Trapped in Slavery

By george Robinson

Published on Jul 6, 2023


There's still life in this story!

Trapped in Slavery ch 4

Carl was now getting his life back to normality after being turned into a slave by a bunch of teenagers. He'd been forced to go naked, suck cocks and had been fucked by a dozen or more sex hungry teens. Several months had passed since Harry and the other lads had released him from his plight. Not one person had approached or ordered him to perform a sex act. He considered himself very lucky for his blackmailers to have freed him from his slavery. It was Friday night. Carl had been home for some hours and was looking forward to a pleasant weekend. He was relaxed after having a shower and donning a pair of pj shorts. He was now enjoying a steak with a glass of red wine. Life really was returning to what he wanted it to be. As he ate his steak, his front door suddenly opened. It was Tyler with a face that looked quite malevolent. " you can lose the fucking shorts now Carly" Carl's mind went into a state of instant confusion and shock. He looked at Tyler and said " what do you mean..lose the shorts...that sort of thing has been stopped...everyone said so and the so called evidence has been destroyed so you can fuck off" With an intimidating look and a raised voice, Tyler replied " not everyone..not really..I pretended to be sorry but there's no way I'm letting you off the fuckin hook the evidence was not will suck cock like a champion and you will continue to suck cock like a fucking champion...Now lose the shorts, sit down and I'll tell you a story..a true story" Carl, realizing that Tyler meant business, dropped the shorts and stepped clear of them then sat down. Tyler continued to talk " for the past 4 months, I have been very busy getting everything in place. I have spent a lot of time getting the dirt on a lot of people. Harry for example...I have video of him fucking under 16s...if that evidence was sent to the police he'd be arrested for statutory rape.....I've told him that if he is ever asked if you forced yourself on him, he is to say that you did but was too afraid to say anything in case you battered him...Ryan's another example...he's fucking the arse off his brother Kyle...again Kyle only 14...get the picture. I have video of them all breaking the law or at least video that they wouldn't want their rents to see. I've spoken to them all and they can all see that I have them by the balls....From now on you will obey my every command...and no one will interfere because of what I know about get on your fucking knees right here" (pointing at his feet) "and start sucking" Carl, with terror on his face, quickly dropped to his knees and plunged Tyler's cock into his mouth. He sucked like there was no tomorrow. Tyler laid his had back on the settee and, with a smile of victory, enjoyed his blowjob until he came in Carl's mouth with the instruction to swallow every drop. " That was great" exclaimed a very contented Tyler " you need to come to terms with the fact that you, a 32 year old guy is a 16 year old jock's bitch...I've still got your phone number and house key so you can expect a call at any time...when you do, move your fucking arse... .I'll be sending some mates over now and again or you may have go to them... keep them happy and follow their orders". Carl just looked at Tyler and nodded his head. As they both stood up, Tyler stepped closer and without warning brought his right foot up into Carl's balls dropping him like a stone "I can and will do that anytime I want" Tyler turned and left with a very victorious smile covering his face from ear to ear.

Carl pondered what had just happened and what the consequences would be. He knew that freedom really was a pipe dream and he simply had to obey or go to prison. He turned to his brandy and drank four glasses straight off then headed for bed. He tossed and turned for what seemed like hours till his phone vibrated. He looked at the clock. "fuck, It's only 2am" snorted Carl. He read the text " get over to 6 Harrington Court.. my mate Simon is waiting for you... get fucking naked now and don't get caught for speeding... when he's finished with you, come to my house with the envelope and wait until I come out..... just sit in your car and wait. Carl clambered out of bed and dropped his shorts rendering him naked. He grabbed his car keys and headed for his car. It took him 10 minutes to get to his destination and sure enough a tall blonde headed teen was standing by his garden gate. "hi... seeing that your naked I assume your Carl" exclaimed the teenager. "yes that's me" replied Carl. " I'm Simon. you can get out of the car and suck me off right here... I intend to get my money's worth out of you" " your paying Tyler for my services" said Carl. "sure am. twenty quid... so for that I want sucking and you want fucking... .now on your fucking knees and suck. Exclaimed Simon For 20 minutes Carl performed in public thankful that it was still dark and there was only a few street lights illuminating the street. After Simon had spunked up in Carl's mouth he took him into the house. There he was fucked with a vengeance. By 4am, Simon was exhausted and Carl's arse was in a state of total distress. Simon gave Carl the envelope and Carl drove to Tyler's house On arriving, still bollock naked and with a with an arsehole that resembled a war zone he sat in his car as ordered.. The minutes ticked by turning into an hour and still kept ticking. Carl saw a police car heading towards him. He threw himself flat across both front seats until the patrol car had passed. Carly's nerves kept him alert from that moment. At 5- 30 Tyler trotted down his garden path in his boxer shorts. Carl opened the passengers window and handed the envelope to Kyle "Great...... was he satisfied with you" whispered Kyle "yes... he said it was great... but why are you charging him money... that makes me a prostitute" exclaimed Carl. "you will do as I tell you... and I don't give a monkeys fuck what you are...oh I forgot to tell you... I'm charging you 50% of what the client paid, so you owe me a tenner... now fuck off and wait for your phone to ring" retorted Kyle. Carl was speechless . He had to pay this teenager to prostitute his own body. Carl was frustrated beyond words that he had to comply no matter how much the idea stuck in his craw. A week when by, then another and Carl was servicing three boys once or twice a day. It was costing him a fortune but how could he bring it to an end. Simply answer was... he couldn't. One night around 7, Tyler marched into Carl's lounge. Carl jumped up and started to strip. "no need for that...... just popped around to tell you that you no longer need to pay me" I've got more than enough money now... you won't be prostituting yourself either" declared Tyler. Carl, with an enormous smile encompassing his face accompanied by a nod of the head in gratitude. " I've told them all that it's now free... any time they want your arse or mouth... understand...and get me some blank passes from the university.. extra sharp.... continued Tyler. " But Tyler.. these things are kept locked in a safe.. "pleaded Carl. " Don't fucking lie to me cunt.. I've researched the universities procedures and you can issue a personal pass any time you want to........get the blanks pronto.. savvy" retorted Kyle. " and while I have your need to know, I intend to humiliate and use you to the best of my ability and for my own amusement. Sadly I can't do anything that you could use as evidence against me.. so your going to be getting some strange orders... follow them to the letter" Carl felt a cold shudder run the length of his body because he knew instantly that his nightmare was not going to go away any time soon. " Tomorrow, you will go to the university cafeteria for lunch and sit with the guys from admin. Ryan will be with the will bring the conversation around to shaved genitals and arseholes...that sort of will ask the opinions of the group regarding such actions. ..Make it convincing, but at the end of the conversation, you will tell them all that you have decided to shave your pubes and get some tats... so tomorrow night when I call, you will be shaved...every singe hair except your head...that might come later as a punishment"

When Carl's shift had ended, he headed home knowing what he had to do. He really didn't want he remove his pubic hair but in his present predicament he had no choice, so he resolved that the moment he entered his house he would strip, made a beeline for the bathroom and shave every inch of his body and get it over with. That evening Tyler stormed into Carl's lounge. Carl,who had been sitting at his dining table checking emails, jumped up and started to strip. He knew how ruthless Tyler could be and was terrified that his misdemeanors would be brought into public gaze. Within seconds he was standing naked in front of his master " hope my efforts please you Tyler" stuttered Carl. After a short inspection Tyler replied " Yes very even managed to do the crack of your arse.....Right listen up....from now on you will have your lunch with the admin crowd every day...they going to have some fun at your expense....I have come to an arrangement with them.....did you get the passes " retorted Tyler. " Yes.. there here" He handed Tyler a bunch of passes and asked " Please Tyler..why do you want these passes" " so that my mates can call on you at any time and fuck the arse off you....The admin staff already have access to the university so they can call on you to....Regardless of who comes to your office...amin or my mates.... you will get a phone call....obey every word" replied Tyler. Carl stood in awe of Tyler's ability to organize, but at the same time realized that any chance of a little free time was looking very remote. Time would tell, but Carl feared that his arse was going to be well used.

Next: Chapter 5

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