Trash Punk World

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Aug 28, 2017


*** 18 Appropriate Punishment ***

The five neo-nutcracker boys never saw it coming. Within one second, a strength freak was in their middle as if he had fallen from the sky.

Furthermore, one of their comrades dropped dead without visible cause.

Only two were left standing long enough to draw their weapons. One of them saw reason once they were surrounded and empties his hands. He fell to his knees as the ass raiders approached.

The other one – probably too young to get what was going on – needed a face full of freak fist before coming to his sense and joining his buddy on the ground.

"Are you nutcrackers?" Fucker asked.

"Y-yes?" said the one who had dropped first. "Please we-"

"Shut it. Where's N?"


"Your leader. Tatts all over his body. Mean eyes."

"You mean Alpha?"

Fucker chuckled. "Really? How fucking original. Yeah, I guess I mean that one."

The frightened boy pointed at the tower. Meanwhile the other, younger one spit at Fucker's feet. "I'll never betray the chief. Nutcrackers rule! Fuck you! Alpha will kill you so hard you'll-"

Licker gagged the boy with his own brown hip scarf.

The more helpful one shivered. "Please, I only went with Alpha because I had nowhere else to go. I never wanted to-"

"Shut up. So... Who else is in the tower?" Fucker asked.

"O-only Alpha's lover, Omega."

So there were two guys left to deal with. And still no trace of Pisspig. They had to hope N (aka Alpha) was cooperative and remembered where he had put the kidnapped slave/prisoner.

Savage made sure, the two nutcrackers were tied up and gagged, so the ass raiders would keep their surprise advantage when they assaulted the central structure.

Pyro took ten seconds to charge up a fireball and Savage tore the door off its frame.

To the surprise of the ass raiders and N, they found themselves face to face. Apparently the enemy leader had been about to come out of his base and see what the ruckus was about.

The man turned around, toward the stairs. Pyro fired.

In the general panic, the fire freak missed everything flammable, including N. The nutcracker chief made it up the stairs.

All five punks rushed after him. They had to tackle the bastard before he got his hands on a gun.

Savage was the first to get to the second floor, followed by Licker. When Fucker arrived, he only saw the pile of limbs and concluded they didn't need him to join in.

While the brute made sure N was in too much pain to get up, the punk leader passed them by and walked up with Hardass. Somewhere was Alpha's fuckbuddy Omega who probably had a phaser, too.

The second floor had been supplies. The third floor was loot. Fucker registered everything with one glace. Lots of valuables, some jewelry, gadgets and gizmos, two open slave collars...

Could Omega be hiding between the crates and wait for them to run by? Fucker made sure to walk around the biggest stack of stuff.

"Um, Hardass?"


"Isn't this..."

There was a carving on the inside of the collar. The letters H-R-D-S-S had been scratched into the metal ring.

The shadow walker swallowed. "Yeah, that's Pisspig's. So he's free?"

"But with the prisoner ID on his face he can't have gone anywhere. If he's not in the registry..."

He didn't want to say it. Hardass probably didn't want to hear it. They'd keep looking and hoping. As long as there was no corpse, Pisspig could be out there, somewhere.

The uppermost floor was a pile of cushy pillows, just right for hosting an orgy. The luxury apartment-like room contained one person.

The boy wore numerous items of bling and played on an electronic device, totally unaware of anything going on below. He also had a nipple chain, a dick cage and a prisoner ID.

"P-Pisspig?" Hardass said.

The (former) slave looked up, first in surprise, then joy, the shock, then fear. His expression settled on curiosity.

"What the fuck? I thought I'd never see you guys again!"

Hardass was too puzzled to speak so Fucker stepped in. "Yeah, it was a long, long journey. But here we are. You've... gotten free? And became Alpha's lover, huh? Don't worry, we left him alive, so far."

Pisspig (aka Omega) waved. "I don't care what happens to him. He took off my collar, which is nice, though. He did it without unbinding it, just got it open. Took him a lot of fiddling. He did that to another slave, too, but that one had no ID tatt, so he just bailed at some point."

"And how did you become Omega?"

"I sucked him off so well, he fell in love, I guess. It was a fun time. I can't go anywhere without being thrown back in prison, so I had no choice but to keep up the pretense."

"I suppose, we should get out of here, then. Come on, Pisspig."

"Yeah," Pisspig said. "But actually, I'd like to stay Omega now. You guys don't have ID tatts, so there's a way to get rid of them, isn't there?"

Licker and the cooperative nutcracker boy carried their loot. The defiant one and his leader Alpha were still tied up in front of the tower.

Pyro had fixed their hands and feet to each other, so they were back to back. Their balls were tied by a tight rope to a hook in the concrete ground. The rope was too short for them to fully stand, but the metal ground would heat up way too much to sit down on.

They were stuck in place.

"I'm sorry," said the boy who had spit at Fucker. "Please don't leave me back here. I'll be good. You can take me to prison. Please, I'm-"

Fucker slapped him. "Shut up. We'll send someone to collect you two when we're back at a city tomorrow. But who would I be if I didn't leave with a goodbye gift?"

The punk leader grabbed the two open collars. He wanted to see if it was true. Were they unlocked without having been unbound?

One metal ring went around the apologetic boy's throat. Since the owner of the original slave was nowhere near, the bind kicked in and the boy was mercilessly choked and shocked.

"Hllrgn... Please, take it of Aaahh!... I beg you, I'll do anyth- glhrnhhh... No, please, I'll- Aaah!"

The other one was Omega's original collar and Fucker snapped it onto Alpha's neck. Since Hardass and Fucker where present, Alpha experienced no punishment, yet.

The ass raiders decided to delay their descent and camp outside the outpost, just at the edge of the collar's radius.

Alpha's screams joined in with the little boy's and stopped again when Fucker stepped into the collar's detection. He spent half an hour making the man think the collar might have stopped working, then they left.

The screams followed them to the edge of Bone Mountain's plateau.

Omega and the other punks exchanged stories on their way to a settlement. The former slave was highly amused to see Hardass (and the rest) in chastity.

When they arrived at a village, they were immediately approached with questions. Why was that prisoner running around with them?

It was easy to convince the people his slave collar had been stolen, since the simple farmers didn't know how difficult it was to get ones hands on a hacked scanner outside a major city.

But the excuse wouldn't work for long.

Of course Omega had his preferences. "If we make it all the way to Bliss we could get my ID removed. With the nutcracker place looted we have more than enough to spare the bottle caps."

Hardass whispered to his leader. "I don't like him being free. Don't know about you."

Fucker shrugged and turned to Omega. "We could go to Bliss. Or we could go to an auction house and have you re-collared. It would be a lot cheaper and quicker."

"Oh come on," Omega said. "You'd really make me do that?"

"You can try getting to Bliss on your own, as an escaped prisoner. We met you as Pisspig and we want you back as Pisspig."

Omega sighed. It was mean to give him a choice since he knew there was no way for him to get all the way to Bliss by himself.

One day later the ass raider punks were back to two slaves who had no chance of ever being freed since they both carried ID's on their foreheads.


Months later, they had made it all the way south, almost to arcology 1. There was a lot more greenery, it barely felt like a desert anymore. Resting between fields of mangos, Fucker pondered if they could afford to buy fresh produce just for the hell of it.

Pyro and Pisspig came back from their trip to the nearby hydroponic farm.

"Yo guess what," Pyro said. "I heard there's a Sunbreaker branch in the arcology. And they're looking for freaks."

"Why?" Fucker asked.

"That's the great news. They are trying out their new milking machine mark 3. No one here knows us, so..."

Reunited, the gang continued their march through the path between tree fields. "No one will think it's weird we're leaking pre-cum like crazy. Well, maybe they do find it weird, but they won't suspect a thing."

"Ah," Savage made. "Just imagine. Anal orgasms all day long, and getting paid for it."

The brute had developed a craving for assfuckery that went beyond what the rest of the punks felt. He had always had the highest sex drive among them.

Fucker frowned. "But are we still going through with our original plan? There's a lot of money in mercenary work down here. With the raiders organizing under a new leader and whatnot."

"Let's do both," Savage said. "I wouldn't be able to stay put for a whole week, anyway, even getting milked."

"It's decided then," Fucker said. "The ass raider punks are here to cum and fight."

"Isn't it funny," Licker asked, "how we're the `ass raiders' but we'll never be able to fuck anyone's ass ever again?"

Fucker chuckled. "I guess `punks who want to have their asses raided at all times' doesn't roll of the tongue as easily. Hey, are those peaches? Fuck yeah. Pisspig, gimmi my bottle cap pouch. I'm getting some."

Hardass ran ahead. "Not if I buy them all up before you."

"Yo, what makes you think that's okay?"

The shadow walker laughed. "Guess you don't know how good they are."


Thus finishes the trash punk world tale. This was supposed to be a one chapter short story. Fuck me, I'm spent.

Also, because I can't get enough, I have a sequel in the works. Keep an eye out for the continuation - Trash Punk Tide.

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