Trapped in Slavery

By george Robinson

Published on Jun 4, 2023


Trapped in Slavery

Ch 1

This is a story of pure imagination and in no way portrays any living or deceased person.

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It was a bright sunny day when Carl rose from his bed for the first time in his new house. He had moved all of his possessions into his new abode the previous day. The 32 year old guy had moved to his new location because he had been selected for a new post at the nearby university. He was looking forward to becoming a member of the community, making friends and generally engaging with his neighbours as well as being employed at a top university. He had been granted a weeks leave by the university faculty so that he could settle into his new environment. Seeing that it was very early in the morning and the fact he had high fencing around his garden, Craig, being in a very relaxed state of mind, decided to go naked and have his breakfast in his back garden. He prepared some bacon and eggs, a pot of coffee and started to eat his breakfast. The birds sang their melodious songs and the sun send rays of warm relaxing heat to every part of Carl's uncovered body. Carl finished his meal, poured another cup of coffee and soaked up the heat. After some 10 to 15 minutes of this idyllic, relaxing interval he heard a series of loud clicks. He immediately looked both left and right only to see a young lad smirking at him from over the fence. "Hi ...I'm Harry.... enjoy your breakfast...the smells are irresistible...Wonder what the street will think of our newest naked resident when they see my photos" He snapped away at his shocked , and still stark naked photography subject. The lad was just about to remove himself from the fence when Craig, in a panicked loud whispered voice, " wait much do you want for the's vitally important that I don't get into any trouble...please" The lad turned back to face Craig and with an evil tone in his voice said " and what makes you think I want money for my photos...I could just want to have some fun by causing you major embarrassment...there's a few scenarios I can think of..if you follow my drift" Carl realized that he was in a precarious position and he knew he needed to stop those photos from being distributed. Failure to achieve this task would inevitably cost him his new post and possibly any chance of advancing his career. Carl spoke in a grovelling voice " Please what will it take to stop you carrying out your threats...please tell me Please" Harry quickly replied " Right, stay exactly as you are...I'll be back in 1 minute and if you move from that place, that position, the photos get displayed " exalted Harry. At that he disappeared but was back in less than a minute. " Right ..we're going to see just how serious you are about stopping me doing you know what..understand" said Harry " sure anything Please" grovelled Carl again. " Ok just as you are...climb over the fence into my garden" ordered Harry. Without hesitation Carl quickly climbed over the fence. Carl looked around hoping to see the camera so that he could grab it and destroy the shots. His luck was in. Lying on a table by Harry was the camera. He made lunge for the device. " Getting the camera won't help you arsehole...the photos i took went straight to my computer...the camera is synced with the fucking thick are get on your knees retorted Harry. Carl, knowing he'd stuffed up, grovelled once more in front of Harry. " Ok...Get my dick out..and I mean now!" Carl was now feeling very threatened and reluctantly exposed Harry's rather large member to the heat of the sun. "well start fucking sucking it... " exclaimed Harry " you do as I order or you become a porn star in the street" exalted Harry. Carl thought quickly and decided that to suck this teens cock now would give him time to think and find a way to extricate himself from this present nightmare.

He took a deep breath and started to suck this rather large dick. He had in his past, for experimental purposes, given blow jobs to mates when at college, so the fact he was doing it again wasn't that traumatic. He sucked on Harry's cock until he felt a salty taste filling his mouth and proceeding to run down his throat. The sudden explosion of spunk was so rapid that he didn't have time to withdraw Harry's dick from his mouth and had to swallow most of it though some did get on his face and was dripping off his chin. Carl had noticed just before he started to suck, that Harry was exhibiting a frightened, uncomfortable expression, which had and still did confuse him. " There, I did as you said so can I have the photos back now Please" pleaded Carl. " yes you certainly can..come in doors and you can delete them from my camera and computer yourself. repied Harry. Carl couldn't believe his luck. Was he actually going to get the damaging evidence back so easily. His emotions were mixed. On the one side, he was delighted that the photos were to be destroyed, but on the other side he was racked with suspicion and doubt. He when into the house and was handed the two devices. It took only a few moments to delete his shame. He even checked for back up on the computer, and found none. He quickly headed for the garden so he could retreat to his own property and get dressed. As he started to climb the fence, he heard Harry talking to someone. " well Tyler...did you get some good footage". Carl froze momentarily then looked back to see a lad the same age as Harry. Harry, with a smile of pure satisfaction, introduced the other lad " this is Tyler Williams, my best mate...he's a whiz at taking and editing videos. You are now seriously will do anything that I or Tyler tells you to do... ..capisce ..if you refuse to obey then a complaint of sexual assault on a 16 year old boy will be made...Did you notice my award stuff....get the fuck off ..but first bring me your phone and stay fucking naked. Now go and obey". Before climbing over fence,Carl asked Harry very politely if he could kept the talking to a whisper in case his parents heard, only to be informed that his rents were away on holiday Carl climbed over the fence with Harry's words echoed through his mind..." you are seriously fucked" ... he knew that Harry was right, he really was totally fucked and was now at the mercy of two 16 year old teenagers. Carl hurried back to the fence and handed his phone to the waiting teen, who duly used it to phone his own number. " right I have your number ...Carl...that is your name that's what it says here, peering at the phone..right...When I ring you..Coming running, and stay fucking naked for the time being because Tyler and I might pop in to have a little fun with your arsehole, so leave your front door off the latch.

Carl scampered back to his house, his predicament consuming his every thought. He poured himself a very large Whisky and downed it in one gulp and followed by 3 more. As he was pouring number 4 he heard that dreaded voice " leave that, we have more important things to do.". Carl swung around to see two 16 year old lads dressed only in shorts. "Fill your arsehole time Carly" said a very sarcastic Harry He was pushed over the arm of the settee and felt something extremely cold and slimy being forced into his arse, followed by several fingers being rammed in and out rather quickly. " right carly..we are going to fuck you ridged will hurt but who fucking cares about a little pain...certainly not us....brace yourself" bellowed Harry, and at that Carl felt a cock being rammed up his posterior with considerable force. The pain was excruciating but he could do nothing about it. The two teens ploughed Carl's arsehole for quite some time. They had him on the floor with his legs above his head , they fucked him doggie style but to Carl's dismay they also decided to try and get both their cocks in at once. Carl had suffered some pain, but to be double fucked was bordering on unbearable. The double fuck lasted minutes but to Carl it felt like several painful hours.

As Harry's rents were away He and Tyler decided to stay at Carl's house that night and shared Carl's bed with Carl on the floor, still naked and with only a thin sheet to cover him. Apart from the cold that kept carl uncomfortably awake, once or twice he was ordered to suck the cocks of his 2 guests. As dawn broke, a very tired and weary Carl was told to get into the kitchen and start breakfast. The two lads got dressed for school and proceeded to the kitchen where a naked Carl was frying bacon and eggs. They sat down and consumed the meal with gusto and chatting about the things they could do to Carl". Harry, with pure evil in his voice spoke to carl saying" don't know if you want to hear this but i get enormous pleasure in telling you that when you deleted all those photos, you destroyed the only evidence that could have proved that you were being blackmailed...pity... all fucking gone Tyler will edit the video so that it appears that you actually sexually assault me, causing me extreme trauma of course....he really is very good at what he does will videos...thanks for the breakfast. You can get dressed when we leave, but remember that whenever either of us come in here you to strip, and that is regardless of who is with us..don't forget" and at that, the two lads left via the front door. Carl immediately got dressed and for the rest of the day pondered his pridictiment. The facts were clear. He was a 32 year old guy had been forced into being a sex slave to two sex starved teenager boys and there was no way out of the predicament. He would just have to do as they told him. He also knew that his life had radically change in a very short period of time and he had no idea when or if the nightmare would end.

Next: Chapter 2

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