mused. "You're waiting for him."

Just then, the professor made his entrance and began the lecture immediately.

I spent most of my time, though, daydreaming. Where was he? He was probably furious with me. Maybe he went back to Will. If he did, then what the fuck would I do? I'd spend my life pining after someone who was with someone else. Well, I suppose that wasn't exactly different from what I'd been doing before.

"Maybe he's sick or something." Lee whispered to me assurringly.

I guess my disappointment at the fact that he hadn't showed up was pretty clear.

I shrugged it off. "Yeah whatever."

He smiled. "You've got it bad."

I sighed. Why deny it? "I guess so."

He laughed quietly. "You guess so?"

I smiled. "Okay I know I do." It felt kinda nice actually admitting, at least in a roundabout way, that I did have feelings for Alan, whatever they may be.

Lee smiled genuinely. "Well I'm glad. It's about time you got over that sack of shit Will." He leaned over. "I'm happy for ya."

I smiled. "Thanks."

"Hello. This is Simon." Came the voice over the phone. I smiled. "Simon. It's..." "Luke, my darling." He said in an exaggerated Tallulah Bankhead impersonation. "How did things go?" I sighed. "Well they didn't really go yet. I haven't been able to find Alan." I shook the nervous feeling I had. "Everything will be fine though. I just gotta find him first." I could hear the smile in his voice. "Good. I take it this call is to say you're accepting our offer." I smiled. "How could I not?" He laughed. "Exactly." "I've got a few ideas that I've been thinking about. I wanted to see if maybe I could come in and run them by you and Hank." Truth is, next to Alan, I was really excited over this new job prospect. I loved singing. I never thought that I was particularly that good at it, but I did know that I could carry a tune. "That's fabulous." Simon shrieked. "Come today. Hank's doing some repairs and I'm just sitting around, looking pretty with absolutely nothing to do." I heard Hank grumble something in the background. I laughed. "I'll bring my guitar then." "Okay, you bring your guitar." He said making fun of the my pronunciation of the word. I always said it as if it were spelled gitar. It amused the hell out of people. I smiled and glanced down at my watch. "I can be there in an hour or so." "Wonderful." He said something in the background. "Hey. Hank says that he needs to run some errands. He wants to know if you want a ride." "That'd be great. It's not out of the way is it?" I didn't want him to make a special trip for me. Then I realized something. "I won't have my guitar then." I made sure I pronounced it the right way this time. He laughed again. "I'm sure we have one lying around. And no, it isn't a big deal. Where are you now?" "At school." "And that would be where?" I smiled. "Oh. University of Miss..." Simon shrieked again, interrupting me. "You're an Ole Miss boy. Get out of here. So am I." "I didn't know that." He laughed. "Well now I like ya even more." He shushed someone in the background, presumably Hank. "Okay. Hank says to be ready in half an hour. That alright?" "Perfect." I smiled. "See you then." "You betcha." I hung up the phone and smiled for probably the hundredth time that day. It was odd. I was happy and yet I really hadn't accomplished anything yet. I still hadn't found Alan. I guess I could only hope that he would still talk to me. I walked out of the building and into the fresh air. People were scattered around the lawn doing a little bit of everything. I figured that it would be easier to sit out here and wait for Hank. Plus the weather was absolutely perfect. I found an empty bench and plopped down, placing my bag next to me. I thought about the new job offer and if I'd really be able to do it. I did have some ideas. I knew that I wanted to do some Dolly songs. I grew up listening to her because my father absolutely adored her. He always said that even if she weren't pretty or voluptuous, she'd still make it big because of that voice. I suppose some of his fascination did come from her body. Hell I'm sure every man in the world, gay or straight, has looked at Dolly Parton's body and just been... awed. He also used to tell me and Pete that she reminded him of our mother. I wish I could say that I knew if she did or she didn't. Pete did. And he agreed. Whenever I got scared at night when we were little, I'd crawl into his bed and he'd tell me stories about her. She was the best biscuit maker in the whole world. And her favorite color was pink. And she always wore Chanel Number Five. She thought it was classy. My father would buy her a bottle every Christmas. I smiled at the thought of the man who I admired more than any other in the whole entire world. He was such a good man. A gentle man. Pete took after him quite a bit. They have the same demeanor. The same expressions. Sometimes he'll be talking to me and I'll just have a flashback or something and it's like my father is sitting there with me. "There you are." I looked up to find a smiling Hank standing over me. "That was quick." I said, glancing at my watch. "I figured I'd just take you along with me to run the errands. You don't mind?" He asked. "Not at all." "Were you daydreaming before?" I smiled. "Just thinking about some things." He looked around. "You talk to him yet?" I sighed. "Not yet. I haven't been able to find him yet. He... he wasn't in class." A strange look appeared on his face though it disappeared quickly. "Oh. Well I'm sure that everything is okay." I think that that was the moment when I finally figured out that maybe everything was not as peachy keen as I thought it might have been. Hank must have sensed it. He plopped down next to me. "Hey." I looked up at him. He smiled at me. "It'll be okay. It really will." He shook his head. "Maybe he just didn't feel like coming in today. Maybe he didn't want to face you yet." I guess that could have been true. I nodded hesitantly. "Yeah. I guess. I just shouldn't have left him there like that. It wasn't right." "You did what you had to." Hank looked at me seriously. "You can't change the past. I know that from personal experience. But there are ways to make it better." He smiled warmly. "I know that from personal experience as well." He stood up. "Come on. We'll get some lunch, run the errands, and then we'll go back to the club and Simon can solve all your problems." I smiled. I'd only known both Hank and Simon a very short time and already I couldn't believe how much I'd come to depend on them and how much they seemed to like me. I stood up. "Let's go."

"You have any idea what kind of material you want to include?"

We were sitting at the counter of the diner waiting for the take out Hank had ordered. He looked at the waiter. "Please make sure the turkey sandwich does not have mayo. It'll be my head if it does."

The waitress smiled. "Sure thing."

Hank looked at me. "Sorry but if Simon finds mayonnaise on his sandwich, I won't hear the end of it." A smile passed across his face. It just so happened that everytime he said the name Simon, a smile passed his face.

"My father said that that was a sign of love." I meant to say that to myself but I just seemed to blurt it out.

"Huh?" He asked me confused.

I blushed. "I mean... everytime you say his name... Simon's name... you smile. My dad used to say it meant you were in love."

Now it was Hank's turn to blush. "Guess it's true."

I smiled sadly. "Must be nice."

"It is." He looked me directly in the face. "It'll happen to you one day you know."

"I know." I sighed. "And I also know that I sound like a whiner." He went to interrupt me. I held my hand up. "I just... I was always a romantic person. And I knew that if I found that perfect person who I knew was the one. I knew that I would dedicate my life to them. I knew that I would love them unconditionally with no hesitation... no regrets." I smiled shyly. "Sorry for getting all sappy on ya."

Hank ruffled my hair. "You... are so much like Simon that it's scary." He looked at me seriously. "Love comes when it comes." He said bluntly. "But..." he smiled. "... I think you found yours."

I laughed bitterly. "And ruined it."

Hank shook his head. "Not necessarily kiddo." He stood up. "I gotta stop at the bank and make a deposit. You mind taking this stuff and waiting in the car?" He tossed me the keys. He must have sensed my surprise though. "What? I trust ya?" He said smiling. "I'll be right back."

I shook my head and yawned. I really needed to start sleeping better. I turned to the waiter. "Could you keep an eye on these for like two minutes?"

She smiled again. "Sure thing hon."

I smiled back and made my way to the bathroom. I took care of my business, washed my hands and looked into the mirror. I looked like absolute shit. I splashed some cold water on my face.

"Well if it isn't Jesus Christ himself?" Came a voice behind me. A voice I really didn't want to hear today.

I turned around. I really didn't need this. "Could we not do this today. I'm just not..."

Will laughed. "Not what? In the mood." He cupped his crotch. "You were always in the mood before."

I shook my head. "You're a pig."

I walked past him and opened the door.

"Heard you shot Alan down."

Suddenly my ears perked up and I let the door close. "What?"

He smiled evilly. "I just heard some things. He came running to me. I had to..." He shook his head back and forth. "...console him."

"You're a liar." I said cooly. Truth is, I didn't know if he was or he wasn't. But I couldn't, wouldn't believe that Alan would go running to him. Not after everything.

He smiled. "I consoled him really well."

Something inside of me just snapped I guess. In two seconds I had him pinned against the wall.

"What gives you the right? What gives you the fucking right?"

He was surprised. Hell I was surprised too. Will was always the "man" of our relationship and I always just seemed to take a backseat to him.

"The right to what?" He asked uncomfortably. "I... I don't know what you're talking about."

I smiled. "Good. I got your attention."

He smirked. "Get the fuck off of me you f..."

"Fag." I laughed again. "You're seriously going to call me a fag?" I finally let go of him. "I guess all those times you sucked my cock. All the times you begged me to feed it to you. Or the times that you practically drooled over eating out my ass." I stepped back. "I guess... that that doesn't make you a fag."

He tried to walk past me. "Fuck off loser."

I stopped him, surprising him and myself yet again. "That was the problem." I mused.

"What?" He was confused. Not too shocking.

"I always thought I was the loser with you. I always thought that I was the inferior one. You're better looking. You've got the better body. Guys hit on you more than they did on me." I stepped back again. "I did a lot of thinking last night. Probably more thinking than you've done in a lifetime." He shot me a look. "You know what though? I realized something. You might get the guys. And you might have those gorgeous looks. But the thing you don't have, the one thing that you lack..."

He stopped me. "I really don't have time for this. I gotta go now."

"I forgive you." I said as he opened the door again.

He stopped and turned to look at me. "What?"

"I forgive you for what you did. And I walk away from you now with no regrets. I loved you. It sounds stupid now considering all that we went through. But I did and I was new at it. I wanted it so bad." I stepped up to him so that our faces were practically touching. "But I don't anymore. You're out of my life and that's the end of it. No more drama. No more crying. I'm done with it all."

He looked at me with no emotion. "I don't need your forgiveness."

"No. You don't. But I needed to give it." I shook my head. "All this time, I've been sad. Depressed. Because of you. So..." I said with a shrug. "... I need to forgive you, whether or not you want it. I need to."

"Well that's just fine and dandy then isn't it?" He said looking me in the eyes. "That makes you feel better?" He turned around and walked toward the exit. He opened the door. And then quietly I heard. "Nothing happened. He's... he's too into you." He turned to look at me. "What do I lack?"

"The ability to love."

He nodded sadly and stepped out.

I sighed, dramatically of course. I expected to cry, to break down, to act like the drama queen I was. But there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not even any regret.

But I needed to get to Alan. I realized that I'd been acting a bit lax about the situation all day and I really needed to talk to him and straighten things out.

The door opened and Hank stuck his head in. "Everything alright."

"Yeah." I said a bit hesitantly. "I think it is."

He smiled. "Good."

"You think we could make a quick detour though?"

"This is kinda like stalking." Hank said quietly. "I'm gonna go in. I just need to get my courage up. That's all." We were sitting in front of Alan's apartment complex. I needed to see him, to talk to him, to tell him how I felt. "Well go in then." Hank said giving me a push. "No day like today." He said smiling. I sighed. "I guess." "Did something happen back at the diner? Did you..." "I just needed to get something off my chest." I said. "Sort of put the wheels in motion." Hank smiled. "You're okay though?" I nodded. "Yeah. I actually am." I looked towards the complex again. "I just... I need to do this." "Then do it." Hank said bluntly. I looked at him pleadingly. "I ain't gonna coddle you like Simon. I'm a bit more to the point." He laughed out loud. "As memory serves me right, the quote goes, either tinkle or get off the pot." I took a deep long sigh. "Alright. I'm gonna do it." I got out of the car and just stood there. "Do I have to walk you to the door." Hank yelled out the window. I walked to the building and found the apartment that I was looking for. 2A. I knocked quietly. After about two minutes of getting no answer, I knocked again. Still no answer. Fuck! Where was he? "Alan." I said loudly. "You in there? Please open the door. I... I wanted to apologize." Still no answer. I sighed and turned to walk away. And then I turned around. I really didn't know if he was there or not. But if he was, I was gonna make him sure of one thing. I said it softly, but loud enough for him to hear if he was there. "I love you Alan."

"It'll be fine." Simon was sitting across from me. He poured me another shot.

I grinned. "You trying to take advantage of me." Not that I was drunk. I'd only had two. And being a good ole Southern boy, I could certainly hold my fair share of alcohol.

He laughed and motioned to Hank who was changing light bulbs. "I've got more man than I can handle."

I laughed. "Thanks Simon. I... I needed this."

He got up and ruffled my hair. "No big deal kiddo." He looked at me seriously. "It'll work out. I know it will." He pulled me up. "Now. You promised me some songs. I wanna hear em."

I sighed. "I'm not in any kind of singing mood right now."

Simon shook his head. "No, no, no. You don't get out of it that easily. You're sad. So sing me some sad songs."

I smiled. "Alright." I said grudgingly. "But I don't have..."

Hank appeared behind me. "Ta da." He said a little over enthusiastically. Very not like him.

I looked at the brand new guitar he was holding. "What's this?"

"This..." Simon said handing it to me. "... is yours. A "Congrats on your new job" gift from us." He said beaming.

"I can't accept this." I said handing it back to him.

Hank wouldn't take it. "Yes you can." He smiled. "It comes with the job anyway."

I cradled the guitar in my arms. "Guys I can't... I don't even know how to thank you for this."

Simon smiled. "Play us a song."

I rolled my eyes.

Hank just laughed. "You better do it. He won't give up."

"Okay, okay." I sat back. "This one is an oldie."

I closed my eyes and started to play. I was amazed at how much better this one sounded than the raggedy old one I had at home. And then I sang,

I am a seeker, A poor sinful creature, There is no weaker than I am, I am a seeker, And you are a teacher, You are a reacher so reached down, Reach out and lead me, Guide me and keep me, In the shelter of your care each day,

'Cause I am a seeker, And you are a keeper, You are a leader, Won't you show me the way, I am a vessel that's empty and useless, I am a bad seed that fell by the way, I am a loser that wants to be a winner, And you are my last hope, Don't turn me away,

And you are a mountain, >From which there flows a fountain, So let it's water wash my sins away, 'Cause I am a seeker, And you are a keeper, You are the leader, Won't you show me the way, You are a teacher, Won't you teach me the way.

I finished the song and smiled. "That's all she wrote."

Simon clapped. "Damn your good." He pulled me into bear hug. "You got some ear for music."

I blushed. "Thanks. I wasn't thinking of using that one but it's one of my favorites for when I'm depressed." I smiled shyly. "Sorta helps me wallow in my own self pity."

Hank laughed. "Well it was good nonetheless." He slapped me on the back. "You look exhausted."

"I'm kinda tired." I said. "I'm just gonna walk home."

"Walk home?" Simon asked incredulously.

I laughed. "Yeah. Walk home. I could use the exercise and it really is a beautiful night out."

Simon was about to protest but Hank stepped in. "If you're sure."

I nodded. "Thanks." I threw on my coat and grabbed my bag. "I can't even begin to thank you guys for... this." I said motioning to the guitar. "And just for everything."

Hank pulled me into a hug. "I'm not an easy person to know." He said quietly. "But I know what I like." He pulled back and looked into my eyes. "And I like you."

"Ditto." Simon chimed in, placing his hands on Hank's shoulders. "Be safe now."

I smiled. "I will."

I made my way to the door.

"Luke?" Simon said.

I turned around to look at him. "Yeah?"

He smiled at me. "It'll all turn out okay."

The walk home wasn't bad. I took the shortcut through the cemetery like I usually did. Normally, I guess, that would freak some people out. Being in a cemetery in the dark. And one would think that it would frighten a big ole sissy queen like me. But it didn't. I stopped in front of a headstone. I looked at the fresh flowers that had been planted there. I smiled. Pete must have been here. He usually came every morning. I sat down on the ground with my knees curled under my legs. "Hey Dad." I smiled. "I haven't been here in awhile. I don't want you to think that I forgot about you or anything. I've just..." I sighed. "... I guess I don't really have an excuse. I just miss you is all." I smiled as a tear fell down my cheek. "I've been thinking about you so much lately. Different things." I took a breath. I always tended to get emotional when I was here. "I met someone Dad. He's handsome and he's smart. He's so kind and he's just... he's just perfect. I think I love him. No. I know I love him." I smiled. "I kinda screwed it up a little bit but I think that it'll be okay. I hope it will. I'm gonna try my hardest to fix it. I need to fix it." I ran my fingers through my hair and dried my face. "I just want you to know that I love you and I miss you an awful lot." I smiled. "Pete is doing great. I'm sure when he comes here, he doesn't bog you down with all of his problems. He's trying his hardest to take your place. He can't though. No one ever could. But he's doing a really good job trying. And I'm not driving him crazy. I promised you I wouldn't." I stood up and brushed off my backside. "I'm gonna get going but I do love you Daddy." I blew a kiss upwards and smiled. "I always will."

I got home about ten minutes later. Fuck it had been a long day. Pete and Meg were in the kitchen talking. I walked in.

"Hello there stranger." Meg said smiling.

I walked over and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Hello yourself. How's my favorite sister in law to be?"

She laughed. "The charming Jones' brother." She said looking at Pete.

"Hey, I'm charming." My brother pouted.

Meg laughed. "Uh... yeah. When you wanna get in my pants."

I covered my ears. "I am not supposed to be hearing this."

"I forgot, virgin ears." Meg said smiling.

Pete looked up at me. "Everything okay?"

I smiled. "Yeah. I stopped by Daddy's grave. Saw the flowers. That was nice."

He shrugged. "I picked them up at the last minute."

I smiled. My brother would never admit to having a caring bone in his body. He had the gruff All-American look and he liked to think that he had the personality to go with it. But deep down inside, all he was was just a big old teddy bear.

I looked at Meg. "I saw Will today."

She winced. "Please tell me he didn't..."

I interrupted her. "Nah. He didn't do anything." I fibbed a little. "We just worked some things out. That's all."

She smiled. "Good."

I stretched. "Well I'm hitting the shower and then I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning."

Pete nodded. "Love ya."

"Love you too." I looked at Meg. "Night."

She smiled. "Night Lukie."

I walked into my room with a towel wrapped around my waist. I didn't realize just how tired I was until I'd gotten under that hot water. It relaxed the hell out of my muscles and I was my body was ready to fall over from exhaustion in about three seconds. I chucked the towel, flopped down on the bed, tangled myself in the sheets and closed my eyes. I thought about Alan. He seemed to be in the forefront of my mind the whole day. I silently cursed myself. I just wished that I'd have been able to talk to him. To tell him how I really felt. I wondered how he really felt. If he was angry, which he had a right to be. I wished I knew. I rolled over onto my side facing the window. A cool breeze blew in and my eyes fluttered open. And there, sitting in my desk chair was the man of the hour. Instead of being all drama queen, though, I decided to play it cool. "Hey." I said quietly. He smiled. That was a good sign. I smiled back. "You look good naked." He said softly. "Thanks." I said blushing. He stood up and paced the floor. "I was mad at you." I sat up to look at him. "Don't do that." He half shouted, half whispered. "Do what?" I asked confusedly. "Sit up." He said flustered. "You look ho... You look good that way. And I don't want to lose my train of thought." He smiled. "Close your eyes." He demanded. I laid back down and did as I was told. He continued. "I was so pissed at you last night. For just..." He sighed. "... leaving me there after telling me that. I went to Will's..." I heard that and wanted to vomit. I knew that Will had told me nothing happened but still... "... I fully intended to sleep with him. I knew he'd run back and told you. I broke up with him after I saw you running. Let's just say he didn't take it too well." He laughed. "I wanted to get back at you. But I couldn't. I went there and I just... I wanted to hurt you so bad." I heard the smile in his voice. "And then I realized something." "What?" I asked quietly. "I realized that you were just as scared as I was. We'd both been with only one guy before and he... well let's just say he didn't exactly treat us the best way." I heard him shuffle and what sounded like his shoes hitting the floor. I heard zippers being unzipped. "Don't you dare open your eyes." He said again. "I won't." Although I must admit, I was gettinh terribly excited. "Good." He sounded playful. He got serious again though. "Then you showed up at my apartment today and I just... I wanted you so bad. You looked so gorgeous and then you said..." "I love you." I said softly. I felt a shift of the bed and suddenly, Alan, my Alan who I dreamed about all day, was there, lying on top of me. I opened my eyes to his smiling face. "I love you." I said again with even more conviction. "I know." He said beaming. "I love you too." "Alan." I said remembering what I'd did to him. "I just... I wanted you to know I'm..." He covered my mouth. "Shhh. Just shut up for now and kiss me." And I did.

Well this was a long one. I had fun writing this one.

I just wanna thank everyone for their feedback and e-mails and suggestions. They've been wonderful and especially helpful.

And no, Dolly didn't win the Oscar but I hope everyone saw her knockout performance and got to hear the song.

Anyway, the next chapter will be out next week. Thanks again.

Next: Chapter 5

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