Trapped Muscle Cop

By Reflex

Published on Dec 19, 2005


Disclaimer: If you are under 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read material of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between men. It is entirely a work of fictional entertainment.

Trapped Muscle-Cop, Part 13 By Reflex ( Copyright 2005

Part 13: Not According to Plan


Tony was laughing his head off. It was only 8:30 on Saturday morning, but the naked dark-haired muscle-cop was propped up on his bed, pillows behind his back, his arms outstretched and tethered to the headboard, his legs spread wide, ankles roped to the corners of the bedframe. Rick sat on a stool at the foot of the bed. In each hand he held a comb, which he was skillfully using on Tony's feet to drive the firmly secured muscle-cop crazy.


Tom, in an old pair of shorts straddled Tony's waist with his big blond-haired legs. He had a soft horsehair shoebrush in each hand and a broad Cheshire-cat grin on his face.

"Aw come'on Tony, we're just helpin' ya out with your morning groomin'... gettin' ya all nicely combed and brushed... You have to be ready for your big date with your buddy O'Reilly at 11:00!" Tom said casually.

"HA HA... THAT'S NOT FOR TWO... TWO AND A HALF... HOURS YET... HA HA HA HA HA!" "Yeah, but look at you Tony," Rick said with a laugh. "You're a mess. It's gonna take at least that long to get you ready, pal!"


"Ha ha, Tony Tony Tony... you just settle down," Tom said. 'We're gonna take good care of ya. Now, let's see... those big hairy pecs could do with a good brushing. Let's start at these plump juicy man-tits of yours and work our way out. How 'bout that?"

"No... no, not my man-tits... awwww geeeze...aaawwwww you fuckerrrr... UUNNGGHHH! AAARRRGGHH! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...sshhheeeeesh!"

"There we go... how does that feel... good, huh? We got hours to do this man, so we'll just gradually make our way... in nice soft circles... ya like that?" "OOOHHHH HA! Ho hohohohoooooooohhhhhh!"

"Bet these will feel real good up on your collarbone... nice and ticklish on your neck and shoulders. I'll give those cute ears of yours a little tickle too. Of course, I'll make sure to pay lots of special attention to those deep hairy pits... I know you love that! Don't worry though... I'm not gonna do this for the whole two hours... nah... Rick here is gonna comb your pubes for a bit. I thought I'd use these brushes on your inner thighs while he does that. We should be done in about an hour. Well, done with that part. Then we gotta get ya in the mood." Tom stopped his work on the slack-jawed Tony's tits. He reached over to the bedside table and picked up two artists paintbrushes.

"See these?"


"Ha ha! Yeah Tone, Rick and I thought that for the second hour we'd use these on your big macho dick and balls. Actually, the bristles on this one here are really stiff, so Rick plans to stick it up your stud-pussy to give a good long loving tickle to that big joy button you got up there!"

"Oh no... no... guys, you'll make me cum... geeeeze I'll fuckin' blast my load from here to the moon... awwww shit... that's your plan isn't it? You're gonna fuckin' drain me of all my man juice!"

"Buddy, you got us all wrong. That's not what we wanna do at all," Rick said, "especially seeing as how you are going to help us add that fine Irish hunk to our little stable of docile muscle-stud captives. No sir, quite the opposite. We are gonna get you all worked-up alright, but you aren't going to be shooting your load... no no no! I'm not saying that you won't want to though. Oh yeah, cop, you are gonna be beggin' us to give you some relief, but I'm afraid you are going to be disappointed... repeatedly, heh heh heh."

"Aw holy fuckin' prick-tease..." Tony groaned.

"Yeah, you like it big boy," said Rick.

Tony silently frowned.

"Hey," Tom chirped, "did Rick tell ya what we got planned for your partner? Man, he is gonna be sorry he messed with you. And he'll have a long time to think about it too, his whole future, in fact."

"Wha... what are ya gonna do with him?" Tony asked.

"Well, " Rick said, "You see, good old Dudley, across the street... well he's really enjoyed having you on Sundays an' all, but it's kinda given him a hankering to have his own muscleboy slave... permanently. So, after you filled us in last night, I gave the Colonel a call and well, long story short, I think he is spending this morning putting the finishing touches on his in-house army brig. How about that? Your buddy O'Reilly is gonna have his own cell, just like in the army. I think the Colonel has got it fitted out with a solid steel door, a little toilet and shower, some weights and exercise equipment... the works. Pretty cool huh? O'Reilly will get to go to work, just like you, but he'll be strapped to his single bunk at night, that is, when the Colonel doesn't have him tied up some other way so he can play with him. From the sound of it, I don't think your buddy is ever going to need a bath again - you know the Colonel and that tongue of his. Man, I don't think there is anything ol' Dudley likes more than spending an evening at home, licking some stud to a state of hopelessly aroused delirium and then making the guy suckle his dick, while the Colonel fingers his ass. Just think, you and O'Reilly can compare notes while you're on patrol together. Won't that be fun!"

Tony's brain was in a fog of lust as he contemplated Jason's future. Man he wanted to see that. Just the thought of Jason's knock-out good looks and his brawny muscular body with all that caramel colored hair at the mercy of the Colonel's creative sexual delights made Tony's dick throb.

"Hey Rick," Tom said, "time's a passin', let's get back to work here."

Brush Brush.

Tickle Tickle.

"Ohhhhhh... awwwwww... gggrrrrrrrrrraaaaahhhhhHAHAHAH HA HA HA HA HA HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH!!!!"

A couple minutes after 11:00am Jason's convertible sports car pulled into Tony's driveway. The conceited young officer slowly extracted his large athletic body from the small bucket seat. He swiftly turned on his heels, quietly clicked the car door shut and turned again to rest his firm glutes on the solid car frame as he nonchalantly surveyed Tony's house in the bright morning light. In his low-riding chino shorts, a snug, white, open-necked, polo shirt, and a baseball cap, no one looking at him would have imagined his underhanded sportsmanship. If Jason had not been so sure of his control over Tony, he might have noticed the twitching curtains at the house across the street.

Colonel Dudley gasped. "That's him?"

"Guess so," said Rick.

"Well, well, well, men. I was hoping for a fine young recruit, but blast if he doesn't exceed all my expectations. Men, that is one spectacularly tasty-looking specimen of regimental beefcake. Dash it if he won't look mighty nice submitting to the pleasures I have in store for that muscular body of his... Yes, Officer O'Reilly, before the day is out you will have started your new life as Private Dickbrain!"

"Ha!" Tom laughed. "Maybe once you've got him good and trained, you can promote him to Sergeant Stud-Pussy!"

"Yeeeessss," whispered Dudley. "Yes, indeed Tom my boy. The butt toys I have for him are going to give him an itch down there that he will spend every waking moment thinking about... yes, indeed. Bet he's got a good cock though... can't neglect that... no no no. Can't wait to see his face when he finds out that from now on his equipment belongs to the army, under the sole control of this commanding officer, heh heh. Yes, I'll keep his canon good and loaded," Dudley said as he tapped his fingers together and stared off into space.

Jason knocked at Tony's kitchen door.

"Hey O'Reilly," Tony said as he ushered his fellow officer into the house.

"Hey Martino, looks like today is going to be another hot one. I'm feeling sticky already... ha ha!"

"Uh... yeah... I'm just makin' up some iced tea to take out back. Don't wanna get too hot," Tony said.

"I'm not too worried pal. I expect I'll be feeling real cool. You, on the other hand, are probably going to be breaking a sweat," Jason said with a grin.

Tony didn't say anything. His eyes scanned Jason's thick hairy arms and the dense pattern of short hairs exposed in the vee of Jason's open collar. Something about it heightened Tony's sense of his own masculine sexiness and he unconsciously flexed the muscles in his arms as they hung at his side.

"I was thinkin' O'Reilly, we can't really lay out in this sun without lotion, but that stuff would kinda mess-up what we're gonna be doin', ya know?" Tony said.

"You mean, what you are gonna be doing..." Jason replied. "Huh, I suppose you're right though. Got any ideas?"

"Uh, well, I was thinkin' maybe the basement. That's where I workout on days when I don't go to the gym. There's benches and mats and stuff like that down there. We could catch some rays out back after we're, uh, done."

"Yeah, okay, you lead the way Martino," Jason said.

Once the guys got down to the basement, Jason commented on the good job Tony had done fixing up the place. "You do this all yourself, Martino?"

"Yeah... took some time, let me tell ya!" Tony replied.

"Yeah, I bet it did. I didn't know you were so handy with a hammer and nails. I'll keep that in mind. Might have a few projects around my house. Of course, I wouldn't pay you... might make you pay me for the privilege of working on my place, HA!" Jason laughed.

"Yeah, very funny. We'll see about that," Tony retorted.

Jason's eyes latched onto a large piece of furniture on one side of the room. "Hey, what the fuck is that, man? It looks like some old barber's chair or maybe a dentist's chair, something like that anyway," he said.

"Yeah, I figure it's one or the other, don't really know. Picked it up last weekend at some junkyard sale. It's pretty good for just kickin' back, watching TV and stuff. The back reclines. It's actually pretty comfortable," said Tony.

"Huh, is that so," said Jason as he sat down in the big steel and vinyl chair that Tony himself knew all too well.

Tony lowered the back of the chair a bit. "Not bad, huh?" he said.

"No, not bad at all," Jason agreed as he put his feet up on the attached footrest. "So, how's about you get down to work, Martino. We haven't got all day and I do want to work on my tan a bit at some point."

Jason wiggled his large feet, laced up into a pair of running shoes with no socks. "Why don't you start down there, pal. I think I'd like to see you sucking on my toes... and I know you are gonna like doing it!"

Tony walked around in front of the chair and looked at Jason.

"Is that what you wear when you workout Martino?" Jason asked, looking at Tony's usual outfit of tight little gym shorts, a tee-shirt stretched so tight it looked like it was painted on, and a pair of dirty sneakers. "You look good like that... really shows off all those muscles you've got. Dude, your legs and arms look even hairier than mine."

"I think we're about the same, man, mine's just darker," Tony said.

Jason looked at his own arms, propped up on the armrests of the chair. He clenched his fists and flexed his muscles. "Yeah, hot huh?"

He looked back at Tony and said, "Why don't you just get down on your knees and get started, Martino."

Tony lowered himself to the carpet, reached out his strong hands and began untying Jason's shoelaces. Something about the situation started to make his cock-tip itch and Tony recognized the beginnings of a hard-on. He instinctively spread his thighs a bit. Jason noticed and chuckled.

"See Martino, I knew you were going to like this. This is what you have wanted all along isn't it? Yeah, you dumb wop, my hot body turns you on big-time, doesn't it. The thought of worshipping my big hairy muscles gets you all good and boned-up, heh heh. Well, that's fine by me pal... this body was made for being worshiped by cocksucking muscle-studs like you. Take all the time you need... Just one rule, don't touch yourself while you are servicing me. You are gonna stay hard and horny... and if I know you, those big bull balls of yours are gonna have you dripping in your shorts in no time, ha ha ha."

Tony grimaced and slipped off Jason's shoes. He looked at the big feet for a minute, then leaned down and sniffed lightly.

"Don't be a sissy. I showered this morning; they're clean," Jason said.

Tony could smell a mixture of soap, leather and canvas. It kind of reminded him of the gym lockerroom, he thought. He liked that. He tentatively picked up Jason's right foot, stuck out his tongue and licked across the tender arch.

"Haa!" Jason burst out. "That tickles! Here, do it again."

Jason amused himself with letting Tony's tongue tickle the bottom of his feet, sticking his foot in Tony's face and then quickly pulling back the minute Tony's tongue made contact. After a few minutes of this, he got a bit more accustomed to the sensation and settled down. Tony continued to be gentle. He looked like a cat giving a kitten a bath. When his tongue started nursing his partner's toes, it was Jason's turn to stiffen in the crotch. Something about seeing his big toe slide in and out of Tony's full sensuous lips, got the buff young guy in the chair all excited. While Tony worked one foot, Jason reached down with the other and rubbed the sole of his big ped against Tony's stiff rod. Tony grunted and spread his muscular hairy thighs wider. This encouraged Jason to slide his foot under Tony's balls, using his big toe to scratch right behind the Italian's tightly packed nards. Tony whimpered and sucked on the toes in his mouth like he was racing to get to the soft center of a lollypop. He felt totally humiliated. He loved it, and he hated that fact.

Jason put both feet firmly on the footrest. Tony looked up at his partner and then turned his attention to Jason muscular calves, the dense hair teasing his tongue as it lapped from ankle to knee. Jason smiled and watched. "Ohhhhhhhh yeaaaahhhh, I'm going to like this a lot," he said. He thought about rubbing his own hard dick, now clamoring for attention in his shorts, but decided to hold off. He liked teasing himself that way. "We'll get to you in a bit, buddy," he said to his tingling cock. Jason raised his arms and clasped his hands behind his head with a look of complete contentment as he watched his handsome fellow officer coat his legs with spit.

"So Martino, about that promotion... it's mine, dipshit," Jason said with a huge grin. Tony looked up with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey, did I say you could stop licking? Get back to work on my knees."

Tony grunted, straddled Jason's ankles, and returned to his task. The spread-out position tugged up the hem of Tony's gym shorts so that they almost looked more like a pair of briefs. His legs were fully expopsed. Jason took advantage of Tony's position to rub the tops of his feet up and down the inside of Tony's thighs. Tony's eyes glazed over. He instinctively reached down to his shorts-encased cock.

"Uh uh uh Martino... put your hands behind your back."

Tony complied.

"Thatta boy... you look real sexy like that... hard and helpless, heh heh."

"Now, stud... Clemens is due to make his decision on Wednesday. So, first thing on Monday morning, you are going to tell him that you wish to withdraw your name from the running. Naturally, the Captain is going to ask why? You are going to tell him that the fact is, you are just not smart enough for the job. Tell him you came to realize this once you started patrolling with me and saw how much better I am at almost every aspect of the job. Ha ha! Now, I don't want you to actually recommend that he give the promotion to me, after all, who wants a recommendation from someone stupid enough to get himself into the sticky mess you're in, even if you are a hot-looking fucker?"

Tony looked up, anger rising to his face.

"Nuh uh. You just explain to Clemens that you are really better suited for physical rather than mental tasks. Tell him you basically want to stay where you are, that you will happily serve any man he chooses and, ha ha, ask him for permission to have your uniform trimmed-up a bit tighter. That should do it! If Clemens didn't think you were some musclehead jerkoff before, he sure will after you say that! Ha ha ha ha!"

"Aw geeeze, I can barely stretch in my uniform as it is. Fuck, you can't be serious!" Tony nearly shouted.

Jason was amused that of all the things he had just said, what seemed to grab Tony's attention most was the further tightening of his uniform.

"You bet I'm serious you pit-pussy," Jason said as he looked down at his new toy. Tony gulped and swallowed. "Awwwww noooooooo.... that's fuckin super humiliatin', man. You can't make me do that. I'll be totally fucked."

"That's the idea, Martino. Don't worry though, I'll make sure your pits continue to get lots of attention, and we'll keep that tongue of yours busy on lunch break. Now that I know how much you like hot dogs, I'll be feeding you one everyday, in the privacy of the nice new office I'm going to get!"

Tony started to pull his hands away from behind his back.

"Uh uh uh... hands back in place meathead!"

Tony whimpered and locked his hands behind his back again. As he did so, his dick lurched and a wet spot began to appear on the front of his shorts.

"Speaking of lunch, you got anything to eat around here?" Jason asked.

"No... wait... there's a BLT from yesterday that I didn't eat. You want that?"

"Yeah, sure, go and get it," Jason ordered.

Tony came back from the kitchen with the sandwich, a paper napkin, and a bottle of beer. Jason told Tony to set the beer on the little side table. He took a big bite of the sandwich as Tony stood watching.

"Haven't you got something to do?" Jason said with his mouth full.

Jason was holding the sandwich with his right hand. Tony walked to the other side of the chair. He dragged with weightbench over, sat down and started licking Jason's left hand and wrist. Jason looked over and smiled. He lifted his left arm off the armrest and started to feed his fingers to Tony, slowly sliding one at a time in and out of Tony's mouth.

Jason chuckled, " Damn you look hot doing that."

After a few minutes, Jason put his arm down and Tony started licking the hairy muscular forearm. Jason watched him as he ate more of the sandwich.

"This is a good sandwich... something slightly tangy," Jason said.

"Uh, probably the salty bacon..." Tony replied.

When Jason finished, he reached over with his right hand, grabbed the bottle of beer and chugged down about half of it. Tony was now slowly and gently licking his left bicep. Jason flexed the muscle and smiled. While he continued licking, Tony brought his left hand over and started gently caressing Jason's bulging pecs through his form fitting polo shirt. Now and then Tony rubbed his thumb back and forth across Jason's nipples. They firmed up quickly. Jason watched Tony do this. He smiled, sighed, and leaned back in the chair, his head propped up on the padded headrest supported by a short steel bar.

Tony's tongue was now making long trails from Jason's wrist up to the top of his bicep, just below the edge of his short-sleeved shirt. Jason's dick was throbbing. With his right hand he reached down, unzipped his shorts and pulled out his hard shaft. He cupped his hand around the big cut tube-steak and lightly massaged up and down.

"Oh yeah, that feels good..." he sighed with his deep breathy voice.

Jason closed his eyes. Tony brought his right hand up to Jason's left shoulder and began giving him a massage.

"Ummm, yeah... nice Martino..."

Tony got up, moved behind Jason and started to massage both large rounded shoulders, loosening up the muscles around Jason's thick neck. Slowly he ran his hands down Jason's chest, cupping the bouncing pecs in his palms as his thumbs flicked the relaxed stud's nipples a bit. Jason meanwhile, kept his right hand casually attending to his now dripping cock. Before long his sticky sap was going to slide over his fingers and onto his nice clean chino shorts.

Tony lightly patted the firm pec mounds and then moved his hands up and across, back to Jason's shoulders. After a few more minutes of deep circular rubbing, Tony let his hands glide down Jason's arms, first squeezing and rubbing the biceps and triceps, then trailing his fingers up and down the length of Jason's arms as Jason had done to him yesterday in the car. Jason purred like a dozing tiger, then moaned a bit when Tony started licking the right side of his neck, his tongue just grazing Jason's ear. Tony tried to be careful not to distract Jason from the hand-job he was giving himself. He slowly brought his hands back up Jason's hairy muscular arms and returned to massaging the shoulders. Keeping the left hand moving in slow firm circles, Tony reached down with his right hand to the cardboard box behind the chair and carefully pulled from it a length of soft cotton rope. He raised himself back up, giving Jason's neck another quick lick. He took his left hand off Jason's shoulder. He lowered the rope in front of Jason's neck and started to loosely tie the two ends behind the steel bar supporting the headrest.

Jason's eyes popped open. He was a bit dazed from Tony's dexterous ministrations and the sensations of his own hand still gripped around his cock. Tony rapidly looped the two ends of the rope around the front of Jason's neck and started to quickly tie them again in back.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING ASSHOLE!" Jason shouted as his left hand flew up to fight with Tony's hands. It took Jason a second to realize he needed to let go of his dick, but soon enough he had both hands waged in war against Tony's attempt to bind his neck.


Jason's arms were flailing, trying to pry and pound Tony's hands away while simultaneously attempting to tug the rope from his neck. His seated position put him at an awkward angle for defending himself from an attack from behind. Jason thrust his hips forward trying who knows what. Perhaps he thought he could propel himself out of the chair in a kind of backwards flip that would bring him crashing down on his opponent. This quickly proved futile.

Tony, meanwhile, had succeeded with considerable struggle to tie several tight knots in the rope.

"WHO'S THE DIPSHIT NOW FUCKHEAD," Tony shouted. " I ADVISE YOU TO SETTLE DOWN... those ropes are soft. If you don't struggle, they won't chafe your skin."

"You fuckin' bastard... untie me this minute or you're gonna be in such deep shit you won't know what to do," Jason threatened as he tried to get his fingers on the knots of rope keeping his neck strapped to the steel bar.

Tony crouched down and threaded another coil of rope across Jason's waist and underneath the armrests. Jason's distraction with the rope around his neck gave Tony enough time to complete a somewhat sloppy, if nonetheless efficient, tethering of his foe's waist to the mainframe of the chair.

Jason looked down in distress. His hands flew to his waist and briefly tugged at the ropes there before he decided to try making further headway with the knots behind his neck. Tony grabbed Jason's right wrist and tried to encircle it with another strand of rope. Jason flailed his arm like an angry bear trying to free himself from a snare, but couldn't get sufficient leverage to stop Tony's rapid binding.

"Now for the hard part," Tony thought.

Having got the rope tied around Jason's right wrist, he had to wrestle his arm down to the armrest in order to secure it to the chair. As the two guys were equal in strength, Tony had to use both hands to force Jason's arm to where he wanted it secured. Giving this his full concentration left Tony vulnerable to a strong punch from Jason's left fist straight into in his right shoulder. Jason definitely got his attention, but it was going to take more than that. Tony grabbed in each hand one end of the rope already tied around Jason's wrist and used the leverage to pull Jason's arm, like some kind of resistant spring mechanism, down to the armrest. He quickly intertwined the two coils on the underside of the padded metal support, then tied a single knot. That was all he needed for the moment. He was now free to deal with Jason's left arm.

Jason looked on in frustration and shock as his left arm was now quickly subdued. A broadly grinning Tony turned his attention to the tight lashing of Jason's ankles.

"Martino, you really are a muscle-bound dumbfuck. What do you think you are going to do? I've got you by the balls and you know it. All you've succeeded in doing now is pissing me off. You hear me?" Jason spat out.

Tony looked up at his partner's exasperated face. Jason tested his bonds, struggling against the soft ropes. Tony was fully enjoying the sight before him. Once he had managed to secure Jason's left arm he knew there was no danger of his good-looking partner getting away. At that point the whole scene started to turn Tony on... majorly. He took his time carefully and securely restraining Jason's ankles to the steel supports holding up the footrest. Once he had finished he ran his hands up and around Jason's hairy calves as the bound Irish-American stud taunted him.

"Yeah, I knew you were a faggot, Martino. You can't keep your hands off meeeeeeyyyaaaahhh ha ha ha ha ha... you assho, ho, hole... ha ha ha! Sto... stop ticklin' my feeeeeeeeeettttaaah ha ha ha ha... nooooooooooooooooooo!!!"

Tony was laughing almost as hard as Jason as he twiddled his fingers up and down Jason's right foot.

Tony stood up. "You haven't got me by the balls O'Reilly. You haven't got me by anything."

Tony went into his bedroom and came back out with Jason's digital camera. "Recognize this? It's your camera. You left it in the cruiser. Who's the dumbfuck now?"

Jason's eyes were like saucers and his mouth hung open. Shit, he'd forgotten to take it with him.

"Now, Jason, if I understand these things correctly, I push this little button here and I can get a display of the pictures you took... yeah, here we go... you see that?" Tony held the camera up to Jason's face so he could see the images come up on the screen.

"Dude, those are fuckin' nasty," Tony said. "Man, if you had those in your hands, I'd be your fuckin' slave. But, they're not in your hands, they're in mine. Okay, let's see... yeah, yeah, this is it. See there's this little dial over here... now when I turn this to 'Set-Up' (click), this menu appears on the screen. See that, Jason? You see that option on the bottom of the screen? It says 'Format Disk'. So we click on that and up comes this message: 'Warning, formatting the disk will erase all stored images!' Okay... watch this, it's gonna be good." (Click, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.) "Awwww, there they go Jason... permanently erased."

"SHIT!" Jason shouted as he tugged at the ropes fixing him to the chair.

"You ain't got nothin' on me Jason," Tony chuckled as he put the camera down. Jason was silent.

"Now, I didn't have much of a chance to make sure this wrist was really good and roped. As I recall, you were tryin' to punch me with your left fist. Looks like that plan didn't work buddy, ha ha!"

Tony crouched down and attended to the long strands of rope dangling from the single knot he had been able to tie underneath the armrest. He started wrapping the strands around and around Jason's thick hairy wrist.

Jason's dick had gone soft during the struggle, but now as he watched Tony tie him up more, it started to twitch again. Jason clenched his fists, wriggled his toes, and squirmed in the chair.

"Unnhh... eemmmmnnnhh."

Tony stood up and snickered at Jason's futile efforts. As he looked down at Jason, he noticed that his tied-up partner's dick was starting to lengthen and rise. "Hey O'Reilly, looks like this is getting you a bit excited."

"Oh, yeah?" Jason replied. "What's that in your pants, Martino? You're looking kind of hungry to me. Why don't you just get your head down there and wrap your lips around my tasty frank, huh? I think you'd like that. I know I would." Tony looked down at the bulge pushing against the confines of his own shorts. He raised his head and looked Jason in the eyes, trying to think of something clever to say. Nothing particular came to mind. He fixed his attention on Jason's baseball cap.

"What's that cap you're wearing O'Reilly?"

"It's called a baseball cap, maybe you've heard of 'em," Jason replied with the beginning of a smile.

"Yeah, duh, I know that asswipe, but what's that thing on it... looks like some kind of crest or something?"

"Good job Martino. Such masterful skills of detection. Gee, maybe you should get the promotion after all, ha!"

Tony balled his hands into fists, but he was stuck for words.

"My older brother sent it to me when he went off to college... little place in South Bend, Indiana. Maybe you've heard of it?"

"Nope, sorry dude, never been to Indiana so I don't know what crappy college your bro went to... and honestly, I couldn't give a shit," Tony said grinning triumphantly at his small insult to the O'Reilly clan.

Jason beamed. "So Martino, you've never heard of Notre Dame University?"

"Ha! An O'Reilly got in there! I'm impressed. Wouldn't have thought the pair of ya had the smarts to get in to Notre... Notre... No... you. YOU! You mother-fuckin' son of a bi..."

"Shut your trap, Martino... or should I say 'Trapped Muscle-Cop', ha ha! Yeah, it was me. I sent you that e-mail. You understand what that means dickbrain? Those pictures in the camera would have been nice to have, but they are far from necessary. With what I have got on you Martino, you are going nowhere. You got me, dude? You, buddy, are screwed."

Tony was stunned. He stared at Jason slack-jawed, unable to move.

Tony was standing right next to the armrest, his crotch within reach of Jason's hand. Jason realized that if he bent his hand back a bit, he could use his fingers to scratch the plump knob at the end of Tony's full cock.

The twenty-five-year-old Italian let out a small high-pitched sigh.

Jason gave Tony his most winning smile. "So Tony-boy, how about we change places? Why don't you start removing these ropes and then it's gonna be my turn to tie you up, right where you stand. I'll do it good and slow... we've got all day, heh heh heh."

Tony unconsciously thrust his hefty package further into Jason's scratching finger-tips. Jason was now able to use both thumb and index finger to scratch, rub, and squeeze Tony's bloated leaking cock-tip. Tony, meanwhile, stared blankly at Jason. His mind filled with images of his hunky fellow officer slowly tying him up. "Ohhhh man," he groaned as sweat started to bead on his forehead. Tony thought to himself, "Aw geeze, Jason, a manly hairy muscle-stud just like me... getting me all roped and secured... my muscles all tightly bound... making me his slave and me all helpless and shit... fff...uuu...ccc...kkk."

Jason kept kneading Tony's knob. "That's it, Tony-boy... I know what you need. You just settle down and let me take control. I've got a nice future planned out for you. I don't know if you will be happy about it or not, but it doesn't really matter since there is nothing you can do about it," Jason cooed.

Tony looked down at Jason's roped-up wrist. His fingers moved to the knots. He started to loosen them.

Jason smiled and kept his fingers manipulating Tony's cock-tip, trying to keep the dazed Italian distracted.

Tony shook his head. "Nnnnggghhh!" He shook his head again... forced himself to step back, and breathed deeply.

"What do you think you are doing, you dumbfuck. Get back to work. Untie me NOW!" Jason said.

Tony looked at him and exhaled. "You're the dumbfuck O'Reilly."

Tony headed off to his bedroom again, this time returning with a couple of his dirty athletic socks.

"What the fuck is that?" Jason said, glaring at Tony.

Tony walked in front of Jason then slowly straddled the bound young cop's muscular legs. He took one of the socks and pressed it to O'Reilly's nose. Jason struggled to twist his head away, but found that the headrest and the ropes around his neck offered him very little flexibility.

"Nnnngggyyyaaakkk, get that fucking sock away from me! Do you hear me Martino? You're in trouble, man... uunnggghhh!"

"Stinky, huh Jase? These socks haven't been washed in weeks and I've worn 'em a lot... at the gym... at home. Pheee-Yewww! Man, they are ripe. Wonder what they would taste like... all that foot-stink loosening up in a guy's warm wet mouth?"

"Nnnngghhh," Jason grunted unable to get his nose away from the sock firmly pressed against it. His exertions only caused him to breath in more deeply, gulping down the raunchy odor.

"Open up Jason, 'cause you're about to find out!" Tony chuckled, enjoying toying with his trapped prey.

"Hear me? Open up I said. Come'on, its not the worst thing you will have had in your mouth today."

Jason stopped squirming and gave Tony a curious look.

"Yeah, that sandwich, buddy. You liked that didn't ya. Especially that tangy flavor. Here's the recipe... but you can't tell anyone, it's a family secret," Tony blurted out amidst bellowing laughter. "All that goopy mayonnaise was mixed with cream... ha ha... you know, myyyyyy cream... straight from my big hairy balls that you like to keep so full, ha ha!"

Jason stared stupidly at Tony. His eyes opened wide and his mouth dropped open. "Oh Shit," he thought, "I've eaten another guy's jism."

Using two fingers, Tony started pushing the sock into Jason's mouth. Now it was Jason's turn to whimper and moan. He writhed in the soft padded chair and tried to close his mouth.

"Ha ha ha... none of that Jase," Tony said. He pushed a little harder with his fingers. Jason's cock was now fully hard. Tony reached down with his left hand. He formed a circle with his thumb and index finger. Jason's shaft was too thick for Tony to close his grip so he latched his finger across the top of Jason's dick, right under the flange of the broad helmet, and used his thumb to press and rub on the underside. Back and forth he gently rubbed from the base of the knob up to the gooey piss-lips at the top. As Jason leaked his pre-cum, Tony used it to slowly baste the sensitive juicy plum-sized dick-head.

"Uuunnnngghhh... noooommmphhh... oooooohhhhhhhhhmmmmmmppphhh."

The helpless look on Jason's handsome face as more of the sock kept getting shoved into his mouth cause Tony to nearly shoot his own steamy load.

When Tony had got the entire sock fully inserted, he picked up the other one, latched it behind Jason's head and tightly tied the two ends in a knot at Jason's mouth.

"That ought to keep things in place," he said with satisfaction. Tony's right hand now joined his left on Jason's dick. He used his right hand to softly caress the shaft, paying special attention to the underside.

"How's that sock taste?" he asked.

Jason gulped and moaned.

"Bet it's real tasty. Just think, any minute now and you're gonna start swallowin' that grimy gunk."

Jason clenched his fists and flexed his biceps, but he wasn't going anywhere.

"Okay O'Reilly, I've got some news for ya... whoa, you're really coatin' my fingers with your dickslop. Let's just wipe that off on your nice white shirt... there we go. Now, I know you think you've got shit on me, but look over there... on the bookshelf. You see that, on the middle shelf... that thing with a lens... it's a digital recorder. See the red light?"

Jason nodded.

"Good. That means it's turned on... has been the whole time we've been down here. Now look up in the corner over there... see that? It's another one. I got all this on film... all ready to be loaded up on the website. Or maybe... I'll get you a website of your own, 'Trapped Muscle-Cop 2'... how'd you like that?" "Mmmmmpphhhh... nnnnggghhh!"

"Yeah, you got shit on me, well I got shit on you too pal. You try and take me down and you're goin' with me... got it?"

Tony let go of Jason's cock and got off his lap. "Now, where's that camera of yours? Let's just get some pictures here."

Jason tried to buck against the ropes. All he succeeded in doing was making it look like he was thrusting his dick in the air looking for more soothing attention.

Tony took dozens of pictures from every angle.




"Okay O'Reilly, I've got to run upstairs for a minute. You just sit tight! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Tony went up to the living room. He grabbed a little American flag on a wooden stand, something he'd got at some July 4th celebration. He placed the flag on the window ledge, closed the curtain, and headed back downstairs.

Two minutes later, the Colonel saw the little flag from across the street. "Right men," he said to Rick and Tom. "The signal has been raised. Grab your gear; it's time to bag our stud. Prepare for 'Operation Butt Boy!"

Next: Chapter 14

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