
By yoric horatio

Published on Jan 18, 2011


This is a story written over a period of time (when I had time that is) consisting of 10 parts. I regard it as highly erotic and covers one persons journey through 5 years of their life. If you are not into transgenderism then I suggest that this story is not for you. It is not all about sex, sex and more sex (granted there is a LOT of sex) but you may need tissues for other reasons too. A large part of this story concerns the feelings, the highs as well as the lows of the subject.

If you are offended by acts of a sexual nature, then you may find you are on the wrong site entirely. If you are too young to be reading this in your country/region, I will tell your mommy.

If you want to comment please feel free to email me at the address listed above, if you want to flame please feel free to drop a very large rock onto your head.

Al persons named and featured in this story are fictional and bear no resemblance to anyone living, dead or not yet born.

Part 5 – The Family

I had come out to my family when I left my job, my 3 brothers, all older than me and real men's men had dismissed me out of hand, my father had passed away some years previously and my only remaining blood relative who had accepted me for who I was, was my mom. It took a little time but 1 week after I dropped the bombshell she rang and asked if we could meet. She was coming to London to see a specialist and thought that if she was going to have a daughter, she was damn well going to get to know her before her time had ended on this world.

We met at waterloo. I, still dressed in men's clothes met her and she hugged me fiercely with tears in her eyes. "My god it's good to see you again, but why are you dressed in these clothes? when I said I wanted to know my daughter, I expected you to meet me as such." I laughed and said that it may take some time before I was prepared enough to pass through the street unnoticed as my confidence in my abilities was still quite poor. "nonsense she said, let's get you properly dressed"

We went back to the flat in Chelsea by taxi and mom ooh'ed and ahh'ed at all the sights. What seemed normal and mundane to me took on a whole new dimension as I pointed out and named the sights. I had been living in London now for over 5 years and this was all old hat to me, but to her it was all new. Being a country girl at heart the only time she had ever seen parliament was on the telly.

We finally arrived and I suddenly found myself wishing that Marie was there, I wasn't sure how mom would take my 'living' arrangements. Marie and I had taken to sharing the same bed, especially now the sub side of me was focussed somewhere else. Of course she was always the dominant one, just not to the extent it had been before.

I showed her into the flat and made sure she was seated properly and comfortable, made the tea (I couldn't drink coffee anymore) and sat down with her. Then the inquisition started, what did I call myself, who owned the wonderful flat we were sitting in, what was her part in the relationship, how did it all start etc etc etc.

The barrage of questions was un-abating, but I could tell she was genuinely interested and time literally flew. I completely forgot about Marie coming home and the first thing I knew was her key in the door. By mutual consent we had decided to forgo the usual ensemble routine that evening and to dress as normal. Jumping up I stammered a half apology to Marie which she quickly waved off as entirely inconsequential. "Forget that Michaela, we have far more important things to do. This must be your wonderful mother I am so glad to meet you finally." before mom had a chance to rise Marie was already with her embracing her like a long lost member of the family. "you have a wonderful son Mrs Adams and a truly beautiful daughter, I should congratulate and thank you as she has been the light of my life these past years."

Mom really didn't know where to put her face as these words sank in, then I saw her most beautific smile spread across her face and I knew that Marie was accepted. "I can vouch for the son dearie but I can't say much for my daughter, I haven't seen her in her natural state yet, she refuses to show me saying she doesn't look that convincing just yet."

"Nonsense, if only she looked harder in the mirror when she did try and I must say there is more than a passing resemblance between you, I'll bet you have all the cute men running after you too ..."

"At my time of life honey, you make do with some good bacon and a nice strong cup of tea."

We all laughed at this play, we all knew that it was Marie's attempt at buttering my mother up but nobody minded, especially not mom who was lapping it up in spoonfuls. "Now if you don't mind Mrs Adams, I am going to take Michaela into the other room and get her dressed properly."

"I don't mind as long as you stop calling me Mrs Adams, its Cybil please"

"Cybil it is then, I am now going to spirit your son away and bring you back your daughter, and with any luck, it will be the last you see of Michael." I could see indecision on my mother's face, this was truly it, this was the point that Michael went away forever, not died ... just not there anymore.

She paused for a moment as if storing my picture in her mind, closed her eyes, and nodded just once, "goodnight Michael, thank you for being a wonderful son" I saw her bite her lip and turned to sit down in front of the TV. There were tears in my eyes, I had been Michael whilst I dabbled at Michaela forever and now suddenly he would be no more. Panic started to rise in me and Marie could sense it and quickly ushered me into our room so as to not upset my mother. "We knew this day would come, even your mom has admitted and accepted it, it's time for you to come out of your shell totally, now you will see who you truly are"

I broke down in tears and nodded, it was hard giving up the last vestiges of my old life and scary embarking on a whole new existence, one that I was still woefully unprepared for and not sure if I could actually pull off. "Look, I know you are scared but do you trust me?" I nodded through my tears, I did trust her, I trusted and loved her with all my heart, "then its settled!"

She undressed me and threw my clothes into a heap on the floor in the corner, then started to rifle through my 'other' underwear draw picking out a matching set of light pink knickers and bra. The cups of the bra had pockets for breast enhancers as I was still an A cup, but the bra was sized at a 34B, the enhancers making up the difference. After donning these and a pair of nylon hold ups we sat at the makeup table. My eyebrows had already been shaped into a less masculine form so she concentrated on curling my eyelashes, next came foundation, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, blusher not forgetting to follow my neck and blend all the colour into my natural skin tone. She dug into the wardrobe whilst making me practice the soprano voice I had been coached in until it was second nature, practice made perfect however. She picked out a pleasant flower print dress that accentuated my natural curves without diminishing my slightly stunted height, although I realised that I was a good height for a woman, but short for a man.

She fixed my hair with a small amount of gel, it was still short and would need to be styled into a more feminine cut, but it's amazing what you can do with a little product now and then before she finally proclaimed me to be ready to face the world. I looked in the mirror and saw, through all the paint and clothes, Michael looking back at me. Looking slightly foolish in 2 inch heels, a dress and makeup. This was my darkest point, this was where I really wanted to turn back but how could I deny myself what I truly was, how could I disappoint the 2 women who mattered most to me in my life and was I doomed to live this charade forever?

With no opportunity to voice these fears I was ushered out of the door, my legs buckled as I saw my mom stand and with closed eyes, rotate on the spot. She opened them and I almost died. I saw her double take and immediately tears welled up in her eyes. This was it, I was now a dead man, everything over the past 2 years was a waste, all my attempts at this life had crumbled like a straw shack in an earthquake, I was devastated. Then I saw moms mouth begin to curl, with a smile that only a mother can give when she witnesses the birth of a new daughter. Her hands went to her mouth and her tears were streaming down her face as she cried with joy. She rushed over to embrace me, her new daughter and my sobs joined in with hers. We cried in unison, great wracking blubbering sobs, tears totally ruining the mascara that had been on for only 10 minutes and still my mummy wouldn't let go.

She wasn't mom anymore, that was a boyish term. She was now mummy, she had always been mummy and it took just short of a crowbar to free my mummy from me. "I think we are going to have to buy some waterproof mascara if we are going to have any more family reunions like this one" said Marie on the edge of my consciousness. We both burst into laughter and broke the spell. Marie handed mummy a tissue for her eyes and dabbed at mine to try to preserve the ruined mascara and stop it from running any further than it already had. Mummy stood back and looked me over, more than once.

"My god you are beautiful, you remind me of myself 30 years ago" thinking she was kind but making a mental note to check her glasses prescription I averted my eyes in flattery; straight into the full length mirror on the wall. Gasping I did a double take. Looking back at me was a vision of female loveliness and it was me, it was Michaela in her full glory, curves in all the right places, classically beautiful face, long sweeping neck (slightly marred by the visible Adams apple) pert breasts and long slim legs. How had so much changed in the 2 minutes since I had last looked in the mirror, but now I stood tall and proud to wear these clothes, honoured to have such beauty and only a little turned on at what was gazing back at me.

Marie appeared in the picture behind me "You truly are beautiful, and now you see it too don't you." I turned, my heart bursting with joy and love for this pair of women who had made me see who I was, I walked to them, kissed them both on the cheek and without saying a word, marched into the bedroom.

Michael was truly gone, no longer with us, dead, forgotten, forsaken by those members of his family not in this flat. So there was no point keeping his clothes then was there?

Marie and mummy rushed into the room looking somewhat panic stricken to see me opening the draws which held Michaels clothes, I turned to them looking dumbfounded and said, "well are you going to get me some bin bags or do I have to do everything myself??" with Marie's mischievous giggle and a smile, she span on her heel and rushed to the kitchen, mummy just stood there smiling at me.

In short order I had dumped all Michaels clothes into 3 black bin sacks, that was now the end of it. No more shirts, no more boxers, no more ties, shoes, black socks. Everything must go ... And it did!

Marie cracked open a bottle of wine, poured 3 glasses and offered a simple toast "to the most beautiful newborn baby ever ... Michaela!"

"HOLD IT" mummy screamed "as a responsible parent I forbid you to drink that wine, the legal age in this country is 18 years of age and you are not even passed day 1 yet" I looked at her and took a big swig. Turning to Marie she exclaimed "HAH children of today, what can you do??" we all broke down in tears of laughter.

I decided that we would dine out tonight, money would be no option (or problem thanks to my part time occupation) and we went out on the town, all 3 girls together. I can still remember that night as though it was yesterday, whether it was the good company, the good wine or the admiring glances I got from almost every man we passed, it was the best night of my life. I was finally free, my voice was flawless and my strut was purposeful.

Everyone had a whale of a time, Marie and I were kept fairly busy fending off the unwanted attentions of men and if anything did get too heavy, mummy, bless her heart, was quick enough to cut in with some scathing quips. She stayed with us for the 3 days she was in London, fending off all enquiries as to which specialist she was seeing, what malady plagued her or indeed any prognosis. "It's nothing dear and you have far more important things to worry about."

We talked extensively about what surgery I would have in the future, Marie and her joked about what bust size I should end up, mummy's idea would have made Dolly Parton blush, Marie's only slightly smaller.

It seemed no time at all between that week and that fateful day I was sitting in the back of the little church in our village dressed all in black with a veil weeping openly at the back of a packed congregation whilst the drone of the priest went on about someone he obviously never knew. Most of the village had turned out, mummy was a very popular lady with everyone she met. Her infectious laugh, her great sense of fun and the fact she brooked no unpleasantness towards people not within earshot had made her a firm favourite with the entire village.

All my brothers were there with their painted wives and their multitude of children, not knowing or caring that granny had passed away in her sleep. Her death certificate would state that she died of pneumonia caused by complications from a congenital illness. This is what she did not want me to know that time in London, this is what she had spared me from at the most difficult time in my life, I cannot imagine what she must have been going through after I told my family of my intentions.

Nobody seemed to notice the bombshell at the back of the church with the flaming red hair, I was the only one to have inherited it from the Irish side of my family so nobody added 2 with 2 to make me. Even my brothers didn't recognise me, a fact I was only too happy to perpetuate. I stayed long after she was buried, bawling my eyes out over the fresh earth that covered my recently found and lost mummy. After an age, I said my goodbyes, climbed into my rental car and left, never to return.

I wasn't present at the reading of her will, I was only informed of its contents. Apparently she had taken the dismissive nature of my brothers towards me to heart. She had made me the executor of her estate with strict instructions as to what to do and what not to do. What surprised me even more was that her will was dated before her trip to London to see the new me but after I had told my family my news. In the few short months leading up to her death she had planned, and planned hard I must say now I'm no solicitor but I did have the presence of mind to contact one to try and sort this whole mess out.

He was one of my irregular clients, we had met and enjoyed each other's company twice, even though we had only enjoyed each other's bodies once. I made an appointment at his office under my new name which I was sure he would recognise. I made it plain and clear that we were both professionals and this was going to be a professional relationship with no ties at all and no mention of our past liaisons, he relaxed visibly as I don't think his wife would have approved of his client relationship program. I asked him to oversee the terms of the will as I had no intention of ever setting foot back into the village and certainly no intention of seeing my older siblings again. As far as they were concerned I no longer existed and that's the way I wanted it to stay.

The house was sold for the princely sum of £300,000 and I allocated £10,000 for each of my brothers and their families which, after all the deductions and the sale of the rest of the items in the house, left me with just over £250,000 clear in my bank account. And that was the end of an era, time to start a new one.

Dont forget to read the next installment: Part 6 - The Clients

Next: Chapter 6

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