Travel Diary

By Tony Colon

Published on Jun 20, 2005


Thanks for all your comments about my previous entries. Here's the conclusion.

This story involves consensual sex between adult men. We all make our own

choices in life. If barebacking and partying bother you, stop reading this. Yada, yada, yada

Travel Diary -- Miami Part 3

I woke up completely out of sorts. My head was throbbing and I was dying of thirst. The butt plug from last night was at the bottom of the bed. I tentatively prodded around my asshole -- it was tender but not overly sore. I got out of the bed and headed for the bathroom.

I jumped into the shower and did a quick inspection. My nipples were raw and swollen, my balls had become one angry purple ball (I forgot to take all of my cock rings off) and my ass hole loved the attention I was paying it. Who ever invented the shower massager should have won the Nobel Peace Prize.

I got out of the shower, threw on a bathing suit and robe and headed down for the pool. I was still hot and humid (as if it was going to be another else in Miami). I spread out on a deck chair like an accident victim and ordered a fruit yogurt smoothie and a double shot of Absolute. I blessed the waiter when he came back with my order and downed the shot quickly. I then sipped the smoothie and planned the rest of the day.

It was about 2:30 PM. I didn't think anyone would be up yet at Kenji's house so I had some time to kill. It was nice and warm in the sun and the drink started to take effect. I was thinking about the past evening and without realizing it, I started to finger my hole. I realized what I was doing when I saw the startled expression on the two old ladies sitting across from me. I signed my bill, put back on my robe and went back up to my room with as much dignity as a pig like me could muster.

I pasted a giggling maid in the hallway of my floor. When I went back into the room and saw the bed was made, I got the joke. I was really making a name for myself at the hotel. Housekeeping was kind enough to put my butt plug in the nightstand drawer with other ones. I took out the roach of the first joint I smoked and lit up.

Feeling a little more relaxed; I lubed up the larger butt plug and gave it a nice warm home. My poor dick tried to respond to the stimulation but a smattering of drooling pre-cum was the best I could do at the moment. I lay on the bed pinching my abused nipples and biting down on the butt plug. It was a pleasant way to pass the time.

I checked the clock again and though it was safe enough to risk calling Kenji. I dialed his cell phone and Jaime answered. I still wasn't sure how happy he was to see me there. I asked him when he though it was a good time to come over today. I was surprised by how chirper his answer was.

"Hey why don't you come over now? We've cleaned up most of the mess from last night and we're just hanging out. You could get a little pre-party fun in before the main activities start."

I told him I would be over as soon as possible and hung up the phone. My clothes from the night before were neatly placed on a chair in the room. My scummy jock was tucked under my folded shirt. I would have to leave a very big tip. The jock went back on. I had a snug fitting pair of jean with me and I know that would help keep the butt plug in place. There's nothing worse that walking across a hotel lobby and having a plug plop out of your ass.

I tested my nipples. They were too sensitive to bite them with the clamps just yet, so I put them in my pocket. I did put on a clean crisp linen shirt -- it was sure to rub my nipples the right way. I grabbed my wallet and the Band-Aid box and hit the lobby again. I saw the doorman again from last night; we knowingly smile and nod to one another. Later that night, I saw him again as a group of guys are pissing on him while he blissfully jerked off.

I got to Kenji's house and this time the front gate is open and I let myself in. I headed straight for the pool as I could see a group of people milling around out there. Jaime and his friends, Billy and Brad are naked, lounging on deck chairs and passing a glass pipe between themselves. I say hello and someone immediately offers me a hit. I sit on the edge of Jaime's chair and take a drag.

"I'm glad you came over early. Kenji's inside somewhere and as you can see we're started the party," Jaime exhaled, trying to blow smoke rings but ending up coughing violently. He sits up and his friends slap him on the back and giggle. Jaime, still coughing, lifts his leg to expose his asshole spitting out one, then two silver petang balls. His other two friends start laughing uncontrollable and spit out the balls embedded in their puckered holes as well.

They all lean over their chairs and reach for their bottles of lube. They all hold up a ball and the lube and look to me pleadingly for help. Never wishing to be an unhelpful guest, I oblige the young tweakers by lubing their silver orbs and packing them back in their waiting man cunts. Pre-cum pools on their bellies as the balls slip in their purple velvet holders easily - each guy lets out a small sigh as the balls pass though their loose and sloppy ass holes.

Jaime wipes his hands on his friends' chest and pick up his pipe again. He leans over, give me a little kiss and relights the pipe. I get up and tell him that I'm going into the house to find Kenji. He nods as he greedily sucks down on the pipe. As I go into the house I could see out of the corner of my eye, Tito was there, busily fisting someone (not Carlos) in one of the outdoor slings.

Kenji was in the kitchen, taking dildos out of the dishwasher and making a ghoulish mountain of them on the countertop. "This type of domesticity seems to suit you," I laughed and embraced him.

"Thank god you're here. That one out there will be good for only one thing from here on in. Help me bring these into the other room."

We scooped up the castrated rubber phalluses like so many bunches of flowers and headed for the living room. We scattered them around the living room and TV room (I made sure I hid my favorites behind some pillows for later use). I helped Kenji unpack a case of Eros and Wet lube and left them in easy reach as well. After placing paper towel rolls, cans of Crisco and small trashcans around the room, I protested doing any more work. Kenji agreed that we had done enough and dragged me upstairs to strip.

Kenji was very happy to see me wearing the dirty red jock and leaned over to smell its funky bouquet. He was even happier to find my ass sucking on the butt plug. He gave it a tug and out it came with a rude pop.

He fingered my shit hole and bit my nipples for a while. He then went over to his nightstand and pulled out his stash. "Would you like to do some tina or snore some coke," he asked.

I hadn't done coke in a while and opted for that. He offered me a few lines, did some lines himself and took a deep hit of T. I know I felt buzzed, so I could imagine how Kenji was feeling. He sat on the edge of the bed, lost in though. I knelt before him and took his dick and balls in my mouth. I feast on his softened prick for a few minutes as he stroked my head.

Kenji then jumped up and said we must go to the Jacuzzi room; he had to show me something. Taking me by the hand, we raced downstairs. The room was done up all in marble, the large Jacuzzi sat in the middle of the room, easily seating eight people. I told him that I was impressed. But apparently that's not what he wanted to show me.

The shower stall was glassed in room on the back wall. It was also large -- a college football team could get into a lot of trouble in there. Kenji and I stepped inside and he was pointing to one of the showerheads. It was converted into a double shower shot. There was a bucket of plastic shower shot heads nearby.

Kenji loved to give enemas. It was only second to fisting in his mind. I was quite happy to surrender to my enema nurse. Kenji screwed on two of the plastic shower nozzles and set the water temperature gauge to a comfortable setting. Taking a bottle of Castille liquid soap, he tenderly began washing my slimy anus.

Soapy fingers expertly opened my hole to admit the nozzle. The warm water flooded my colon. I was not afraid with Kenji of accidents. He would have enjoyed it. The water filled me until I could hold no more and I let it leak back out, mostly clear (much to Kenji's disappointment). Higher and higher, he snaked the hose up my ass and I tried to hold more and more of it.

Kenji swatted in front of my well-traveled canal and I sprayed him with the water. He rubbed his face in the lewd water fountain. Kenji was busy on his end as well. He had buried the other hose well into his colon and was happily expelling any remanding Crisco and cum from last night.

Soapy hands easily slipped into our eager asses. We were happy in our play unaware we had drawn a crowd. Kenji slipped his hand out of my ass and gave me a last quick rinse out. We got out of the shower room and grabbed a couple of robes hanging nearby.

"Every one is more then welcome to use the facilities. Especially you, Jaime. I want that ass clean tonight," Kenji ordered. "And make sure you don't drop those metal balls on these tiles, or it will be your ass."

Everyone laughed at Kenji's unintentional joke and the guys lined up to hose out their asses. Kenji and I went back upstairs. We got on the bed and started kissing. Kenji tried to slip his finger into my ass but we were very squeaky clean. A little dab of lube would do it. Kenji pulled a Rambone from beneath his pillow and smiled. I positioned myself at the head of the head, resting on top of the pillow and grabbed the bottle of poppers on the nightstand.

While Kenji greased the fuck toy, I took two or third deep hits. The dildo cut into my ass like a hot knife through butter. I deeply exhaled and I took almost all 12" immediately. My eyes opened wide with amazement and Kenji leaned in and kissed me. We didn't rush. Kenji slowly but steadily slid the Rambone deep into me. Soon Kenji didn't even have to move, I was ecstatically fucking myself on the toy.

Kenji left the dildo buried deep within me and began chewing on my nipples. My body went into overload. I came in short spurts and my ass sucked down hard on the dildo. Kenji rushed down to take my throbbing dick in his warm, wet mouth. I heard the loud roar of blood rushing though my ears. I kept cumming and the room went white.

My breath came back to me and I could focus on reality again. Kenji was leaning over my face.

"Welcome back baby," Kenji said, kissing me still tasting of my seed.

"Wow. That was intense," I exhaled.

Kenji slowly withdrew the imprisoned dildo. A second slight wave of pleasure rushed through my ass. The head of the Rambone popped out and Kenji stuck his fingers in, teasing my puckered hole.

"I'd like to get into some heavy shit tonight and I'd like you to join me?" Kenji asked.

"Exactly what do you mean by heavy," I coyly replied.

"We'd like to slam tonight and I know you don't like needles. But I think you'd have a good time. You know I won't let anything happen to you," he said, looking me straight in the eyes.

I've only slammed a few time, most of those times I was with Kenji (it was coke at the time). I thought about it but said nothing.

"I don't want to pressure you. If you don't want to, you don't have to," Kenji said, sitting up in the bed.

I was here, I felt safe with Kenji, so I nodded yes. Kenji got up from the bed and closed the bedroom door. He went over to a drawer in a tall bureau and pulled out another tray. He cleared a space on the nightstand. On the tray were a couple of unopened needles, a rubber strap, a small vial of sterile water and some alcohol swabs.

Kenji took out a pinch of crystals from his packet. He put them into the cap of a water bottle. Taking the needle out of the package, he withdrew some of the sterile water. He shot the liquid into the cap and stirred the mixture with the needle tip. As he drew the mixture into the needle, I tightened the rubber strap around my right bicep.

My veined bulged in my arms. Kenji swabbed my inner arm and jabbed me with the spike. It was a momentary prick. He drew some blood into the needle then plunged the tina into me.

I inhaled a moment before he injected me and counted to five in my head and exhaled. The warm rush ran down my entire body. I lie down on the bed and felt the blood in my body rush up and down in waves. My nipples, dick head and man cunt came alive, buzzing with electricity. Each pulsed and throbbed in unison. I closed my eyes and let the room run away with me.

Kenji shot up and lay down next to me. I felt Kenji open my legs and start to lap at my ass. I reached down and grabbed his head, urging his tongue deeper and deeper into me. I wanted more. "Chew on my fucking ass. Fuck me with you tongue. Oh yeah, oh yeah," I rode his face hard.

Kenji got up and rammed in tongue down my throat and squeezed my nipples hard. My ass was alive and calling out to be filled. I rubbed myself against Kenji like a dog in heat. I fumbled around the bed and found the butt plug I was using before. I drove that plug into my seeping man cunt and let it gnaw away on that thick rubber toy.

Kenji got up from the bed and put the tray away. He told me to go downstairs and enjoy myself for a while and that he would join me later. At this point, my ass was in control and sought out fresh meat. I grabbed the clamps out of my pants pockets and let them suckle on my trembling nipples.

I was still trying to get my sea legs as I stumbled out of the bedroom and down the stairs. I entered TV Room and the party seemed to be in full swing. Two guys were having hot wax poured their bodies. Another guy was having clothes pins attached to his testicles. Dildos were being given new homes deep within warm shit holes.

Jaime was being helped into a sling. He was laughing and encouraging his friend to hurry up. Someone brought over a large enema bag over to the sling. Another person was stirring a pitcher of what looked like water and poured its contents into the bag. The nozzle was slipped into Jaime's fuck hole and the liquid was greedily sucked in.

Carlos and Tito came up behind me and fondled the base end of my butt plug. I kissed them both and asked them what was going on. Tito explained that they had just made a crystal punch and were going to use Jaime's ass as the punch bowl. Everyone was expected to suck some of the liquid out of Jaime's ass. Carlos hustled us into the line.

One by one the party guest drank from the flesh cup. Some drank deeply; some merely sipped the bitter brew. When my turn came, I pressed my lips to the rim and licked his well- traveled hole. Jaime was enjoying the lewd attention and cried out for people to be rougher with his ass. After Carlos took his fill, he and Tito, pushed me into a pile of pillows in the corner of the room.

Hands and mouths moved all over different body parts, seeking release. Tito flipped me onto my back and split open my ass. He yanked out the butt plug and roughly plunged his thick fingers into my ass. He called out to Carlos to toss him a can of Crisco. Carlos gave him the lube and continued his torture of my willing nipples. Tito packed my ass full of the grease and twisted his fist into my hole in one quick movement. I arched my back up.

"Oh, Papi, we're going have fun with your ass tonight. I still owe you for last night," Carlos said as he stroked my face and feed me some poppers.

Tito kept slowly pushing his fist in and out of my ass hole, driving me insane. He picked up the intensity and soon sent me over the edge. I shot scum in all directions. Carlos leaned over sucked my throbbing cock dry. Still Tito kept his anal assault up. Finally he achieved his goal and my ass lips gave up thrusting themselves into a rude swollen mount far outside my ass. Tito was proud of his accomplishment, kneading and encouraging my engorged cunt lips to extend out even further.

"Carlos, quick, come over here. You have to fuck this. There's no resistance. I can fit my cock and balls in, no problem," Tito gleefully called out to Carlos.

Carlos handed me the bottle of poppers and came around to admire Tito's handiwork. Tito had slipped a couple of pillows under my ass to give himself some leverage and was enthusiastically fucking my ass, cock, balls and all.

Carlos lubed his hand well and grabbed Tito by the base of his manhood. My ass was so loose and happy; Carlos was able to ease his hand into my hole without Tito missing a beat. I couldn't believe what was happening. Tito was fucking Carlos' fist in my ass. I was so horny that I kept pushing my ass back to meet their thrusts. Carlos jerked Tito off into a screaming orgasm in my ass. Tito pulled his dying cock out of my ass and Carlos used his seed as extra lube and continued to piston fuck me. My ass finally cried out in joy and bite down hard on Carlos' fist. I was panting heavily and rhythmically shooting piss out of my dick. Tito, who always seems thirsty, drank deeply of my fluids.

We were all tired and happy. Tito found some paper towels and helped us all clean up. We grabbed the pillows and leaned back to relax. Luckily, we were near the toys I hid earlier. Carlos' broke out a joint and between hits, we took turned shoving the dildos up our gaping holes as we watched the fist flix on the tube.

Jaime was still in the sling and his friends were taking turns shoving larger and larger dildos in his ever widening hole. Jaime was now wearing a gasmask and every now and then someone would put an open bottle of poppers in the hose. Jaime writhed in the sling as each new dildo was shoved in his sloppy pussy. Everything went silent as Kenji entered the room. Kenji was done up in full leather; black leather chaps, zipped jock pouch and leather vest. On his arms were black leather studded gauntlets and bicep bands.

Kenji also had on a wooden devil mask over his face. Under his arm was a huge dildo the size of a small fire hydrant. He purposefully strode over to his first willing victim in the sling. Kenji placed the totem on the floor and inspected the sacrificial site. Jaime's hole was quivering, alive and open. Kenji tentatively entered the cave, thrusting his hand into Jaime's ass in one movement. He twisted his arm around rubbing the studded gauntlet along the inflamed anal tissue. Jaime sighed and his flaccid dick began to flop around.

Kenji leaned down and whispered into Billy's ear. Bill ran into the other room and came back with a few large jars of menthol Elbow Grease. Billy handed one of the cans to Kenji and reached over and unzipped Kenji's pouch. Out sprang Kenji's cock trapped in a five-ringed "Gates of Death". Billy took the leather, metal and flesh phallus into his mouth. Kenji unscrewed the jar and took out a glob of the lube and smeared Jaime's fuck hole.

Billy finished sucking the caged beast and got up to feel Jaime more poppers through his tube. Kenji picked up his semi-ridged staff and slammed it into Jaime's ass hole. Jaime barely registered the insertion. He came to life as Kenji pulled his dick out and the metal rings dragged against his ass lips. Kenji started rocking the sling and let Jaime fuck himself on the "Gates of Hell". Jaime was purring and calling out Kenji's name.

Kenji roughly pulled out his dick and pick up the massive tool. Kenji lubed up the black beauty and let Jaime begin bouncing his hole off of it. Slowly the head slid in, and then suddenly his ass swallowed the entire dick head. Jaime cried out once then set out to take the whole thing. Jaime was bouncing furiously on the fuck stick. Sweat poured off his body. The dildo sunk into his every expanding ass hole.

We were mesmerized by this incredible display. Everyone was sucked into this ritual. Carlos, Tito and I were in heat; fucking ourselves with the dildos raw. The huge black dildo was embedded into Jaime and Kenji began to pound on the base, sending convulsive waves through Jaime. Jaime's dick slit was streaming and his friends leapt upon him like jackals on a carcass, bathing in his crystal pee. Kenji left them to feast upon Jaime.

Kenji came up to me and silently reached out his hand. I wobbly stood up and following his out of the room, letting the dildo fall from my ass. Carlos and Tito got up and followed us into the main room.

Kenji, still not speaking aloud, pointed and bade me get into a sling. Carlos and Tito helped me up. Tito brought along a fresh jar of the menthol Elbow Grease. He and Carlos took turns applying the cooling lube to my ass by twisting their hands into my willing hole. They were going so quickly that I could not tell whose hand was inside me. Someone handed me a new bottle of poppers and I cracked it open and took two deep hits. Seeing this, the guys took the opportunity to increase their speed of slamming my slimy shit hole.

Suddenly they stopped and I could see Kenji between my legs. He had removed his mask - his face was dripping sweat. He mobbed his brow with my red jock I had lost somewhere earlier. He handed it to Carlos, who waved it under my nose. It's aroma was as good as poppers and I felt my ass open further. The jock was removed from my face and I could hear someone spraying something. Tito then placed my scummy jock directly on my face. It was freezing cold and sweet smelling.

I found myself lying naked on a cold slab, legs staked open. The room is dark save the flickering of votive candles. The gloom is broken by the vision of my demon lover. His large phallus swings lewdly between his legs; throbbing, wet and hungry. He reaches up and grabs hold of the chains attached to my nipples. He tugs at them tightly and my dick stirs. He darts his cold wet tongue in my hole and it melts open. I see his satanic manhood rise to enter me. I wait with the dread anticipation of the virgin bride. His bulbous dickhead enters me and I melt. I feel his force enter me and I hungrily await for him to fuck me to death.

I snap back into consciousness, Tito must have sprayed my jock with Ethyl Chloride. Kenji has already fit his fist into my ass mid forearm. The metal studs massage my colon and I rock myself to accept more of his beautiful fist. Carlos is tugging on the chain of the nipple clamps and I look at him and smile. I lean my head back for him to feed me his engorged cock. I easily take him to the base, feeling his dick ring tickle my tongue and touch the back of my throat.

Kenji passes through my "second ring" and begins to clench his fist sending waves of delight through my body. I cough softly and Carlos quickly removes his cock from my mouth but does not let up on the tit torture. Tito, meanwhile is feeding Kenji more and more poppers and keeping his arm well greased. Kenji is gently kneading my wet soft dick, still pulsing seed and piss.

As the studs pass through my "second ring", I begin weeping for joy. Kenji knows me well enough not to be concerned and he encourages me to take more poppers. My ass is resting on the crook of his arm. Kenji is rubbing my tailbone with his elbow.

"Look at me. Look at me baby. Do you want me to go further," Kenji finally speaks.

"Fuck me with your whole arm. I need it," I shout and take another deep hit of poppers. Kenji creeps up my ass at this point, letting my colon drape on his arm. I sigh deeply and take his elbow. Carlos lets go of my nipple clamps and comes behind me to watch. His dick is dripping cum but he is transfixed at the sight and barely notices. Tito turns to drink in Carlos' life force.

Kenji slightly turns his arm and flexes. I have just taken his arm to the bicep. I begin to see stars and the room goes white. My body starts its orgasm, riding wave after wave of electricity coming from Kenji's arm. I barely feel his arm anymore and yet the complete fullness is almost indescribable.

I start to signal Kenji to make the slow trip back down by trying to close my sphincter muscles. I don't know whether or not I have actually done anything but Kenji starts his descent from the dizzying heights. After a blissful eternity, I feel Kenji's hand fall from my ass mouth and I feel empty. Kenji begins to mop up my gaping hole.

I lie there wondering if I will ever get up and walk again or if I should take another trip on Kenji's arm.

Any comments please contact me at hungreole@hotmail

@2005 hungreole

Next: Chapter 15: Halloween 1

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