Trapped in Slavery

By george Robinson

Published on Jun 4, 2023


Trapped in slavery ch 2

That same evening, the two blackmailing little bastards walked into Carl's lounge as though they owned the place. Carl, who was sitting on the settee still trying to come to terms with his plight suddenly realized that there was someone present. He jumped to his feet to see Harry and Tyler motionless and staring at their him in silence, and looking rather annoyed. Carl appeared puzzled for a moment until he remembered the instruction he had been given that same morning.. He very quickly stripped naked, causing his two masters to exhibit their pleasure with a massive cheesy grin and a high five. "right" said Harry We need to talk... tell us everything about you.. where you are originally from... where you work.. and I want your passwords for your computer,phone.. everything" chortled Harry. For the the next hour, Carl told his masters ( because that is what they were now) every aspect of his life, all of his passwords, everything. Carl was clearly terrified of these two sadistic teens. He even told them about experimenting with gay activities at college. " right" said Harry " you are to be a senior consultant at the university, and that means you will have your own office. so you will get Tyler and myself a pass to your building so we can call on you at any time we want to..savvy. we both want a key to this place as well....get that sorted tomorrow" bellowed Harry. " but I'm not due at university till next monday and you can't just walk into my office" grovelled Carl " We can do anything we fucking want with you... anything...and because of your insolence you will sleep on your back lawn tonight... naked... you have 24 hours to get the passes and keys sorted Carly boy... now before we go, let's get you fuckin spit roasted, and at that the lads stripped and proceeded to spit roast their new found slave without showing any mercy.. They ploughed his arse and mouth until they had filled both orifices with their seed and just as quickly as they appeared they disappeared, with a backward looking reminder "24 hours Carly".

Morning arrived and Carl moved back to his lounge after spending the night, naked, in his back garden.. on the instructions of his masters.. He was freezing so had a refreshing hot shower, got dressed, then ate a breakfast. He knew he had to get the passes and duplicate keys, so headed for the university. It didn't take long before he was home having completed his tasks successfully. Knowing that his blackmailers were at school, he decided to relax in the back garden. The sun continued to shine and he had nothing to do so relaxing was a no brainer. He was enjoying his day, but always having that nagging thought that he was at the mercy of the highly sexed teens, when his phone buzzed. He immediately noted that it was a message from Tyler. "Be at the school gates at 4... we're going to have some fun after there" Carl was filled with dread and the more he thought of what these two evil teens intended to make him do the more paranoiac he got. He was waiting at the school gates at 4 as instructed and with his paranoia now on overload and the sweat was running down his face and body like a small stream.. He heard the ring of the school bell denoting that school was ended for the day. Moments later a hoard of noisy teenagers erupted from the building. A few moments later he saw Harry and Tyler with about a dozen lads in tow heading towards him. As Harry and this gang of lads got to him, Harry said, without stopping, "follow us". Carl did as he was told with one or two of this group feeling his genitals as they proceeded to there rendezvous . He wasn't to keen on this familiarisation but knew better than to object. It wasn't long before Harry and Tyler turned into an alley behind a disused cinema. Harry, with a smile of pure satisfaction, looked directly at his crowd of mates, then at Carl simply said "get fucking naked, and be quick about it, this lot don't believe that you obey every word, every order I and my best buddy give you" Carl, fearing the consequences if he disobeyed, quickly stripped and tried to shield his tackle from the view of the crowd only to be yelled at with an order to put his arms on up of his head. Harry addressed his schoolmates "ok lads, you can do anything you want with fucker. He sucks cocks and he's a great fuck , but the choice is yours" For the next hour, Carl was constantly fucked and at the same time made to suck numerous cocks. When the group decided they'd had enough fun they moved to exit the ally till one of the crowd suggested that they all piss on him. Harry ordered Carl to ly on his back so he,very reluctantly, lay down on the filthy ground and a dozen or more boys started to piss all over him, Several of them were aiming at his mouth so he was ordered to drink as much piss as possible. As they ran out of piss they slowly moved away thanking Harry and Tyler for the opportunity to have such great fun at Carl's expense. " ok cunt we're off.. get dressed.. we'll see you tonight. and get a fucking shower... you stink to high heaven". That was one order that Carl would obey with pleasure. He was standing in an alleyway, butt naked, covered in piss and his clothes scattered around the ally. He quickly dressed and hurried home to shower and find clean clothes and grab a few moments of peace and quiet. Those few moments were exactly that, because Harry, Tyler and two other teens marched into his lounge. Carl remembered his standing order and stripped, giving Harry immense pleasure to see that his slave was on the ball when it came to obeying orders. He even remarked, in an extremely arrogant way, that Carl always obeyed instructions and one permanent instruction was to strip without being told too when he or Tyler were present. " right.. we've come to watch the game, so unless you want to go seek beer as you are, I'd put some shorts and a t-shirt on.. and be fucking quick about it.... here's a list for you" exclaimed Harry. Carl rushed to get dressed and was out the door in no time. A mere 20 minutes later and Carl returned from the local convenience store with all the goodies. Carl, remembering his instructions, stripped his shorts and t-shirt off to Harry's absolute delight. "now your suitably attired you can get us a beer and nibbles while we enjoy the match, and you will of Course, be on your knees sucking cock. "retorted Harry. The night progressed with the teens hoopin and hollowing at the action on the pitch and Carl sucking cock for all that he was worth, and in-between, seeking beer for his masters. By 11pm Harry and Tyler and their mates had enjoyed the game and were totally drained of spunk. They said good night to Carl and left.

Monday came and Carl was out of bed extra early. Today was to be his first day in his new job at the university. He scuttled around getting breakfast and finding Items that he needed to pack in his haversack. He arrived at the university on good time. As he walked down the corridor towards his office, people were congratulating him on securing the position of senior consultant to the facility. Any thoughts of Harry or Tyler were stored in the back of his mind and of no consequence at that particular moment. He entered his office and arranged various Items on his desk so it would be easier to function during the course of the day. He decided to go on a tour of the open plan area of the administration office and meet and greet people he knew and indeed didn't know. As he progressed, he spotted a young man talking to a bunch of guys, that he knew was friends of Tyler. He approached the group and introduced himself. Instantly this young man replied " Hi. Carl.. I'm Ryan Wanless.. believe you know a mate of mine. ..Tyler Williams.. he's told me a few sexy stories regarding you and him and his mate Harry Chapman " There was a chorus of laughter from the group of lads present" Yes indeed I know Tyler". replied Carl. Wanting to make a rapid escape from this major moment of embarrassment, he retreated back to his office. The encounter had certainly rattled Carl and a shiver cascading down his entire body as the memory of these humiliating moments flooded his mind. It was clear that gossip regarding his sexual acts were not confined to Harry, Tyler and himself and a dozen or more school kids that had assaulted him in an alleyway. He had to meet his other senior colleagues and get advise as to how the university actually worked. As the meeting ended he decided to walk down to the cafeteria. At the counter, he ordered a latte coffee and turned to sit a table. At that precise moment, fear raced thought every fibre of his being as he spotted Harry and Tyler at the far end of the room giving him a little wave. A few moments later his phone buzzed, indicating that a text message had arrived. Carl reluctantly opened the text which read... Leave now.. go to your office. strip naked and wait for us... leave the door slightly open. Carl, knowing that it would be foolhardy to disobey, and full of trepidation he proceeded to his office. He entered leaving the door slightly ajar and immediately stripped. He waited for what seemed like a lifetime till his door suddenly flew open, leaving his nakedness completely exposed. He pleaded with his masters to allow him to close the door. Harry simply gestured to Carl to close the fully open door. As Carl reached for the handle Harry pushed him into the corridor and closed it to Carl's absolute horror. He was standing in the corridor stark naked and the only saving grace was the fact that the executive corridors were normally very quiet. The two of them were in raptures of laughter as a seriously embarrassed Carl rushed back into his office. "Look Ty.. he can't wait to be fucked on his desk" extorted Harry. For the next half hour, Carl was repeatedly spit roasted over his executive desk. During a break, Harry threw a piece of paper onto the desk.. "ring that extension and tell Ryan to come to your office and to walk straight in...we popped in to see him and he's expecting your call" Carl immediately dialed the number and on being answered said " Is that Ryan...'s Carl... come to my office now please and walk straight in need to knock and then hung up. A few minutes later the office door opened and in walked Ryan. He stood with his mouth wide open. "Fuck me.. you's two weren't joking really do have fucking slave... I thought they were just arrogant I get to fuck him guys" "you sure do bud.. you also get to have a blow job.. before or after your fuck.. or if you prefer ..both" exclaimed Harry. Two minutes later Ryan was naked and riding Carl's arse like there was no tomorrow. After Ryan had satisfied his needs and dressed, they all sat down and drank coffee from the coffee machine installed in Carl's office. Carl was allowed to dress while they talked. " right Carl... listen up" ordered Harry..." Whenever Ryan wants you, he will text you and assuming you are alone you will text him back with "ok" and then strip... understood...any ideas of lying to him would be a massive mistake... he could still come to your office ... get my drift" retorted Harry. " I know better that to try to fool you... my future is at stake and I wouldn't want to jeopardize that" grovelled Carl "Good that's that settled" said Harry with an extremely broad smile. The group left Carl's office. Carl sat down and pondered where his life was going too. He was at the mercy of several sadistic little bastards.. 24/7.. now and there was no way of telling what would happen to him next.

Next: Chapter 3

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