Trapped Muscle Cop

By Reflex

Published on Jul 24, 2005


Disclaimer: If you are under 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read material of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between men. It is entirely a work of fictional entertainment.

Trapped Muscle-Cop, Part 5 By Reflex ( Copyright 2005

Part 5: Open Wide Dude

"Why is my fuckin' meat so STIFF! Oh no, not more of that rope. Guys, I'll be good, promise. Don't... aarrrgh!"

It took Rick and Tom both to rope-up Tony's wrists, one across the other, in front of him. Tony looked at himself being tied up and the horniness of last night returned. In spite of his desire not to get the leather string around his dick wet, sticky sap bubbled up and out of his cock-tip. When his wrists were knotted, the rope was pulled around his waist twice and tied in double knots behind his back. Tony's arms were immobilized in front of him, the rope of his wrists softly scratching his dick helmet.

The guys led Tony upstairs. Rick grabbed the car keys and said he was going to get the cam. Tom sat Tony on the floor in front of the sofa. He pushed him down so his back was on the floor, then pulled his calves and feet up onto the cushions. Tom grabbed the TV remote and sat between Tony's spread-wide legs. He kicked off his dirty sneakers on either side of Tony's head and started running his sweaty stinking unwashed feet up Tony's struggling muscular arms, stopping briefly to rub all over the hunky biceps, then moving on to the prize, Tony's face. For the next several hours, Tom watched an old movie, a home construction show, which he loved, and some celebrity gossip program. He kept his hands brushing up and down Tony's muscular calves. Tony breathed in Tom's foot stink, and after a few kicks to the face, started sucking on Tom's toes and licking the sweaty blond guy's feet clean.

Tony couldn't believe the predicament he was in. He was a hot muscular dude, a cop for cryin' out loud, and here he was, in his own house, being forced to worship the sweaty feet of another guy! Humiliating as that was, the prospect of all those photos and that film footage going up on the internet made his head swim. He was only 25 years old; he couldn't stay trapped like this for the rest of his life... could he? He had to think of a way out of this. He wished he'd paid more attention in the basic detection course at the Academy.

As the minutes, and then the hours passed, Tony hadn't had any bright ideas. He was having a hard time thinking clearly. Damn that strap on his dick. It made it so difficult to focus on anything else. His tingling balls, his sticky wet cockhead, and the smell of Tom's feet were pretty much all that was percolating in Tony's brain.

Every now and then Tom would shuffle his feet and Tony could see the guy sitting on the sofa above him. Tom seemed completely absorbed in whatever was on TV. It was like his feet in Tony's face and his hands on Tony's legs were on autopilot. Tom took his feet off Tony's face and moved them down his chest. Hooking his big toes under the hem of the t-shirt he started to push back up. Tom hardly looked down while he did this. Tony lay there helpless, watching his tee rise up, exposing his hairy six-pack and then his big hairy pecs. Years of sit-ups and crunches had really paid off in the sculpting of his trim torso.

Tom's toes grabbed Tony's nipples and pinched. Tony gasped, watching Tom's feet inches away, but he couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't even try to buck Tom's feet off. The tweaking of his pumped up mantits had Tony erotically immobilized, utterly helpless. His nipples seemed more sensitive than ever. They also seemed not only directly connected to his cock, but, strangely, to his manhole. In fact, as Tony looked up Tom's strong hairy legs, his pucker started to flex, like it was making little kisses. As he looked at Tom's own big pecs, fit to burst out of that tight tank-top he was wearing, and then his rounded biceps and big hairy forearms, Tony's quim seemed to pucker up more, like it was opening and closing.

The sensation made Tony sigh. Thoughts of what a macho hairy muscled-stud Tom was, filtered through his brain. "Man, he was a good workout partner, too. Jeeeze, a hot, hairy muscleboy like me... we could be good buddies, workin' out and shit. Damn, his legs are fuckin' nice... yeeaahhh." Tony noticed the wet stain on the front of Tom's blue gym shorts. Tom looked down at Tony; saw where his eyes were focused and smiled. He looked at his feet on Tony's hairy chest, rubbing the nipples, caressing the pec muscle.

"You like that don't ya buddy... ha, ha... you can't move can ya... not a muscle... totally trapped." Tony just watched Tom's feet working his pecs over, his mouth forming an "O".

Tom reached down and traced his fingers along Tony's cockhead, causing it to spurt a bit of juice. Then he returned his hands to Tony's legs and his attention to the television. Tony remained quietly paralyzed, getting more and more aroused by the whole scene. For the next hour, his tits, his cock, and Tom's sexy body were his whole world.

When Rick returned, he made dinner. Tony's hands were freed so he could eat and do the washing up afterwards. During dinner, he kept trying to think of a way out of this mess. Smashing the computer wouldn't help since everything was on the internet. Shit, what was he gonna do?

When he was done in the kitchen, the guys informed him it was his bedtime. Tom grabbed a full plastic bag and they ushered Tony to his bedroom. He was told to leave his clothes on and lie down on the bed. Tom and Rick got on either side. Tom then opened the plastic bag. Whheeeeeeewwweeee... whatever was in there stank up the room almost instantly.

Tom pulled out the contents... his dirty socks!

"I wore each of these pairs for over a week... at work, at the gym. Wanted to see how stinky they'd get. Peeeuuuww! Guess I got my answer, huh? He tossed a foul sock to Rick. The guys started wrapping the socks around Tony's wrists.

"Hey, HEY! Come'on. Those things stink. What are ya gonna...?" Tony started to ask while watching the guys lift his arms to the sides of his head, then out to the corners of the iron bedframe.

"Oh no. You're not tyin' me up in those are ya."

"Softer than rope Tony," Rick said, "with the added benefit that you are gonna be breathin' in this raunchy cruddy foot stink all night. Imagine, when you wake up in the morning, you'll have had hours of this smell wafting through your nose and mouth, deep into your lungs! You're gonna get addicted. Hahahaha! Maybe for a change during the night, you can turn your head over to your pits and sniff Tom's... and your own, pit sweat. You're gonna have a blast."

Tom and Rick moved down to Tony's ankles and fastened them spread-eagle with more socks. Rick then went upstairs. Tom went into the little bathroom. He returned with a comb.

"What's that for Tom?" Tony asked. "Ya gonna fuckin' comb my hair?"

"Yep," Tom replied while pulling down Tony's gym shorts to just below his nuts. An incredulous Tony watched Tom run the comb through his pubes.

"Hey, what are ya doin' man... stop, that tickles."

Tom laughed. "I'm gettin' it all fluffed up down here."

Tony lifted his head up to watch Tom. He flexed the muscles in his arms and legs. It was all the movement he could get from his limbs. The ticklish sensation in his crotch was causing his pecker to pulse.

Rick came back down, set up the cam-corder and pulled out the digital camera. He dropped a stack of files on the floor. While Tom went back into the bathroom, Rick pulled a couple of the files open.

"Okay," he said. "I've got your banking information here. Looks like we can do pretty much everything on-line. Don't ya love the internet Tony! Ha! I see your monthly pay comes in via direct deposit. What were gonna do is set up an automatic transferal of funds. I've calculated an amount pretty much equal to two-thirds of your monthly paycheck. That will go automatically into my bank account on every pay day. The rest, you will have for making payments on the mortgage and your gym membership. If I've got this right, that should leave you about twenty-five dollars a month extra spending money. If ya need any more than that, I can loan it to ya... dependin'. Now, since your ID is your social security number, and I've got that here, I just need your password and we're in business!"


Tom returned. He held in his hand a pair of grooming scissors. "Stop your bouncin' Tony."

Tony was beside himself with rage. Rick got all his struggling and yelling on film, with Tom in the shot holding the scissors.

"Listen!" Tom said. "You don't calm down, I'm liable to accidentally cut your dick off! Well, okay, not with these scissors... but I could poke ya real bad. Now settle down!"

Tony yelled, exhaled and let his back drop down onto the mattress with a loud grunt.

Tom grabbed hold of some of Tony's fluffed up pubes and started to cut.

"Awwwwwwhhhwwhh FUCK," Tony sobbed. "Not my pubes Tom, shit dude, no. That's part of my manhood down there. Ya can't trim that off. Shit, what'll the guys at the gym think? No, you fucker. Don't!"

"The guys at the gym? Tom asked. "Tony, when are they gonna see ya naked? Never, man. Unless, they're members of your website, heh heh. You'll be showin' up already in your gym clothes... the ones ya got on now. It's not like you'll be showerin' afterwards... especially with your pubes all trimmed, ha! When you're done buildin' up a nice sweat, steamin' up your man-smells working out with your buddies, includin' me, we'll just be comin' right back here. Stop your worryin', whose gonna know?"

Tony whimpered, "Chicks man. They're gonna laugh their heads off. That's gay shit, man."

Rick and Tom both laughed.

Rick said, "Chicks, Tony? Those days are allllll over. You're hangin' with the men now. No more chicks for you buddy. We don't intend to let ya near one, outside of work, that is. You don't need pussy. You're gonna be the pussy, STUD! Haha."

Snip snip. Snip snip.

"Holy crap," Tony said, watching his bushy pubic hair get trimmed short.

"Ungh, ungh, ungh." Tony tried to get his wrists free. No use.

"Muscle-cop, that nice fat cock of yours is never gonna see pussy again," Rick said. "The only thing that's gonna touch it is my hand or Tom's or some other guy's... If you're a good muscle-boy, we might take ya downtown and tie ya up against some toilet partition with your cock pushed into a gloryhole. You can spend all night getting sucked off by any guy who comes into the restroom. If you're bad, we'll tie you to the urinals, with your badge on, of course. There's a nasty trucker's stop out on the highway. Bet they'd love to piss all over a cop.

"Oh no..."

Rick climbed up and straddled Tony's chest. He had a feather in each hand, which he immediately used to tease Tony's pit hair. He then trailed the feathers all over Tony's biceps, eliciting mewls of arousal. He leaned forward to work on Tony's hairy forearms, pushing his jean-clad crotch into Tony's face.

Tony couldn't see what Tom was doing, but he heard the scissors and could feel Tom's fingers running through his pubes.

"Oh man, not the feathers again," he moaned. "Ya know that makes me helpless... shit, ha, hoh hoh huuuummmm....., ssstttooopp...dammmmmiiittt... Not my pits... ohhhhh, damn they stink... What' are ya doin' to my pubes Tom? Awwwwhhhwwwhh... trimmin' my manhairs, shit... aarrggh...."

Rick returned to his original question. "What's your password Tony?" "No, nnngghh... not tel... tellin'... oohh... aahhhhhhhhhh."

Rick looked back. Tom was nearly done with Tony's trim job. Rick scooted down a bit. He took the stiff quills and scratched Tony's tits.

"Gnguuunnkkk... ah ah ah..,," Tony gurgled, watching the feathers scratch his nips through the tight t-shirt.

Rick got up to fetch the camera and snap some shots of Tony's shorn crotch. He patted what were now Tony's crotch whiskers and smacked his dick head. Tony hissed and gritted his teeth. Tom pulled Tony's shorts back up trapping his dick in the waistband again. Then he climbed up onto Tony's chest. He smiled at Tony and started lowering his dirty-blond haired forearm down to Tony's lips. He brushed it back and forth letting the hair tickle Tony's lips and nose. Tony breathed in.

"Oh man, ya got nice arms Tom... fuckin' muscly and hairy."

Tom used his other hand to pet and rub Tony's big pecs; softly running his index finger over Tony's nipples. He made a fist and flexed the arm brushing Tony's face.

"Yeah, have a look at that arm; look at that bicep and all that hair... go on... take a lick, Tony. Two hairy muscle studs appreciatin' each other... that's it." "Ohhhmmmmmmmmmm." Tony started lapping at Tom's arm as Tom kept sliding it back and forth. He then shifted himself a bit so Tony could lick his bicep.

"Tony, you're gettin' my bicep all nicely basted... that's hot man... Ohhh, here's my pit dude; give it a good swipe."

Tony was lost in deep muscle worship when Tom slowly pulled his arm away and lowered his chest onto Tony's face. "Lick my hairy chest, man. I need ya to do that sooo bad. Ohhh, that's it dude. Yeah, gettin' my chest all coated in your spit... shit your the best Tony," Tom whispered. Tony just writhed, his fingers twitching.

Slowly, Tom put his hands on either side of Tony's head. He pushed himself up, then ran two fingers under Tony's chin, while his other hand played with his own pecs to keep Tony distracted. The two fingers quickly slipped into Tony's mouth. "MMMMrrrrrghhhhh!"

"Suck on 'em dude. Suck on another guy's fingers."

"Nnnnnnrrrgghh..." It was the second time today that Tony was finger-fucked; first in his ass, now in his mouth. He felt so humiliated, getting helplessly worked over by a guy. It made him so hard though. His dick was dripping again. Tom pulled his fingers out. He asked, "Ya like that?"

Tony was massively confused. His mouth hung open. He didn't know what to say. Tom scooted all the way up and said, "I know ya did. You'll like this even more." He locked his hands behind Tony's head and started tilting it towards him. Tony looked down and saw what appeared to be a canon pushing out the front of Tom's shorts.

"Time for you to become a cocksucker, Tony. Once this rod of mine goes in your mouth, your days as this city's chief cocksman and pussyhound will be over. You will never again be ale to truthfully say that you haven't had a dick in your mouth. There goes your reputation buddy. Now, open up. Let my hairy stud dick in there. You're gonna suck it right through my shorts, slobber all over'em, get'em all wet with your spit."

"Awwwwwww fuuuucckk... not your stud dick... I... oh man, your cock looks so fuckin' hard... unnghh..."

Tony flexed his muscles again. His feet were gently kicking, his fingers twitching.

Rick applied a feather to Tony's dick.

"Hoh hoh hoh, nooo, oh no... I don't wanna be a cocksucERMMPPHHH!"

The plump head of Tom's dick was in. Tony's tongue started to baste it automatically. Tom grinned.


Tony whined around Tom's dickhead. Tom pushed in sloooowwwwly so Tony had time to see and feel every inch sinking into his mouth. Tony whimpered and writhed. "Yeah cop. We got your buff body all packed into my grimy sweat-stained gym gear, your big hairy muscles all tied down with my stinkin' sports socks and my gym-shorts-encased cock in your mouth. You're a muscle-worshipping, cocksucking, armpit-licking pig. Trapped muscle-cop pussy, that's what you are, and that's how we're gonna keep ya. Watch the teeth, cocksucker."

Tony was slobbering all over Tom's dick, moaning and sucking with a stupid expression on his face.

"Tell me your password, dickbreath, and I might not shoot my crud in your mouth," Tom panted. He was getting very close to cumming.

"Ow bwweeeeze, mmmo, mmmoo huu phphphuckerr..."

"Damn, dude, I'm about to blow... You got one hot mouth...."

"Eeeeeeeeehh... hhhh...aaary... hhhitts," Tony aspirated through his cock-stuffed mouth.

"Haryhits? I' don't understand man... Oh, it's commin', Tone..."

"HHH...AAARY...HHHIITTS!!!" Tony tried to yell.

"Ha ha! You mean 'hairypits' don't ya, you hairy muscled dick-licker." Tony nodded. Rick wrote the password down. He would change it to something Tony didn't know.

"Good... job... stud," Tom panted, "but toooooooo... laaaaaaaaaatttte..." Tom's dick started pumping out spurt after spurt of his hot man juice. It blasted right through his sticky wet shorts around his knob. Tony's eyes bugged out. He tried not to suck or swallow, but his reflexes kicked in. His own dick waved frantically trying to unload as thick creamy nut slop bubbled and oozed from his gaping piss slit. The leather cord strapped around his flexing tube of meat, ensured he got no full relief.

"OH YEAH... OH YEAH, DUDE," Tom yelled. "SUCK THAT SAUCE RIGHT OUTTA MY COCK! YYESSSSS... Get that goo down your throat dick-licker... oooohhhhh." Tom must have spewed 8 or 9 batches into Tony's no-longer-virgin mouth. He collapsed onto his hands, hovering over Tony's face. His softening dick lingering in Tony's mouth. Rick got lots of pictures.

Tom rolled himself off Tony and patted the tied-up stud's hairy belly. "It's all in here now, ain't it. My man-milk's got lots of protein to keep your muscles firm. I'll shoot some more on your scrambled eggs at breakfast tomorrow. Gonna keep you on a daily diet of my special syrup. Pretty soon you'll smell it in your sweat. Rick, are we done?"

"Ha ha, we're done, Tom, for tonight.

Tony was struggling with his bindings, his dick quivering... "Hey, what about me. Come'on... I'll let ya jack me off!" he said plaintively.

Rick chuckled. "He'll 'let' us... Tony you are too much. Sorry though. No time. We gotta go empty out your bank account and change the password."

"G'night cocksucker," Tom said. He laughed, flipped out the light, and closed the door.

Next: Chapter 6

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