Trapping Travis

By Virtual Insanity

Published on Feb 3, 2006


This story contains male/male consensual relationships of a romantic and sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to read this type of material, please adhere to your laws.

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Part Three


I woke up with a funny taste in my mouth and my head was pounding like crazy. I sat up quickly and then reeled from the dizzy feeling inside of my head.

For a minute, I thought I'd caught the flu or some bug and that I was sick, then I remembered the day before. I had gone over to Josh's to tutor him in Trigonometry. God, that nasty beer! I must have passed out.

I didn't even know how I had gotten into my room, but thats exactly where I was. I moved carefully to the edge of my bed, shoving the covers off of me. I placed my feet gingerly on the carpeted floor.

My mom's face appeared in my doorway.

"I'm heading out, get up and get ready," she advised me with a half-smile. "I made breakfast."

Just the thought of it made my stomach turn over, but I didn't say anything. I just watched as she headed downstairs. I listened to the front door slam, then her car door...and finally the sound of her engine starting up.

If she was just leaving for work, that meant that I still had forty minutes or so to get ready for school. Josh Cavanaugh must have made sure that I made it home undetected. I owed him big time. That was, if he didn't think that I was a complete loser for passing out on his sofa after three beers.

I stood up and went to take a shower.

*** Ambrose:

He came into French class looking a little worse for wear. He's definitely not a drinker. He had barely even budged when we snuck him into his bedroom the night before. There were dark circles around his eyes and his lips were a little pouty.

I wanted to kiss them.

You don't know what its like to have something that you want so close and right within reach and not to touch him. Last night was hell and I dreamt about him over and over when I finally got home.

The pictures were burning a whole in my pocket, but we had to do this the right way. I couldn't exactly confront him in school. There was the off chance that he might decide to talk to a teacher or counselor and I wanted to be sure that if he did, there was no evidence around.

No, Josh and I had it planned out. Okay, I did the planning and Josh was going to do most of the work, but whatever. Travis drives to school, so Josh was just gonna leave his last class early and wait for Travis in the parking lot by his car. It was a Wednesday so Travis didn't meet with his Advanced Mathematics club until the next day so he would have no excuse not to give Josh a ride home. And Josh was gonna convince him to come inside and go over some more equations.

I was going to meet them there and then we'd show him a copy of one of the pictures. I couldn't even think straight, I was so tense.


I was in the student parking lot, walking towards my car when I noticed Josh standing by it. I felt a lot better having made it through the whole day without wretching, but for some reason looking at Josh made me remember how sick I'd felt that morning. I was seriously going to have to tell him that I didn't want to drink any more beer when we studied. I didn't care if he thought of me as a pansy or a nerd.

"Hey, Trav," he called. "Can you give me a ride home?"

"Sure," I nodded and unlocked my car and let him in. He lived so close to me that it would have been ridiculous to say no. Besides, I kind of liked him in a totally platonic, stay-away-from-me kind of way. I mean, I'm gay and I can appreciate the fact that he's got a banging body, but he's not exactly my type. I like guys who are a lot thinner...who have longer eyes. Probably just the fact that he spent time with Ambrose was enough to endear him to me. I wasn't going to analyze it.

We pulled up in front of his house in no time and I kept the engine running. He turned to me.

"Do you think that you could come in for a minute?" he asked. "I have this one equation that I just can't figure out. Do you have time?"

I looked at him. "Okay, but no more beer," I said and tried to smile. "I guess I'm not much of a drinker."

He laughed a little. "Okay."

We got out. I grabbed my backpack from the back seat and we headed up to his place. I waited as he slid his key in the door and opened it. He let me go in first and I headed automatically for the den we had studied in the day before.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw Ambrose there, sitting back on the leather sofa. He was beautiful, dressed in jeans and a black turtleneck sweater with his dark hair falling around his shoulders. His blue eyes locked onto mine.

"Hey," he said and I shifted from one leg to the other.

"Hi," I said back and swallowed. It hurt to see him like this. In someone's house, just hanging around. I wanted to sit down next to him and start talking, to touch him, run my hands over the pale skin on his arms. I turned around to make an escape and found myself face to face with Josh.

*** Ambrose:

It killed me that just like that he would leave. I mean, one look at me and he's ready to get out. What kind of shit is that? Josh blocked his path and Travis stood there for a minute, uncertain.

"Uh - maybe we can catch up on your Trig later," Travis said, floundering. Josh put his hands up on either side of the door jamb, totally blocking Travis' path.

"We just gotta talk to you for a minute," Josh said and Travis had no choice but to turn around.

I took the picture out and put it on the coffee table. He just stood there.

"Look at that," I requested after a moment and he took a cautious step forward and peered down at the photo. I watched the play of emotions on his face. Confusion. Anger. Fear.

"W-what-" he started and Josh broke in.

"I just want you to do my Trig homework for me so I can graduate," he said, trying to sound perfectly reasonable about something that was entirely fucked up.

"If you just do what we say, nobody will see the pictures," I said and his eyes widened as he looked at me. Pictures? Plural, I could see his mind working.

He swallowed hard and just stared at me.

"Ambrose," he said, then stopped. He started blinking and I recognized the fact that he was on the verge of tears. Since he was, I was, too. If he cried, I would probably start crying as well and Josh would realize that he was consorting with a known freak. I sighed heavily.

I just wanted him. That was all. If he hadn't ditched me in junior high, we wouldn't even be in this predicament. I needed him. Just once... just for a little while.

"It's not that hard," I said, trying to keep my voice calm.

"Okay," he said after awhile. His voice was shaking. I wanted to go over there and put my arms around him, but why would the culprit of all your problems comfort you?

"Okay?" Josh asked and Travis nodded, turning to look at him.

"Give me your homework," Travis said. Josh started rooting around in his backpack. I sat there and stared at Travis. I could see that he wasn't really afraid of Josh, but the moment his eyes met mine, he tensed up.

"We'll let you know if we need anything else," I told him. He nodded, taking the papers and textbook that Josh offered him, then heading quickly for the door. ********************************************************* To be continued........................

You would have read this days ago, if you were in my group!

Next: Chapter 4

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