Trapped Muscle Cop

By Reflex

Published on Dec 19, 2005


Disclaimer: If you are under 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read material of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between men. It is entirely a work of fictional entertainment.

Trapped Muscle-Cop, Part 14 By Reflex ( Copyright 2005

Part 14: Joining Up

The crack combat team of Tom, Rick, and the Colonel stood silent at the bottom of the stairs, looking at the scene before them. Tony was sitting on the weight-bench at Jason's left side. In his left hand he held a long tapered feather, which he was slowly strumming up and down the underside of Jason's straining shaft. The ticklish fronds tormentingly teased the thick cock from top to bottom.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm," Jason moaned. His eyes rolled back in his head.

Tony stopped for a second. He looked at Jason's face, seeing a mixture of frustration and agony mixed with, could it be, deliriously submissive pleasure? As the two studs looked at each other, Tony put his finger in the fly of Jason's shorts, hooked it through the fly of his briefs, and pulled outwards. He took the feather, now in his right hand, and slowly lowered it towards the intended target. Jason grunted and squirmed. He looked at Tony, then looked back at the feather as it made a gradual descent towards his large nutsack.

"Dude," Tony said, "look at all that short curly hair down there. This feather, dancin' through all that... man, it's gonna drive you nuts... ha ha!"


Tony pushed the feather down, encountering a bit of resistance from the underside of Jason's cotton briefs. He twisted the feather a bit and kept pushing like he was using a slim bristle-brush to clean out the narrow barrel of some kind of pipe. The long flexible frond bent under the pressure. Tony got it tucked in further and then pushed until the stiff tendrils of the fiendish instrument were tickling the sensitive skin behind Jason's balls. The seat of the chair only just prevented the pointy tip of the feather from making contact with Jason's tight butthole.

"That'll do," Tony said as he began to twist and saw the feather back and forth. Jason was breathing loudly through his nose. His eyes were open wide. Silently, seemingly unable to control himself, he spread his hairy muscle-packed thighs as much as he could.

"Oh ya like that do ya? That's good Jase, real good... ha ha ha," chuckled Tony. Jason whimpered. "Man that tickles, he thought. If Tony keeps this up, he's gonna get my balls good and packed with cum - shit!" Jason's dick was now dribbling his nut sauce like sap leaking from a maple tree - slow, but constant, thick, and sticky. He tried to clench his fingers and tug on the ropes at his wrist, but found he couldn't move a muscle.

"Ohhhhhh... it's like I'm being drained of energy," Jason thought. "Damn, that's exactly what this fucker is doing... he's slowly draining me. And there's not a damn thing I can do about it. Man oh mighty am I stuck."

Tony sawed the feather back and forth and back and forth to make sure he had stimulated Jason's nuts to full churning power; then he gently pulled the feather out. Jason moaned and watched the feather rise out of his shorts. He watched Tony switch hands. Tony gave Jason a devilish smirk. Once he had got the bound stud's attention, he flashed his eyes down to the fat glistening cock knob. He looked up again to see if Jason understood. Jason shook his head back and forth. "Nnnnoooppphhh, nnnoooppphhh!"

Tony whisked the feather back and forth across that tender fold of skin right where the shaft joins the base of the dick helmet. Jason jerked as if he'd been zapped with electricity.


He thought he was going to lose his mind. He wanted to grab that damn feather out of Tony's hand, but heck, looking at the flexing muscles in Tony's arm as he flicked that feather back and forth, along with the wild sensations in his dick, had Jason turned on like never before. He smiled at the thought of himself, "Yeah, this musclehead Italian can't resist me. I'm a sexy fucker, gotta admit it... and fuckin' horny too... sheesh, real horny."

Jason's brain started to cloud over. He couldn't form coherent thoughts. At that moment, his deliciously, agonizingly, pleasured dick was becoming his whole world.

"My diiiicckk... ooohhhh yeaaahh... my diiiiccckkk... ooohhhhh... ho ho... diiiicckkk..." Jason swallowed and felt the sock-sweat infused saliva drip down his throat. He tried to turn his mind to something other than his cock. It was a struggle. "Come'on Jase ol'boy, concentrate, gotta get your mind off your dick... aawww... damn, I've got a handsome cock though... Tony really knows how to take control of it, jesus that's hot," he thought.

The palm and fingers of Tony's free right hand started caressing Jason's hairy muscular forearm. Jason looked down in time to see Tony's fingers slide upwards to the thick rounded muscles in his upper arm. Jason blinked and stared. Tony's fingers slithered up under the tightly-stretched ribbed-cotton band at the end of the polo shirt's short sleeve. They circled around to the underside coming into contact with thick tufts of Jason's dense armpit hair.

Tom, Rick, and Dudley noticed a somewhat dazed and mesmerized look on Tony's face. The Italian cop let his fingers linger in the damp pit, entwining them with thick fronds of Jason's pit hair. Jason watched as Tony used the back of his fingers to push the sleeve further upwards. He then untwined his fingers and fluffed the now exposed hair. Tony leaned over and sniffed, letting the pit hair tickle his flared nostrils.

With a soft, deep, throaty rumble Tony muttered, "Ahhhhh, your fuckin' sexy pits, man..."

Jason made a muffled whiney sound. Tony had dropped the feather and was now absent-mindedly palming Jason's slicked-up cock-tip. His right hand had moved down to his own hefty pecker, rubbing it through his shorts.

Rick cleared his throat, "UH HEM."

Tony and Jason slowly looked over towards the staircase.

"Two boned-up dick-brained hunks ready for the taking," Rick said. "That's just what we like around here."

Jason and Tony, locked in sexual torpor, looked on stupidly.

Tom spoke up, "Hey, hate to break up the party muscleheads, but we got business." Rick quietly snorted at the irony of that statement coming from Tom.

The three men strode over to the hapless duo. Tony sat up.

Rick looked at Jason. "You must be Officer O'Reilly," he said, beaming. "I assume Tony here has pointed out the cameras?"

Jason grunted.

"Now you see, Officer O'Reilly, we heard that you took some unapproved pictures of Tony-boy, here. That wasn't too smart. So, just to even things out, we now have some compromising pictures and video of you."

"He's 'notredamefan'," Tony blurted out.

"Who?" Tom asked.

"The guy who sent me that e-mail!"

"I thought that was some guy from the chat-room on the website?" Rick queried.

"Yeah!" Tony said. "The same one... it's him!"

Rick, the Colonel, and Tom all looked at each other.

"Huh!" Rick exhaled. "Isn't that interesting. Well, well, well, Officer O'Reilly... just what were you doing on Tony's website?"

Rick put his fingers and thumb on Jason's chin.

"No way a straight guy would have found that unless he was cruising for something, uh... a little different. What's that about stud? Huh? Well, let's see... So there you were at home, a big handsome brute, sitting at your computer, surfing the net, probably with that nice big cock in your hands... and you were looking for pictures of... other guys... guys like yourself... big, strong, macho cops. I bet you were real excited when you found Tony's site, huh? Yeah, just what you were looking for, but even better... turned out you knew the guy on the site! So many possibilities. I can see it now. You thought, man, not only will I get to have some fun with a stud just like myself, but I'll knock him out of the competition for the promotion. Heh heh heh. Yeah, you thought you'd have Tony by the balls forever, didn't you big boy? You'd get the promotion, humiliating your chief rival in the process, and you'd get him to suck your dick whenever you wanted. Am I right? Sure I am... and hey, I understand. I can see your position real clearly. There's just one thing that's a little confusing. You found Tony's website by accident, but it was just the kind of thing you were looking for, wasn't it! The fact that what you wanted starred your very own partner, was simply icing on the cake."

"Mmmuurrrggffff," grumbled Jason, his eyebrows furrowed into a frown.

"Uh huh... I know, that website is fuckin' hot, isn't it? Bet it got you all steamed up," Rick said, patting Jason on the chest. "Just like you are now... aaaaalllllllll steamed up and hard."

Jason whimpered and looked at Rick pleadingly.

"Tony told us last night that nearly every day on morning patrol you played with his pits. Trust me, I understand the attraction... those deep muscular cavities, all densely furred, good and ripe... and so vulnerable... really makes him purr like a kitten doesn't it. Yeah, he's a total pit pig, aren't ya Tony?"

Tony didn't reply. He was too dumbstruck listening to Rick take Jason down.

"Thing is, Officer O'Reilly, that's kinda funky, you wantin' to play with his pits so much, don't ya think? And then, I come in here, and well, to be honest, it looked to me like you were really gettin' off on him playing with your stinkin' sexy pits."

Rick put his finger under the bill of Jason's baseball cap and pushed it back up his forehead.

"There we go. Yeah, that's real cute, muscle-boy. That's what you are aren't ya? A big built muscle-boy... a GAY muscle-boy, with a big juicy dick that needs to be taken in hand, controlled, supervised... maybe locked up good and secure when it's not being tormented for some other guy's pleasure and entertainment."

"NNNNNOOOOOMMMMFFFF... NNNOOOOOOMMMFFF... NNOFF GAIFFF... NOFF GAIFFFFF FFUUUKKRRR.. NNNNOOOOOOPH!" Jason tugged on the ropes binding him to the chair. "Not gay? So why is your dick so hard?" Rick said.

Jason looked down helplessly at his throbbing penis.

"Maybe not... might be more fun if your straight, like Tony here, ha ha hah! It doesn't really matter. I've made my decision. A gay muscle-boy is what you are... or what you are going to become, like it or not, heh heh heh. Unless I am very mistaken, you're never going to be dating chicks again. That's all over cutie, heh heh."

Jason balled his hands up into fists like he thought he could rise up and slug Rick. Instead, he just looked down at his useless muscle-bound arms and fired off a thick slug of ball juice up onto his shirt.

Rick looked at Jason's shirt and grinned. "Now, let me introduce you to someone. Officer Jason O'Reilly, meet Colonel Roger Dudley."

Jason looked up, confused. Dudley's eyes brightened and his moustache gave a twitch as he flashed his straight white teeth.

"The Colonel has been in the market for a house-mate and a nice healthy young buck like you is just what he had in mind. From now on, you are his property."

Jason grunted loudly and tugged at his bonds again.

"Ha ha," Rick laughed. "Yeah, kinda sucks doesn't it. That good-looking face and all that hard work you put into your body to snag the babes, and all so that at the young age of twenty-five you could be turned into another man's toy," Rick said as he stepped behind Jason to rub his shoulders.

The force of a lifetime's habit caused the Colonel to reach over and shake Jason's limp hand in greeting. Jason was lost for words, even muffled one's.

Dudley was so excited, he hardly knew what to do. He rubbed his hands in glee. "Er, now then Private, let's have a look at you here." The Colonel stepped back and stroked his own chin. "Uh huh... yes... yes, indeed. You're mighty handsome boy, good and muscular, real hairy legs and arms too. I like that... good and manly. Fine pair of pecs on you. Judging from your shirt collar, looks like they've got a nice coating of hair as well. Yes sir, young man, we'll give that chest of yours lots of attention."

Jason looked down at his pectoral mounds and breathed heavily, his nostrils flaring and his dick bobbing.

The Colonel walked up to Jason's head and took off his baseball cap. Dudley ran his fingers through the thick light-brown hair. "Good head of hair you got here Private O'Reilly. Looks like you get it cut at one of those fancy salons, though. Can't have that. Not in the army, Private. Colonel Dudley walked over to the duffle-bag he had brought with him. He dropped it back behind the chair and looked at the ropes around Jason's neck.

"Hmmm. Men I need to remove the rope around this young man's neck, but I don't want him leaping about. You got any more rope... a good long strand?"

Tony stepped over to the cardboard box from which he had retrieved the other pieces of rope. "Here you go, sir!" he said enthusiastically.

"Good work. Now pull it across his torso, right there under his pec ridge... that's it. Here, I'll help ya. Bring that end around again... good... now let's tie a second knot here, behind the chair-back. Okay, I'll take this end and throw it over his shoulder. You thread it through the coils up front, pull it taut and tie a knot... Okay, now pass the rope over his left shoulder and I'll bring it down and join it with the knot back here."

Jason now had a large rope knot at the center of his chest, just between his pecs, with lengths stretching around and around to either side as well as two strands crossing up over his shoulders. Combined with the coil around his waist, the snug bindings had Jason's torso completely immobilized.

The Colonel set to work untying the knots at Jason's neck. He removed the rope and Jason rotated his head to relieve some of the stiffness. He had a slight red ring around his neck, but not much of one, as Tony had promised. After some difficulty unscrewing the tight old screws that held the headrest in place, that too was removed. Dudley fished around in his duffle-bag. Jason heard a snap, followed shortly thereafter by a click and then... BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! Jason's eyes nearly popped out of his head. He shook his head back and forth shouting "NNNOOOOOOF, NOOOOOOFFF, NNNOOOOOF" into his gag. He tried to move his body, but could only moderately jerk his elbows and knees.

The Colonel brought the hair-clipper in front of Jason's face. "Time for your first crew cut Private. This is how you are going to wear it from now on... real short on the sides, a little bit higher up on top."

Jason was a spectacular sight. A big young muscular stud writhing in bondage as an older man prepared to take away his salon-styled hair and leave him with the trim army crop he would sport from now on.

"Now hold your head still Private, this is the first step in how the army claims its masculine property," said Dudley.


Jason shook his head, refusing to cooperate. Tony came up beside him, smiled, and grabbed him by the jaw. "Hey Jason, let this be a lesson to ya. This is what ya get when you mess with me. Now don't be a baby, asshole. Take it like a man, it ain't gonna be so bad. After all, the Captain wears his hair this way."

"Who's your Captain, Martino?" Colonel Dudley asked.

"Burt Clemens."

"Burt? Burt?" Dudley repeated.

"Yeah, like I said, BURT Clemens."

"Son-of-a-gun! Haven't seen Burt in years. Have to give him a call."

"You know him?" Tony asked.

"Oh yes... long time ago... used to be in the army, you know. Fine man."

Dudley put one hand on top of Jason's head to steady it. Jason jerked his head away again. Tony let go of his jaw.

"Hang on a sec, Colonel," Tony said.

Tony sat down on the weightbench, reached across Jason's restrained lap, and took his partner's firm rod in his hand. "You just simmer down, boy," Tony said. He began a slow and tantalizing rub up and down Jason's shaft. Within a couple of minutes, Jason was putty in the Colonel's hands.

"Nnnaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwfff... phhhiitttttt..." Jason whimpered.

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Bzzzzzzzzz... Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Bzzzzzzzzz... Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Bzzzzzzzzz...

Dudley ran the clippers slowly up the back of the neck and head, over around the sides, and above the ears. He took as long as he possibly could, trying to draw out the rich humiliation for Jason of having some other guy totally screw up, or is that 'crew-up', his expensive hair-cut. Jason saw dense snippets of his light-brown hair tumble down onto his shoulders and chest. Tony's laughter along with that of Tom and Rick, added to his frustration.

The Colonel stopped for a minute, changed the gage on the clippers to a slightly higher one, then turned his attention to the top of Jason's head. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Tony had now let go of Jason's dick. He grabbed the full-length mirror leaning against the wall in his bedroom, and set it down at Jason's feet, propping it up so O'Reilly could see the finishing touches to his new haircut.

As the Colonel slowly clipped, Jason watched and moaned and flexed his muscular arms.

"Holy fuckin' shit, how do I get out of this?" he asked himself. "Aw damn I look fuckin' hot, though. Shit all these muscles I've got and I can't even stop this queer-assed Colonel from totally fuckin' with my hair. And what's this 'from now on' crap? No way, he's keepin' me as his personal property... turning me into his fucking gay muscle-boy. Shit, he said this was just the first step... what the fuck else is he going to do to me... play with my man-tits, I bet... and my pits... awwww shit, that'd totally fuck me overrrrrrrr... awwwww..." All of a sudden Jason took a deep breath through his nose.

"Uuunnngghhh... arrrrggghhh... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmfff." His dick began firing stream after stream of his hot steamy spunk, the creamy goo spraying all over his shirt...


On it went, seemingly endless.

Dudley turned the clippers off and chuckled. "Good job, Private. I'm going to take you down nice and easy and you are going to help by involuntarily shooting load after load, just like that."

Jason groaned and twitched.

"Hey Colonel," said Tom cheerily. "What about down here?"

Tom reached down and unfastened the button at the top of Jason's shorts. He grabbed hold of the waistband of Jason's briefs and tried to lower them. Jason's dick, sticking out of his fly, was in the way, so Tom only succeeded in revealing an inch or two of Jason's thick pubic bush.

The Colonel ran his fingers through the dense tufts as Jason looked on dumbstruck. "Very nice... very nice, indeed. No, I like that just as it is. Private Dickbrain, here, will be kept in low-waisted shorts and bikini briefs. I want to see his thick crotch hair sticking out about an inch or so above the top. Yes, that should suit him!"

"Eeeruuutttt? Aaaawww ffffuuukkk," mumbled Jason.

"Whaaayyyy to go Colonel! I like how ya think!" shouted Tom as he clapped the Colonel on the back.

"Now men," said Dudley, "enough horse-play. It's time to pack-up our young Private, here, and deliver him to his new home!"

The Colonel retrieved a pair of cuffs from his duffle-bag and locked them around Jason's ankles. Next he took a strip of black cloth, pulled it across Jason's eyes, and knotted it in back. Tom then firmly gripped Jason's right arm as the Colonel untied that wrist. The rope was quickly replaced by a metal handcuff. Jason tried to jerk his arm free when he felt the metal, but Tom maintained his grip, pulling the arm back behind the chair.

"Owwsssh!" said Jason.

Dudley freed the left arm, which Tony then pulled behind as Rick clicked the remaining cuff, locking the wrists together.

The four men set about rapidly untying Jason who, himself, was thinking quickly about how he might escape. Alas, with his wrists and ankles cuffed, his mouth gagged and his eyes blindfolded, his chances were slim.

Rick and the Colonel unrolled a large wool rug. Jason was hoisted out of the chair by the four men and laid on top of the rug at one end. Rick, Tony, and Tom proceeded to roll the rug with Jason in it. Jason struggled and grunted, but with each roll of the rug his noises were further muffled and his ability to move reduced from marginal to nonexistent. Ropes were then tied around the rug to keep it rolled up.

"Nicely done men... nicely done," said the Colonel. "Now, everyone at their stations." Tom, Rick, and Tony saluted the Colonel, squatted down and lifted up their heavy package. The Colonel blew his whistle. "Attennnn-ShuN... Forward... March!" The troop stomped up the stairs with the Colonel leading the way.

Old Mrs. Gains saw the procession as it crossed the street. "Oh isn't that nice of those boys, helping the Colonel," she said to herself. She waved. Tom waived back, "Good afternoon, maam," he shouted.

The march continued up the Colonel's driveway, in through his back door and down the steps to his basement. Beyond those walls, not a soul in the world had a clue what was going on.

The Colonel's precious cargo was laid gently on the floor of the 'brig' and unrolled.

Jason tried to shout, "Mmmmmmmpffuuuuukkkkkrrrrrrssssss!"

While Tony and Tom pulled the rug out to the main room of the basement, Dudley and Rick rolled Jason onto his stomach. Rick untied the sock-gag. Jason used his tongue to push out the spit-drenched dirty sock from his mouth.

"Ptttuuhh!" He spat, trying to get rid of the acrid taste. "What is this, you fuckers? Let me go or you're gonna to be in a lot of trouble... you hear me!"

"Unless you want to appear in your very own website tonight, you'll shut your trap now O'Reilly," said Rick calmly as he removed the blindfold.

The Colonel unlocked the cuffs around Jason's ankles and wrists. He and Rick dashed out of the cell and firmly closed and locked the steel door. When Jason heard the locks click into place, he sprang to his feet and pounded on the door.

"Hey... HEY! What the hell is this? Open up, damnit!"

Jason looked around the room. It was painted in beige and army green with some brown trim. He pounded on the walls; they were solid. Two walls had a little window up high, near the ceiling. Iron crossbars prevented any possibility of escape. The room was fitted out with a wooden table and chair, a stuffed lounge chair, a single bed with an iron frame, and assorted pieces of workout equipment. There were two small doors. One opened onto an empty closet, the other led to a small bathroom with a toilet, sink and shower.

"Private Dickbrain, this is your commanding officer."

Jason darted out of the bathroom. He had heard the Colonel's voice, but he couldn't see him anywhere.

"Where are you, you bastard? Let me out of here!"

"All in good time, Private. First, you need to learn some manners."

"Fuck you!" Jason replied.

"Private, you will address me as SIR!"

Jason looked around. The voice was coming from above.

"I'm up here Private, in the corner, by the ceiling."

Jason looked up.

"That's it. See the little black box in the left corner? There's another one over to the right. They're speakers. Next to each of them is a camera, linked to my computer. I can see and hear you, so no need to shout."

Jason tried to jump up and knock the speakers and cameras off the ceiling, but they were up too high. He tried to pull the bed over closer to give himself a better reach, but found that the bed was bolted to the floor, likewise the table, the stuffed armchair, and the weightbench. The Colonel laughed at the stud's futile efforts.

Jason looked at the rickety wooden chair by the table and decided to give it a try.

"Close, but no cigar, Private," laughed the Colonel as Jason found the speakers still just a bit out of reach. Jason got down, put his hands on his hips and said, "What do you want with me, you jerkoff?"

"Hmmm, resistance... I like that... makes it all the more exciting for me. We shall see how long that lasts. Not long is my bet muscle-boy," said Dudley.

"Stop calling me that!"

"Private, in honor of your new arrival... and your haircut... I have provided you with a change of clothes. You will see them on the bed. Change into them now." Jason looked at the gray tee-shirt with the word 'ARMY' printed across the chest. Next to it was a small pair of army green shorts with a matching cotton belt passed through the belt-loops.

"These'll barely cover my fucking bubble-butt... no way," he muttered.

All that remained was a pair of gray wool socks and a pair of polished black lace-up boots.

Jason punched his right fist into his left palm. "Dammit, I'll look like some sort of gay army slut. He can't do this to me!"

Jason looked up again and said, "If you think I'm putting this shit on, you are out of your mind, you hear me?"

"Private, I will only tell you one more time... now change into your new house-clothes."

"Fuck off, asshole!" Jason retorted.

There was no response. Jason paced the room, looking for some means of escape. "Man, this crazy nut has set up a fuckin' army jail for me," Jason said to himself. "Well... he can't keep me here. I have to be back at work on Monday."

Jason picked up the shorts again and looked at them. His dick started to stiffen. "Shit, I wonder what he is going to do to me between now and then? He seemed to really like my chest... huh," he thought as his right hand casually rubbed his pecs.

As Jason continued to look at the clothes laid out for him and thought about his sexy muscle-bound body, a square panel behind bars in the steel door opened. Jason turned his head and saw the Colonel, with the other guys behind him.

Jason tried the friendly approach. "Come'on guys, good fun and all, but enough is enough, huh? Come'on Tony, I was just kidding about the promotion, dude. May the best man win, okay? Let me out, huh? What do you say, guys?"

The Colonel smiled and smoothed his moustache with his fingers. "Private, I am disappointed. You seem disinclined to take orders. I shall change that pesky situation."

"You fuckin' mad army bastard, OPEN THIS DOOR!"

The Colonel threw two small pebble-sized pellets into the room. They cracked when they hit the floor and white smoke started slowly seeping outwards.

"What the fuck is that!" Jason shrieked.

"Just a little something we use in the army. It helps subdue our opponents. You will find it very relaxing... very, very relaxing. It's nap-time, O'Reilly. Sweet dreams," laughed the Colonel as he slammed the window panel shut.

"NO, you bastards... NO, I don't wanna take a nap, dammit!" Jason shouted. He kicked the pellets into the corner and pounded on the door.

The Colonel looked at the images flowing into the computer. He nearly shot his load just watching Jason's gym-toned body in action. "Look at those big strong hairy arms pounding on the door. Damn, men, I am going to have fun with this fella."

All Jason's physical exertion had caused him to breath in deeply. "Awww nooooo," he moaned as he sat down on the bed. "Shit... he's got me... that fucker." Jason rubbed his dick some more. He was having a hard time keeping his eyes open. He yawned. Five minutes later, Jason was lying on the bed sound asleep.

The Colonel and his 'troop' put on gas masks. They entered the room, stripped Jason of his clothes and put him in the Colonel's preferred uniform.

Tony looked at Jason's big shiny watch. "Hey, can I have that," he asked.

"I'll take the watch," said the Colonel. "We'll have no thieving in this army, Martino."

"I'm not a thief! They took my watch!" said Tony pointing at Tom and Rick.

Dudley cleared his throat. "Maybe you have forgotten your place around here, Private Martino!"

Tony gulped, remembering full well his intensely horny Sundays in this basement. "Fuck, I'm still their toy," he thought to himself.

The men headed out of the room. When the door was closed again, the Colonel rubbed his hands together in devilish joy. "Oh this is too exquisite, absolutely the best! Just wait until he finds out what I shoved up his ticklish man-hole. Ha ha ha!"

Rick and Tom joined in the laughter. "Take good care of him, Colonel," said Tom. Tony was quiet, knowing himself the fiendish pleasures of the Colonel's basement. ____________________

Around 4:00 in the afternoon, Jason awoke. He felt a bit groggy, but roused himself. As he lay on the bed, contemplating his tricky situation, his mind drifted back to the images that had percolated through his brain while he was sleeping. "Man what kind of crazy-assed dream was that?" He put his hands behind his head and thought. He had visions of Tony tying him up and playing with every inch of his body, erotically teasing him to a blasting ejaculation. Jason didn't know it, but he had a rather funny half-smile on his face. Suddenly, the image of the Colonel, with his long moustache, curled at the ends, came into Jason's mind. The Colonel appeared to be laughing as he told Jason that he was going to turn him into a pea-brained muscle-boy whose future would be filled with constant sexual entrapment. "Awwww heck..." Jason moaned. He felt his cock getting hard, but it seemed to be rather confined. He looked down to see what the problem was.

"SHIT!" he yelled. "How did this happen?"

Jason leapt up and looked at himself in the full-length mirror. His chest was encased in the gray 'ARMY' tee-shirt that looked about a size too small. It only came down to his belly-button. His feet were in the black army boots with the gray socks just peeking over the top. It was the shorts, however, that really made him gasp. They were impossibly tight; they just barely covered his muscular rounded ass-cheeks and they sat low on his hips. There was roughly a six- or seven-inch gap between the bottom of his tee and the top of his shorts. Not only did this fully expose his broad treasure trail as it continued from his washboard abs down into his crotch, but at least an inch of his pubes could be seen above the waistband of his shorts.

"No way... Shit! It... it looks like my crotch hair has been... geeze... kind of, kind of... combed and fluffed! Aw that's fuckin' pornographic, man," Jason said to himself as he looked at his reflection and ran his fingers through the tufts of hair sticking out above his shorts.

"Damn I look fuckin' sexy, but shit that's too much!"

Jason's dick was now throbbing in his shorts, reminding him that it wanted some attention. He cupped his cock in his right hand and gave it a little squeeze. As he did so, he looked at his muscular hairy arm and then at the tee-shirt. The restricting cotton outlined every aspect of his chest. His plumped-up nipples looked like they were about to punch holes through the material. The sleeves seemed to come only a few inches beyond his shoulders, just to the top of his biceps. Generous tufts of his pit hair poked out the undersides. Jason started to rub his cock more vigorously.

"Man, I have gotta get these shorts off and have a good jerk... sheeesh."

The shorts were held in place by a broad cotton-weave belt. Jason reached for the flat, rectangular, polished metal clasp and tried to pop it open. For some reason, this didn't seem to be working. Jason started to get agitated. "Why the fuck won't this open?" he said aloud.

"Because it is locked," came the Colonel's voice over the speakers.

Jason was slightly startled at first. He had nearly forgotten about the speakers and cameras.

"What do you mean 'it's locked'? It's a belt buckle, dammit, it should open."

"Not this one Private. There is a little keyhole on the left side, see that?"

Jason looked. Sure enough, there did seem to be some locking mechanism.

"What, so I'm locked into these shorts?"

"Right you are, Private!"

Jason tugged hard at the metal clasp with both hands, jerking himself about the room as he tried to prove that the Colonel could not get the better of him. After watching the frustrated muscular display for a few minutes, the Colonel spoke again. "Give up, Private. You will be staying in those shorts until I decide otherwise."

"What if I have to pee?"

"Unzip your fly. Isn't that what you usually do?"

"Uh... what if I have to use the crapper?"

"That will be arranged. I guarantee you won't have any accidents. You will find the passage is blocked," laughed the Colonel.

"Huh?" said Jason. His attention was now drawn to his ass. He looked at it in the mirror, but couldn't see anything. He ran his hands over his butt-cheeks. The Colonel loved watching that!

"What are you talking about? I don't feel anythiiiiiiiiiiyyyyo ho hooooo! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT, MAN?" Jason asked. As Jason tried to pry apart his luscious ass-globes, he felt something firm stuck up his butthole.

"Heh heh heh... like it? It's a nice slender buttplug. It should help loosen you up a bit. You will find that when you move about, the nifty little device will rub deliciously against your tender fat control button, way up inside your new pussy... boy."

Now that Jason's mind was firmly on his butt, the sensations of the plug were slowly pushing him up the hill to total horniness.

"Awwww man! Hey! I'm a police officer! You can't plug my ass! That's gotta be against the law!" Jason shouted. He went back to tugging on the belt clasp. "Damn, how am I gonna get that thing out of there?"

"I knew you would like it, Private. Now, why don't you lie down on the bed, put your arms above your head, and I will show you what else that little toy can do."

"Fuck, ungh, off, ungh!" Jason grunted as the tugged at the belt clasp with one hand and tried to get his finger on the base of the plug with the other. The sight was a hilarious one and Dudley couldn't help but laugh at Jason's erotic predicament.

"Okay, sport, but don't say I didn't warn you," Dudley snickered. Two seconds later, the sliding window panel in the steel door was lowered. Jason turned to look. He stopped what he was doing and marched over towards the door and Dudley's smiling face. Dudley held up what looked like a little remote control and pointed it at Jason. He pressed a button. Jason stopped in his tracks.

"Whhooooaaaaa... maaannnn... what the... fuuuukkk?"

"It... heh heh... vibrates!" said the Colonel.

"Oh no! Oooohhhhh... aaaawwwww."

Jason had a somewhat ecstatic expression on his face. His cock stiffened as much as possible in the confining space of the shorts. He stood paralyzed, swallowing his spit... and then his knees began to give way.

"Oh man... oh man, oh man, oh man... ooohhhhh... my butthole."

Jason walked a little bow-legged over to the bed. He lay down. "T...turn... it... off!" he pleaded. He looked over to the window and saw the grinning Colonel shaking his head 'no'.

Jason spread his legs and looked down his body. His fingers were twitching at his sides. "Oh ho ho ho ho... this feels... shit it feels weird, man... oh God... I'm fucking help... less... ooohhhhh." Jason couldn't stop himself. He reached down, unzipped his fly, and pulled out his thick ramrod. He cupped his fingers around it and began a slow up and down movement. "Aw fuck, my dick is all tingly. Ohhhh... yeaahhh. Okay... okay... you win... you win. I'm on the bed. Turn it off!"

Colonel Dudley let Jason tease himself a while longer, then told him to put his arms above his head.

"Awww my butt... okay... oh geeze-louise."

Jason raised his arms above his head and whimpered as the Colonel entered the cell. Dudley went straight for the stud's wrists and locked them into leather-padded steel cuffs attached to the metal bed-frame. He pulled the table-chair over to the head of the bed and looked down at Jason. The Colonel's fingers walked down Jason's arms, drawing teasingly ticklish little circles that made Jason squirm and sigh. "Aw man, your playin' with my biceps... you got me laid out like some kind of muscle buffet." The Colonel chuckled, "he he, that's correct, Jason... and I will be tasting everything on offer over the years to come."

When the Colonel's fingers reached the sleeves of the cotton tee-shirt, he let his hands glide up and over the pits, bringing them down on Jason's bulging pecs, where they rubbed in circles, zeroing in on the stud-cop's nipples. Using his thumbs and index fingers, Dudley squeezed the nipples gently, scratching the tight cotton tee-shirt back and forth across the tips of Jason's macho-man-tits. With his head propped up on a pillow, Jason could see as well as feel what the Colonel was doing. Something about the sight of the Colonel's strong hands having their way with his firm chest was mesmerizing. The Colonel, speaking softly in Jason's ear, was describing what he was doing, heightening the erotic sensations for Jason and forging mental connections between getting his pecs and tits worked on and acute sexual arousal. Dudley peppered his dialog with vivid and highly sexual praise for Jason's muscular body. From the moment he had seen Jason across the street earlier, Dudley had figured this stud for a slave to having his own body worshipped. He would be incapable of putting up resistance and his fate would be sealed.

"Oh yeaaaahhhh, maaannn... my body is fucking hot. You... you like my muscles Colonel? I... I put a lot of work into 'em, man. Sexy, huh? Fuck, I am such a stud...Oh man, you're really working my tits... damn, that itches and tickles all at once... awwww." Jason whimpered and lightly kicked his legs back and forth. "Aw geeze, you're gettin' me all excited here, Colonel."

Jason had a zapped look on his face, like someone had just erased his mental hard-drive. The Colonel recognized the signs of surrender. After about twenty minutes of using Jason's tits to short-circuit his brain, the Colonel slid his hands down the solid stretched-out torso. With his left hand, he gently massaged the firm hairy plane below Jason's belly-button. He used his right hand to alternately pat, fluff, and tug on Jason's pubes. Jason was breathing heavily. His dick was now dripping profusely.

"Yeeeessss, Private... I know just what you need. You be good and I won't release any of the footage those cameras are recording."

Jason turned his head towards the cameras. He flexed the muscles in his arms and legs. "Ohhhhhh... shiiiiiiiittt."

A half an hour later as Jason's tongue lolled out of his mouth, Colonel Dudley moved his hands again. He brought them back up to Jason's biceps. He squeezed and tickled as Jason obediently flexed his muscles for him. Slowly, his fingers began playing with the tufts of pit hair poking out of Jason's short sleeves. Jason turned his head back and forth to watch.

"Naaaawwwww, you fucker... ooooohhhhhhh."

The Colonel's fingers slipped inside the sleeves and went to work. "For the next hour I am going to tease, torment, and pleasure these hairy caverns. We are going to begin your training as a pit slut, just as you did so successfully with Tony Martino. You'll like that, won't you boy?"

"Oohhh yeaaahh... my hot pits, man... awwww, don't do it to me... ooohhhh, fuuukkk," Jason moaned.

"How does your cock feel?" Dudley asked quietly.

Jason gulped. "Oh it's achin' man... shit you got me so fuckin' horned up."

"Good... good. I want you to concentrate on your cock... on how it feels... the stiff, itchy, tingly, achy sensations pulsing up your big pecker. Think about all that sticky goo dripping out the top and down the pulsing shaft... keep your eyes focused on it, okay stud?"

"Oh man, my cock... fuck yeah... my cock... ooooohhhhhhh..."

"Later," the Colonel whispered, "when I have got you nicely strapped into a little frame I have, we will talk about your future and just how things are going to be now that you are the Colonel's gay muscle-boy slave."

"My... my... my... cock, oh man... my cock..."

"Good boy, Private Dickbrain."

Next: Chapter 15

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