Trash Punk World

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Aug 8, 2017


*** 12 Bulwark ***

The trip east from the arcology felt quite different from usual. Now that they could introduce themselves as an official gang, here to keep order, they were met with even wider open arms than they had been as trash punk traders.

With the fall of Rust City, every settlement was in a celebratory mood.

Fucker was glad he had no trouble finding multiple boys to fuck in every village, because he was leaking pre-cum at an exceptional rate.

He didn't even feel as horny as his dick apparently did. Was it the vibrations from the bike? Was it an aftereffect from the milking machine?

When they rested with a package of standard veggie mix 9, Fucker noticed Savage's dick pouch was leaking cum.

"Yo, Savage. You horny?"

"Not really? Why? Wanna fuck?"

"Just wondering. I keep dripping cum and looks like you do, too."

Hardass raised his arm. "Me too."

"Me three," Pyro said. "I think it's a side effect from the power increase. Freak cum is connected to freak powers, somehow. Makes sense that jizz production is increased as well."

Fucker shrugged. "Let's see how much we're getting."

He slipped out of his thong and the rest followed. In a shaded alley between concrete blocks, the boys jerked off. Their two slaves were right beside the gang and rimmed each other's holes in a 69 position.

Savage cummed first, slamming an entire handful of juice into the middle with a loud grunt. Fucker was next, spraying up his own abs. He had never been a strong cummer, but now it shot pleasantly high.

Hardass and Pyro were almost simultaneous and aimed at each other. They both landed a hit, with cum flying farther and in greater amounts than usual.

It remained to be seen if this was a permanent alteration.

In time, the ass raider punks arrived at the bulwark – an immense, reinforced wall spanning the entire area around Rocket City. The pinnacle of law and order.

The gates were unmanned, which was great cause for concern.

No matter how much the boys shouted, nobody answered. What could have made the guards abandon their post?

Lacking better options, the gang drove along the wall. Somewhere had to be another gate. Fucker was confident they could find one in ten minutes if they just kept going.

They didn't reach a gate but instead found an old outpost, its central tower rusting against the bulwark. It was as good a place as any to spend the midday heat.

The building was already occupied by a group of six kids.

"Yo," Fucker said. "What's up? You trash punks?"

"Yo," said a boy with a gray mohawk and a matching dick pouch. "We're trash punks indeed. They shut the gate right in front of our noses so we're waiting till they open up again."

"Same here," Fucker said as the huddled together. "We were trash punks for a while. Just registered as a gang. We're the ass raider punks now."

"Nice tatts."


While they settled in, one of the trash punk boys slid over to Savage, clearly intrigued. The brute let the kid use his teeth to pull off the brute's pouch and rub his face on Savage's dick. Before long, the kid sat down on the thick, pulsing freak rod.

Hardass fucked Licker's face, while Pyro did Pisspig up the ass. Two trash punks from the other groups took the remaining available slave holes, after being instructed to empty their bladders into Pisspig's mouth.

"Aight," Fucker said to the other group's leader. "Any idea why we're not being let in?"

"Did you hear that Assbasher was taken out and Rust City has fallen?"

Fucker grinned. "I heard something like that. Possibly."

"Well, there's a troop gang – the nutcrackers – who served NewLaw as the strongest and most successful gang in the province. When they heard there was a power vacuum coming..."

"They wanted in, huh?"

"Seems like it. Now everyone's busy hunting them."

Of course, a powerful gang on the loose in the heart of civilization wasn't going to stay without consequences.

The trash punk leader had cute lips. Fucker moved in.

It was almost a day later until the gates were manned again. When the ass raider punks showed up, they were ushered in by NewLaw's pink thong wearing guards with only a barebones vetting procedure.

Fucker gladly joined the nutcracker hunt.

In the distance behind the wall were the towers of Rocket City. High buildings carried the symbol of progress – a rising rocket (suspiciously dick shaped) in blinding hot-pink.

"Wow," Pyro said. "I think they added something to the space port since last time we were here. You think we'll have communications across distance soon?"

Fucker shrugged. "I'm just glad we found a new calling before trash punks became totally obsolete. Now, we got a sector to patrol. After me."

The six boys on three bikes drove along the inside of the bulwark to get to their assigned zone. Huge, pink numbers on the steel-concrete indicated the wall sections.

The nutcrackers would likely try to leave, so they could establish base somewhere else. They had a buggy, so if they got to gain distance it would be nearly impossible to find them again.

To the ass raider punk's luck, the nutcracker gang was easy to spot from the distance as they had apparently given up on any sneaky options and were climbing the bulwark. This was made simple by the inside of the wall having a lot of opportunity to hold on, but of course they wanted to take all their equipment with them, which slowed their ascent considerably.

"Hardass," Fucker said. "Move in. See what you can scout."

The ass raiders parked so far away that their bikes could be hidden behind a sand hill. Closer to the wall, the ground was concrete without a way to hide.

They waited for Hardass' return who reported that the twenty men (all covered in wild tattoo patterns) were not paying attention, but two kept watch.

"Any weapons?" Pyro asked.

"I think there are enough phasers for all of them. They look slicker than what I've seen, though. Probably the new mark 2 ones."

Fucker nodded. "Can you reach some of them?"

"I can get all of them. They're bundled up to lift them onto the wall. Should I try take them?"

"Nah. Only the power cells. But make sure you're not spotted. It's more important they you get back save."

"Got it, boss."

Pyro charged up a flame with each hand as Fucker held steady toward the rogue gang.

Once the attacking ass raiders were spotted, the nutcrackers not already stationed on the wall hurried to their phaser pile.

Pyro shot over their heads and slammed a fire ball into the crates standing against the bulwark where their buggy was parked.

Not only did the nutcrackers have to watch all their stuff go up on flames, the ones climbing up were also getting enveloped by rapidly expanding smoke.

Savage was finally close enough to use his fists. The upgraded brute slammed his force into the face of his nearest target, flinging the guy far from himself with his neck... perfectly fine. The nutcracker got right up.

"This one got skin armor," Fucker shouted. He had never met another, as far as he knew. To be fair, he hadn't punched most of the people he had run into.

The enemy was now aiming their retrieved weapons at the attackers. It would take them a few seconds to understand they had all been sabotaged.

In those precious moments of confusion, Pyro had already created a new whip of flame and shot the burning line into the puzzled gang. Meanwhile, Fucker got to see Licker in action for the first time.

The boy flung himself around with his whole weight, fast as lightning.

It didn't do much damage, since the ones he hit also had... Did all nutcrackers have skin armor?

Fucker had no times to figure it out. He had to use his phaser to pick off the guys on the wall. It was possible they had functioning weapons, or had something to throw down.

As exposed as the climbers were, they stood no chance. But by that point, it had become obvious that Savage was doing next to no damage. Yes, nearly every nutcracker was armored. Go figure.

Only three enemies had fallen, which left seventeen still up. The fight had dragged on past the first minute and the ass raider's surprise advantage was used up.

They were in serious danger, if any enemy gang members landed a good blow. Even falling down was risky, since there was concrete instead of sand around the bulwark. Wait... concrete?

Fucker spotted a blur in the air.

"Hardass," he yelled and hurried over. "Quick, I need you. Stay invisible."

Ten seconds after relaying his plan, he shouted into the fight. "Yo! Everyone, stop it."

His own punks listened, but they couldn't exactly call a time out and walk off. Fucker had to use phaser fire to clear their path. This added three more dead bodies to the count overall.

Luckily, the nutcrackers seemed to think he wanted to retreat and stayed put.

Once Fucker's friends were back at his side, he took position. Without aiming at anyone in particular, he turned the situation into a gang versus gang standoff. By all means, this was a bad position for him, since they had been winning so far. But he would likely have lost at least one punk in the drawn out battle.

Since a standoff gave the enemy time to get into their preferred stances, it would have been a bad idea under normal circumstances. He was banking on the only one of his members he couldn't see right now.

"Yo, nutcrackers," he said. "This was a fun skirmish, but how about you all come with us in an orderly fashion?"

One guy, who had to be the nutcracker leader, took a half step forward. "No chance. How about you let us go and we won't track you down next time we have the chance?"

Fucker shook his head with a grin. "Nope. Listen you fucking asshole. You really think we'd attack a much larger group without a trump card? This was just a game to us. If you don't do as I say, I'll get freaky."

The enemy leader scoffed. "We'll take you out so fast, you won't have time to pull any freak shit on us."

"Fine," Fucker said. He looked for a slight blur. It was almost unperceivable but Hardass had taken position behind a specific guy. That guy was slowly shoving a new power cell into his phaser mark 2.

Fucker pointed at the man. "You go first, then."

He made a slight gesture and an unseen knife sliced the nutcracker's throat. He fell over desperately coughing but there was no way to save him.

The other rogue gang members froze in shock.

"Oh I know," Fucker said. "You're thinking this had to be a trick. Some coincidence. No freakpower you've ever heard of can just off people. I guarantee you, it's real."

He made another gesture and Hardass killed the one he had walked up behind in the meantime – the nutcracker leader.

With their chief bleeding out on the ground, it wasn't hard to convince the remaining men to take the deal.

The ass raider punks turned in all surviving members of Rocket City's most wanted. There turned out to be a complication...

Tune in next time for a surprise.

Next: Chapter 13

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