Trapped in Slavery

By george Robinson

Published on Jul 7, 2023


Trapped in Slavery ch5

I'd like to thank an email friend , Justyn, for the suggestion of a cock cage. Any ideas and I'll consider them cheers guys

  • Monday morning and Carl was heading to work when his phone buzzed indicating that a message had arrived. He pulled to the side of the road and read the text... As soon as you get in your office, get fucking naked... I'll be following you in... If I find you wearing even a sock I'll whip your arse till you cannot sit down... Carl rushed to his office and stripped at lightning speed. Just as he dropped his boxer shorts, his office door opened and two teenagers around 15 to 16 years of age walked in. "good your fucking naked as instructed.. my name is Jay and this is Markus. You will obey my orders or Ty will receive my phone call... is that understood" proclaimed the teen. " you can start by sucking my cock while Markus fucks you and we'll change ends late." continued young Jay. "I've got a meeting in 20 minutes" grovelled Carl. Get on your phone and cancel the fucker ..getting fucked by me and my mate is more important "demanded Jay. Carl picked his phone up, dialed a number and spoke " Hi Michael ..sorry but I need to cancel our meeting... something's come up and I need to deal with it straight away.. sorry again I'll reschedule the meeting, cheers mate. The abuse lasted for just over an hour and to Carl's surprise, the two abusers just up and left with the ominous words "we'll be back" The morning passed swiftly and as ordered, Carl headed for the cafeteria have lunch with the main lads. " Hi lads" said Carl with a cheerful smile " how's things going" Charlie, one the group sitting asked "more to the point's it going for you... done any shaving for example" His comment was accompanied by a subdued giggle form the rest of the lads. " yes... well... done and dusted as they say "replied a rather embarrassed Carl. "the group spoke in unison "well.. lets see" "I can't expose myself in here.. in public" said Carl in a hushed voice.. Charlie, who appeared to be the most vocal one in the group said" drop your pants and underwear now or go back to your fucking office naked... now fuckin drop them" Carl knew he was in a delicate and rather awkward position, so he maneuvered himself to a semi concealed position using an advertising board to restrict total exposure to the entire cafeteria. when reasonably satisfied he was a little safer he dropped his pants and boxers. Charlie, not missed a trick looked at Carl and simply ordered him " Seeing that y itou deliberately moved, you can fucking strip naked here and now... understand this... we... yes we tell you what to do... if we had wished you to move we would have told you to fucking move... now get naked". Realizing he'd stuffed up he elected to follow orders to the letter in future and promptly stripped as ordered. There was a howl of satisfaction from the whole group which caused the entire onterarge of the cafeteria to look over at the table. Carl had instinctively dropped to his knees so to be concealed by the table. He waited to be admonished by his masters only to have Charlie whisper in his ear "get dressed". Carl concealed himself behind the advertising board and quickly got dressed and took his place at the table. The conversation was all centred on Carl's enslaved position with various members teasing Carl relentlessly. As the lunch break came to the end, Charlie asked his group how many wanted fuck Carl that afternoon. Three showed interest so Charlie turned to Carl saying" back to your office now... get naked and then phone our supervisor and tell her that I, Steven and Thomas are to come to your office to assist you with some holes that need to be filled in. ... be naked when your talking to her and as proof that you are naked when talking to her, have that big clock in the background and video to whole conversation... now go". Carl hurried back to his office and duly stripped. He then set up his laptop to record the phone call event and moved a very large clock to a position where it would visible on the recording. using the phone on his desk, set it for loudspeaker and dialed in internal number for admin supervisor. Within seconds of ringing a female voice enquired how could she help. Carl stated who he was and instructed her to send Charlie Gordston, Steven Bowes and Thomas Riley to his office. He explained " in the course of a project I need some assistance from these three lads to fill some holes that had not been anticipated... could you send them along at once so we can get started". In the matter of minutes they arrived clearly eager to get started. All three stripped and started the onslaught of Carl's arse and mouth. While one was shafting him the other two were finding ways to get two cocks into one mouth. For two hours he was brutally abused to the point where he was ordered to drink piss directly from all three cocks and finished off by pissing in a glass and downing his own piss. He arse was smacked extremely hard with one of the lads trainers causing red weals of both arse cheeks Just before they left, Carl was told to insert a good dollop of a heat producing cream[the sort used for muscle relief ] as far up his hole as possible. Charlie just happened to have a tube. The effect was instantly apparent with Carl showing extreme discomfort. "you can remove that after we leave" giggled Charlie. The second they left Carl rammed his finger up his burning arsehole and raked as much of the offending cream out as he could. He dressed and rushed to the executive bogs. There he sat on a toilet and turned the bidet on full power. The cold water penetrated the very centre of his arse bringing total relief to a very sore area of his body. It was clear to Carl that these abusers were very inventive and he pondered what could come next and it had become obvious that they were not abusing him because they were being blackmailed. They were abusing him because they wanted to.

  • It was Friday evening and Carl was relaxing with a football game on tv. He wore only his pj shorts and a t-shirt. Without warning his front door burst open and a very irritated Harry stormed in. " will you turn the tv off..I need to talk to you.....Tyler had instructed me too ....well...I'm not happy about this....but...but....You are to go to town tomorrow and buy a cock cage....this cock cage... (he produced a catalogue of sex toys) pointing to one specific image. Text me when you return home with it...have you still got my number" Yes I have ,but what's going on...why do I need to phone you" replied Carl. "I'm in the same fucking boat your in....if I don't do as I'm told I'll be doing jail time. I have to fit the device on you, ..I really don't want to be doing this and I really am so sorry but i have no option" bleated Harry with tearing in his eyes. Harry turned and left the room leaving Carl to just stand and contemplate life with an imprisoned cock. About and hour later, His door opened again. It was Tyler " strip cunt....where's your laptop and mobile phone...get them...pronto" he snapped. Carl stripped and hurried around to comply with his masters order. Tyler sat and a desk with the devices for some time then spoke " riight cunt...I've searched your devices and deleted all traces of me. I have also synced them to a device I own...this is a one way sync. ... so anything you put in your computer or phone will also show on my phone.. But my content won't show on it Tyler's insurance...I can also delete calls,texts, you name it .. I can delete it. Being a genius with modern technology is such a blessing. .Now on your fucking knees and start sucking" Carl dropped to his knees and sucked Tyler's cock for all he was worth. After depositing his load into Carls mouth, he pulled up his zip and left saying " looking forward to seeing in your new cock cage" Tyler had made sure that there was no connection between him and Carl but would still have the pleasure of having a 32 year old bitch.

  • Saturday morning and Carl climbed out of bed having had very little sleep at the prospect of having to wear a cock cage. He had enjoyed many a wank in his 32 years but that was now going to be under the control of a 16 year old sadistic little shit. He made coffee and fried a couple of eggs and, still stark naked, ate breakfast before getting dressed and heading for the centre of town.. He quickly found the sex shop and gingerly entered.. This was a first for him and he had no idea what to do or where to look. He saw a young guy aged about 17 by the counter wearing a jacket with the shops logo on it. He approached the lad and with a very nervous voice asked "excuse me.. can you help me please. I'm in need of a cock cage... this cock cage (producing a piece of paper with model name and length) The young lad took the paper, read it and walked down the end of the display shelves with Carl in tow.. "ok mate" said the lad. "this is the model and size but what colour do you what... As you can see, we have red, green, blue, black and stainless steel Carl was flummoxed. If he got his wrong one there would be hell the pay. He phoned Harry to get guidance only to be told to ring Tyler. So that was what he did.. Tyler told him to get the red one, so the red one it was. As he was paying for it, the young lad asked "clearly your some fuckers bitch but who's bitch...tell me or the police could find out. "in confidence" said Carl" it's Tyler... goes St John's school on gatare street... can't remember his surname" "yea I know who you mean now... he's be bragging about having a bitch... right before you go, your going go suck me off" The young lad whipped a very presentable dick out of his jeans and pushed Carl to his knees. " now suck the fucker like you've never sucked before" and with his last remark rammed his cock down Carl's throat. After the onslaught by this young lad Crl returned home. On his arrival he text Harry as instructed. Twenty minutes later Harry marched into Carl's lounge. " right give me the cock cage and then get naked" ordered Harry. Carl got the device and then stripped. Harry read the instructions and then fitted the cock cage to Carl's genitals. " there...that's that more wanking for you till Tyler says so" Carl peered at the large red object that had incarcerated his manhood and it made him so sad to see such a sight. Harry text Tyler to let him know that the cock cage was firmly in place. He also told him that it was locked by special security stress not a lock and key. Tyler texted back to say that He (Harry should keep the special tool safe) He also wanted a photo taken on Carl's phone to be sent to him.

  • Monday morning finally came around. all weekend Carl had struggled with the device now encapsulating his cock. even taking a piss was difficult and he had to disinfect the cage after every piss. Carl knew that the admin lads would take the opportunity to embarrass him at lunch time, but he also knew he could do nothing to prevent it.

Next: Chapter 6

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