Trapping Travis

By Virtual Insanity

Published on Jan 28, 2006


This story contains male/male consensual relationships of a romantic and sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to read this type of material, please adhere to your laws.

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Part Two


Josh Cavanaugh talked to me during lunch today. In four years of high school, he has never said a word to me and suddenly he walks up to me in the cafeteria and starts gabbing. I should have realized that something was up then.

When he finally got to the point, it turned out that he needs some help in why not ask the math geek? I told him that I'd stop by his place that night and we'd do a study session. It's not the first time its happened and it probably won't be the last time.

Since Beenie went to Miami, I haven't had a whole lot to do outside of school, so I went home, had dinner with my mom and brushed up on my Trig by taking some online quizzes. I aced them, brushed my teeth, threw on my jacket and headed over to Josh's.

Josh lives maybe five blocks away from my house. He's been at every school I attended since elementary and we've barely spoken. He's one of those guys that you don't exactly want to be around if you're not a jock or in his clique. I mean, he could beat your ass in a heartbeat.

Which was why I wasn't gonna give him any trouble with helping him out with Trig. Although, I saw this coming a mile away. I mean, he aced Alegbra and Geometry just because our teacher Mr. Mitchell was a football fan. He was bound to bomb eventually.

Still, it didn't bother me that much. It was a reason to get out of the house and once he passed a few assignments, he wouldn'tbe failing anymore and my job would be done.

There were two cars in the driveway, but I just figured that his parents were home, no biggie. I knocked on the front door.

Two seconds later, Josh opened the door. He smiled at me and opened the door wide so that I could come in. I just figured that he was grateful that he'd pass Trig...and thereby, the twelfth grade and high school.

The Cavanaughs had a nice den with a big screen TV and a leather sofa. We sat on it and got down to studying.

"You want a beer?" he asked and I looked at him. Beer for studying? I had never understood jock types, but what could it hurt? I didn't want him to think that I was as dull as I really am, so I said yes.

I've only ever had beer one other time and that was with Ambrose in elementary school. He got the beer when his uncle left it in the garage refrigerator. Before his parents could notice, he had the case of beer out and we were in the woods behind his backyard, sipping them. He drank most of it...honestly, it was pretty gross to me. But to look like a normal guy to Josh Cavanaugh, I was willing to stomach it.

He came back with the beer can, already popped open and ready to go. I took one sip and nearly wretched. It was even worse than I remembered. I opened up my textbook and Josh downed his can in one giant gulp.

He was looking at me pointedly. I weighed my options. I could continue to sit there and sip at the nasty drink like a girl...or I could down the whole thing and get it over with. I downed the can. It burned all the way down my throat and I felt like my throat was on fire. I looked over at Josh, trying not to cough. He seemed I guess it was worth it.

We were in the middle of me explaining that trigonometry was actually about triangles when Josh jumped up.

"I'm gonna get some more beer," he said and I paused. I felt a little weird, but I didn't care. If drinking beer between every equation was the only way to get the guy to learn trig, then so be it. Trig was really very simple in the grand scheme of things...and I was going to explain that to Josh. Actually, helping Josh learn about math was pretty fulfilling to me all of a sudden. Maybe this was my one true teach mathematics to jocks.

I downed the next can of beer that he had set in front of me... taught him another equation and then downed the one after that. Then, things started to get a little fuzzy....


"Fuck, how much did you give him, asshole?" I said to Josh when I saw Travis sprawled on the leather couch like an offering. My heart started pounding in my chest.

"Enough to knock his ass out cold," Josh said.

"I told you that he's not a drinker," I said.

"Fuck you, I didn't even give him a third of a bottle vodka mixed in," Josh defended himself. "He's a fucking featherweight, Ambrose."

I stood there looking down at him, trying to stop myself from feeling like a complete asshole. But in the end I knew it would be worth it. I mean, he already hated me. At least I'd have his dick inside of me once....I would at least have that to remember when we graduated and Travis went on to be some great mathemetician or genetic physicist.

"Did you bring the camera?" Josh asked and I nodded, fumbling in my pocket for the digital camera I had borrowed from the drummer in my band.

Josh started to unzip his pants. My hands were shaking.

"Don't fucking touch him with it," I told Josh and he shot me a look as he bunched his underwear down and started fisting himself quickly.

"You don't have to worry about that," Josh said and the words were even and hard...he wasn't gay. He'd told me this a million times just in case I was likely to forget it. Josh liked the ladies and that was the way it was. As if any decent guy would have him.

Josh positioned himself so that he was hovering over Travis, his hard dick pointed at Travis' mouth. I held the camera up and positioned it just so...making sure that the only part of Josh that was visible was his dick...nothing recognizable for sure. Travis' eyes were closed but his mouth was slightly he was opening up. I took a few shots.

"You done?" Josh hissed at me and I nodded, pocketing the camera. He stuffed himself back in his jeans and glared at me.

"It was your fucked up idea," Josh said angrily. "It should have been your dick in the picture."

"You wanted to pass Trigonometry, okay," I said shakily. God, if my dick got anywhere close to Travis' mouth, it was going in.

"Shit," Josh said, red-faced and he stormed out of the den, leaving me there with Travis. I was almost in tears. God, what the fuck was I doing? Travis would never forgive me.

But what did that matter anyway? He had been the center of my entire universe and he hadn't given a shit about dropping me like used garbage. If I was honest with myself, I could admit that I hadn't been the same since then.

Inside I was broken up into little pieces...and I did shit that I wasn't proud using a dick-shot to blackmail the guy I was in love with.

As bad as I felt, I was absolutely going to go through with it... and not so that Josh could pass Trig. But so that I could be with Travis... at least once. If I went down afterwards, I didn't care. I just had to have least once. ******************************************************** To be continued.......

You would have read this days ago, if you were in my group!

Next: Chapter 3

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