Trapped Muscle Cop

By Reflex

Published on Nov 5, 2005


Disclaimer: If you are under 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read material of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between men. It is entirely a work of fictional entertainment.

Trapped Muscle-Cop, Part 8 By Reflex ( Copyright 2005

(Pardon the delay on getting this chapter out. The next chapter (Part 9) will be post to Nifty on Monday, that's right, two days from now! Enjoy.

Part 8: Lights, Camera, Action...

"Thirty fuckin' bucks! What the hell am I gonna do with that?" Tony asked in frustration.

"Not a lot," Rick said. 'That's the idea. Now get going."

Tony folded the bills and put them in his pocket. That was all the money for extra expenses, including food and drinks, that he was going to get for the week. He would be eating cheap lunches and there would definitely be no stopping at the bar with his buddies after work. Tony slammed the car door shut and backed out of the driveway. Monday morning had finally arrived and the cop was on his way back to the station.

Driving through the morning streets, Tony couldn't get the weekend off his mind. At this very moment, on his way to work, everything seemed, well, normal. And yet, since Thursday, the hunky cop's life had been turned upside down. Tony turned on the radio for a little distraction. It was the usual morning news and mediocre DJs making stupid conversation. Sitting at the traffic light Tony looked at himself in the rearview mirror. He gazed down over his jutting pec slabs. The tightness of his uniform shirt showcased his increasingly stiff nipples. Further down, Tony's hefty cop bulge stretched the confines of its tight packaging in the cotton-nylon blend uniform trousers. As the light turned green, Tony stepped on the accelerator with a grin of satisfaction. He knew he was one grade-A prime piece of stud beef. He looked forward to being back with the guys at the station. Shit, they were real men like him. Men who maintained law and order in this rough and hard-edged metropoli.... well, okay, this quiet and fairly ordinary, slightly down-at-the-heels, small city. But heck, the guys on the force, they were the local studs, or at least they thought they were and Tony was indisputably the alpha male in the pack, the guy every other guy in town wanted to be. As the muscular cop happily contemplated his handsome perfection, his eyes caught sight of his left wrist holding the steering wheel. Like a slap in the face, the cheap piece of crap watch that Tom gave him in exchange for his big shiny metal one brought Tony quickly back to the reality of his predicament.

"Dammit," the cop cursed. Tony loved his big watch. As far as he was concerned, all that heavy metal and the half-dozen dials around the clock face proclaimed 'I could'a been a Navy SEAL." Now here he was wearing some grimy old piece of junk that looked like it had been bought off a street peddler about ten years ago. Tony hoped his buddies downtown wouldn't notice. How humiliating. The very thought made Tony squirm in his seat a bit, his fastened seatbelt restricting his movement, locking his waist in place and pulling across his torso. The officer's mind drifted back to yesterday. He moaned at the memory of his helpless submission....

After a thorough morning workout, Tony and Tom had gone upstairs for a bite of lunch. Tony was feeling pumped and frankly happy to have that damned leather strap off his dick for a change. The two guys sat down to sandwiches and iced tea as Rick waved his hand and made a comment about their raunchy body odor. Tom laughed and sniffed his pits.

"Specially made for you, Rick. Pheeeeeewwww!" the buff blond construction worker chuckled. "How 'bout you Tony?" Tom asked.

Tony lifted his arms. "Oh hohoho... ripe!"

Rick grabbed a six-pack of beer from the fridge and headed back towards the living room. "The game's on in a few minutes," he announced.

Tony could hardly believe he was just going to sit on the sofa and watch baseball with these two. Sure enough, when he and Tom joined Rick they were told to remain standing while describing their morning workout. Tony had to pose and flex while Tom pointed to each muscle group that had been worked on with the weights and machines downstairs. As Tom did this, he lightly traced his fingers over and across each part of the athletic cop's taut body, paying special attention to the pecs and abs so tightly wrapped in the dirty tee shirt. The gentle fingering and rubbing along with Tom's salacious description and calculatingly lustful praise had the handsome muscle-stud on a slow-burning fuse to body-tingling horniness. Tony couldn't help himself. He loved the detailed attention to his hirsute muscle-bound perfection. While standing in a double-biceps pose with the beginnings of a tent in his shorts, Tony felt Tom softly rubbing his shoulders and neck from behind. Half a minute later Tom's hands were fastening a thick leather collar around Tony's neck.

"Hey... what the fu...," Tony whispered.

"Shhhhhh," Tom whispered back, his tongue tickling the cop's ear. "Just getting this nicely locked in place. Won't be a minute."

Click, click.

Tom ran his fingers across the soft leather. Tony swallowed. His cock got a little plumper.

After Tom fastened a leather cuff onto each of Tony's wrists, he pointed out the steel ring on each cuff and the two matching rings on the collar.

"See. Now what we do here big guy, is this. We put the ring from the cuff over the ring on the collar and then..."


"We lock them together with a good old-fashioned padlock."

Tom repeated the action on the left and Tony found himself with his wrists now fixed in place at his neck, his hands twisting behind his head. There was no way he could lower his arms.

While watching the show before him, Rick had slipped off his jean-shorts and briefs and had begun slowly caressing his own increasingly stiff prong. His eyes narrowed and he gave Tony a devilish smirk. Tom was squeezing Tony's rock-hard glutes through his gym shorts. He wriggled his fingers into the waistband and began lowering the soft sweaty cotton revealing the cop's muscle-butt inch by inch. As Tom slid the shorts down the thick hairy legs, he instructed Tony to lift one foot then the other and step out of the confining garment. Tom left the jockstrap in place, but he made sure to draw Tony's attention to the strain his big boner was placing on the soft mesh pouch. Tony looked down in humiliation. "Why the fuck is this happening," he wondered. "Why the shit am I so damn, nngghh, hard?"

Tom had parted Tony's butt cheeks and was blowing softly on the cop's puckering anus.

"Nnnnnooo... no... stop that. Ohhhhhhh."

Tony's wrist pulled at his snug collar as he tried to lower his arms. His big legs began to feel weak.

"AHHHHH ha ha ha shitttt. Ahhhhh... oooohhhh."

Tom had started teasing Tony's sphincter with a feather. "How's that feel Tone? Bet its real nice and itchy, huh?"

"Yyyessss! Dammit Tom. Now cu..cut it out, will ya?!"

Rick chuckled. "You can't fool us muscle-cop. You love it. Your fat cop dick says as much. And anyway, we've got the pictures to prove it. Heh heh heh. Yeah, you need it bad, dont'ya big boy. Bet that man pussy a' yours is gettin' real hot 'n bothered."

"Specially after bein' buzzed to paradise by that vibrator yesterday, HA!" Tom laughed.

"Yeah," Rick said, "told ya when I shafted your cherry ass with that nice big dildo the other morning that from then on you were gonna need something good and firm shoved up your man-cunt on a regular basis. You gotta admit Tony, I was right! HEH! You've been punked dude... bitched. You, Officer Martino, are a big, hairy-chested, muscle-bound bottom-boy and that is how you are gonna stay. No going back. But don't worry sweet cheeks, we got the cure for what ails ya, don't we Tom."

"Sure do, Rick. Sure do."

Tony's mouth hung open as he exhaled short puffs of air.

Tom stood up and turned Tony around. Slowly he started pushing him backwards towards a waiting Rick on the sofa. Tony was in a daze trying to process what was happening to him, pissed off with himself for the longing he had in his butthole for that feather to return. He was being taken down yet again. But this time he knew the stakes were higher like when Tom made him suck his dick. Sex toys were one thing. Hell, he'd met women who'd wanted to try some of that shit with him. But giving another guy's porker a tongue bath and swallowing his jizz, damn that was a whole different matter. Never again could he honestly say that he never had nor never would taste dick. Geeze Tom had made him a cocksucker. And now he felt sure something similar was going to happen. He was going to get fucked good and proper. Tony was about to be pussied for real.

Tony felt the back of his calves his the edge of the sofa seat. He looked down and saw Rick's legs on either side of his own. He saw Rick's hand grasp him firmly around the waist. Where was Tom? That question was soon answered as a pair of hands started pushing down on his shoulders from behind. Tony whipped his head around as far as he could with his arms in the way.

"NO! Hey, c'mon guys. Cut this shit out. I MEAN IT! Tom, stop...!"

Tony tried to buck out of Rick and Tom's grips. He tried to kick backwards but couldn't get the right angle or balance and the sofa was in the way. His shackled wrists further hindered his efforts and, truth be told, his hard cock seemed to be sapping his strength a bit. Rick and Tom were enjoying the struggle, but it certainly crossed Rick's mind that if he were in Tony's situation, he'd be struggling a hell of a lot harder than this guy seemed to be doing. Tony liked the struggle, Rick thought. He liked the physical sensation of his own writhing muscular submission. Rick was sure that Tony didn't know it himself, at least not consciously, but he suspected that the naive 25-year-old cop was hugely turned-on by his humiliating entrapment.

"Submission is such a sticky web stud-boy. The more you struggle, the tighter it gets," Rick taunted.

"Ffffuuuuucckkk," Tony whimpered. He felt Rick's hard rod slithering through his hairy butt trench. Slowly the lubed up tool reached the cop's spasming ass-lips. Rick used his right hand to aim his primed-up stud-buster. He wrapped his left arm around Tony's waist and pulled. Tom raced around to the front and gripped his hands around Tony's ankles. Tony's eyes were big as saucers. He wanted to kick Tom's hands loose, but that would remove his feet from the floor, his only remaining leverage against capitulation.

"Look Rick, ole' Tone here's not even trying to kick my hands free. Man he must want it bad," Tom teased, knowing full-well Tony's predicament.

"Man, these sure are some hot fuckin' legs Tony. Just look at these muscular calves, that dark tan real nicely accentuated by these little white socks."

Tom let go his grip on the ankles and started running his hands up Tony's legs, lightly tickling the muscles.

"All this nice soft hair too. I don't know about you Tony, but the hair on my legs and arms and chest, well, it's like it's directly connected to my nuts man. Fuck, if some guy had his hands on me and started playin' with all my fuckin' testosterone-charged follicles... shit, that'd start my balls to churn stud cream like there was no tomorrow."

"Ho... holy... hair-trigger! You bastard. You hot fuckin' construction-stud bastard. Geeeeze you know how to get me. Awwwwww shit... I'm goin' down. Gonna get fucked for real. Ohhh maaaaannnn..." Tony moaned.

"Here," Tom chirped, "let me just help that along good buddy."

In one swift motion Tom grabbed the cop's ankles again and lifted his feet far off the ground until Tony's legs formed a wide 'V' in the air. Tony's back fell back onto Rick's chest, his head rested on Rick's left shoulder; his straight-boy ass hovered on the tip of Rick's dickhead.

"Hey Tony," Rick whispered, "you're really just a big gay musclehead with an itchy man-hole and a hot juicy cock that needs to be kept nicely controled."

"No!" Tony uttered.

"Yeah. You just didn't know it. But don't worry muscle-cop, we're gonna help you become the hairy-chested dick-slave you need to be."

"Awww no, not a hairy-chested dick-slave, awwwww shit," Tony whimpered and writhed.

"Heh heh," Rick laughed softly as his tongue began to paste saliva all over Tony's flexing right bicep. "Sealing your fate is a two-step process. Here goes step one..."

Rick nodded to Tom who began to lower Tony's legs.

"YO HO HOOOOOOH... OOOOHHH... SHITTTTT!" Tony yelled. "Your fat slimy dickhead... it's... it's... it's... aaahhhhh, dude, it's in my ass. You're fuckin' queerin' me!"

Inch by inch Tony slid further down Rick's hard cock until he felt it hit something inside him that made him gasp in pleasure. Dropping down the final inch, Tony felt Rick's wirey crotch bush scratching all around his anal rim.

"Step one complete," Tom laughed loudly. "Now for step two."

Tom pulled the coffee table closer to the sofa. He then left the room for a minute. Rick now had both free hands on Tony's plumped up man-tits. With fingers and thumbs he was softly scratching, plucking, and pinching the cops helpless control knobs. Tony watched his own chest get played. Damn his nips did look inviting packed into that tight white cotton tee. And the aroma wafting up from his pits, sheesh! Memories of Thursday night, strapped up in that old dentist's chair, flooded his brain. His mouth hung open, yet the macho cop couldn't utter a word. He couldn't move a limb. He breathed in his masculine stink. He was Rick's toy. Rick patted Tony's pecs and rubbed a hand up and down the cop's sexy tight chest. He gave a shove with his hips and his dick punched at Tony's inflamed joy button way up inside his new pussy.

"How are ya feeling there stud-boy? Ya like that? Bet it feels real gooooood, at least to a guy like you. Can't say I'd like it much, but then I ain't a dick-brained muscle-cop."

"Unnngggghhh," Tony grunted. "Dick-brained... muscle... cop. Shit. You're turnin' me into... a dick... ohhh yeah... noooo," he moaned as he clenched his anal muscles around the big teasing prong up inside.

Tom reappeared with the laptop computer. He plugged the ethernet cable into the outlet on the wall, opened the internet, and brought up the website Rick had made.

"Officer Tony, your website is all ready," Rick announced. "I uploaded a bunch of new stuff yesterday afternoon and put the final touches on last night. All that remains to be done is to punch in a few codes to make the site publicly accessible. Your pal Tom here, he drafted an e-mail and sent it out to a whole bunch of potentially interested webmasters, giving them the exact time of the site's opening today and asking them to add a linking url from their sites to yours. Whadda ya think, huh? There are probably a few people out there logged on to the net and waiting right now."

"NO! You fuckers! NO!"

Tony sat bolt upright.

Tom adjusted the web-cam to the side of the computer and turned it on. He tossed Rick a sparkling gold plastic mask and put one on himself.

Rick said, "We figured it would be lots of fun to open the site with a live broadcast. For the next hour the site will be free. Just long enough for everyone to see how much fun you are having as you ride my dick and shoot a big load for your fans."

Tony exploded. "You sons 'a bi... no way are you doing this. No way are you gonna get a load outta me. You hear me fuckers! Ain't gonna happen! If people see me squirtin' with a dick up my ass I'll be fucked. No way."

Rick and Tom burst into laughter. "Good one Tony," Rick said. "I'll be fucked... ha ha ha. You're killin' us dude. Too damn funny."

"Hey Officer Tony," Tom said, "that stiffie 'a yours sure is punching out that jock pouch. Your shaft is completely exposed on the sides."

Tony looked down at his crotch with a frown.

Tom produced two feathers. He gave one to Rick who immediately began swirling it in Tony's densely haired right armpit.

"Huh... ha ha... no... ha ha ha... stop that!" Rick yelled, his voice cracking a bit.

Tom took the other feather and slowly slowly moved it towards Tony's exposed cock shaft, making sure that the soon to be publicly humiliated muscle-stud saw what was coming his way.

"Not feathers... ha ha... not my pits... and... and... ohhh my cock... ha ha ha. You're... ha ha ha... gonna... ha... fuccckin' feather my... ha... cock! No! You can't... ha ha ha... do this! Ha ha ha ha ha. You'll get my load... you... ha ha... you'll make me... ha ha ha... sh... shoot my muscle-cop cr... cream right into my stinkin' jock... ha ha ha ha ha! Holy humiliation! HA HA HA... ohhhhh shitttt.... tha... that... feeeeels... fuckin' ha ha HOT! Oh Rick... ha ha... you weren't kid... kidding... ha ha about the st... sticky web of... sub... ha ha... MISSION! Man is my jock gonna be a... sticky... ha ha MESS!"

"Ready muscle-cop?" Rick asked.

"Oh no!!"

Tom stopped feathering Tony's cock for a moment and started following the instructions Rick had given him for opening the site. Three minutes later, the home page reloaded in its new public version. At the bottom of the page, viewers were directed to go immediately to the webcam where they saw Tom's masked face. He typed in "Welcome everyone. Our muscle-cop is here to greet you. We hope your visit will be a pleasurable one. It will be for him!"

"AWWWWWWWW... SHIT!" Tony yelled as he saw himself live on the computer screen.

Tom picked up his feather and resumed his tickle-torment of Tony's rampant rod while the cop ooohhed and ahhhhed and laughed. With his left hand, Tom positioned the webcam to get a view of Rick's slick cock up Tony's asshole. He then put it back on the coffee table and re-centered the view to take in the whole scene.

"Hey look," Tom said, "that number at the bottom... we've got 47 people viewing!"

"Fuck!" Tony grunted with a stupid smile on his face.

Fifteen minutes later and Tony gasped: "Holy shit... ha ha ha... I'm... I'm a... ha... hair... hairy... chested... muscle-cop stud get... getting... tickle-tortured and... fu fu fucked... oh MAN... and I'm gonna... ha ha ha ha ha... shoooot my fuckin'... ha ha ha... cop load... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. You bastards are gonna get... my man juice! Dammit! Ha ha ha."

Tony's cock pulsed hard. His fat dick knob looked ready to punch a whole in its cotton mesh trap. Suddenly, 8 long blasts of Officer Tony's studly cop goo sprayed forth, the first three with so much intensity they shot through the front of his jockstrap. All the while, Tony laughed helplessly from the continued tickling of his pits and shaft.

"Nawwwww... ha ha ha har har har haaaaaaaa! I'm so... screwed! Ha ha!"

Tom typed into the webcam messenger: "Thanks for watching everyone. Check out the rest of the site and our membership offers. Enjoy!"

Officer Martino was sitting in his car in the police station parking lot. "Shit," he said. He wondered how long he had been sitting there in a daze. He checked his crappy watch.

"Fuck, I'm ten minutes late."

He pulled the keys out of the ignition and opened the car door. As he stretched his left leg out he felt something wet at his crotch. Tony looked down to see a large dark spot on the front of his uniform trousers. He could feel the sticky sappy mess coating his cockhead and his big hairy bull balls snugly packed in his white briefs.

"Awwwww shit!" he mumbled to himself.

Next: Chapter 9

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