Travel Team

By Meyer DeMonde

Published on Jun 9, 2013


Obligatory disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. If it is illegal for you to read or view stories pertaining to dudes having sex with each other, whether because you're a minor or your state or country forbids it, please leave now.

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Travel Team

If there are two things that boys like, they are sports and sex. The former is the cause of athletic teams around the country—for example, the Plymouth High School Baseball Team, which allowed young men to pitch, catch, and hit balls to their hearts' content. The latter is the symptom of athletic teams around the country—to put it bluntly, when young men spend weeks traveling to various away games, the hotel rooms can get a little tense.

This tension was the reason that when Gabriel Christensen, a member of the aforementioned baseball team, emerged from the bathroom with naught but a towel to cover his nether regions, he found himself face-to-wang with two of his teammates. Alex Sullivan and Will Fredrickson were both each a head taller than their diminutive victim, and if their total nudity and burgeoning erections were anything to go off of, their intentions were leaning towards a special type of male bonding. Jonah Targow, the fourth and by far most hirsute guest of this particular hotel room, was similarly disrobed but sat in the far corner. He wasn't standing to attention yet, so to speak, but instead watched with the air of an impartial observer. Although he was the only one of the boys to have any chest hair to speak of, they all shared a dark and curly swimsuit area below their well-developed abdominals. Gabriel took this all in in a split second.

"What the hell?" he yelled, instinctively backing up, as one might when confronted by a wild animal or horny teenage boy. "What are you guys doing?"

Alex stepped forward. "That should be obvious," he said. "In case you haven't noticed, there aren't many girlfriends here, and it's been a while since we got any. I think you understand the rest."

Gabe raised his hand defensively. "Look, I really don't give a crap about that. I don't care how horny you are. Just jerk off in the shower or something, Jesus."

"But you know as well as I do that there are some things that you just can't get from your hand. And," Alex said, raising a hand to teasingly brush across Gabe's chest, "a little birdie told me that you're more than willing to provide them."

The smaller boy could feel himself begin to swell just a little at those words. In all honesty, he would have happily dropped to his knees at this moment. However...

"I'm not gay, dude!" he said, pushing Alex back. "And stop doing that!" More to the point, he'd assumed there had been a mutual confidentiality agreement about that little matter. If word had gotten out—

"I never said that you were." Alex regarded his teammate coolly. "It's just helping out. Unless, of course, you'd like everyone to know about your games with Collin?"

Gabriel bit his lip. On the one hand, he'd prefer to not become some kind of team slut, but—

Alex ripped off Gabe's towel as he pondered the matter, exposing his now-hard five inches to the world. "Ah, so you do want it!"

"Hey!" Gabe said, trying futilely to cover himself up.

"Just get on the bed, shrimpdick," Alex said. Gabriel stiffened in more ways than one. In reality, Alex and Will—who had been watching the proceedings with his arms crossed—were only a couple inches longer than him, and once you accounted for height...

Gabriel found himself yanked onto the bed, plopped down right in front of Will's cut length. Up this close, it did actually seem much bigger.

"Are you ready?" Will asked. He was clearly not as aggressive as Alex, and his tone of voice suggested honest concern for his friend. Gabe nodded, licked his lips, and leaned in. At this, Jonah sat up, his hand dipping toward his lap to attend to his suddenly piqued interest.

Will began to let out a sigh of pleasure. Hearing this, and feeling a little pleased with himself, Gabe stroked the underside of Will's head with his tongue. The taller boy gasped and thrust forward, gagging his teammate.

"Oh, shit! I'm sorry," Will said, pulling back. "It's just been a while, and—"

Gabe said nothing, simply flashing his teammate an impish grin before diving back upon his dick, going deep enough to confirm that he had indeed done this sort of thing before. Will let the boy service him with a practiced expertise, enjoying the sensation of Gabe's free hands fondling his heavy balls and exploring his chest.

"Well! Do you mind if I butt in?" Alex interrupted just as Will thought he was going to shoot. "Actually, never mind. I don't care. Turn it around, guys."

Obligingly, Will withdrew from his friend's mouth, giving his glistening dick a few tugs. Gabe turned to bend over the bed, arching his back to thrust his bubble butt in the air in anticipation.

"Perfect," Alex breathed, stroking his cock, which he had lubed up during the pre-flight entertainment. He grabbed and massaged Gabe's ass before slipping a hand into his crack. A wandering finger found the entrance and, teasing it, found it to not be as tight as one might expect of a practicing heterosexual.

"'Not gay,' my ass," he said. "Now, who's ready to party?" Not one to wait around, he began to feed his teammate his dick one inch at a time. "Oh, my God, you're still so tight, though—"

Gabe felt himself be filled up by the intrusion and, wanting more, shamelessly threw himself backwards to impale himself completely on Alex's length. His own was rock hard by now, the foreskin pulling back to reveal a flushed pink head.

Alex began to piston in and out, picking up speed as he went. He was going so deep that each thrust was punctuated by the slapping sound of his balls smacking against Gabe's admittedly magnificent ass. Will, who was not one to waste an opportunity to spit-roast, climbed onto the bed to offer his dick to the shortest and most enthusiastic of his friends. The boy accepted it immediately.

Jonah, by now, was having the time of his life. At the sight of his fantasy come to life, he released, his seed becoming tangled in his thatch of curly hair. He sat back and watched the tableau contentedly.

Gabriel, for what it was worth, was having the time of his life. He had discovered that Alex was just a bit longer than Collin, and he was enjoying every extra millimeter as it rammed in and out of him—and ram it did. Alex was getting very much into his newfound toy, and his enthusiasm was palpable. Will, meanwhile, didn't even complain about being so figuratively shafted; the bonus of Gabe's talented tongue more than made up for his being restricted to one end. He found himself venturing further down his friend's throat with every jostle.

The hotel room was now filled with the slurpings and slappings of the energetic young man between his friends and the occasional insuppressible moan from the boys at either end. Will was the first to crack, letting out a contented groan as he unloaded into Gabe's mouth. Gabe swallowed his load as it came, taking care not let any spill on the bed. Alex immediately followed, pulling out to pump shot after shot of jizz onto Gabe's back. The two serviced boys sat down dreamily on the bedspread, taking no notice of Gabriel's unattended length.

"Don't touch that," Alex warned. "We're paying the guys next door a visit in fifteen minutes. I think that tonight will be pretty fun."

Next: Chapter 2

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