Transported To A New World

By Michael Lester

Published on Apr 28, 2024


The continuation of Adam Russell's new life in an alternate world where mythological races are all real. Adam does some digging to figure out the voice in his head while Griff plans a special night at The Wild House for him.

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Contains: m/m, interspecies, tentacles, double-penetration, m-preg and many other fetishes

Chapter 6

"Hey...why are you single?"

My indigo-skinned demon co-worker, Tom, looks down at me with a thoroughly confused expression, still panting as he catches his breath and his eleven inch, dark purple cock slowly softens. I lay in his lap lazily with his girthy dick swaying just above my face, basking me in his body heat and masculine scent.

"Are you asking me to be your boyfriend?" he inquires sarcastically. He and I have a good understanding of each other at this point. We're buds. We go get lunch sometimes. We catch a movie together once and a while. And if we're bored from watching TV we'll just...relieve some tension.

"You wish. I just meant I've never seen you have a boyfriend, which got me thinking, and I noticed I haven't seen any demon with a partner. Every demon I've seen for the last five months has been a complete lone wolf." He smirks and leans his head back as he starts to expertly whistle a playful tune. I raise up my hand and smack it down across his bare chest which causes him to inhale sharply and look back down, the jet-black sclera of his eyes pulsing with a red energy. A few months ago this would have chilled me to the bone, but I know Tom would never hurt me, not seriously anyways. Demons simply can't control the energy coursing through their bodies when their tempers flare, so seeing it happen for maybe the fifth time just makes me roll my eyes at him.

"Well...don't be rude." He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, calming himself before speaking.

"I was gonna tell you in a second, shit..." He rubs one of his big hands across my cheek lovingly before raising it up and giving me a firm slap. I wince in a similar fashion to Tom and sit up next to him rubbing my cheek. Demons have well beyond human strength and he certainly held back quite a bit, but that doesn't mean there isn't a fairly sharp sting.

"You dick!" I say in a slightly exaggerated and offended tone. He just chuckles and rubs my back while I rub my cheek.

"Fair is fair. Now quit pouting and listen." I sigh and lean back into the couch, his left arm draped over my shoulders. "Demons on the Surface are all mostly un-partnered, because as soon as we find our mate, we head to the Underworld. It's tradition. A few will come back to the surface if they really want to but like I told you already, the price to come back is steep." He seems to shrug most of this off as some far away concept, but I'm intrigued.

" does a demon know when they've found their mate?" I lean into him, my curiosity bringing out an innocent wonder.

"It's something only the two mates can see or feel. There's an undeniable pull towards someone else no matter how far away they are. The closer they get, whether by chance or intentionally, the stronger the pull gets and eventually they find each other." My eyes glimmer with wonder as I think about the process. An invisible force connecting two people who can't even see each jaw drops couldn't be...

"Do demons only have other demons as mates?" I ask a bit more urgently now. He tilts his head at me slightly, but continues without questioning my change in tone.

"No, demons have mates in other species, but it's very rare. So rare it has to have been a few hundred years since the last one." I gulp as my throat starts to feel a little dry. There's no way. I'm not a one in a million chance kind of person...well aside from suddenly being dropped into this world. Could a demon have brought me here?

"C-Could you explain that pull between mates for me? Is it just a feeling?" He nods and goes on slowly.

"They sometimes have dreams about each other, hear their voice, but it's all just an echo." Quite familiar if you ask me. I feel a wave of panic wash over me, but then I look at him inquisitively and wonder.

"Have you heard your mate's voice?" He smiles softly and pulls me against his chest.

"Sometimes I can hear him, but he's far away. So far I don't know if I'll reach him for a few more hundred years." I remember that demons can live to be close to one thousand years old, but still feel sorry for Tom having to wait so long.

"What's it like when you meet your mate?" He smiles with his eyes shut tight.

"They say it's like time stands still. Both mates instantly and undeniably recognize their soulmate as soon as their eyes meet. And every demon is a perfect fit for their mate. No exceptions. If one wants to be independent and aloof, the other has always liked partners like that and enjoys their time apart. Same can be said for someone who craves constant attention. Their mate would want to give them that attention. I feel sorry for all the other races who have to find a mate the hard offense." Just as he says this, I swear I hear a deep rumble coming from behind me other than Tom, but when I turn there's nothing there. Could my protector be...a demon. Is this why I didn't want to be tied down with Bradley? I can't ask Tom any more questions before he slaps me on the back lightly. "Well we're gonna be late for our shifts birthday boy."

"Unh...can't I just call out this one day? A nice, quiet night in sounds like a perfect birthday to me." While it certainly does, I only really say this because I had overheard Griff plotting out some kind of surprise for me. Knowing Griff the surprise would be something along the line of twenty centaurs.

"No way Adam...get yourself dressed and I'll see you downstairs." I groan again as he pulls on his red shorts and black t-shirt before heading out into the cold. I sigh, wishing I had an internal body heat so high that walking around nude in a blizzard wouldn't be a problem. The middle of December hasn't brought any snow yet, but the air has been icy and chilled, sometimes freezing over the roads in the mornings. I walk over to my small Christmas tree, still feeling a little bitter about Griff having laughed at the holiday that wasn't practiced in this world. There are still celebrations and gifts, but it's all a celebration of The Winter Solstice rather than for any religion. I myself am not religious either, but some of my fondest memories of family are us gathered around a Christmas tree in the morning, drinking eggnog, laughing, and handing each other gifts. But that was all so long ago. I was still young when my family was broken apart with my dad's murder and my mom's arrest, so Christmas time never really felt the same after that. Still, it brings me some comfort now being so far from them.

I shut the multicolored lights of the tree off and head to my wardrobe to pull out a thick blue sweater, grey jeans, and some leather boots before leaving the apartment. It might be less than a minute walk to the employee entrance, but I will not be walking through this cold as brazenly as Tom. As soon as I reach the heavy door, and swipe my badge to unlock it, a loud bang rings out and I jump backwards. Only after a second or two do I notice the confetti falling down around me.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Cobalt, Griff, Tom, Garrick, and Vex are all standing in front of me, clapping and smiling from ear to ear. Vex, being a Kordun isn't exactly clapping, but rather waving his tentacles in the air enthusiastically. When I first met him I regrettably did a few double takes in order to make sense of what I was looking at. A thick, well-built man with blue skin and three tentacles sprouting from where his shoulder would normally meet with an arm, a fairly human face with the exception of six glowing orange eyes, three running down in a straight line on each side of his face and sharp teeth similar to a demon. He stands only a few inches taller than myself but has thighs and a chest more than twice the size of my own along with well-defined abs down his torso. He's another one of our Switch servers and warmed up to me about as fast as Tom did.

Once the initial shock wears off, I smile brightly and step inside the entranceway with my arms stretched wide. "You all didn't have to do anything special for me." I truly hadn't expected them to do anything beyond this mystery gift of Griff's, but the genuine kindness they've all given me since arriving five months ago has meant the world to me.

"Course we did. It's your birthday!" Griff says with a slight growl behind his voice.

"Well...who's watching the floor?"

"Tarron's got things covered, don't you worry your pretty little head."

My eyes roll at the mere mention of that pompous elf but thankfully the huge orc pulls me into a tight hug, his musky scent enveloping me, making me squirm slightly in his grip. Ever since that night with my big bull, Bradley, the scents of manly alpha males have only gotten me more riled up. In fact, more and more changes seem to be slowly setting in for my body. My gag reflex has disappeared entirely, which I simply chocked up to a near ludicrous amount of practice. Scents of masculine men draw me in like a magnet and almost always reduce my thinking process to the simple need of being bred. I no longer even need to lube or stretch myself out before a shift, because despite my near virgin level of tightness I seemingly am always able to take any sized cock that fills me with relative ease thanks to my hole getting slick on its own as I get aroused. Then there's the strangest change of all...

"Come on let's get you in uniform. Griff set up a nice surprise for you." Vex says enthusiastically as two tentacles slither up my arm to grab hold and drag me off to the breakroom out of Griff's firm hold on me. The rest of them head out to the front of house while I change and Vex stares hungrily as I strip down.

"You know I can feel those six eyes on me." I look back over my shoulder and give him a soft smile while he approaches with slow, steady footsteps. Through a series of unfortunate timing, we've never managed to find some free time and actually hookup aside from a few fleeting moments where I managed to deepthroat his ten inch, ridged cock.

"Oh are they? Well it's hard to ignore that cute ass of yours sometimes." He smirks almost sinisterly as I pull my leather jockstrap on. Once he's right behind me, and I tighten my bowtie around my neck, I jump again as two slick tentacles coil around each of my legs, spreading them wider and a third slithers up between my cheeks.

"H-Hey, I'm gonna be late to my shift." I start panting softly as that thick tentacle slides up and down, hotdogging my cheeks until I feel my hole twitching, getting wet with need. I have no idea what spurred on these changes to my body, but they make it near impossible to hide my desires around a man like Vex...or nearly any of my coworkers...well except for Tarron.

"I think the birthday boy can afford a little leeway today. Besides...I can feel how much you want it." I huff softly as his tentacle slips down between my cheeks and starts to prod at my smooth hole. God, I want it. Through some extreme effort I open my mouth to insist on heading out to the floor when another fat, slippery tentacle slides inside. "Hush now. You and I have been far too unlucky with our timing, but that changes now." Then with a sense of increasing pressure his other tentacle slips inside my cunt and starts slithering deeper. He groans deeply with satisfaction, and I do the same, my voice muffled from the fat appendage sliding down my throat. I still remember asking Tom about why his tentacles seem to bring him so much pleasure when they must be the equivalent of a person's fingers or arms. To my surprise they are not the same, at least not all of them. Two on each side act mostly as his species' version of arms, while the third ones are connected to his internal reproductive system. Fat writhing cocks, eager to pump an ungodly amount of hot sludge into an eager slut. And right now, that was me.

"Gllmm, nmmmph!" I can feel them both pulsing with the beat of his heart, the wet sounds of them gyrating and sliding deeper and deeper. The one in my throat reaches the entrance to my stomach while the other presses into a now all too familiar spot inside me. That's right...the strangest change of all. My eyes widen as that thick tentacle pushes inside what feels like a second, tight hole deep inside of me, slipping inside and wriggling around enthusiastically. My whole body quakes uncontrollably as I'm hit with a sudden orgasm that tears through me. I shoot my own load into the pouch of my jockstrap as he chuckles darkly. I've been too afraid to get this anomaly checked out by any doctor, unsure if I really want to know what it could be. Besides, it's not like it's caused me any problems, just a near unbearable amount of ecstasy whenever a fat, musky cock pushes up against it. Only now one just pushed all the way inside...and that was new for me.

"Unnmph! What do we have here Adam? Has our little slut made a deal with a demon? Or was it a symbiote that altered you like this?" I moan loudly around his writhing tentacle in my throat, almost missing what he says entirely. But then his words crash over my mind rather suddenly. Demons...and symbiotes...the only known species who are able to impregnate a this alteration inside of me...a womb? A womb that has a slick, girthy tentacle now writhing inside of it. I start to panic from the possibility when he withdraws both tentacles simultaneously until only an inch remains inside before they both slam deep into my body again. The panic I felt vanishes, forced right out of my head by his expert strokes that start to come hard and fast. "I'm not the one who gave it to it's not like you're gonna get knocked up...mmmm...but I'll still try my best."

From that moment on, there was no stopping the lust filled Kordun. My hands brace against the wall in front of us as his tentacles spread my legs wider and both ends are assaulted by a vicious pounding. My eyes roll back as he causes my complete and utter submission to him. Soon he starts alternating the pattern, one sliding all the way inside while the other retreats and then vice versa. Why had we waited to do this for so many months. This is...incredible! But that thought is cut short when I feel his ridged cock line up right next to the tentacle already inside of my wet boy pussy...I suppose it really was just that, now that I'm nearly certain of what lies deep within me.

"I'm gonna breed a whole family into you, slut!" And without any more preamble, his meaty cock starts pushing inside of me right against his slippery tentacle. I gasp around the tentacle deep in my throat, my pussy getting stretched wider as each ridge pops inside, wet squelching sounds filling the room from his thorough pounding of my holes. All ten inches sink inside after what feels like hours when he finally starts thrusting. All three appendages alternating their rhythms so it's impossible to adjust or grow accustomed to the sensations.

After another fifteen minutes he bottoms out in me, both tentacles at least two feet deep in either end when I hear his cum pumping up through them. Oh fuck... I watch a bulge travel up the length of the tentacle in my throat and then down inside me, all while I can feel the same thing happening on the other side. Then as my heart beats out of my chest with anticipation his gooey, searing hot cum spurts into me. My mind blanks for a moment as another intense climax hits my body, my legs shaking so much I'd surely be on the floor if it wasn't for his firm grip on my thighs. Shot after shot directly into my stomach and womb...I can't believe that's what it is. Any doubt is pushed out of my thoughts with each new wave of his sperm. I can practically feel them swimming around inside that new space inside of me, searching for a fertile egg so Vex's promise comes true.

"F-Fuck yes!" He grunts and pants like a feral animal behind me, pumping at least a gallon of sticky cum into either end, each ridge of his cock flaring outward to hold him firmly in place. Eventually the flow slows down and he starts to breathe more calmly, my eyes glazed over from the stupor he's put me in. Then he starts to pull his tentacles free, each coated in a slimy layer of my own bodily fluids and his milky white cum. The last to be pulled free is his ridged cock, each raised edge catching on the inner folds of my insides, drawing out slutty squeaks and moans from me until it too pops free. I drop to my knees once he's relinquished his hold on me. "God damn Adam...hah...that was even better than I thought it would be."

I gasp for air, panting and huffing as my senses slowly but surely come back to me. A thick trail of slimy gunk flows from my pussy and down my chin. "I...ahhh...I second that." A hearty laugh comes from behind but it's not Vex's. I turn to see Griff standing in the doorway, one elbow propped against the frame while he idly strokes his hard cock. Just over his shoulder is the other orc Garrick holding up a camera with a red, blinking light indicating that every second of this encounter has been recorded. "Y-You...when did you-" The two hunky orcs approach, devilish grins spread on their faces.

"Surprise birthday boy." Griff leans down in front of me and plants a firm kiss on my lips, sliding his tongue into my mouth and stealing away a fat glob of the Kordun's cum before swallowing it down.

"This was your surprise for me all along?" I ask exasperatedly, turning to look at the camera Garrick is still pointing right at me.

"It's just the first part. Why don't you spread those cheeks of yours for the camera?" He strokes the side of my face affectionately and I swoon over his gentle touch, not getting it all too often from the gruff orc. I do as he says and reach behind me, spreading my cheeks wide so they and the camera get a clear view of my gaped hole oozing a constant stream of nut sludge. Even still I can feel a majority of it staying put, like my womb doesn't want to let it back out. Then I hear a rowdy bit of jeering and hooting from the front of house almost as if in response to my obscene display. "Yeah give them all a nice show, boy." I freeze in place and turn to look at Griff.

"Th-Them?" He grips my chin firmly and nods, smooshing his lips against mine once again, this time pushing his tongue into my throat before pulling back again.

"That's right. Everyone in the club just got front row seats to your little performance." I blush a bright red, certainly not ashamed of myself after becoming accustomed to the open sex of this world, but stunned that everyone out front saw me lewdly cored out by two tentacles and a third wrist thick cock. It's not like people don't get to see me do just that...well similar activities...five times a week on the floor, but something about not even knowing it was was so hot!

"Now get yourself on your feet and come give your fans some attention too."

I nod as the initial shock of the situation fades, asking to clean up first but promptly being denied for the sake of giving them all some prime sloppy seconds. Vex and Griff lift me onto my feet before guiding me down the back hall towards the main club floor and once I see what he's planned out my jaw drops.

In front of me are some of the largest, muskiest, alphas I've ever seen. Dragon, stallion, bull, and bear beastmen all growling hungrily. One of them being my bull, Bradley, and another two familiar faces being the tiger Adrian as well as his bear boyfriend Theo. A group of surly looking centaurs led by the first centaur to ever take me, stamping their hooves as their horse cocks swell. Well endowed, gorgeous elves swaying their hips and hypnotizing me with their dreamy eyes. A mass of goopy symbiotes, writhing with excitement and forming lewd shapes of a different species' dicks. Burly orcs, and dangerous looking demons sneering with dominance as they raise their arms to show off their furry pits or stroking their fat cocks to full mass. They all eye me like prey who just stepped into a lion's den. I've never seen the club this packed before. Even my co-workers seem to be disregarding any duties as servers or bartenders, all equally ready to join in the fun.

"And now for part two of your surprise, boy. Time to get to work."

The following morning I spend nearly an hour in my shower draining the gallons of thick loads out of me. I must have been fucked by over thirty patrons, in some cases several times each, in every position I knew of...many completely unknown to me until now. A smile is glued to my face the entire time I wash up, happy to have let my slutty urges take over and service each and every one of them. Then I feel the all too familiar sensation of my protector behind me. I still can't see him, but the feeling of two powerful arms wrapping around me from behind makes me sigh with relief. I then remember my conversation with Tom the day before and turn my head slightly.

"Are you...a demon?" The question hangs in the air for a moment, but I don't hear his deep voice reply so I press a bit more. "Am I your mate?" Again, there is only silence, and those massive arms relinquish me slowly. I feel frustration and maybe a bit of anger rise up within me before I turn around just as he responds.

"You'll know very soon." And just before his presence disappears completely I swear I catch a glimpse of glowing red eyes. I stand there in stunned silence, both fearful of who this complete mystery is and also...oddly compelled to find out.

The dreams have only gotten less terrifying over the five months I've been here, but seem to fluctuate in terms of intensity and vividness. Almost like he's getting closer, then further away again and again. Even still, I've never caught a glimpse of who he is with the potential exception of right now. Does that mean it's really almost time to meet him? He's been saying "soon" almost ever since I got here. The emphasis of "very soon" is certainly not lost on me.

After another thirty minutes of draining myself and then cleaning my body I step out to dry off with a towel. I dress myself in a warm, brown hoodie, heavy leather jacket, black jeans, and the same heavy boots from the night before.

I lock my apartment door behind me and head down the steps towards my red sedan parallel parked to the busy city street. Once inside I rub the steering wheel affectionately, happy to finally be able to drive myself where I need to go rather than rely on rides or Drifts from others. Thankfully my wages at The Wild House made it relatively quick and easy to save up for one. I start the ignition and head off towards a very specialized doctor. One trained specifically in the health and wellbeing of men who have decided to bear children with their demon or symbiote partners.

After last night, despite how ungodly sexy and thrilling it all was, my realization that the changes to my body might have resulted in me having a womb sends a chill down my spine. Surprisingly the chill is much less out of fear and more...excitement? No, I couldn't be excited to have been changed in this way. Could I? I shake my head and speed up as I drive towards the doctor's office. Either way...I need to know for sure, and hopefully get some answers as to why this has happened.

Along the drive my thoughts drift to the centaurs who took turns spitroasting me on their fat dicks, all praising my ability to take their entire lengths while promising to fill my belly with their foals. The mere suggestion that Vex made of my possible new internal organ set the rest of the patrons into a frenzy. Everyone wanted to defy the odds and get me knocked up. The one centaur who attempted to put on a condom was quickly told, "A whore like this wants to feel your baby batter impregnating him. Don't you human?" In such a horned up stupor all I could do was nod and let them all try their best to have me sire their children.

Then those thoughts shift to the gooey symbiotes coating my body and filling both holes simultaneously while pouring so deep inside of me I swear I could feel them meeting inside. They seemed particularly interested in making my body squirm as much as possible, never giving me even one moment to relax or refocus. They just kept snaking their way through my insides until they too decided the primary focus needed to be impregnating me. My thoughts shift once more to the orcs as they rubbed their balls all over every part of my body, claiming their territory in an effort to deter the others. Of course this had the opposite effect, leading to nearly all of them coating me in their scents, sweat, and cum in order to assert victory over the others and make me their property. I nearly miss my turn as I'm lost in the lustful memories of the night before and I pull into a small parking lot attached to the doctor's office.

As I step out of my car, I swear I hear an echo of a deep chuckle and find myself blushing as I walk into the sterilized reception area. After signing all the necessary documentation and a twenty minute wait a thin middle-aged wolf beastman calls out my name. I take a deep breath and stand before following him towards a fairly standard looking medical room with ultrasound equipment and a dozen more instruments I'm completely unfamiliar with.

"So what brings you to my office today young man?" He asks in an almost whispery voice. I hesitate to answer and he places a hand with rough, worn pads on my shoulder. "There's no need to be embarrassed or scared. Nothing to be ashamed of in making a choice like this."

"Well...that's just it. I didn't make a choice, I think it just...happened." His grey eyes give me a once over with a puzzled expression.

"There's never been a case of a man gaining the ability to bear children that didn't involve some kind of choice being made."

I take another deep breath and start to explain it to him from the beginning. How I was suddenly plopped into this world with no known explanation. How I've been hearing the voice of someone I can't see. How the changes to my body have gradually occurred since I arrived. And finally, with no shortage of coyness, what transpired the night before.

"I...I see." He pinches his chin with his finger and thumb before shaking his head. "Well let's take a look at what's going on in there, but I'm sure your colleague was simply mistaken." He smiles warmly at me and requests for me to raise up my shirt before he smears a cold ointment across my belly. He then pulls out an ultrasound transducer and places it firmly on me as he turns on the monitor. A few painfully long minutes pass before he squints in confusion. He then rotates the transducer a few more times before sitting back in his chair, looking thoroughly confounded. "There's no mistaking it. You have a fully formed womb, marked and everything."

I stare at him in silence, taking in the news as waves of fear and excitement pass over me. I hardly even notice the second comment he's made. "Um...I...wait...what do you mean marked?"

"Every demon and symbiote leaves a unique mark on their partner's womb after it's been created. Typically a symbol of their choosing." He points to the screen where it's frozen on an elegant heart-shaped design filled with strange rune-like symbols within it. I start breathing very heavily, struggling to come to grips with this turn of events. I've never made a deal with any demons or symbiotes though...not that a few haven't offered but I instinctively turned them down.

"B-But I've never made any deal with any demons or symbiotes, I swear!" He furrows his brow, seemingly just as confused as I am before he eventually places a hand on my shoulder again.

"It is definitely an oddity, but you can at least rest assured that you can't be impregnated by anyone other than the one who's mark this is."

I nearly sigh with relief before I realize I have no idea who's placed the mark or made these changes to me in the first place. I might not know who did until my belly starts swelling with their young. The thought sends an odd shiver of pleasure down my spine which I try my best to ignore.

After another thirty minutes of careful explanations and reassurances he escorts me back out of the examination room to the lobby. I step outside towards my car in a daze, feeling the whole world spinning around me. This can't be happening. How did this happen? Just as I reach for the handle of my car door, I feel an odd tingle running down my spine. I instantly recognize it as the same feeling I got months ago on my trip to the amusement park. I turn my head, feeling my vision being drawn like a magnet towards some kind of source. Then I see him. My eyes first land on his powerful thighs attempting to burst out of the tight, black leathers and knee-high boots. My gaze raises up to his torso, and even confined in the oddly ancient looking tunic, his abs and chest are clearly sculpted with incredible definition. A powerful set of exposed arms are crossed in front of his chest, visibly showing off his crimson skin and dusting of thick jet-black hair. Fur would be a better descriptor honestly. Then my gaze lifts even higher to his handsome face. A sharp, square jawline and pointed teeth exposed by his wicked grin. Short black horns protrude from high on his forehead and then our eyes meet.

It's like being struck with a lightning bolt. The moment the demon's glowing, red eyes meet mine everything inside clicks into place. The world around us seems to freeze in place and I know with a soul crushing certainty that this is my protector. The one who has been searching for me, and in truth me him. The one I was born to be with. The one I'd do anything to be with. The entire reason I was brought here to this world. The reason I turned down Bradley's request for me to be his. The reason I always felt strangely unsatisfied in my former life. He's everything I've wanted. My soulmate. Then in an all too familiar baritone pitched, gruff voice.

"Found you."

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 7

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