Trapped Muscle Cop

By Reflex

Published on Sep 15, 2005


Disclaimer: If you are under 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read material of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between men. It is entirely a work of fictional entertainment.

Trapped Muscle-Cop, Part 7 By Reflex ( Copyright 2005

Part 7: Benched

No sooner had Rick opened the kitchen door to step inside when he heard what sounded like a shouting match down in the basement. Quietly, he squatted at the top of the stairs to listen. He couldn't see Tom, but he caught a glimpse of Tony pacing. After five minutes of listening, Rick realized that Tony had been on the internet and was trying to get information out of Tom. Tom, for his part, was pleading ignorance, swearing up and down that he didn't have any of the passwords or codewords, that Rick handled all that. This was, in fact, true. Tom could not have helped Tony if he had wanted to. Rick was the one in charge, the mastermind.

Tom's protestations eventually rang true to Tony. Two days of observation had made it pretty clear that Tom, though he was a willing joiner in mischief, was not really fiendishly minded. Tony shouted and cursed in frustration. He then decided to change tack. Somehow, he had to get Rick. To do that, he needed Tom's help. Tony returned to the idea of trying to drive a wedge between Tom and Rick. If he could persuade Tom that they were two guys on the same wavelength, potential best buddies, and that Rick was, in fact, taking advantage of both of them, then he might get Tom on his side. He figured Tom might be as easily lead by him as he appeared to be by Rick. That was all Tony needed. The two of them could then physically overpower Rick.

Rick raised himself up at the top of the stairs. He was eager, and a little anxious, to hear how the argument downstairs was going to play out.

Tony lowered his voice. "Why do you listen to Rick, Tom? That guy's an asshole and you know it. He's up to no good, buddy."

"Awww, Rick's not such a bad guy, Tone. Heck, he and I... we've had some great times together man," Tom replied.

"Not such a bad guy? Are ya kiddin' me? Look what he's got you into, buddy. This is practically kidnapping, and it is certainly theft. That's crime, man. You could get into a lot of trouble. And for what, to keep Rick entertained? Look at some of the facts, man. I believe ya. I don't think you do know any of the information about my bank account or the website. Now why is that Tom? Rick has complete control and it doesn't look to me like he is intends to share the profits from this little scheme. He's gonna rake in the money and you are gonna get nothin'."

Tom flexed his muscles in the bindings. He looked up at his wrists and struggled with the ropes a bit. Then he flexed his biceps. He gave a look down at his big firm legs and flexed his quads.

"When did Rick last workout with you?" Tony asked.

"Oh, I dunno. Rick's not really into the gym like you and me," Tom answered.

"See, that's another thing. You and me, man, we both got hot bodies, dude. Yeah, Rick is in good shape from work and all, but shit, not like us. Man, we've got fuckin' hot muscles, great proportion. I mean... look at your pec's dude... so firm and nicely rounded... your nipples all hard, pokin' through that tight t-shirt."

Tony leaned over and brushed his hands lightly across Tom's meaty pecs. He lifted the tight, gray, cut-off t-shirt and looked down at Tom's chest with its dense patterns of short dirty-blond hair.

"Yeah, man, shit, you're as hairy as me. Chicks really dig that hunh!" Tony said as he straddled Tom's waist on the bench.

Tom grunted and flexed his arms. "Heck, ya, Tone... you and me... a couple a' hairy-muscled studs. Look at my arms, man. Just burstin' outta these tight sleeves... all that armpit hair pokin' out. Shit, I bet my pits are ripe. Pheeewweee! Haha!"

Tony reached up and started running his hands lightly down Tom's arms, massaging the muscles. He let his fingers linger on the biceps, tickling Tom a bit. Then he lowered his twitching digits into the hairy depths of Tom's pits and launched a serious tickle attack.

"Hey... hey, hey, ha... hahahahah, stoppp...hahahaha...," Tom shrieked.

Tony started laughing as well. "Yeah, how do you like that, buddy? Kind'a funky huh?"

Tom was instinctively trying to buck up and down. With Tony's weight on his waist, Tom couldn't lift up much. The net effect was a kind of grinding of Tom's increasingly stiff cock in between Tony's firm round ass-cheeks. The stimulation was getting to Tony too and his own dick started to harden. He pulled his hands out of Tom's pits and for some reason brought them up to his nose. "Phwoah!"

Tony then sniffed his own strong-scented pits. "Ha, bud, we are stinkin' this place up. Holy shit!"

"Haha... yeah. There's only one solution to that! We gotta get ourselves cleaned off, man. Put that tongue to work Tony. Gimme a good tongue bath. Hell, ya got me all tied up here. You could drive me fuckin' crazy, coatin' me in your sticky spit, and I couldn't stop ya. Damn, that's hot, ain't it Tony?"

"Tony's hands moved to Tom's tied-up right arm, feverishly feeling-up all that big hairy muscle, while Tom flexed, smiled, and encouraged him.

"Oh yeah, man. That feels good. Ya got me, Tone. How about a little lick, huh. Right there, just below the rope at my wrist.

Tony leaned in. He stuck out his tongue and lapped at the sweaty forearm. Slowly, his head moved down, kissing and licking all the way, lingering on the thick bicep for a bit before letting his nose dip into Tom's aromatic armpit.

Tony let out a little sigh. "Mmmmnnnnnggggghhh." He leaned forward further and put both hands up on the weight bar where Tom's hands were tied, to balance himself. This also allowed Tom to lick the sweat out of Tony's densely-haired right pit by twisting his head just a bit to the side.

Tony's dick was hard and aching. His brain was lost in a fog of male muscle and sweat.

Slurp, slurp. "Ooohh fuckin' hairy muscle-pit... yeah...."

"Yeah, Tony, you're the best man. Go to town on my pits. I'm all yours man..."

Having leaned his head to the left in order to get better access to Tony's pit, Tom saw Rick tip-toeing down the stairs. He saw Rick picking up a couple pieces of rope, and he saw Rick gently, quietly, sooo softly wrap that rope around Tony's wrists and the weight bar.

Tony didn't even notice. His dick has popped out of the top of his shorts and was now getting a gentle tickling across the head by all the hair on Tom's abdominal muscles. Tony was a boned-up pit licker without a clue as to what was happening.

Once Rick had Tony's wrists secured, he moved down to his ankles and tied them to the legs of the bench. He then untied Tom's legs and arms. Tom slowly lowered his hands down Tony's muscular arms, prompting sighs from the Italian-American cop. He slid his hands under the dark-haired studs chest and flicked his thumbs back and forth over Tony's sensitive nipples. This prompted grunts, to which Tom replied, "Yeah, you love that man-stink dont'ya Tone? You were made to snarf down gooey man sweat. That tongue 'a yours knows its job... muscleboy."

As Tony ground his dick tip into Tom's abs, a light went off in his head. He wondered how Tom was playing with his tits. Tony lifted his head up and was greeted with the sight of a broadly grinning Rick. Immediately, Tony made to leap up only to find his new predicament.

"FUUUUCCCK! You fuckin' bastaaaaarrrmmmppphh!" Tony yelled at Tom as Rick stuffed a big dirty sock in his mouth.

Tom slid out from under Tony and gave him a firm couple of pats on the butt, pushing Tony's hard cock into the padded vinyl bench cover. Tony struggled like a wild man as Rick and Tom attached coils of rope around his knees and pulled them outward, threading the loose ends through several hundred pounds of stacked weights on either side of Tony. The cop was now splayed like a frog with his arms and upper chest lifted slightly up off the bench.

Rick told Tom to go fetch one of the bags of lawn clippings. Meanwhile, Rick had a little chat with Tony.

"Tony, Tony, Tony, my man... what did you think you were doing? Huh? I gather you've been on the computer tryin' to undo all my hard work. Tsk Tsk Tsk. Can't have that stud. Nuh unh! You thought Tom would turn on me? Man, Tom and I have been friends for... like... practically... ever. Yeah, he does what I tell 'im to, but he likes that. Frees up his brain for other things, like working out, and playin' with you! Haha... You're trapped friend. Forget it. No way out. This is just the beginning. You are my new little moneymaker, and I have lots of treats in store for you.

"GRRRRUnnnmmppsh... uuuuccccrrrr!!!" Tony loudly protested through his dirty gag. He was pulling his muscles in every direction trying to loosen the ropes or break the bench. None of the heavy steel to which he was attached was giving an inch, however.

"Oh man, looking at you flexin' those big hairy muscles in those tight shorts and "T" is making me hard, man."

Rick unbuttoned his jeans and stepped in front of Tony's face as he slid his hand back and forth across the underside of his cock. As pre-cum began to leak, Rick turned and started rubbing his wet dickhead across Tony's biceps, first left for a bit, then right. "Hey, another man slimin' up your handsome arms, how 'bout that?" Rick said.

Tony looked on with furrowed eyebrows. He grunted and flexed his biceps as if that would get Rick to stop.

Tom returned with the clippings.

"What do ya want these for, Rick?" he asked.

Rick opened the trash bag and grabbed a handful of the clippings. "Watch this. It's gonna be fun," he said.

He walked in front of Tony, leaned over, and with his left hand pulled the edge of Tony's t-shirt sleeve away from his arm. He then started stuffing the grass clippings into Tony's left armpit.

Tony had a bewildered look on his face. "Phwaaa daa phuuccc?" he mumbled through his gag.

Rick took another handful and stuffed it in. "Right, Tom, you do the right pit while I get started on something else. Heh heh heh. Man, Tony, all those little shreds of grass are gonna make your pits itch. It's really gonna annoy you. Take my word for it."

Tom let out a big chuckle as he grabbed a handful of the grass. "Wow, this is great," he said as he got started tucking the clippings into Tony's right armpit where they were kept lodged in place by the tight t-shirt.

Rick quickly ducked into Tonny's new bedroom and retrieved a few of stiff tapered feathers the guys had used on the cop last night. "Look Tom," he said.

"Ohhhh... heck ya!" Tom hooted.

Tony tried to turn his head far enough back to see, but could get a view of what Rick had in his hands. The next thing he knew, his shoelaces were being untied and then the shoes themselves were being slipped off his feet.

"Peeeee Eeewww! You got stinky fuckin's feet cop!" Rick hollared. "Nice and sweaty though. Just right for what I have in mind."

Tom had finished packing Tony's pits as full of grass clippings as possible. Rick told him to take the sock out of Tony's mouth.

Tony immediately launched into a verbal protest. "LET ME GO, you fuckers. D'YA HEAR ME! I SAID LET ME Ggg...ghaaaa... huh... haaahaaahhhaaaa... sssstttopp... ohh... ssshitttt... nnoooooo... not myy... ffeeeeeettt!"

Rick had begun swirling a feather up and down each of Tony's rapidly wiggling feet. The tips of the feathers flitted and danced across the muscular cops arches, then dove into the crevices between the balls of his feet and the wildly twitching toes. Tony was bouncing like crazy, but the way he was tied left him little room for maneuver.

"Nnngghhghhhhaaaaaaa... oooohhhh... ssshhhhhiitttttt... hahahahahahaha!!!" the roped muscle-cop shrieked. About all he could do was frantically wiggle his feet and buck his pelvis up and down on the weight bench, the net effect of which was a repeated grinding and pumping of his hard dong into the soft-padded vinyl.

"Hey, you got any more of those, Rick," Tom asked.

"Yeah, but hang on a minute. Come take these while I set up the cam-corder. This is hilarious. It's definitely gotta go on the website."

While Tony continued to laugh like a hyena and pump his dick and balls to a more and more pent-up state, Rick set up the cam-corder and grabbed the remaining two feathers. These he proceeded to lightly trace up Tony's legs, starting at the ankles, then swirling the fronds all over the cop's big hairy calves, back behind his knees on either side of the rope pulling his legs apart, and finally along the thickly-muscled hairy thighs. Rick focused special attention on the back and insides of Tony's thighs, slowly bringing the feathers closer and closer to Tony's ball sack and butt cheeks so enticingly displayed by his spread-legged tethering tight gym-shorts packaging.

Tony's laughs were mixed with soft gasps and muted squeaks.

Rick took the pointed stems at the bottom of the feathers and began to traces delicate patters across Tony's shorts-encased ass and nuts.

"How's that feel, stud? Bet that tight cotton really adds to the sensation, huh?" Rick said.

"No... nnnn...aaaahhhh hahaha...awwwww... dammmnnnn."

Tom grabbed a firm hold of one of Tony's feet and decided to see what dastardly tickling he could do once he had one of the big stud's peds totally immobilized.

Rick momentarily stopped his work on Tony's butt in order to slide his fingers under the waistband of the shorts and slowly lower them down over those beautifully muscled mounds with their downy-brown fur. Once Tom saw what Rick was doing, he stopped tickling Tony's foot. The young policeman exhaled long and loud.

Rick lifted Tony up a bit by the waist in order to grab the front of the gym shorts and pull them all the way down until the waistband would stretch no further. He now had Tony's ass in full view. Rick picked up a feather in each hand and began twirling them across those muscular globes. Tony let out a moan but remained still until he felt one feather concentrating on his big bull nuts and the other starting to softly trail down his ass crack. He instinctively clenched his butt cheeks.

"Wha... stop it man," Tony said barely above a whisper. "Come'on, that feels funny."

Again Tony tried to escape the delicate caress of the ticklish fronds, but he couldn't move and damn if his nuts weren't beginning to feel all tingly. With his legs spread out, Tony felt so vulnerable and helpless. No matter how hard he clenched his cheeks, he couldn't pull them together to protect his tight quim. Somehow this realization made his nuts tingle more.

"Oh jeeeeezzze... ya gotta stop featherin' my nuts. It's... it's drivin' me crazy dude. Come'on... oh mmmmnnnn... please... oh, oh, oh yeah... fuck."

Tony's hips had resumed a slight grind.

When the feather moving down Tony's crack landed on his quivering pucker, the stud-cop inhaled sharply.

"Whhoooaa! Get that dastardly thing outta there! Don't you dare do that! Naaawwwwwwwww.... you fucker... noooo... damnit, damnit... you're gonna do it aren't ya? You're gonna diddle my hole with that fuckin' feather. Ohhh shit that fuckin' tickles an' itches all at the same time... damnit!"

"Yeah, dude, you like that huh?" cooed Rick. "Gonna getcha all nice and itchy down there. Your ass is gonna be so hot you won't know what to do. Kitchy kitch coooooo... ha!"

"Ohh man!" moaned Tony. "And my big hairy balls too... Holy fuckin' feather fiends. You bastard Rick. Turnin' me into an itchy-assed boner-boy. I'll get'ya for this... aaawwwwwww, you're slidin' it in me. Ya got my ass to open up for a fuckin' feather!"

"Hey," Rick chided, "it's not your ass, man, it's your pussy, 'member? We're making you a nice hot man-pussy. Heh heh. It's a slippery slope ain't it! Yeah, I can see you sliding down that slope right now... soooo slooowly... with every little touch..."


"and tickle..."


"and delicious burning itch..." said Rick.

"Delicious itch...ohhh jeeeze..." groaned Officer Martino as he helplessly flexed his muscles and squirmed on the weightbench.

Tom grabbed another handful of grass clippings and started packing it into Tony's armpits. "Looks like a bit of this stuff has spilled out. We gotta get those soupy hairy pits of yours stuffed nice and full," he said.

"Naw man. I'm havin' a hard enough time tryin' to think straight. Don't shove that itcy shit into my pits," Tony whined.

Scrunch scrunch.

Scrunch scrunch.


Suddenly the feathers stopped.

"Okay Tony... so much for the appetizers. Now onto the main course. Man are we gonna have you fixed up!" said Rick.

Rick fetched a black plastic bag from which he pulled a box. "If you think it's been fun so far, wait'll we have this little baby in operation." He pulled out a six-inch dildo and held it up for Tom to see. "Look at this," Rick said as he flipped a switch at the base. "It vibrates... battery operated!"

As Rick started lubing the dildo he spoke to Tony: "Don't you worry Tony-o. We are gonna help you soothe that hot itch up your pussy in just a minute here. Yeah, baby, you are gonna like this. I think the batteries are good for up to four hours. Pretty impressive huh!"

Tony's mouth hung open as he watched Tony prepare the next agent of his anal submission.

"No... no man. You can't do this to me. That's gonna... that's gonna... awwwwww shit, that's gonna feel good. You can't pleasure my ass like that... I'll... I'll be helpless. You'll... you'll turn me into a fuckin' butt-boy. I'm a MAN for chrissakes! I mean, holy shit, look at all my muscles. I'm a stud you fucker. Chics and yeah, other dudes, they admire ME. I'm the one who gives the orders, man. You should be on your knees worshippin' me, YOU LITTLE PRICK! Do not insert that fuckin' rubber dick in my pussy... I MEAN... I MEAN, MY ASS!"

Rick and Tom laughed at Tony's lexical slippage.

"Shhhhhh..." Tom whispered, patting Tony on the head. "Relax buddy. This is gonna be great. You're gonna have a really good afternoon, 'cept, of course, for the blue balls. Who know's though? Maybe this little toy will get you so fired up you'll shoot, even with that strap on your cock. Man, that would be cool, huh! You shootin' a load without even touchin' your dick. Good practice for tomorrow when you are sittin' on my lap, your hands tied behind your head, my big prong up your mancunt. That strap comes off tomorrow. You'll be free to shoot all ya want, just from being dicked by another guy. Man... that is gonna be humiliating for you. Kind'a a confirmation that you have become a muscle-bound, dick-brained, pussy-boy. Whoooo weee... Fun for me and Rick though."

"And," Rick chimed in, "it all starts nowwww...."

Rick leaned over and tapped the head of the firm pink dildo on Tony's anal bud, that exposed portal still ferociously itchy from all the feather work. Gently, slowly, he corkscrewed the teasing twat-tamer into Tony's macho-assed tingling butthole.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!" yelled the cop, thinking that loudness might save the day or at least save his dignity.

Tom stood in front of Tony and stroked his own six-pack abs with the thick trunk of sandy-blond hair rising up to his plump pecs, packed in that tight gray half t-shirt. He tweaked his own eraser-sized nipples and ran his hands up his muscular forearms to his tight 18-inch biceps.

"Look at me Tone, nice huh? Yeah, all this hairy muscle... bet ya wanna get your hands on it don't ya... or maybe your tongue. We're a couple a muscle boys, you and me, buddy. This is what ya like... it's what ya need, ain't it. Yeah, you need to worship another muscle stud just like yourself... lickin' my sweaty pits and suckin' the goo outta my fat juicy cock, while you helplessly shoot your own thick creamy load in your jock-strap. All those muscles you got... years spent perfectin' 'em to make yourself into the perfect specimen of a macho muscle-cop... a guy who could have anything he wants just by unbuttoning your undersized cop shirt a bit and showin' off those big hairy pecs, or maybe flexing those biceps, real casual, like you didn't even know you were doin' it. All that time and effort and power to be surrendered in sweet agonizing helplessness to me and Rick. All those muscles submitted to the control of another muscle-guy and that big muscle-cock of yours taken outta the pussy market and turned into a permanently stiff jizz fountain, owned and operated not by you buddy, unh unh, nope, but by any guy who wants to put you in your proper place... make you his muscle-cop bitch. Providin', of course, he gets the approval of Rick and me... your new managers."

This time it was Rick's turn to stare slack-jawed. "Holy shit," he drawled. "Where the fuck did that come from?" Rick had never seen Tom take control like that, nor heard him speak with such masterful lusty glee. Damn, he wanted to fuck the daylights out of that blond muscle-punk right this minute! Rick looked down and noticed his own dick was throbbing and startinng to leak in his jeans. With renewed fervor, he resumed corkscrewing that dildo into Tony's ass like he was in a race against time.

Tom's words had Tony in a trance, but he snapped out of it when he felt that slippery rubber toy slide into place up his itchy hole like it was jet-propelled.

"Unngggghhhh, ooohhhhh," Tony sighed.

No sooner had Tony registered his fully-stuffed state, then he noticed how wet and sticky his belly felt.

"No. Oh no. This can't be right," the cop whimpered. "You fuckin' made me shoot my load, Tom. YOU BASTARD! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS! DO YOU HEAR MEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyaaaa.... wwhhhaaahhahaaaaaa.... dammmmmmnnnnnn... OOHHHH SHITTT!"

Rick had flipped the switch on the vibrating butt toy.

Tony flexed, he whimpered, he squirmed as the delicate buzzing on his joy button started his balls to churn, his cock to stiffen again, and his brain to weaken.

Rick pulled the last item out of the plastic bag and tossed it to Tom. "Put that on him. It's a nice big pecker-gag," Rick told his grinning partner in seduction.

While Tom fastened the straps behind a startled but speechless Tony, Rick rolled a small television and VCR on a dolly over in front of the writhing and gurgling stud's face. Once upon a time, Tony had planned for that TV setup to be used for watching the news or exercise videos or whatever, while he was downstairs working out. Instead, Rick popped in a neatly edited video of Tony's entrapment and take-down in the warehouse on Thursday, followed by hot scenes of Tony's many adventures since that fateful evening. In all, there were at least five hours of organized hi-resolution footage.

Rick turned the video on. "There you go, stud. I know you like to look at yourself. The sound is pretty good too. We'll come back later, give you some dinner. You and Tom can do some aerobics to shake off the muscle tension. Then it bed-time for you. Heh heh! All these dumb-bells lying around this room, and you're the dumbest of the lot."


Rick adjusted Tony's shorts, pulling them back up to his waist, but trapping his cockhead in the front waistband. As Rick headed to the stairs he saw a glint in Tom's eye. The blond muscle-boy plunged his hands into the bag of lawn clippings. He took the two heaving fistfuls and shoved them down the back of Tony's shorts. He patted and rubbed the grassy mound to work those irritating blades into the muscle-cop's hairy muscled ass-crack.

As Tom chased Rick up the stairs laughing, they heard Tony grunting and groaning. Tony felt the clippings tickling his crack, and worse, the sensitive skin around his juiced-up balls. He looked at his agonizing grass-stuffed pits and shook his tightly-muscled - and tightly-roped - arms to no avail. He didn't have any strength left. The pleasure device up his ass had seen to that. He turned to the video playing in front of him. He whimpered. His boner began to leak his precious Italian stud sauce.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 8

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