Trash Punk Tide

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Nov 25, 2017


Content: a pissloving punk, a muscle slave and a mean freak travel a world of rival tribes, gangs and enslaving robots.

*** 1. Cumshot on Cypher Island ***

If anyone asked Cumshot why he had picked his name, it was usually a bad idea to tell the truth.

The slender teen boy was in someone else's hut of cobbled together planks, sand still on his naked feet. He had pulled down his white thong – the only clothes on his tan body – and jerked off onto a stranger's sleeping mat.

Whoever lived here was going to go to bed in Cumshot's dried gift tonight without even knowing.

Obviously, it was the owner's fault for not being home to take Cumshot's delivery. The boy didn't have all day to wait around.

Well, maybe he did have all day, but it was a matter of principle.

Cumshot shivered with his orgasm and left streaks of cream on the mat, before slipping his dick into his thong and turning back to the entrance.

The boy stepped outside onto the island's reddish sand. His bag was empty (as was his ballsack), all deliveries done.

Long, dry grass tickled his calves as he made his way through the loosely grouped palm trees to the main road. The midday sun reflected on his dangly earrings.

Cumshot's midnight blue mohawk was (with his matching eyebrows) the only strip of hair on his body. This wasn't in any way unusual, unlike his pure black eyes.

Those dark orbs were a sign that Cumshot was a freak, a rare breed of boy who had unusual powers.

He was back at the flattened dirt path leading across the island. Where to head next? In the center of Cypher Island was a low mountain carrying a shining tower – the most important building in all of rebuilt civilization. They usually had things to do for a trash punk.

Before Cumshot could take another step, he saw a figure racing toward him. He recognized Xyz – a completely hairless boy with bulging muscles. Xyz' semi hard dick made his white thong bounce.

"Yo!" Cumshot yelled. "What's got you so stressed out?"

Xyz sped up as he saw his friend. The thick, older teen came to a halt. Light sweat shone on his skin.

There were three black stripes tattooed across his face, like scratches from a large monster. It matched the other straight, black lines ringed around his thighs and chest.

As the boy stopped in front of Cumshot, his chain of animal teeth clattered.

"Yo Cumshot, I saw a boat."

"So?" Cumshot asked.

Usually the thick, tattooed trash punk didn't get excited about the prospect of work.

"It didn't go to the harbor. It docked farther down."

"Fuck. You think it's intruders?"

"Was about to have a look," Xyz said and moved past Cumshot.

"Wait, shouldn't we tell the guards?"

"I wanna make sure first."

With Xyz running toward the coast, Cumshot didn't have much of a choice but follow or miss out. He jogged alongside his friend.

It was a boat, all right. A rusty cage on steel plates with a motor, held afloat by barrels of air.

Cumshot and Xyz had thrown themselves into the sand and were crawling closer.

The intruders wore red shorts and face scarfs. The latter was definitely shady.

"Those are like a dozen guys," Cumshot said. "Do you recognize any?"

"Nah. I don't think that's an official gang anyway. See those packages? I fucking bet those are drugs."

Cumshot didn't want to ask how the other boy could tell. Xyz wasn't from Cypher Island and sometime he knew surprising things. But if he was right, those invaders were pirates...

"You think they know they're on Cypher?"

Xyz shrugged. "Not fucking likely. It's a secret location. You don't know you're there if you don't know where `there' is."

"Makes sense. So what are they doing here?"

"Figured they found a new base of operations, probably." "We've seen enough. We should-"

"Hey!" one of the pirates yelled. "Who's there?"

"Fuck," Xyz said and ducked his head into the sand. "Cumshot, can you do something?"

About ten men stopped pushing crates off their boat and ran toward a single box. The trash punks could use the chance to run.

"Let's bail," Cumshot said who didn't trust his powers to get them out of this. They only had to reach the city guards and-

"Stop or we'll shoot," yelled a pirate.

The two boys turned around to see the men catching up to them with ease. Their phasers were aimed and ready. They were also useless, but the pirates didn't know that yet.

"Okay," Cumshot whispered. "Been a long time since I was in a fight, but let's do this."

Smoke rose from his body.

His freak power let him appear like a vengeful cloud of ash. One man lost his nerves and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened.

Xyz kicked up with more speed than he looked he should have at his mass and smacked his knee into the nearest crotch.

For a few seconds, the boy had free reign while the intruders were still pulling their triggers, unbelieving that all their weapons could have failed at once.

Meanwhile, Cumshot's smoke cloud expanded to cover the battlefield like plumes from a strong fire. When Xyz punched a guy so hard, his neck cracked with an ugly sound, the other men finally dropped their phasers and joined the melee fight.

Xyz stepped into the cloud Cumshot had made, which now hung low on the beach area like dense fog. Two of the pirates hit each other, thinking they had found an enemy.

Cumshot grabbed a rock and headed for the nearest foe. Everyone was equally blinded by the smoke, but Cumshot had some practice navigating his own creation.

The fight had been going well as long as the surprise had been fresh, but now the intruders had regrouped and found Xyz in the fog. They were mercilessly punching him.

It didn't do much, because most of the impact was shielded by an invisible force.

"Fuck," yelled one man. "We're not hurting him. What the fuck is this?"

"Dunno," said another as they stopped kicking Xyz, "But we should grab the little freak instead."

Cumshot was about to step out of visual range, when someone hugged him from behind.

"Gottcha," said the sneaky pirate. "Let's see if you take damage when we beat you up."

Cumshot was not shielded like his friend and couldn't afford taking those punches. He could only hope Xyz would be able to deal with the rest.

The pirates let off from the bigger trash punk and all rushed up to Cumshot. Whatever would happen next would hurt...

A huge fist came in from the side. The guy holding Cumshot had his head wrecked brutally. He dropped into the sand.

An unknown man with insanely huge muscles stepped into the trash punks field of view. He was hard to see in the black smoke but his veins were popping off his inhumanly bulking body. He turned around for a second.

Pitch black eyes. A freak, like Cumshot. Obviously, his power was strength.

The massive brute with a cropped crimson mohawk stormed into the oncoming crowd of pirated and dropped one man with every hit.

It took seconds and the fight was over – the beach quiet except for the waves breaking.

Cumshot let his smoke disperse.

"Fuck, that was cool," he said.

"No," Xyz said as he rose, "it was hot. Who are you? Where did you come from?"

The strength freak grinned. He didn't have the face of an adult. He was about their age. "I'm with them. Was with them, I should say."

"Yo thanks for..." Cumshot narrowed his eyes. That strip of metal... "Are you wearing a slave collar?"

"Sure am," said the brute.

"But... if your owner was one of the intruders, he's dead now. Shouldn't the collar be incapacitating you with shocks and choking?"

The brute shrugged. "They stole me from an auction before I was gene-bound to anyone. Collar sits tight, so I'm fully enslaved. Don't technically have an owner, though."

He nodded down at his dick which was inside a transparent chastity cage – unbreakable and unremovable. The strength freak walked up to the boat, through the last bit of smoke and grabbed his clothes – a dick pouch to cover the cage, just as crimson as his mohawk.

"So... why did you help us?" Xyz asked. "If you were with them."

Again, the brute shrugged. "Had fucking enough o'them after three years. And you looked like you'd win anyway."

"Three years? Then why didn't you bail sooner?"

Now the massive man chuckled. "What happens to an unbound slave boy? He gets bound to whoever wants him. Liked being kinda free, in a way. You two wouldn't keep me, huh? Unbound, I mean."

Cumshot stepped up to the boat. "I have nothing against keeping you. We're trash punks, by the way. Cumshot. This is Xyz. We're both 17."

"I'm called Dumbfuck. I'm fifteen."

"What's the stuff on the boat?"

"All sorts. Mostly stolen. And drugs. But I've said `nough. Got questions, too."

"Sure," Cumshot said. He was liking the idea of having a slave, especially one so strong. Assuming he was allowed to keep him.

Dumbfuck asked, "Why did the phasers not work? There's nothing around."

Most towns and some villages had suppressor fields that kept guns non-functional. It did a lot of reduce crime. But Cypher Island was too important, so the whole landmass was covered in a weapon suppressor field.

Of course, Dumbfuck's next question was about Xyz' freak powers.

"Actually," Xyz said, "I don't have any."

"But you weren't getting hurt."

"Yeah, coz I have skin armor mark 2. It's an experimental implant that diffuses the force of punches. One day, the military application at the frontier could-"

Cumshot waved. "He's about to give a ten minute speech. We should move. If the guards find us with the boat they might think it's our stuff."

Once back on the main path, they passed a few hydroponic farms and metallic half-cylinders where farmers lived. The only large settlement was around the mountain.

Dumbfuck saw the towering structure in the center of the island and frowned. It took him until they stood before the gate to speak.

"Wait, there's a golden sperm on the banner. And the door. And... Ain't that the symbol of Big Daddy?"

"Yep. Welcome to Cypher City, Dumbfuck."

The portal slid open with creaking and four guards in NewLaw's typical hot pink thongs stepped into their way.

Cumshot was quick to explain the situation. Since most of the man saw him regularly, they didn't ask questions but headed out to the boat to deal with the intrusion.

In the general excitement, they forgot to ask questions about the strength freak slave. All the better.

The city at the foot of Big Daddy's tower was a collection of cylinders, tubes and hanging walkways stuck together. Half ancient, rusty metal, half new shining SparkSteel, the town looked like a lot of other towns, except that it was winding up a short mountain.

Everywhere was the hustling of men in hip scarfs, bored guards in pink thongs and sweating slaves in nothing but chastity and collars.

The trash punks led their new slave to sit in the shade between the depot and the mill, right under a golden sperm carrying flag.

Xyz grabbed a few things from a store and dealt out three cans of vanilla flavored Hydro-Cola and Cumshot's favorite meal, standard protein bars #8. He couldn't get enough of that stuff.

Xyz shoved his crotch into Dumbfuck's face and let the slave suck him hard. After a minute, the boy told the enormous man of pure muscle to get on all fours and slammed his dick into the ultra-tight hole between the more than head-sized ass cheeks.

"So what next?" Xyz said, as he smacked against the freak's hip. "A guy like Dumbfuck is too good to waste on fetching packages three times a week."

Cumshot shrugged. "We don't have anything else to do here, though."

"Exactly. How about we get off this island and roam the mainland? We could find a gang. Or even found one. You wanted to see the world, right?"

"Sure, but you can't ditch Cypher Island like that. Need to let NewLaw know if we ever want to come back."

"Who says we want to?" Xyz said with a smirk. "Fine, we'll ask what we need to do to get on a ship."

Cumshot turned to the slave. "What about you? Technically, we don't own you."

The slave spoke with the soft, breathy voice of someone getting fucked. "I'll do whatever. Just tell me you won't be another outlaw gang."

"Sure. Wouldn't want to end up like you last owners, huh?"

Dumbfuck grinned. "Yeah, right."

"Hey Cumshot," Xyz said. "Are you full?"

"Sure, I could piss." The boy freed his dick. "Open up."

Dumbfuck made a face. "Do I have to? Ugh, fine."

Cumshot chuckled. "Oh no, this one's not for you. We have a pisslover right here."

He stepped across Dumbfuck's huge torso with legs spread wide and held his dick up to Xyz' face. The other boy gladly opened up and Cumshot took aim. It was more fun to make Xyz work for it, so he didn't aim exactly at the mouth.

"Yo, what are you doing!?" shouted a tall guard in hot pink shorts. "Get out of the streets if you're fucking."

"Ah, wonderful day to you, Sir," Cumshot said and slipped his thong back on, letting the remaining drops fall into the fabric. "Could you tell us how to get to the mainland?"

The guard was taken aback by the sudden subject change. "Uh... Sure can, kid. But if you need something, better ask a trash punk to order it for you at the harbor."

"We are trash punks. We wanna see what there is to do for us somewhere else."

"Do you want to work for NewLaw or as trash punks?" He spotted Dumbfuck. "Or mercenaries?"

"We'll just roam a bit. Only need to get off this place."

"Sure. We'll send you with the next ship."

Cumshot grinned. "That was easy."

"Just a few favors first."

"Should have known. All right." The boy dropped to his knees and reached for the officer's pants.

"Hey there, boy. Wait till we're in a side alley nook. Also, I meant doing some work for us."

"Oh. Fetch quests?"

"Yep. I'm still taking that blow job though."

Next up: Lots of fetch quests. Although... maybe we'll skip ahead to the fun parts, like fighting, fucking and enslaving.

Chapter 2: Jolly Fighting

By the way, this story is set decades after the events of Trash Punk World. You can read the `prequel' here, for an idea of what's ahead:

Next: Chapter 2

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