Trapped in Slavery

By george Robinson

Published on Jul 16, 2023


Trapped in Slavery ch8

Kyle, being extra confident of his abilities to control people, or to be more exact, blackmail people, had him starting to ponder the possibility of getting some more teachers under his control. This was not going to be an easy task, but if it were possible to trap some or even just one in his web, his activities and pleasures could be increased. He decided to research various teachers and ascertain the possibilities on each one. He called at Carl's place one night and questioned him for several hours regarding each of his fellow teachers. Once he was satisfied that Carl had told him of all he knew regarding each teacher, he ordered him to make discrete inquiries. "I want the fucking dirt on all of them." demanded Kyle. Every night after that, Kyle contacted Carl for an update on his findings. Weeks turned into months and eventually a database of teachers hadits and interests were gradually formed. A few tasty bits of info were gleaned and Kyle worked on how to get these potential victims under his control. Carl had told Kyle that Mr Hartnell, a 25 year old maths teacher, had made advances to him in the common room. Carl volunteered all this information incase Kyle found out that he (Carl) had been withholding info and the consequences of withholding info would be devastating and extremely painful. Plus, there was always the possibility that Kyle might shop him to the police. It was this sort of information that Kyle needed to make his evil plan work " right listen up cunt....start showing an interest in him...let him feel your cock or arse....encourage him to make a play for you....when he does, contact me immediately ..understand" ordered Kyle Carl just nodded his acceptance of the order. A few days past with Carl being stripped, fucked and giving blow jobs every afternoon at breaktime. It was during that same week that Hartnell felt Carl's arse in the common room. Carl, fearful of failing in his task of incriminating his fellow teacher moved next to Hartnell and gently back handed his balls while pretending to pour coffee. This had an instant and welcome reaction with his colleague whispering in Carl's ear "go to the toilets" Carl whispered back "be there in two minutes.. need to check something is safe" Carl immediately phoned Kyle who was on morning break in the yard "setup a meeting in the park tonight... 10pm by the old bandstand.. make this work... soon as you start making out get naked and get him naked... let him fuck you and leave rest to me". He (Carl) went to the toilets to find Hartnell with his cock out and rampant. "OK Hartnell" muttered Carl Hartnell quickly interrupted "please call me Rupert" "well Rupert... nice cock... mind if I suck it" "Well thought you'd never ask" quipped Rupert. At that Carl fell to his knees and started to suck more that an average sized cock. It only took the matter of a few minutes for Rupert to fill Carl's mouth with copious amounts of spunk. Carl decided to go for it and said " what are you doing tonight...fancy something exhilarating and daring" " what did you have in mind" replied Rupert. " how about sex in the open air...perhaps in the park...plenty of cottaging goes on there..." said Carl. " ok that's a date..can you pick me up, say around 9" asked Rupert. " yes sure replied Carl. At precisely 9pm Carl was picking up his fellow teacher to drop him the shit. He knew it was either Rupert or himself so no contest. They drove to the local park and retreated to the old bandstand. Carl gave an oscar award winning performance as a rampant lover. He kissed and groped Rupert with a passion. He knew he had to make it look good. He started to strip a little at a time and in the euphoria, Rupert stripped off completely. Carl quickly finished his stripping and without saying word, directed Rupert's rampant cock to his arsehole. Rupert didn't need any more directions. He penetrated Carl's hole with gusto ramming his tool in and out like there was no tomorrow. Moments later, and to Rupert's absolute astonishment a series of flashes attacked the darkness of the night, exposing two naked men fucking. " what the fucks going on" exclaimed Rupert as he unplugged his now semi flaccid cock from Carl's arse. Carl quickly dressed while Kyle addressed his new found sex slave " right and your fucking arse belongs to me now. We have numerous photos of you shagging Carl, naked in a public think about it...if I gave the police these photos with your name and address...what do you think would happen. You've broken several laws ..a few of them would send you to jail...Carl will fill you in....oh of course you don't know...Carl's a sex slave to half the school and does everything I tell him to do. Now you will obey or go to fucking jail ..your choice" declared Kyle. and at that Kyle and the group left the park.

The set up happened on a Friday night. Saturday morning, Carl was suddenly awoken by Kyle. He had let himself in desperate to fuck the arse of his slave. Carl, still half asleep asked "what time is it" with a quick reply "6am and time I fucked you" It didn't take long for Kyle to fill Carl's hole with teen spunk. As they both lay on the bed, Kyle asked "what was said after me and the gang left " I spoke to him and told him that there no way of escaping his situation. I told him that to do anything to upset you would simply mean that he would be going to jail branded a queer. He cried on my shoulder and finally said It looks like I'm trapped like you. He asked me want to expect but I said nothing because I don't know what your going to do to him. Monday came and everyone congregated in the school corridors as per normal. Carl walked down the corridor fully expecting to be waylaid by Kyle and Co, but instead Kyle merely waved him over and told him "go to your classroom and get fucking naked" Carl quickly headed for his classroom and stripped. In the meantime Rupert had entered the building and was walking down the corridor when Kyle ushered him to join the pack. Rupert, went over to the group and before he had time to speak, heard Kyle say. "Carl has told me that you don't want go to jail... is that right.? " Of course I don't" whispered Rupert. "right then cunt... start sucking cock" as he was pulled into the centre of the group. He quickly assumed the kneeling position and started to suck teen cock. As the bell to start lessons sounded, Kyle grabbed the teacher by the hair and told him what he had to do " get your register done and then come to Carl's classroom. You have 10 minutes from entering your classroom to get to cunt's classroom.. is that clear.". Rupert just nodded his understanding.

Within the 10 minute deadline, Rupert entered Carl's classroom. He froze at the door to see Carl standing in front of the his students bollock naked. "come in cunt and close the door. You're going to be fucked by Carl so get fuckin naked cunt. Carl just looked at Rupert with sympathetic eyes knowing how conflicted he really was. Here was a sight for sore eyes. Two naked teachers in front of a class of hormonal teenagers. " get in front of Carl, bent forward and let Carl fuck the arse off you" ordered kyle. Rupert assumed the position and Carl penatrated his arsehole. He fucked his fellow teacher reluctantly but put a good show on to satisfy Kyle. 20 minutes later Carl shot his load inside Rupert's hole and withdrew his cock. They were both instructed to make out while Carl's seed trickled down Rupert's leg. When Kyle was satisfied he told them both of them get dressed and told Rupert to be in this classroom tomorrow morning at the same time. The following morning Carl was told to go to his classroom and strip and Rupert was reminded of where he had to be that morning and at what time. Sure enough at the appointed time Rupert entered Carl's classroom. He wasn't surprised this time to find his colleague naked and as he closed the door, Kyle gave the order "fucking strip cunt... got something special for you... your not going to like it but who fucking cares... get on that table". There was a table at the front of the class so Rupert gingerly climbed on to it. Kyle spoke again " Right Carl.. you've got a job to do... remove the cunts pubs " handing Carl Can of shaving foam and a razor. Rupert started to plead with Kyle but was quickly interrupted." one more fucking complaint and the hair on your fucking head goes too. Carl started to his task by using a pair of scissors to cut the thickness away. "Let the fucker chew some of his pubs while your shaving him" ordered Kyle. A handful of his pubs were rammed into his mouth.The class was really lapping this humiliation up. Slowly but surely Rupert's pubs disappeared until he stood in front of these students with a perfect;y bald set of cock and balls. He was allowed to get dressed and return to his classroom but not before Carl had fucked him over the table. When Carl had shot his load up Rupert's arse his stood up only to find a pile of his pubs mixed with foam stuck to his chest. He was about to wipe it off when Kyle yelled " No! Leave it on until I tell you to remove it"

The days, weeks and months flew by with the to teachers being ordered to do outrageous acts in the oddest places. One weekend day when a couple of the lads had taken their slaves to a mall complex, parked next to their car was a lad of about 14 sitting in the backseat of his dad's car with the window down. One of the teens asked if he was ok because he looked quite pale. " yes I was sick but mum and dad had to go shopping so I stayed in the car" " would you like to see these two fuck each might cheer you up" asked one of the teens " yea that would be cool...but isn't that Mr Hartnell, my maths teacher" enquired the lad. Sure is but he's also our fucking slave so do they fuck or not" replied the teen master " yes I sure would like to see them fuck but naked as well" exclaimed the lad, who by this time had a smile on his face. " well you heard him ...strip and fuck now! " ordered the teenager in charge. Without any delay, they both stripped and Carl stuck his cock into Rupert's arse and fucked him ridged for about 10 minutes. They were ordered to get dressed and the teen masters said to the lad." was that ok for you...see you at school...every afternoon a group of us fuck this one i the yard at breaktime...join us if you want" " that'll be cool " said the lad. At that they left with a 14 year old boy wanking like fury in his dad's car in the middle of a all car park.

The teachers were subjected to all manner of humiliations and sexual assault but they gradually came to accept they fate with a heavy heart

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