Trapping Travis

By Virtual Insanity

Published on Mar 9, 2006


This story contains male/male consensual relationships of a romantic and sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to read this type of material, please adhere to your laws.

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Part Five


Five homework assignments. Three weeks. And Josh is passing his Trig class. The story was that he was getting some in-depth study sessions in with me. The truth is that he dropped his homework off at my house on his way home. I did it and gave it to him in French class the next day.

After I got him an 85 percent - there had to be some room for error in order to ward of suspicion - on a take home test, he was guaranteed at least a passing grade in the class.

In my opinion that meant they no longer needed me. Josh was guaranteed a permanent space in the Class of 2006. What more would they want from me? That's all they had asked me to do for three solid weeks. They had to agree that my work was basically done. I could wash my hands of them as long as they gave me the pictures and all the files that were associated with them.

I resigned myself to the fact that I was probably never going to be a hundred percent certain that they couldn't reproduce the photos and use them against me again, but I also knew that getting Josh through his class and not saying a word to anyone in authority had to count for something. It had to show them that I was trustworthy enough for them to leave me the hell alone.

So, I rehearsed the speech in my head. I was planning to talk to them, to ask them to give me all evidence of the photos, to release me from this stupid thing they had over me and let me get on with my life.

Neither of them liked me very much. I couldn't stand Josh and I hated Ambrose, but I was getting over the idea of revenge. What would it spawn? Photos of me and some guy's dick plastered all over restrooms or circulating on the Internet? No, I wasn't taking any chances.

I would talk to them at school. I would get them to agree and this thing would be over. Finally.


I lay across my bed upside down, my feet on the headboard and my head near the base. I stared up at the ceiling fan above me, gently whirling and hypnotic.

I could imagine what it would be like. When I finally got to be with him. He might be upset at first, but he'd get over it. And he'd touch me. His hands would move up my sides, across my back, around me. I would make it good for him. I had to.

He would be breathing above me, thrusting himself into me, giving himself to least once. He would make sounds, groans and moaning. He would be trembling from the pressure, the tightness around him. I would be open for him, drawing him in.

He would look at me...he had to look at me...just once. And I would see deep down into his eyes that there was something there, that it was more than just a fuck, more than just blackmail, but that he felt something.

And he would lean down and he would kiss me. In the middle of it all, he would need to connect with me even more and his mouth would touch mine and I'd part my lips for him and he'd slide his tongue against mine, slowly, wonderingly. Then he'd speed up...the fucking and the kissing. It would intensify and I would hold on to him, he'd ram into me until I whimpered, until I screamed.

And he'd release himself inside of me, he'd give that to me, he wouldn't be able to pull away. And I'd take it all and then his weight would become heavy, but he wouldn't move. He couldn't move. He'd breathe and lay against me. I would wind my arms around him, my legs around him and I'd hold him there and he wouldn't pull back. He wouldn't even try. He'd stay.

I covered my eyes with my hands, blocking out the dizzy spin of the ceiling fan, let the wetness seep beneath my fingers, across my cheeks to dampen the blanket beneath me.


I approached Josh and Ambrose outside of the cafeteria at lunch. They were standing around, probably debating on whether to eat at school or drive off campus.

I walked up to them as calmly as I could.

"Hey," I said and they both looked at me. Josh looked like he might be ready to fight. Ambrose looked - I don't know how he looked.

"What?" Josh asked.

"Am I done?" I asked. It was the only thing that came out. I told myself that I was going to stand up for myself and give this grand speech about how I had done everything they asked and I wouldn't do another thing, but here I was asking for permission.

"What do you mean?" Josh asked.

"You're passing no matter what, even if you bomb the final," I told him. "If you guys just leave me alone, I won't say anything." It was humbling to say that, to basically ask them to leave me alone when I really should have been demanding it.

"Okay," Josh said, shrugging like he didn't care and I felt this euphoric relief zing through me.

"No," Ambrose said, like two seconds later. Both Josh and I stared at him.

"What do you mean no?" I burst out. Josh was silent.

"I've got one more thing I need you to do," Ambrose said. "Then, you're off the hook."

There was a bitter taste in my mouth. I wanted to spit...or hit something. God.

"What?" I asked. Just one more thing. One. Then, I was done. Then, they would leave me the hell alone.

"Not here," Ambrose said calmly. "My house. Friday night. Six o'clock."

"For what?" I asked.

"No questions," he said and turned away from me. I stood there and looked at the back of his head for a long moment before I walked away.

One more thing.

Then, it was over.

Ambrose was beautiful.

I could kill him with my bare hands.


"What the fuck are you doing?" Josh asked.

"Fuck off, Josh," I said, trying to appear calm and in control when my insides were jumping around.

"What?" Josh asked. "I wanna know. What are you gonna make him do?"

"Fuck off, Josh," I said again, walking down the hall.

He followed me.

"Shit, Ambrose, I ask you one fucking question and you bite my head off," Josh complained. "I just wanted to know."

"Its my business," I told him.

"What you don't tell me shit now?" he asked.

"You came to me," I whirled on him. "I got you through Trigonometry. Now, fuck off."

"Geez," he said, rolling his eyes. I stopped outside of the restroom.

"You gonna accompany me in?" I asked, lifting my eyebrow. He shook his head and walked away. I went in, staggered to a stall and fell to my knees. I lost every drop of the one pancake I had managed to get down for breakfast and I crouched there wheezing and shaking. I don't know how I held it together.


Six o'clock.

My house. ********************************************************** To be continued........................

You would have read this days ago, if you were in my group!

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