Trash Punk Tide

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Dec 9, 2017


*** 5. Escaping Fuck You ***

The observation deck let the punks look into an underwater glass dome bigger than Illusion above. The seafloor was covered in pipes and tubes jutting into the air.

Men and boys in chastity worked with pickaxes or pushed carts full of rocks.

"It's huge," Dumbfuck said.

[What you're seeing] SLAMMR said, [is only the roof level. Fuck You consist mostly of underground tunnels. The prisoners' main task is to keep expanding Fuck You itself to accommodate the growing population, but many facilities are present, to keep the prison functional long term.]

"Amazing," Cumshot said. "But we're looking for one guy with a skull painted on his face."

The screen on the wall next to the window activated. It showed a huge, detailed view of several men on all fours sucking on plastic tubes.

[Specified person not found in the feeding area.]

The view changed to a close up of two boys in a white tiled room rubbing each other with rinse-gel which made their sweat and dirt come right off.

[Not found in cleaning area.]

A different scene. Four men wrestling on a mat.

[Not found in privilege area.]

"What?" Xyz said. "Privilege? That looked like fighting."

[The winner of the match is allowed ten minutes of sexual stimulation of his choice.]

Rapidly, the screen cycles through the sleeping quarters which were filled with boys and men laying across each other for space conservation. Then came the gardens which grew not only plants on metal shelves and meat in vats but also herbs.

"What is that? You grow drugs?" Cumshot asked.

[Deep Passion is a long term aphrodisiac. Overwhelming horniness keeps the population of Fuck You docile.]

"Aren't they already super horny with the chastity cages?" Cumshot said and tapped his own transparent cock cage.

[Not enough to keep them from thinking of other things. Deep Passion prevents disobedience. Specified person detected in punishment area 9.]

The screen showed a huge version of two guys in an alcove. They were face to face, crouching on a thick stick each that had to be partly up their asses.

They were connected through a weighted nipple chain. Their balls were also connected but that chain was fixed to the ground.

One of them had a skull drawn across his whole face.

"That's Madman," Xyz said. "What did he do to be punished?"

[Nothing. When there are no prisoners who misbehaved, any empty punishment station is assigned to a random pair for an hour each.]

"Wow," Cumshot said. "And why do they keep struggling? Can't they just crouch calmly? It's obviously not comfortable, but they should just hold still."

[The anally penetrating poles give off shocks and randomly move upward to keep them wanting to rise. Since their testicles are connected by a chain threaded through a ring in the ground, one cannot more up without pulling down the other.]

"That's fucking brutal," Cumshot said.

[In stage two, the nipple weight is tied to the ring as well, bringing their faces together as they try to rise. Also, their hands will be tied to the pole behind them to make their backs arch, so leaning in to lessen the pain is no longer an option. In stage three, the poles lean back so the subject's chains are all fully taut and they have to use all strength to keep themselves balanced with hands and feet or slip deeper onto the pole.]

"Really fucking brutal. How often does this happen?"

[Every prisoner finds a spot in a punishment area about once a week. Stage two is initiated automatically after the first twenty minutes. Stage three, twenty after that. Each time, the pole's shocks and pushes get worse. There are other types of punishment areas to cover a wide range.]

"You know what I just noticed," Dumbfuck said. "They don't have numbers on their foreheads. How can they be prisoners without them?"

[The mark is invisible, except to my infrared sensors. More importantly, I have pieced together a guideline for how to proceed with you. You will all remain prisoners at Fuck You.]

The robots moved in again.

"No wait!" Cumshot screamed. "You need to let us go... because uh... If we came in this way... someone could have escaped like that, too, right?"

[Logic dictates that this is plausible. It is however no reason to let you go.]

A robot grabbed Xyz's head and pressed a small metal disk against his forehead.

"But... it is. You need someone to find the escapees and make sure they come back to Fuck You."

[My robots will arrest anyone tagged who enters Illusion.]

The next one to get an invisible tag was Dumbfuck despite his struggles. The bots were beyond superhuman strength. Cumshot kept talking. "What if they got rid of the tag? We can find them, tag them and send them back. You... you need us! Out there!"

His own mohawk was grabbed and the disk applied to his forehead. He was marked as a prisoner of Fuck You.

[I admit, this seems possible. Making the tag vanish might be an option with certain tools from the outside. I could see the benefit of agents operation on the surface. Should you ever return, you will be treated like any other tagged person.]

Finally, the robots let up. Cumshot took a few deep breaths. "Great. Fucking great. Just let us out, then."

[Agreed. You will receive a tagger, gene-bound to you.]

"There's not a chance you'll get rid of the tag on us and the chastity cages?"

[Not without explicit order from the authorities.]

"So... not. Can we at least have proof Madman is here? It's what we came for."

[I will print an arrest documentation. Proceed to the exit, agents of Fuck You.]

It was considered a little weird to run around in nothing but a chastity cage for non-slaves, so the punks had to blow their budget on dick pouches.

Since they wanted the first ticket off Illusion – not willing to wait around for Perk – they had to pick the cheapest option. Plain red ones did the trick.

Newly clothed, the trio arrived back at Lightboon's harbor as evening fell. Having napped on the ship, Cumshot decided they should march through the night.

Once at Exocage, the sun rose. E spotted them from his workplace outside his dad's shop.

"Yo, you're back," he said.

Xyz waved. "Yo, if it ain't our favorite little bitch boy."

E giggled. "Can I do anything for you?"

"Probably," Cumshot said. "We have a message for the Jolly, but I didn't see any in Exocage last time."

"Coz they're farther down," E said. "There's a lift for mined ore in the middle of town, but you'll have to take the stairs at the edge."

"Kay, see you. If you can arrange for a couple cans of Hydro-Cola when we're back up, you get to lick the sweat off Dumbfuck's pits."

E grinned brightly. "Can do."

With the sun only climbing over the horizon, little light followed them down as the punks descended ladder after ladder to the middle between the sub-rafter settlement and the bottom of the hole.

There was a halfway station built into the stone, which they entered.

The place was mostly for workers on their break, including slaves and prisoners. While sex in public was a rarity even in chock full bars, this one was again an exception, since the free men of Exocage had gotten used to it this way.

The ones in chastity had to finger each other, but also used all sorts of erotic techniques, making full use of their permanently horny state with massages and slow wrestling.

"I didn't know slaves rubbed off on each other like that," Cumshot said.

"We do," Dumbfuck said, "when no one will fuck us. You should probably remember this stuff once you're overwhelmed by the need to rub your dick."

"Don't remind me. I really wish I had cherished my last orgasm more. A shame."

"By the way," Xyz said. "Don't you need a new name, Cumshot? Since you can't... well..."

The twink punk sighed. "Maybe I'll think about it. For now it hasn't sunk in. Man, I need something to bite. Figure we can afford it with the bottle caps left? Hey barkeeper, a protein bar. Uh..."

The skyblue braid was familiar.

"Are you Whisper?" Cumshot asked. "What are you doing at the halfway station?"

"Yo," the barkeeper said. "This place is open all day, so I'm here most of the time. Takes a bit more traffic to make it worth going up. So what can I get ya punks?"

"A #8 for everyone."

"Three protein bars, coming up."

Cumshot turned back to his friends. "A few Jollies here. I'll ask whoever finishes first. Fuck, I'm jealous. Yo Dumbfuck, tell me it won't be so bad to be dick caged."

The slave grinned. "Oh it's gonna be bad. It's gonna be real fucking bad. Give it a few weeks, till you got used to anal orgasms. I crave them every second of the day."

Cumshot pouted. "Your opinion doesn't count. Muscle freaks have more testosterone and what not."

The Jollies were not happy to hear Madman wasn't coming back, but grateful to know he wasn't going to drop any trade secrets either.

With the bounty for the mission, the punks were back on track and ready to run errands. There wasn't anything to do in Exocage, though.

Once E had gotten his reward, the trio checked by Darkbane. The bulletin board had a promising mission on offer.

Of all Busters, M had to be their next questgiver. They knocked at his door and despite it being the middle of the day, he was home.

"Yo," M said. "You want someth... Xyz? Back already?"

"Yeah," Xyz said. "We saw your name to the board. You have work for trash punks?"

"I sure do," M said, his eyes fixated on Dumbfuck. "Someone stole from me, the day of our reunion."

"Crazy coincidence," Cumshot said and shook his head in disbelieve. "Good thing we're here to right the wrong. What was taken?"

"A black strongbox. Pretty sure I know who has it."

"Who?" Cumshot said with wide-eyed interest. It was hard not to laugh.

"A Neon running a museum in that fucking city of theirs. Thinks he can collect artefacts without asking."

"Wow," Xyz said. "That's fucked up. We'll get it back for you."

"Thanks. I'm glad you showed up. You never know if you can trust some random trash punks."

Since the museum's owner wasn't their friend, they couldn't do the simple "wanna fuck my slave?" trick that had worked so well with M.

A slightly modified version had to be invented. Luckily, Oh liked to frequent the neon club at the city center in the evenings.

The punks finally got rid of their last remaining drugs – a little mix of crumbs they had left.

The curator didn't suspect a thing when Cumshot started grinding on him, but was quickly taken in by the slender figure with the firm ass.

While Dumbfuck and Xyz broke down a window to the museum in the dead of night, the twink punk added their drug mix to Oh's drink. For the next hour, the boy was getting banged by an incoherently mumbling, rabid, energetic man.

It was the longest consistent penetration Cumshot had ever experienced and despite only being in chastity for two days, he already got to cum anally.

Their slave brute had been right. Cumshot craved it now. Even when the museum guy collapsed on top of him after hours of wild fucking, he was barely ten percent satisfied.

The other two found Cumshot getting his hole banged lose by two guys at once. He couldn't get enough.

Because he thought it was funny, Cumshot visited the museum on the next day. Oh wasn't in the mood to fuck again, but the punk hadn't expected sex. Instead he listened to the lament of the man.

"Stolen again," he said. "After all the trouble I made you go through."

"Nah," Cumshot said. "It was no trouble at all. And we'd do it again, but I think this time it wasn't the Busters who stole it."

"What makes you think that?"

The punk shrugged. "I saw a couple guys with a package just the right size to by the box. They said they were going to sell it. Maybe you can get it back at the auction if you explain it's stolen."

"Sure, but I don't know where it is being offered."

Cumshot grinned. "They went to Illusion. They said as much."

"Then I have to go there."

While the curator frantically started packing, Xyz leaned in and whispered, "Did you...?"

"Tag him while he wrecked my hole? Abso-fucking-lutely? I hope SLAMMR keeps his word. Now, let's give the thing back before anyone notices we have it."

The travel on the path through the thicket was uneventful as usual... until the trio was jumped by guys with phasers.

A dozen men. They wore skull tatts across the face.

"Yo punks, hand over your bags."

"Yo Jolly," Cumshot said. "We ain't done nothing to you. We worked for the ones of you in Exocage."

"That means fuck all, bitch boy. Now hand it over or we'll blow a hole in your head."

Cumshot weight the risks. Xyz' skin armor could survive the fire, but neither he nor the brute were going to come out of this alive if the Jolly were truly willing to shoot them over an unknown amount of bottle caps.

The punk reached into his bag and threw his bottle cap pouch at them. They were not satisfied with the money.

"Nah, little bitch. All of it. Everything you punks got."

Cumshot clenched his teeth, but he had no options. Smoke wasn't going to stop the phaser fire.

"Okay," he said. "Here you go, asshole. Do it boys. Hand over your stuff."

"Good bitch. Now on our knees. Face in the dirt. Count to a hundred out loud. So loud we can hear it while we bail with all your stuff."

The punk complied and so did his friends. They would have their revenge someday.

Since the strongbox was gone now, they had to return to M emptyhanded.

There was only one thing Cumshot had saved – the tagger. It was so small he had been able to take it out and hide it in his hand.

He needed some fun after being robbed, so he touched M with it and told the man his box was in Illusion via a similar story that had made the curator leave.

It took mentioning that the thief was a neon to convince M he should travel after them.

Surprisingly, Xyz was fine with having M sent to Fuck You. "It's only fair," he said. "I'd just like to see more Neon's overall end up in Fuck You. Preferably the whole town."

"Hm, that's not a bad idea. Sounds like fun."

"What? Sending the whole population off?"


The punks took every delivery mission they could find and spent the next two days dropping off packages and letters in the surrounding area. Dumbfuck did all the carrying.

This way, they replenished their reserves enough to buy one survival bag, containing the usual, like bandages, rinse-gel, antivenin and so forth. Now they could venture out in the world again, albeit with great care.

Once a ship docked in Lightboon, they made sure it drove to Illusion. When they were sure everyone on board was headed to the floating tower above Fuck You, Cumshot spent a few minutes flirting with every Neon on board.

All in all, he tagged nine men, six teens and two boys. And to his luck, three of the men were willing to fuck him, not aware it would be their last time cumming in someone's ass.

"It's not the whole city," Cumshot said, "but I'm having fun sending them off."

"Me too," Xyz said.

"By the way, I thought about my name. Pretty sure `Cumshot' still works. Sadly, I can't jizz on anyone or anything unless I drizzle precum on it, but I now like getting fucked more than ever. My cumshots aren't the only ones I enjoy."

"That's the spirit," Xyz said and watched the ship leave for Illusion.

Dumbfuck joined them. "New mission on the bulletin board. Retrieve an item from a mutant cave."

"Mutant?" Cumshot half-screamed. "I'm not doing that. Forget it."

"It's just a single mutant. They're mostly killed off around these parts. I could probably take him on."

"Okay... still dangerous."

The brute slave grinned. "Wait till you see how much the pay is."

It's been a while since we had a fight scene. Tune in next time to fix that. But things may not go as expected.

Chapter 6: Gutter Chapel

Next: Chapter 6

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