Trapped in Slavery

By george Robinson

Published on Jun 4, 2023


Trapped in slavery ch3

Carl's first day at the university had been memorable as he'd been fucked numerous times in his own office by school kids and one of his subordinates followed by a lot of cock sucking. He was getting concerned at the fact that these sexual encounters were becoming less traumatic and more run of the mill. What was happening to him? Was he turning gay...going mad... .What! He decided that everything would become clear eventually.

He hadn't been visited by any of his tormentors in his office since that Monday and it was now friday afternoon. Carl was sat at his desk finishing a project paper when his phone buzzed. He picked it up and noted that it was a text from Ryan. The text read... get fuckin on your knees...mouth open.. be down in 2 minutes... only reply if you have anyone with you. Carl immediately stripped, fearing repercussions if he refused to obey. He got on his knees as ordered and waited. within seconds of kneeling, the door opened. A very young lad walked in followed by Ryan. Carl was shocked to see this new face and was just about to ask Ryan the obvious question when Ryan beat him to it. "this is my younger brother...Kyle... . he's 14 and is on work experience in admin... told him about the slut that sucks cock...he's never had a blowjob so your going to do the start sucking cock K.." At that Ryan gestured to his brother to get his dick out and stick it in Carl's mouth. For a 14 year-old lad he had reasonably sized dick which surprised Carl. Seconds later Carl was sucking a 14 year-olds cock like it was going out of fashion. While Carl was doing to business on Kyle, Ryan was on the phone then hung up " Just spoke to Harry.. he says that anytime Kyle wants to fuck you or a blowjob ..he gets it." A few minutes later Kyle withdrew his member from Carl's mouth and pushed his dick up Carl's arse in one massive push. After a short while he withdrew from his victims arse and stood in front of Carl and wanked himself till he sent several ropes of spunk streaming down Carl's face and chest.. "That was great Ry.. will I be able to get another one soon" exalted a very happy Kyle "just made arrangements so you can get one anytime.. just tell the slut". At that they left Carl's office leaving the door wide open. Carl scrambled to close the door so as not to be caught naked. He dressed and headed home. A short while later his phone rang. "hi ...did you give Ryan's brother a good fuck and a blowjob" "Yes Harry I did my best replied Carl. "in future if he or any of his mates want a blowjob or a fuck you will comply understood" "understood Harry" replied Carl. Carl was clearly afraid of Harry as he knew in his heart that Harry wouldn't hesitate to report him for a sexual assault and all that such an action would result in. He'd be branded as a sex offender, spent time in jail and never be able to work with children again. In short, his life would be ruined. Better to grovel and stay out of jail than be a man and challenge Harry and Tyler. In reality he was only sucking cock and being fucked... hardly the end of the world. Well he thought, if I keep thinking that, forget about my pride, my integrity, and my sense of honour I'll get by. Even with that kind of logic ., he was still plagued with guilt and self loathing as well utter shame at the undeniable fact that he was being fucked by teenagers aged between 14 and 18 as well as sucking their cocks.

Carl headed home intent on having a hot shower and then something nice to eat for his evening meal. The moment he got in doors, he went to his bedroom, stripped and proceeded to the bathroom. He'd been standing under the hot water for several minutes but knew he had to retreat to the kitchen and cook a meal. He put a pair of pj shorts on and skipped down the stairs. As he reached the last stair, he froze to the spot. There in his lounge was 6 young boys and he recognized one of them. It was Kyle, Ryan's 14 year old brother. Before Carl had a chance to speak, Kyle, in a loud scream, said " lose the fuckin shorts now or do I phone Harry" The mention of Harry caused Carl to shudder and he immediately shed the shorts to everyone's delight. " now get your fucking arse over here mates want to fuck it and we've got all night" shrieked Kyle. As Carl quickly approached the group he said " sure Kyle..Harry has told me to comply with your wishes but ..please...can I ask the ages of your friends" "Kyle rose from the settee with smug grin and answered by pointing to each lad and saying " that's Simon..he's 14..that's Eddie...he's 13 coming up 14 next month...Wills .he's 14 and the one playing with his cock is Colin he's 13 and boy oh boy has he got a big cock's fucking enormous ....9 and a half inches and only 13!...he's going to make your fucking eyes water...and last but not least is Joe and he's bent over the arm of the settee and lets get started" Carl compiled and for the next hour and half he had a cock wedged up his hole and was fucked repeatedly and without mercy. When this cohort of kids had satisfied their desires they sat around drinking oj's and getting their cocks well and truly sucked. By 10pm they had gone but no before telling Carl they would be back for more of the same. Carl quickly retrieved his pj shorts and poured himself a very large brandy. His arsehole was stinging, and Klye had been right about Colin making his eyes water. After another two shots of brandy, Carl headed for bed not knowing what tomorrow might bring.

After a good night's sleep and a long slow shower, Carl's posterior was feeling quite refreshed but decided that he would remain naked so that the air could get to his arsehole. In the kitchen, he make french toast and coffee and took it all into the back garden to eat. It didn't matter if Harry caught him naked: he'd already made that mistake. He sat and enjoyed the fresh air, the singing of the birds and the fact he was naked. It wasn't long before Harry came into the house shouting for Carl. "I'm having breakfast in the garden" exclaimed Carl. Harry hurried to the garden and was happily surprised to find Carl stark naked and totally unconcerned at being found in the nude. "just popped around for a quick blowjob " dropping his jeans in readiness. "surprised to find you starkers in the garden since this is what dropped you in the crap in the first place". "well" said Carl " I can't be blackmailed again for the same mistake" "That's true" admitted Harry " right so start sucking.. I haven't got all day" Carl dropped to his knees and performed an ideal blowjob. Without saying a word, Harry pulled his jeans up and left. Five minutes later Carl's phone buzzed. A text from Harry which read... forgot to tell you... I will be bringing some friends around tonight. You can remain dressed... if I change my mind I'll let you know. Carl's mind went into instant overdrive with a zillion questions...what friends? What for? On and on, the questions kept flooding has mind...paranoa sprang fore with all manner of obscene orders being made in the presences of strangers. He downed a few drinks to settle his mind followed by a few more. Realizing he was a little tipsy by now he went to shower with cold water. He stood under the shower for what seemed like age but the experience was enough to sober him up and allowed him to give fresh insight into the approaching event. He dressed in casual clothing..t-shirt...skimpy briefs just in case he had to strip. He didn't want to look out of place in a room of teens...a pair of light blue chinos and finished off with a pair of white trainers.

It was 7-30 when Harry accompanied by some familiar faces entered the lounge. There was Kyle and his 13/14 year old mates, the group that were in the alley with Harry and Tyler and Ryan, Kyle's older brother. In fact, everyone that had abused him was there, except Tyler. Fearing the worst, Carl looked directly at Harry and said with a sombre voice " you want me naked" Returning the direct look, Harry replied " No! That's not why we are all here for...It's been decided that the things we've doing to you needs to come to an end. AsI speak, Tyler is deleting all the videos You'll not be getting any more orders and we all want to say" Harry turned to face the group and simply said "now" A second later, the whole assembly, in unison said " sorry Carl" Carl stood in a near catatonic state as he couldn't believe what he'd just heard. He stood for a few moments then quite involuntarily, started to cry. " you ok mate" enquired Harry " yes sure...just wasn't expecting have set me free.... Thank you" replied a rather confused Carl. " well hopefully we can all be friends and let bygones be bygones" replied Harry. " look lads...of course we can friends and if any of you 16 year olds ever need a blowjob..just pop more that happy to oblige. Sorry to those young that 16, but around these parts you need to be 16 or older to consent to sexual activity....under 16 and I could be prosecuted for sex with a minor." Just then Harry's phone buzzed. " that's a text from Tyler...task completed sorry Carl the text read. " right ...I got some beer in thinking there was going to be a party, so please, will you all have a beer with me and thanks again...was getting used to choking on cock" (followed by a lot of laugher)


ANYONE WISHING TO COMMENT, GOOD OR BAD ( I'm not one of those people who can't take criticism) Names Robbo email

Next: Chapter 4

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