Trash Punk World

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jul 8, 2017


*** 2 Taken by Force ***

The original three plus the slave waited at the entrance. The sun had already made it across the horizon so the rock under their shoes (and Savage's and Pisspig's bare feet) was heating up.

Finally, Hardass stepped out of the cave as if the shadow itself was melting into a human shape.

"Yo, I saw at least twenty mutants. Mostly sleeping. A few we can pick off on the way in, if we're quiet."

"Anything else?" Fucker asked.

"Yeah, there are a bunch of human prisoners. Probably all of the one's taken."

"That's weird. Since when do mutants leave people alive?"

"Let alone collect them," Pyro said.

"Smashy smashy?" Savage asked.

Fucker rolled his eyes. "Didn't you hear? We're going in quiet. At first."

"Man," Savage said. "That's fucking boring."

"You'll get to wreck them once we got everybody out. Think of the pay increase when they get out alive."

"I can't buy smashy smashy for bottle caps."

"I say we're quiet and you will be quiet until further notice."

Savage grinned. "Yeah yeah, I'll stick to the plan. You know me."

"Exactly. That's the issue."

"Um, boys? Masters?" Pisspig said. "The ground is getting really hot."

The slave hopped from foot to foot. Savage seemed unaffected by the ground's temperature. But it was time to act anyway.

The entire troop snuck in. There was no reason to split up.

With Fucker at the top (and his phaser ready) the five made it to the first corner.

"One guard ahead," Hardass whispered. "I'll have another look."

The dark, blue haired freak stepped into the shadow and was instantly invisible. He reappeared seconds later. "Has his back to us."

Fucker hurried around the corner and shot at the shape in the darkness. One mutant dropped. Hopefully the first of many.

One more corner and they were in complete darkness.

They had Pyro to fix this if needed but it was too early to risk alerting the horde. Very slowly they walked through pitch black cave tunnels until a green glow told them they were nearing the living space of those feared creatures.

Mutant piss didn't smell like anything but it had a faint green shimmer. As much of a light source as they needed to get across the terrain.

"One more," Hardass whispered. He went to have a look and returned. "It's two now."

Fucker and Pyro stepped around the corner together. Fucker shot one and aimed at the other. His phaser took about one second to recharge. Pyro slapped a handful of fire into the second guy's face. To their luck, the mutant was too startled to scream and Fucker got his second shot in.

The other trash punks joined them. Savage had stuffed his pouch into Pisspig's mouth and jerked himself hard.

"Savage," Fucker said. "Wait till after. You need to be ready."

"I am ready."

"Fine. Just keep it quiet. For now."

"Sure boss."

They continued and picked off two more monsters. Then they ran into another duo guarding an entrance. The same strategy would suffice.

Fucker shot the first one and Pyro... fired on the same guy. They had forgotten to coordinate the attack. The second mutant had been hit by neither phaser nor flame and screamed in a voice so rumbling it made Fucker's stomach vibrate.

More screams joined in. The main chamber had to be right behind this guard.

"It's on, boys."

Savage rushed ahead. "Fuck yes."

A few mutants fell so fast, they didn't know what was happening. Neither did Fucker. He had managed to forget to close his eyes when firing and his first shot had blinded him. It had also dropped a mutant, at least.

Since those abominations were fairly fire resistant, and Pyro needed time to charge up his flames, the fire freak used his power mainly to keep mutants at a distance from the other punks until he could build up an orb hot enough to vaporize limbs.

Savage was a bouncy cannon ball. It didn't look like he was dropping any mutants, because he was fighting ten at once and only landed minor hits on each in turn. Though, minor was a relative judgement. The shattering of bone was audible.

Hardass was... not to be seen. With only the mutant piss puddles, there were more than enough shadows in the cavern. Knife wounds appeared on random victims by some mysterious force.

Honestly though, Hardass was a problem. If Fucker fired indiscriminately, he might have hit the new addition to their team. He hadn't considered that.

The leader focused on shooting high up, aiming only at the mutants' disfigured heads, to make sure no semi-invisible kids could step between him and the target.

This unfortunately made him miss a shot every now and then.

A cluster of five mutants fell at once as Savage swung himself across the crowd and broke a few necks. A lot of the creatures were trying to crawl away. With them being on the ground, Fucker couldn't risk shooting at them.

Pyro stepped forward and closed the distance to the fleeing ones. His hands carried fire hot enough to make piss puddles evaporate as he leaned down onto a crawling mutant.

This created a bit of fog. Not enough to obscure much, but enough to scatter the light in a weird way. Aiming became even harder.

Some mutants would escape. Well, no. Because Hardass had taken position at the cavern exit and worked his weapon over the throat of every escapee.

Savage had nobody left to fight and jogged to the entrance where Pisspig waited with a medkit. Savage tore Pisspig to the ground and slammed his dick all the way into the slave's mouth.

Over the gargling noises, Fucker said. "Good job punks. Hardass, where are the prisoners?"

While Pisspig quickly sat down on the brute's veiny dick with a deep sigh, the other three boys walked into an adjacent room where over a dozen men and boys stared up at them.

"Yo, we're trash punks and it's time for you bunch to get out of here. This kid is Hardass. Follow him to the exit. We two here will keep roaming the cave to make sure there aren't any of those beasts left. Oh, and don't mind the sex happening on the other side of the main space. They're just happy we won the fight."

They got a pouch of bottle caps, which went into Fucker's bag. He made sure to ask Hardass if the boy wanted his part for himself but the newbie declined. He wanted to travel all the way to Rocket City with them anyway.

They also got a lot of food – standard veggie mix 7. Too much to carry. Of course, they took it anyway. Give it one day and Savage was going to have eaten half of it. The boy's stomach didn't have a bottom if Fucker didn't shut him down.

From the freed prisoners, the boys got luxury trade goods. Which is to say sparkly stuff. In the end Fucker carried five gold chains around his neck. Nobody else wanted any, so the other six chains and three rings went into the backpack for later sale.

With Pisspig's lips firmly around his dick Fucker let go and watch the slave swallow every drop of piss. It had been a long day of celebrations and his bladder was full.

Now they had to get in a few hours of shut eye before the sun was low enough to travel across the desert again.

"Yo, leader." Pyro approached with a fist sized rock in hand. "Take a look. This was in the cave."

"It's a rock, so?"

There were drawings on it. No, an intricate symbol. A five pointed star, a bird, sun rays. It was hard to decipher the many lines.

"Mutants don't make art," Pyro said. "And none of the villagers has seen it before."

"You think it's worth something? I don't like carrying a rock around unless it'll pay for its weight."

Pyro shrugged. "I just thought it's weird. It has to be from somewhere else, but why would the mutants carry it all the way to their cave?"

"Too bad we can't ask them, huh?"

Fucker pulled out of Pisspig and slipped his dick back into the rags. He should probably get something new to wear. No problem now that they had bottle caps to spare. The stone stayed behind when they continued on their path.

Fucker had never known metal could become so hot. Well, of course he had known, he had just not considered it. The golden bling hanging around his neck heated up when exposed to the sun and could be quite uncomfortable on his skin.

All chains had wandered into Pisspig's bag, aside from a leather one where the gold only hung as a pendant. Fucker wanted to show off his riches at least a bit.

They were well ahead of schedule to make it to the next resting spot before it got too hot, but a brand new sign told them there was something worth checking out.

How had someone built a new trading hub since they had come by this road last time? It had to be a small one. Maybe someone there had new pants to sell.

"Yo, listen up punks." Fucker said. "We'll check out this hub. Maybe it's worth staying through the heat, maybe we'll be back on our way in a minute. Let's go."

The sign hadn't lied. There was a corrugated iron fence encircled by a bunch of hexa-glass-greenhouses, empty. There was of course a gate, giving the places name away as Voidgrip.

Fucker knocked. "Yo, anybody home? Traders here to leave some bottle caps if you have an item or two? And something to drink."

Someone looked down from the wall. "Yo, I hear you. We'll have some water ready. Just a minute. Gotta get down here."

"No problem, man. Take your time."

The five punks stood in front of the gate and waited. Finally, it opened and revealed Voidgrip to be less than a dozen buildings strong. Not really worth being called a hub, but it was probably growing.

They were greeted by three men in sand camo shorts. One of them had pitch black eyes – a freak. Fucker wondered what his powers were, but some of those people were touchy about the subject.

Indeed, there was a canister of fresh water waiting for them. The five took turns. Even Pisspig got to drink from it.

Then Fucker saw a symbol on the door of the main hall. At first it had looked like random scratches, but there were motives hidden. A bird... Sun rays? A star!

"Yo, I think we saw... uhhh." His tongue failed.

Pyro keeled over. Hardass followed.

The water!

Fucker sank down. Before he lost consciousness, he saw Savage get a hit in and break someone in half. But even the brute was tumbling.

Tune in next time for a break out and freaky stuff

Next: Chapter 3

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