
By yoric horatio

Published on Jan 21, 2011


This is a story written over a period of time (when I had time that is) consisting of 10 parts. I regard it as highly erotic and covers one persons journey through 5 years of their life. If you are not into transgenderism then I suggest that this story is not for you. It is not all about sex, sex and more sex (granted there is a LOT of sex) but you may need tissues for other reasons too. A large part of this story concerns the feelings, the highs as well as the lows of the subject.

If you are offended by acts of a sexual nature, then you may find you are on the wrong site entirely. If you are too young to be reading this in your country/region, I will tell your mommy.

If you want to comment please feel free to email me at the address listed above, if you want to flame please feel free to drop a very large rock onto your head.

Al persons named and featured in this story are fictional and bear no resemblance to anyone living, dead or not yet born.

Part 8 – The Operation

The next 2 months dragged on for so long, I thought the time that I got back on that plane would never come. I did spend a good deal of my time flat on my back, or in other various provocative positions figuring that if I was going to be out of action for 2 months then I had better get as much sex in as I possibly could.

Finally the day did come. Marie couldn't get the time off from work so I found myself tearful, saying goodbye to her at terminal 5 at Heathrow and boarding my plane heading east. I didn't sleep on the flight even though I was travelling first class and arrived well and truly knackered. I was met at the airport by the same nurse as the last visit and we travelled to the clinic in silence. I was shown into a different room from last time, still a suite but this time the bedroom had unobtrusive panels and outlets of a distinctly medical nature, plus it had a barely recognisable smell of a hospital ward. I dumped my bags at the end of the bed and fell asleep before my head had even touched the pillow.

It was dark when I awoke and I noticed that not only had my curtains been drawn but also my bags had been unpacked and all my clothes neatly stowed away in the huge wardrobe in the corner. I reached for the phone and dialled zero for the reception hoping I could find something to eat.

"I am sorry madam but the doctor informed me that before you can have a meal, he would like to talk to you beforehand. I will call him now and inform him you are awake."

Feeling slightly peeved but resigned to my fate I waited. No more than 5 minutes had passed before there came a knock at the door announcing his arrival. I bid him to enter.

"I am glad you are awake, I hope you are feeling better. Fae Lynn said you were almost asleep on your feet when she collected you from the airport. Shall we talk on the balcony?"

We sat overlooking the bay, the moon was out and the skies were clear. The sea breeze was both warm and refreshing and I soon felt myself relax listening to his voice. He started to go through the timing of the procedure which was due to start at 10AM the following morning. He mentioned that I would be in the same suite as present but that the bedroom would have changed and the comfortable double bed would be replaced by the more usual style hospital bed for the first few days at least. My entire stay would be for 2 weeks or until I was well enough to fly home. He advised me on the menu options for this evening, light meals would be the order of the day, no wine and nothing to eat after midnight, which was barely 2 hours away.

The anaesthetist would be along shortly for the pre-op assessment but if I wanted to order lunch he would make sure it was delivered as soon as possible. After asking if I had any more questions he took my dinner order and left. True to his word I was barely 10 minutes into my conversation with Marie when my dinner arrived. Not wishing to talk with my mouth full I bade her a good night, sent her my love and left her to get back to work.

Half way through dinner my anaesthetist arrived, we went through all his questions and once I had finally finished my fish supper, he weighed and measured me, announced I was in perfect health and left. I flicked through a magazine for a while, yawned and went to back to bed to sleep. Just as I was dozing off I had the realisation that this would be the last natural sleep with a penis between my legs. It also dawned on me that the anaesthetist was quite handsome but at no point did I feel the urge to drag him into bed; I put it down to nerves.

I was awoken at 9 the next morning by a nurse brandishing a hospital gown and asking if I would like to change now please. I asked her to give me a minute which she did and I walked to look at myself in the full length mirror. "Let's see, if I put my hand just here" I thought aloud covering my crotch "I look just like any other normal woman, but if I take my hand away I'm back to a TS. At least I won't have to for long." I stared hard into the mirror, imprinting that image in my long term memory before turning away, donning the gown and calling for the nurse.

I was placed on a hospital trolley and wheeled into the operating theatre. The anaesthetist was there and he was cute but still no reaction from little old me. He put a drip into my arm, squeezed a syringe into the cannula and asked me to count backwards from 10. I think I got to 6 before darkness engulfed me. I have absolutely no recollection of the surgery itself, I remember waking up very briefly to the sound of foreign voices as someone shone a light into my eyes, I heard someone say "Everything went perfectly, please feel free to go back to sleep" and I did.

It was dark again when I next awoke, although that word is probably an overstatement. I got the impression of my room and movement off to my right before unconsciousness took me again.

I awoke again. The daylight was dazzling bright against my eyes and I struggled to focus. Where was I? what was I doing here? I moved - which caused a bolt of pain from my crotch to shoot through my body causing me to jump which only served to cause more pain. Through gritted teeth and tear-filled eyes I steadied myself and started to take stock of my situation. I had a drip in both arms going to a clear filled bag on one side and a contraption on the other. The bed I was lying in had sides on it to stop me from falling out and some pictograms, remembrance came flooding back all in 1 go and I felt slightly ashamed at my previous panic. I was looking for a call button when the room door opened and in stepped Fae Lynn, resplendent in her nurses uniform quickly crossing the floor.

"If madam wishes some pain relief, simply click this button. This other remote will send out a call to the nurses stationed outside should you need further assistance" she dangled the call button within reach and placed the other remote in my hand. Instantly I pushed it, heard the contraption beside me whirr into life and felt the wonderful morphine pumping into my body. I was asleep again within seconds.

All through the night I would awake long enough for another shot of morphine and then blessed sleep would come again. I did wonder if it was possible to overdose on morphine but reasoned that I was not awake long enough to actually push the button twice, let alone enough time to OD.

The following day I felt better despite being extremely uncomfortable, the morphine this time did not send me to sleep just gave me blessed relief from the pain emanating from my groin area. The clock said it was just after 2, I decided to give the nurses a call. When I rang it wasn't the nurse but the doctor who came to see me.

"I'm glad to see you are awake. How do you feel?"

"Like I have been run over by a bus" was my response

Well I am glad to tell you that the surgery was a complete success and whilst you were sleeping I changed your dressings and everything seems to be in order. Its normal to feel very uncomfortable after such major surgery but I expect you should be back on your feet within a week. The catheter and drips will have to remain until you are able to walk however but once that happens you will be back on a normal diet. If you would like I can arrange some time for you to be on the balcony for a while, the nursing staff are here to help"

A whole week of staying in bed doing nothing???? I wasn't sure if I could manage it. "have you got a laptop computer I can use whilst I'm here bedridden?"

One was delivered within the hour, including a webcam, headset, wireless internet and everything else I could have needed, not that I knew because by that time I was asleep again but I was dying to talk to Marie.

That opportunity didn't come until the next day. I was clock watching until I knew Marie was at work and then called her on her Skype phone. We chatted for ages and the look of obvious concern on her face softened after a while until she said I was looking tired, just those words seemed to kick-start the body and I barely had time to end the call before my eyes closed.

The remainder of the week was a mixture of watching television, being examined in detail by the doctor, talking to Marie and generally getting better by the day. I was relying less and less on the morphine until by day 5 I felt it was not needed at all. I was wheeled about the compound at will, chatted with the staff and basically went out of my mind with boredom. The highlight was always talking to Marie near the end of the day just as she got home from work, even she remarked on how well I was looking. The doctor proclaimed me to be nothing short of a miracle with the rate at which I was healing. He wouldn't however let me see what he could see because there was still a lot that my body had to do.

On day 7 after my op the catheter and dressings were removed and I was allowed to get up and walk a bit. The first few steps were difficult, my leg muscles had not been used in a week and it required a strong arm to stop me from toppling over. The very first thing I wanted was a shower so they allowed me to walk, rest for a while then took me into the bathroom, pointing out the distress cord should I need it.

I stood naked except for a towel around my waist before the mirror and tried to pluck up the courage to drop to towel to see the bombsite that was my crotch. I closed my eyes and dropped my covering. Slowly I opened them and saw between my legs, not the useless prick that I had known all my life but a pair of very red and extremely swollen lips. I wept for joy just standing there. I couldn't bear to touch them as they were still very sore and every movement caused them to rub together which almost made me retch with pain but I bore it and carried on. This is going to make showering difficult and was mindful of the warnings not to get my internal packing too wet as I would have that for at least another few days.

I showered as best as I could and dried myself tenderly before putting on my dressing gown again and leaving that sight in the mirror.

Sure enough a few days later the doctor came to me and told me it was time to remove the packing from my new vagina as most of the healing was now complete. This was the first time I took real notice as he was between my spread legs. One of his gloved fingers accidentally touched my newly formed clitoris and I felt a familiar bolt of electricity flow through me. At the same time I felt a dampness although my mind couldn't pinpoint exactly where it was coming from. The doctor took from the tray a thin graduated probe and slowly inserted it into me. "Please tell me when you feel this touch the back of your vagina" wondering how I would know it slipped inside me until wham, another shot of electricity, stronger than the first coursed through me. I almost came there and then, I almost had my first vaginal orgasm to a piece of metal and the dampness become more apparent.

"Ah, I seem to have found out myself, this is excellent. Your current depth is about 5 inches but I assure you that it will stretch when the time becomes necessary and I see the prostate is performing as it should be in the circumstances. Please bear with me whilst I check that it too is feeling normal." with that he slipped a lubed finger into my asshole and gently pressed straight onto my prostate. That was it, I was now officially drenched and I could feel an orgasm just waiting to explode in me. However this was a purely medical examination, not an exploration into how much pleasure I could sustain before cumming all over his fingers. He withdrew his digit and the orgasm skulked off into the corner, promising to return.

It had been a long and eventful day but I still managed to talk to Marie for half an hour before falling back to sleep. The time to return was fast approaching and although I was coping better each day, I still wondered how I was going to manage the flight back on my own as I still tired easily.

That however turned out to not be a problem after all. The day before I was due to leave, I was sunning myself on the balcony between dozing enjoying the sea air when a familiar voice came from behind "There's me trudging half way across the world only to find you sun worshipping"

I leapt from my seat and span round to come face to face with Marie. Instantly tears welled up as I rushed to her and embraced her fiercely. It was so good to see her again and what a surprise it was. I dragged her back into the suite, any lingering pains forgotten as I hugged my friend again. She patted me good naturedly on the back calming me as the flood waters broke and I was in real danger of spoiling her suit that she currently wore.

She told me of how she had decided to take a couple of personal days off work so she could escort me back as she had missed me so much. It was so spur of the moment that she had hardly had time to do more than throw a couple of things in a case and rush to the airport.

We were disturbed by the doctor. It was time for my final examination before my departure, I was to have a list of the drugs I required and a schedule of when to take them. He had forwarded the same details to my consultant in London but at least this way I was fully aware of what I had to do and when I was to do it. Back in the bedroom, which looked more like a bedroom now the hospital bed had gone and the double had returned, I lay back and spread my legs at his behest. The puffiness had almost disappeared totally but I was still a little sore. My clitoris was ultra sensitive and even the penetration of his little finger into my pussy caused me to have waves of pleasure course through my body

We talked for hours, we sat and watched the sun go down over the bay, she with her glass of wine and me with fruit juice (I couldn't drink because of the cocktail of drugs I was on) until it was late at night. We organised a trip out the next day, delaying our departure back to England so we could go shopping and check into a hotel near the airport ready for our flight the following morning.

That night she and I cuddled up in the double bed together and it was the best night's sleep I had had in weeks.

Dont forget to read the next installment: Part 9 - The Consequences

Next: Chapter 9

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