Trash Punk World

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jul 14, 2017


*** 4 Slaves and Pirates ***

Amazingly, they were drowning in currency. This had always kind of happened after Savage and Pyro had been milked at a medic's but with Hardass and the pay and loot from their exploits, it was clear they were going to spend some on luxury.

It cut into their budget quite a bit but the trash punks took the train.

Since the magnet lines ran invisibly between pillars, it looked as if the train flew from high column to high column. On board was a crown of people who could afford to travel by train regularly. Bling and jewels; fancy hair braids; decorated hip scarfs. There was also pretty good food. Strawberries not from cans but in their natural state.

Fucker sank back in the cushy chair with a fresh can of Hydro-Cola. "Fuck yeah, imagine always having the caps for this."

"Yeah," Savage said. "But nothing to fight. I'm getting kinda antsy. Jerk off?"

"No, keep it in. It's rude to fuck in front of strangers."

"I know but..."

Fucker rolled his eyes. "Take Pisspig to the toilets. Keep it quiet."

Only three trash punks stayed behind.

"How far are we going?" Hardass asked.

"This train'll take us all the way to the coast. Man, this safes us like, half a month. It's crazy. Should we check out arcology 4? If they let us into a construction site like that. There's probably stuff to do for trash punks. Especially freaks."

"I dunno, Fucker," Hardass said. "I heard weird stuff about it."

"Like what?"

"Like they're trying to reconstruct the pre-virus X chromosome and bring women back."

"Fuck, that's creepy."

Pyro shook his head. "Those crackpot stories come up every time NewLaw builds something." Then Pyro conjured a tiny flame to make his Hydro-Cola less icy.

He was immediately approached by a gentleman in red shorts. "Excuse me. Are you a freak?"

"Yeah?" Pyro said.

"Could I get... well, a free sample?"

"You know it's not potent if untreated, right? Basically worthless."

"I'm willing to risk it. Just felt a little under the weather today."

Pyro looked over to his team leader, but Fucker only shrugged. Pyro could decide on his own if he wanted a blowjob or not.

Moments later, there were only two punks left in their seats.

Fucker had forgotten how weird the sea looked, sounded and smelled after weeks in the desert. They had left the train just in time to board the ferry, if they made it down the cliff within ten minutes.

Most train passengers were driven there by buggies, but the punks decided to save a little money. They could walk just fine.

Together with six more men and two boys, they traveled downward. The guy who had sucked a load of freak cum out of Pyro was with them, too.

All the way down and onto the pier. It was only a minute until they would board the ship. Now the ocean was right by their side. It felt unnerving. Fucker never liked how there was just so much useless water lying around in one place.

Then the alarms sounded. Raiders?

No, of course not.

A heavily modded speed boat, painted black. It raced along the pier and just barely missed the rocks before slowing down enough to halt.

Men with leather thongs and masks jumped out right in front of Fucker. The boy reached for his phaser.

One man on the boat threw a grenade. It exploded in mid-air, mist spraying from it.

As soon as Fucker was hit by the fog, he felt dizzy. His arms didn't follow his orders anymore. His vision blurred.

A collar was snapped around his neck. What was it with all that fucking kidnapping lately? NewLaw had hounded away the raiders just to let a different problem rear its head.

This time Fucker woke up on much rougher ground. This was no basement. He heard the breaking of waves in the distance.

When he opened his eyes, he saw all his friends and the eight guys from the train. There wasn't much space in the cage so they lay over each other. Most were awake.

Everybody wore a slave collar.

Fucker's throat was tightly enclosed by the indestructible ring. Nobody needed 13 slaves unless they ran an operation so big they didn't have to procure their own.

No, those people had been slave traders. Which meant, the collars were unlinked as of now.

Legally, they were all slaves now. Once you wore the collar, the rules of NewLaw permitted your ownership. But nobody in the outside world knew about their collaring yet. They could still escape.

Everyone in the cage was totally nude except for Pisspig's chastity device. They'd have to find all their stuff again, assuming it hadn't been destroyed or sold already.

Fucker called his punks to his position. Pisspig wore a new collar. They had the technology to remove existing ones! Fucker needed to get his hands on that stuff.

"All right, here's the plan, boys. We get out of the cage and leave without the others in here. Too risky to have them come along. We'll come back for them. Now I assume they pirates on the boat weren't all of them and there may be a freak among them, so our mission is to get out fast and silent. This seems to be a cave, so Hardass goes first, because he can hide."

Pyro took a few minutes to melt four bars at their tops and, once they were disconnected from the cage, Savage bent them aside. The six men and two boys stayed behind as ordered, but to be sure, Fucker had Savage pull the bars back into place.

It was an artificial cave so there were no dead ends or confusing turns. They didn't come across anyone, which made Fucker all the more nervous.

Eventually, they arrived on a platform overlooking a cavern. The bottom was ocean water. An opening to the sea was opposite the metal scaffolding on which the punks stood. Down below were pirates. Their ship was docked a little farther to the side.

There were about a dozen. A ship's worth of them, playing cards and drinking. The punks wouldn't find as good an opportunity again.

"Screw going out silent," Fucker whispered. "We wreck them now. Leave one alive for questioning."

Pyro leaned in. "What's the plan?"

It took 30 seconds. Then they were ready. Pyro charged up the mother of all fireballs in the corridor behind them. Meanwhile, Fucker and Hardass snuck to the lower level.

Pisspig looked down on them and gave the signal. Pyro was ready. Fucker signaled back.

The fire freak stepped out of the shadow, aimed down and dropped his orb. The detonation was so bright and hot, Fucker feared nobody would be left to give them intel.

Three slave traders jumped into the water, one ran onto the boat and dropped dead there. Two more raced screaming down the dock. Fucker and Hardass stepped out of the shadows. The two nude punks swung their metal bars and silenced the shouting.

Savage jumped from the scaffolding into the ocean. He emerged with one pirate in hand and shoved him toward dry land. Fucker hadn't know the freak could swim.

Savage dived down again and got a second slave trader to the surface. The third one had drowned.

While the fire made its way up the scaffolding, the remaining punks raced down between the flames.

With all five naked boys at the docks, the interrogation began.

"Yo, where is the tech that can take collars off?"

The pirate seemed to consider resisting. It took only a light slap from Savage to make the man speak.

"I can bring you there. It's a simple key card. Boss has it and he's still in his office."

"Great," Fucker said. "Lead the way. Hardass, please tie up the other slaver in case we need a spare."

"Yo," the first pirate, who had spoken, said. "I can also show you where your things are. We keep them right here. Just in case you want them before it all burns down."

"Oh, right." Fucker said. "Pisspig, drag it all out to the boat. And see if you can find my phaser."

"Yes Master."

The sailor was extraordinarily helpful. He even pointed out where the guards were stationed. A few fireballs and shots took care of them. Apparently the slaver didn't value his friends nearly as much as his own skin.

The "office" was just another tunnel dug into the rock. Fucker didn't even get a good look at the pirate boss before the man went up in flames."

There was a key card. Fucker held it up to his collar. "Um... Little help?"

The pirate guy they held captive, pointed them to a scanner they needed. Once the card was inserted, it would scan the ID on the collar and bind or unlock it.

Fucker got rid of his collar first, then Pyro's. They took the device back to the others and freed Hardass as well as Savage.

Pisspig didn't even complain when they relinked him to Hardass's DNA. He had probably expected as much. After asking for permission, Fucker added himself as second owner. Now they could split up indefinitely with the slave on either team as long as Fucker or Hardass were present.

They had two pirates in ties and a lot of loot.

There was also the issue of the other men and boys waiting in the cage.

"What do we do with them?" Hardass asked.

Fucker wiggled his head. "Well, they wear the collar. Technically..."

"Yeah, they'll fetch a great price."

Tune in next time for a slave auction, an evil sacrifice and more fighting.

Next: Chapter 5

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