
By yoric horatio

Published on Jan 20, 2011


This is a story written over a period of time (when I had time that is) consisting of 10 parts. I regard it as highly erotic and covers one persons journey through 5 years of their life. If you are not into transgenderism then I suggest that this story is not for you. It is not all about sex, sex and more sex (granted there is a LOT of sex) but you may need tissues for other reasons too. A large part of this story concerns the feelings, the highs as well as the lows of the subject.

If you are offended by acts of a sexual nature, then you may find you are on the wrong site entirely. If you are too young to be reading this in your country/region, I will tell your mommy.

If you want to comment please feel free to email me at the address listed above, if you want to flame please feel free to drop a very large rock onto your head.

Al persons named and featured in this story are fictional and bear no resemblance to anyone living, dead or not yet born.

Part 7 – The Treatment

I had been taking hormones for over a year at this point and my breasts had developed nicely into the shape you see them now, my cock was now no longer than 2 inches fully erect and my balls and almost disappeared totally. My ass had experienced so many cocks yet with Marie's tender care, her magical cream and the exercises I practiced daily, was still tight and sweet. It was time however for the next step.

We made arrangements with a clinic in the far east for the final stage of my transformation, I was going to have full sexual reassignment surgery performed by a brilliant young doctor who was pioneering new techniques and promised that it would be almost impossible to tell me apart from a genetic woman without the aid of medical equipment. We were invited over 2 months prior to the appointment date to meet the doctor and his staff at his clinic outside Manila in the Philippines. We were met at the airport by the cutest far eastern nurse and taken directly there. After being settled into our suite the surgeon came in and introduced himself. We sat and talked about the procedure, he did something with the huge plasma TV which showed us before and after pictures and the results were truly astounding, he was keen that we read some of the letters he had had back from former patients extolling the virtues of his method and at how satisfied they were with the results.

He went onto explain in detail the advantages of his new technique. Not only would my "internal plumbing" have to be redirected, he would also leave in the prostate gland for a variety of reasons. Firstly the cavity which he would form in me would be placed on the other side of the prostate to my anus, which means that it could be stimulated from both sides adding to my sexual pleasure. Secondly it would drain into my new vagina, providing lubrication during the act of love making. A simple valve, similar to a heart valve, would be put in place to stop sperm from entering my prostate in order to minimise risks of infection. As part of the procedure, he would form a cervix like fleshy affair attached to the tendon which used to be attached to my penis, this meant that by contracting the usual muscles that flexed my cock, I could manipulate this lump of flesh as and when I saw fit. This would also form the drain for lubrication.

As a final coup de grace, he called in our pretty nurse come chauffer. "This is Fae Lynn, and she gracefully accepted the opportunity of being the first person I used the new techniques on, in return she willingly accepts examinations of her body to all of our prospective patients and demonstrations to show that a normal sex life can be had after surgery. I shall leave the three of you alone now. Please do not be concerned with time as this is part of Fae Lynn's duties as a member of staff here and she is here for as long as it takes you to be satisfied."

Saying that, he bade us goodnight and left.

"Before we start, may I ask if you are both comfortable, would you like a drink?" we requested a small glass of wine each and we both turned to admire her walking past us with the cutest wiggle of her hips. Seen from behind, her figure was perfect and being from this area of the world only made her that much more adorable. She couldn't have stood more that 5"1' in her stockinged feet, a waist of 22", hips that spread to about 32" and a bust of about 30". She returned with our drinks and sat primly on the sofa opposite us and, to my mind anyway, oozed sexuality.

We talked about the procedure from her point of view and she was quite frank about it. She described the pain following such major surgery and the fact that it was at least 3 months before she felt even remotely like having sex, but then she talked about the wonderful first time with a local boy when she finally lost her virginity. She had originally asked the doctor to be her first but he had declined saying that she must find someone who she truly wanted, as opposed to the only man here.

We spoke some more about the enhancements of the new technique over more traditional methods and she was most impressed by the nature of her 'cervix' and the advantages that it afforded. "Would you like to inspect me now?"

I think both of our faces answered that question immediately and she ushered us into the bedroom part of the suite. She undressed totally and stood in front of us. Her pussy was completely shaven except for a strip of hair on her mons. She pointed out that if we so wished, laser hair removal surgery could be requested to suit any hair style we desired. She turned around and bent double at the waist, allowing us to see how perfectly the puffy lips stuck out and at how smooth the hair removal surgery had made her. She then lay to the bed and spread her legs so that we could see, and at her bidding, feel her delightful pussy. I was lost in that sight, the perfect lips opening up to reveal pink flesh on the insides of her lips, a hard little clit (which would be fashioned from my cock head), the smooth deeper pink of her vulva and lower down her tight willing little hole. The lips finished off the whole ensemble by joining at the bottom, no more than an inch above her puckered ass.

"I can still orgasm simply through having my clit stimulated by either hand or mouth or" letting out a little giggle "anything else you want to use. Vibrators are especially good ..." she purred.

"May I try?" I croaked

"Certainly madam, this is all part of the demonstration"

I hesitantly reached out a finger and gently stroked her exposed clit. It looked no different to any other clit I had sucked previously, and it had no different effect. Fae lynn jumped at my touch, a little gasp escaped her lips and I confirmed my own wildest dreams. "Do you mind if I compare your pussy to Marie's?"

"By all means madam, it would be a first for me and I welcome the comparison" I heard Marie chuckle as she got off the bed. I could hear her clothes falling to the floor but I couldn't take my eyes away from this beautiful man made pussy before my face.

"So honey, how do you want me?"

"On top please. Oh and see if you can put that wonderful mouth of yours to some good use would you please darling?" it was the first time I had looked away in minutes but I was rewarded with her dirty giggle and a glint in her eyes.

"I shall certainly try my best, as long as Fae Lynn doesn't mind of course" the returning lustful smile ended that speculation. Marie straddled this beautiful creature as their lips met and I was rewarded with the sight of 2 perfect pink pussies, one I had known for 4 years and one that hadn't even existed for that long and truth be told, there was nothing to choose between them. Fae Lynn's was a little smaller but that went perfectly with her reduced stature, Marie's was a little puffier, but that probably had more to do with experience than anything else. I supposed the final test was reactions. I bent forward and flicked my tongue over Marie's exposed hole and was rewarded with her pushing back onto my tongue and a muffled moan of appreciation. Licking Fae Lynn's pussy caused another appreciative moan, it too muffled by the tongue exploring her mouth.

I pushed my tongue into Fae Lynn's eager hole and could taste her diverted juices. Soaking my finger in them I eased it up her tight little rectum to feel her prostate, sure enough it was there and felt the same as every other prostate I had massaged. By teasing it I could feel more and more of her juices flowing out of her cunt and she was getting hotter and hotter than ever. Marie wiggled her ass in an attempt to divert my mouth from Fae Lynn to her; ever obliging I flicked my tongue over her exposed hole and then proceeded to suck her labia into my mouth one at a time, alternating between gently biting and a slow rhythmic sucking action that I knew she loved so much, all the while keeping up my finger fucking of Fae Lynn's ass with my left hand.

I inserted 2 fingers into this tight oriental pussy and could feel its accompanying brother on the other side of the thin wall separating her ass from her pussy. Between them lay her G spot. The feelings were obviously worth it as she pushed her crotch hard onto my hand impaling herself onto my fingers and moved in rhythm to increase the sensations my fingers were causing.

My pussy by this point was feeling sorely neglected so using some of Marie's and Fae Lynn's juices as lube I slid 2 fingers into myself and started to pump. By now I was nibbling and sucking on Marie's rock hard clit and she was humping my face. Fae Lynn had attached herself to Marie's left breast and was doing a creditable impression of a new born sucking hard to extract the maximum amount of milk whilst Marie was playing with her opposing clit hard and fast.

I could feel Fae Lynn's muscles contract around my fingers and her movements grew harsher and more urgent as her climax approached, Marie too was nearing orgasm, this was evident by the veritable torrent of pussy juice streaming from her puffy and willing hole. The noises coming from the other end of the bed grew into a crescendo, my mouth and fingers were frantic to increase the pleasure of these two beautiful women when Fae Lynn's body went rigid and started to tremble. I knew nothing anyone could do would stop the inevitable orgasm that was starting deep inside her. In the throes of passion, she started biting on Marie's nipple which caused her to throw her head back and moan loudly, forcing my face into her pussy hard with my tongue buried deep in her. Fae Lynn's bucking became animalistic, fucking my hand and holding onto Marie bringing the other to orgasm, the pair of them thrashing about on the bed wildly in a frenzy of orgasmic bliss.

When they had eventually stopped twitching and Marie had rolled off I undressed fully and inserted myself between them. My rock hard cock was leaking precum copiously all over my inner thigh and I thought that it was my turn for some fun and besides, my pussy was aching for some attention. "I'm sorry to have tired you out so soon, if I had known you would be so worn out after such a short period of time, I would have slowed things down a bit" I was saying this to Marie as I pressed my naked body all over her leaving a slimy trail of my precum over her thigh.

"I'm good" gasped Marie, "just a few more minutes dear and I'll be with you." it was then I felt Fae Lynn turn over to lie behind me, worming an arm under my side and her other reaching for my crotch.

"It's ok honey, I think someone else is willing to pay some attention, you just join in when you feel up to it." Fae Lynn giggled the cutest girlish giggle possible and then proved that she certainly was no innocent girl, expertly gripping what was left of my cock between thumb and forefinger, pulling the skin down to reveal my second head and tickling the sensitive underside with the side of her thumb. This felt so good as she tickled the underside especially as my cock was slick with my own juices. I turned my head and our lips met in a passionate French kiss. I felt her free hand reach to my breast as she rolled and pinched my nipple causing me to gasp. I rolled over to face her and with her hand still stroking my member, gently took my left nipple in her mouth and started sucking. My tits were at the perfect size for me and my nipples had grown in both size and sensitivity and feeling her mouth tenderly teasing them was pure heaven. I was humping her hand, longing to get the most from it whilst I still had it and she was proving to be something of an expert.

Behind me I could feel Marie moving, turning over until I felt her breasts pressing me in the back, her warm globes being squashed as she pulled herself against me. I could also feel her wet sex press against my backside and I had never wanted her to have a cock more than I did at that moment, I wanted to feel my pussy being taken, wanted to feel it stretched by a hard cock and have it deposit its seed deep into my bowels. Alas she did not, but she did have some very useful fingers. I felt her first slip between my ass cheeks so I lifted my leg high to allow her better access as she slowly inserted 2 fingers straight inside up to the second knuckle. I pressed back to savour the feeling and forward again to initiate a fucking action, both the fingers fucking my ass and my cock fucking Fae Lynn's hand.

Fae Lynn moved her crotch closer so that the head of my cock was being dragged through the trail of hair at the top of her pussy, soaking it with my juices. She lifted her leg and threw it over me and Marie behind and pulled us closer, I felt her clit under my cock head as she vigorously pulled us to her. Had I been a man with a normal sized cock I could have slipped it inside her willing pussy there and then. As it was I was getting the best virginal fuck I had ever had, with her pulling my cock head repeatedly up and down her sopping snatch from her cunt hole to her clit and back again. Meanwhile Marie had managed to insert another finger in my ass and was finger fucking me hard causing me to pant aloud.

All of a sudden Fae Lynn span around and dived on my cock, sucking the measly length into her mouth and pushing her pussy into my face. Instinctively I buried my face into her crotch and started lapping for all I was worth. We kept this up for seemed like ages but was probably no more than 10 minutes when Marie span round to face the same direction as Fae Lynn. I felt her tongue dive up my ass and probe my inner self bringing me to the peak of ecstasy. I could no longer concentrate on what my mouth was doing as the wonderful sensations coming from my crotch and ass blotted out everything including time.

Suddenly Marie's mouth was withdrawn and I felt something press against my desperate hole. Fae Lynn had withdrawn from a drawer at the bottom of the bed a cock shaped dildo and was slowly using it to open my cunt with its head. I could feel every delicious inch as it was forced into me, its fake veins stimulating my hole as is slowly penetrated me, and damn it felt good. My ass spreading open past the head and inexorably it was forced deeper and deeper into my body. By this time I was thrashing about trying to get more and more inside me when she changed angle and pushed hard. I could no longer cope as the head of the dildo ran straight over my aching g spot and deep into my bowels. I was fucking her face with everything I had, screaming at the top of my voice and holding her head onto my cock and I spasmed time and time again into her mouth, not caring about the measly contribution I was adding to her throat as long as it kept on cumming. I was almost finished cumming when she ran her tongue over the underside of my cock and gave the dildo another push onto my prostate and it started me off again, convulsing and pumping into her.

I lost count of the amount of times she made me cum again but when I regained my thoughts it occurred to me that this was my first multiple orgasm, first of many I hasten to add.

Both Marie and Fae Lynn were sitting on the bed behind me watching me, both with beautific smiles as my bosom heaved and I slowly recovered my faculties. I could still feel the dildo protruding from my ass and I reached round to retrieve it. This thing was 10 inches long, black, heavily veined and slick with a combination of juices. "and exactly what are you two looking at?" I managed to breathe "haven't you ever seen anyone after a multiple orgasm before?"

Marie sat up onto her knees, in doing so her lower half became visible, and I realised that she was now sporting a strap on. It was the twin brother of the dildo I had only just retrieved from my pussy, or so I thought. She crawled, tiger style, over the bed and over me until she lay down facing me, her head propped up on the arm and still that smile, although now it was more of a daft grin. Her new dick was proudly standing out in front of her, pointing straight at my belly and I couldn't help thinking that that was where I wanted it, buried inside me.

"What do you think of my new toy?" asked Marie

"It suits you, I think you look positively gorgeous"

"It's great, it's got something for both of us" I looked again at her massive protuberance but couldn't see what she was talking about but Fae Lynn came to my rescue by showing me another one. It was actually 2 cocks, one about 8 inches long and wickedly curved and the other 10. Instead of being held by the strap on belt, it passed through so that the wearer was also impaled. There was even a grouping of nubs on the inside which would stimulate the clit of whoever was wearing it as they fucked. "The only question is who's doing the fucking and who's going to get fucked?" queried Marie.

"Well seeing as I don't have anywhere to put that second dildo, I suppose I am on the bottom aren't I?" whereby Marie leaned forward and kissed me.

"Believe me honey, I am going to enjoy this as much as you are" saying that she pulled me closer and put the head of that wonderful pseudo cock to my hole.

"I'm going to need a little bit of lube back there if you are going to fuck me as hard as I need it"

"Please miss Marie" piped up Fae Lynn "if you squeeze your cunny muscles, it will push out a cream from the other end to help, sorry, I thought you saw the hole in the top." neither of us had but with a wicked grin I could feel her muscles tense up and sure enough I felt a delicious cold sensation as this lube was forced from the tip straight where it was going to be needed. Again, I was being penetrated, this time there was no stopping it. My ass was forced to accommodate this huge member and I gasped out loud and screwed my eyes as I felt its inexorable progress deep inside my bowels. I felt it bottom out inside me, pressing against my inner sphincter and I willed it open so I could feel even more full. Sure enough the head popped through another inch and its base, and Marie's crotch, was pressing up against my useless ball sack and cock.

After waiting a minute to let me get used to it, Marie started to move it in and out of my ass. The length of her strokes only hampered by the total depth my ass could take. Soon though I was sufficiently loose that the head could penetrate my inner most hole with ease and it felt as though I was being fucked twice with every stroke. I was turned onto my back with my legs high in the air and then the real fucking began. I was slammed hard and fast, this wonderful cock of Marie's working my hole as it had never been done before. The rhythm was perfect, the depth was varied. At one point she stopped with that cock buried deep inside her and I watched her face, eyes wide, her mouth in a perfect ahhhh position. Looking over her shoulder, I could see Fae Lynn had taken up position behind her and was working the other cock inside Marie's ass at the same time as she was fucking me.

"Oh my god that's fucking awesome" she gasped and I could almost feel her pleasure

Fae Lynn kept station behind Marie and allowed her to dictate the strength and depth of the strokes, she seemed lost between her desire to push back and impale herself and pushing forwards to receive the pleasure on her clit and inside her pussy. Either way her eyes were closed in pleasure and my hole was getting a real fucking. I allowed myself the luxury of lying back and accepting my fate, beautiful as it was. My cock by now had run out of fluid to pump but that didn't stop it from trying. It was being repeatedly mashed between my body and Marie's, stimulating the sweet spot on the underside against Marie's belly.

I started to fantasise what it would be like with a pussy there instead of a cock, the thought of having 2 of these monsters take me for all I was worth, of feeling 2 inevitable loads of cum shoot into me was turning me on like never before. I'd had these fantasies before but this time was different, it was within my grasp. I noticed that Marie's fucking rhythm was beginning to get more and more frantic, the moaning had turned to screaming and the feelings of this dildo slamming into my ass as far as it was possible to get made my voice echo hers. I was being fucked so hard I was starting to be pushed up the bed, feeling my tits jiggle and bounce as I wrapped my legs around Marie's back. I couldn't help pushing back against her increasing the impact of our crotches as our inevitable orgasm approached. Fae Lynn too had her eyes closed, revelling in the clitoral stimulation and the repeated banging of the dildo on her end bottoming out in her pussy. The grunting, moaning and screaming was reaching a crescendo, I felt my orgasm build in my toes and head, all going straight to my crotch "fuck me .... Fuck me ..... FUCK ME PLEASE ..... Breed me, I want your cum... "as Marie slammed into me. Her pussy spasmed and she slammed again into my pussy, every spasm jetting out a wad of that cream deep into my ass, splashing in me, filling me up before squirting out of me as I was so full and me still bucking up onto that wonderful cock as the waves of pleasure crashed into me time and time again. My useless cock pumping air, my ass gripping pulling and squeezing and my breath ragged and hoarse as Marie collapsed on top of me, Fae Lynn coming with her as she too pumped thick cream into her willing hole.

We all collapsed sideways, exhausted from our efforts and shrouded in a pink fog, my legs still wrapped around Marie, her cock still deep in me and our breasts squashed together and that was the last thing I remember.

We awoke to the sun streaming through the window. At some point during the night, Fae Lynn had taken her leave of us without us even knowing. We had also turned so that I was behind Marie cuddling her, my ass was slick with last night's efforts. Sore but ever so contented. Marie was still wearing the dildo, squashed awkwardly between herself and the bed but undoubtedly comfortable inside her.

There was a knock at the door to our suite again, and I realised that this was what had awoken me in the first place. I took a white dressing gown from the back of the door and opened the main door to admit the servant with breakfast. Thanking her she left. I returned to our bedroom, leaned over Marie and kissed he on the lips. Feeling her stir I leaned back.

"Good morning sleepy head, breakfast is served" I went into the other room to pour coffee and sit down. By this time I was ravenous and thinking back to last night, I was not at all surprised. Marie came through, naked except for the dildo. "Enjoying your first morning wood?" I asked

"It jiggles as I walk" she said with a particularly mischievous grin. I could only imagine how it felt but a twinge in my cock and the feeling of my ass contracting around an imaginary intruder showed me that my body was willing to find out.

We ate our breakfast, such a strange sight that I decided to disrobe and we both ate naked. Although both of us had the willingness to wake each other in other ways, neither of us had the strength.

We dressed and were in the process of packing when another discreet knock came from the door. Marie answered it to the surgeon who had seen us the previous evening. "I trust you slept well?"

"I'll say" piped up Marie "best sleep I've had in ages, that nurse of yours certainly has some talents"

"I'm glad you have enjoyed yourselves, are there any other questions you would like to ask me before we go through the pre-treatment questionnaire?"

There was none so we sat and went through all the questions he had prepared, things like did I wish to have the laser hair removal surgery, what depth pussy would I like, how would I like my pussy lips fashioned, tight or loose etc etc etc. These were all things neither of us had thought of and luckily the doctor had brought photographs with him to show the differences between them all. This really was a build your own snatch kit.

After an hour or so we finished our discussion and were relaxing with a cup of tea when our 'nurse' returned to help with our packing and drive us back to the airport as we were catching the early evening flight. We bid the doctor a good day after leaving a cheque of £5000 for the deposit. The entire surgery would be £15000 and that early amount would be taken from the final bill. With the money I had saved and the proceeds from the sale of my mother's house, there was more than enough in the kitty to cover the bill. Our flight was long, boring and tiring. When we finally got out of the taxi at home, all we managed to do was dump our bags and collapse full length on the bed and sleep fully dressed in each other's arms.

Dont forget to read the next installment: Part 8 - The Operation

Next: Chapter 8

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