Trapped in Slavery

By george Robinson

Published on Jul 11, 2023


Trapped in Slavery ch6.

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As predicted, the moment Carl entered the cafeteria, one of the admin guys yelled across to Carl "is it true that you've been fitted with a cock cage" The embarrassment was total but he just had to grin and bare it, and bare it he did when Charlie told Carl to get his cock out. Carl duly obliged to howls of laughter and derision from his admin lads.. "No more wanking for you, well not unless you get permission. Just then Carl received a text which read. this afternoon you will take time off and get some tattoos... one just above your arse reading.... fuckhole below and on your chest between your tits... blowjobs above... get them done today.. I'll be inspecting them tonight. That evening Carl waited for Tyler to appear. He had received a text telling him to be stripped by 7pm. sure enough Tyler burst in to the lounge a few minutes after 7pm "turn around... yes very good..cock cage, and tats

now you even look like a bitch" teased Tyler. Tyler decided to fill Carl's hole before leaving and plugged away at it for quite some time. He left without saying a word.

Next day Carl was constantly receiving callers at his office. Most of his time was spent sucking cock, but there were moments when he was physically and very forcibly stripped, roughly fucked and whipped with a short length of rope across his arsehole leaving red slash marks and some were actually bleeding. When he went the the cafeteria the admin lads had clearly been briefed about his tats and he was taken to quiet corridor, ordered to strip and was inspected. Charlie noted the bleeding marks and promptly reported them to Tyler. He pointed out that if these injuries became septic, they would have to treated at a hospital and that presented a danger of his slavery being exposed and the consequences that would ensue so Tyler being in complete agreement, swiftly put a ban on all such actions. While the group were in the corridor, a couple of them decided to fuck Carl there and then regardless of the wounds around his butt, and at the same time one or two of them rammed their cocks down his throat. Lunch was nearly over by the time the groups antics were finished and Carl didn't bother with food as he's been fed a stomach full of pure protein directly into his mouth.

The summer was well on it's way to Autumn and the University was about to close its doors for a six week break. Only the maintenance staff would remain. Tyler, being a whizz at organizing, and decided that everyone should go on a camping break. He collected names from his school(only those teens that liked to abuse Carl), the Admin lads, himself and of course Carl. Carl was told to hire a 20 seater bus but unfortunately he did not have the appropriate licence, so the ever inventful Tyler found a driver for said bus. His name was Edmond but everyone simply called him Ed. Tyler filled him in on the activities regarding Carl and Ed couldn't wait to get stuck up this 32 year olds arse. Everyone assembled at Carl's house with all their luggage. Carl had been given a list of sex toys which he had to purchase and to call at the store and buy several cases of beer and a lot of snacks. While he was at the sex shop the 17 year old shopkeeper had fucked him ridged in full view of other customers, but he had purchased everything on the list so Tyler would be happy with the outcome. He was still wearing his cock cage but was hopeful that Tyler would allow him some free time while on the break. Carl got back to his house to find Tyler waiting for beer etc. Everything was loaded on the bus and they set away for the remoteness of the hills They hadn't gotten out of the street when Tyler screamed at Carl " get fucking naked and start sucking cocks...we've got a long to go and there's no need for anyone to get bored" Carl quickly stripped and seeing some lads at the back of the bus flashing their cocks at him proceeded to suck the exposed junk first. It took two and a half hours to get to Tylers preferred campsite and not a moment of cocksucking was wasted. the campsite was indeed extremely remote with the nearest human habitation being five miles away. The site was on a summer meadow with a small stream meandering through this beautiful countryside and the birds were singing their melody as only they could. Ed stopped the bus and everyone disembarked with Carl being told to stay naked. He got the job of erecting the tents and unloading the bus while all the others explored their surroundings or just sat around.. It was clear to him that he was going to be everyone's servant (in every sense of the word) on this break and that was going to be 24/7. He worked diligently at his chores while the warm sun embraced every part of his naked body. This break was going to be a challenge, but the surroundings were a bonus and being a sex slave applied whether he was here or at home. Here he could remain naked, which was what he preferred (being naked in his garden is what placed him in his present predicament with Harry and Tyler) That first evening Carl found out just how challenging this break was going be. He was tied to the bumper of the bus with his arse sticking up while numerous teens fucked him constantly. For three hours he had different size cocks penetrating his hole and of course he was also sucking cocks as though they were going out of fashion. As the night wore on, one hormonal teen decided that Carl was going suck his own cock.. He (Carl) was proud of his nine and half tool but sadly he had not been able use it because of something red and restrictive. The teenager approached Tyler and asked him if the cock cage could be removed and why. Tyler liked the idea immensely and told the lad to find Harry, as he had the special tool to remove the cock cage. It didn't take long to track Harry down and after weeks of wank free days and nights, Carl's cock was free and if by magic it became stiff as a board in seconds.. His cock stood straight and proud and this brought a little joy into Carl's questionable existence. This was Carl's first erection in what seemed like a lifetime. He followed the teens instructions and sat on the ground with his legs out. The teen, with the help of a mate forced him to bend his back in a forward motion and it wasn't long before Carl had several inches of his own cock firmly ensconced in his mouth. He was then ordered to start sucking until he spunked into his mouth and to swallow every drop. On completing this task he was rather sore in the lower back but felt good that he had been able ejaculate so much jis even if he did have to ingest it. Tyler had been watching this and told Carl that for the rest of the break, he could leave the cock cage off providing that he sucked his cock once every night for the entertainment of the group. This was really good news and he thanked Tyler for the concession. Self sucking appealed to Carl and during his free time( and there wasn't much of that). Here was a confirmed hetrosexual male who had fucked many a young girl actually enjoying the sucking of his own dick and digesting his own spunk. Where's that coming from, he thought. He decided to put his confusion regarding his sexuallity to the back of his mind until he had more time to square the circle and come to an understanding. A couple of days had come gone and Carl had been servicing the entire onterarge 24/7. He had been allowed time to sleep but not what could be called adequate time.

One morning Carl, while carrying out his orders to collect rubbish and generally keep the site clean, he noticed half a dozen teens running into camp and making a beeline for Kyle. They gathered around him like a hive of busy bees all trying to talk at the same time. Moments later, he saw Tyler waving him over. "We're all going over to that field (pointing in one Pacific direction) for some fun.. A sizable group followed Tyler and Carl to a field about. ½ a mile away. As they approached the field, Carl pondered as to why they were all going to another field. To him one field looked just like any other field.. Then Kyler in a stern voice said "right you's lot.. corner one of them and lets have some fun". Seconds later, four lads stalked their prey and successfully isolated a sheep from the flock. Tyler looked directly at Carl with a gaze that put the fear of god into Carl's very soul. " Get over there and give that animal a serious fucking. We will be taking photos and video to show to the lads that didn't come on the trip" Carl stood open mouthed and on a state of supreme shock.. He was just about to speak when Tyler spoke "It's fuck the sheep or go to fucking jail as a pedo....your choice" Carl's mind exploded into making a choice and within a couple of seconds started to walk towards the sheep. He had to start wanking to get the obligatory erection and he had to imagine this sheep as being a very buxom girl. He positioned himself over the animals butt and aimed his ridged cock at it's target and started shafting the animal for all he was worth. While all this was going on the spectators were in fits of laughter. Incendiary comments were flying from vulgar teen mouths, but Carl continued to fuck the arse off this bleating ewe. He withdrew only when he felt his augasim rising and shot his load up the back of this very frightened creature. "You may be doing that again... well perhaps" giggled Kyle. " right you... back to the campsite... do you like being naked... you've been naked since we exited your street" muttered Kyle. "Yes a think I'm a naturist at heart" replied Carl in a confident voice. "How did you find that fuck" enquired Kyle. "well it's not in the same league as a real woman, but a fuck is a fuck. something new" chortled Carl. Time had come for the group to return to normality and Carl was once again the only one working. He disassembled the tents,packed them away and loaded the bus with everyones belongings. The journey back was similar to the journey to the campsite. Carl, still naked as a jaybird, sucking cock for all he was worth. As they approached Carl's street, he started to sort his clothes out. Kyle noticed this and quickly informed his slave that he wouldn't need his clothes. He was to remain naked. " get your house key and go open up...we'll all be fucking you before we leave" ordered Kyle. That night, they all enjoyed a fuckfest at Carl's expense.

Next: Chapter 7

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