
By yoric horatio

Published on Jan 16, 2011


This is a story written over a period of time (when I had time that is) consisting of 10 parts. I regard it as highly erotic and covers one persons journey through 5 years of their life. If you are not into transgenderism then I suggest that this story is not for you. It is not all about sex, sex and more sex (granted there is a LOT of sex) but you may need tissues for other reasons too. A large part of this story concerns the feelings, the highs as well as the lows of the subject.

If you are offended by acts of a sexual nature, then you may find you are on the wrong site entirely. If you are too young to be reading this in your country/region, I will tell your mommy.

If you want to comment please feel free to email me at the address listed above, if you want to flame please feel free to drop a very large rock onto your head.

Al persons named and featured in this story are fictional and bear no resemblance to anyone living, dead or not yet born.

Part 2 – The Proposition

I could barely wait until the allotted time but thought better of arriving early. I even had the cab driver go around the block a couple of times before I rang the doorbell at 8 o'clock precisely. She greeted me at the door wearing a long black leather coat, sadly done up way past her bosoms, and boots that disappeared above the hem of her coat. The 3 inch heels only managed to make me seem that much smaller and more insignificant than previously.

She gave the driver an address that I completely failed to recognise in a part of the city I had never been to before to a club I had never heard of. You guessed it; I was more a fish out of water than a whale exhibit at a museum.

When we arrived, I noticed the club had a very small door with a very large doorman of the sort that you tip in £50's in the vain hope he does not take offence to your face. On seeing Marie with me tailing behind her however his face split into a massive welcoming grin. He nodded over Marie's shoulder at me and said "initiate?"

"Possibly" was her slightly cryptic answer and we were allowed in.

What I saw next almost took my breath away. I am not completely naive in the ways of the world and I knew about domination and submission and vague ideas of whips and chains, which I had never really subscribed to, but this was a whole lot more. On a table not 5 feet to my right a group of 3 women, all dressed in various colours of leather, were calmly sipping drinks and laughing. That in itself wasn't the surprising bit, it was the fact the table was made of a male on all fours and a tray on his back holding the drinks. His attire made a string vest look positively overdressed and showy. All it consisted of was a strip of leather, wound around his waist, crossed at his back, over his shoulders, down to his crotch (completely unnecessarily as it covered nothing), and back up to the small of his back and hence round his waist.

My gaze swept the room and found other occasions where similar demeaning tasks were in play, and all the subs were male. Some were chained to their mistresses, others had collars, one even was lead around by a chain threaded through a "prince Albert" piercing.

Whilst all this was certainly breathtaking, I almost died of oxygen starvation when I next saw Marie. She had removed her coat revealing what she was wearing, or more precisely, what she was NOT wearing. She was standing quite proudly in her black leather thigh high lace up boots (laces at the back of course) sheer and almost see through stockings, a silk body suit and topped with a red satin and leather corset normally seen in films of a raunchy French variety. She waited for my eyes to return back to her face and motioned me to follow her to a booth. I wasn't sure if I should walk or belly flop like a seal, I chose walk in order to not make a scene.

The other thing I noticed was that although the music volume wasn't particularly quiet, the chatter certainly had died down and an air of anticipation seemed to have descended across the room. I joined her in the booth and apparently shocked the rest of the club by joining her on the bench that ran around the perimeter.

No sooner than we sat down one of the waiters (you could tell he was a waiter because he was wearing a white bow tie, jockstrap and boots) appeared at our table with a drink. "My mistress commands me to satisfy your every whim mistress Marie for as long as you see fit"

"Thank mistress Kate for her kind offer but your services tonight will be merely serving drinks. If you could however ask your mistress whether she could spare me a few minutes of her precious time to explain why she did not serve this herself I would be most appreciative."

"I will do as you command mistress" he said, bowing low as he left. Upon turning his back to us, I noticed he appeared to be wearing a tail, but compared to the rest of the clubs inhabitants, this was positively normal.

Turning to me, she fixed me with a stern eye. "As you have probably gathered, I am not your ordinary run of the mill person. Ordinary people do not frequent the Dungeon, ordinary people certainly do not get the offer of personal service from the Madame of the Dungeon's personal slave and ordinary people do not summon a Madame in her own domain. Speaking of Madame's - here she comes now.

Striding towards us was a 6 foot tall blonde, with impossible length hair and even more impossibly long legs. For the club she was conservatively dressed in black basque, matching panties, fishnet tights and knee high patent leather boots. I couldn't help noticing however that she was not a she at all. There appeared to be not a scrap of body hair but her face was a tad too angular her Adams apple was a little too prominent and there was a significant bulge in those tight pants of hers.

"Mistress Marie, I beg your forgiveness for my poor manners, it was inexcusable of me. Please let me know how I can be of service to you" purred the 'Madame'

"Your tardiness is noted as is your ineffectual grovelling, need I remind you of the last occasion you disappointed me?" the flash of memory that sped across the prostrated face showed that it was obviously unnecessary. Without saying another word mistress Kate looked round to her slave and nodded and immediately back to Marie. "My slave is fetching the tools of your discipline mistress Marie, I shall gladly undergo any punishment you deem necessary"

"On this occasion that will not be necessary, but I may have need of your services later in the evening. I shall expect you to be waiting for my instruction. Failure to do so will not be tolerated. Now leave us as we have matters to discuss."

Waiting for Mistress Kate to have left Marie once again turned to me.

"As you may have gathered, Kate and I have a history. She was like you once, young, mild, never truly knowing what she wanted, masturbating herself half to death striving for that certain something that was so close she could almost taste it but never quite managing to find her way. Then she met me and I showed her the path that would make her happy. Each and every person has their own path, all I do is light the way and allow them to walk down it themselves. I knew very early on that she had cross-dressing tendencies, I knew she might make a good domme some day, and I was right. Just look at the fine hunk of a slave she has caught for herself, totally devoted to her and will do her bidding whatever she asks. He would quite gladly throw himself into the Thames if she told him to and sacrifice his life for her whim - what's more she knows that and in return will never ask him to do it. There is a special kind of love that develops between domme and slave. Even now I know that Kate would do whatever I told her to do and I would do anything in my power to help her. She was my first and I love her for it."

I wasn't sure where this was going, so I just sat there, looking dumb and wondering when she was going to tell me what all this had to do with me.

"Where I saw a good domme in Kate, I see a great domme in you. I want to light that path for you, show you where it can lead, teach you to be the best domme in London. I can do all this for you or you can walk through that door and never look back. It's a decision only you can make and only you can take, I can't do it for you and I will not do it for you."

I sat there shocked; I had never even thought of the D/S scene before now let alone seen myself as an active part of it. I must admit that some of the sights all around me were having an effect in the trouser department. All sorts of things started going round my head without ever questioning whether Marie was right about this. How would I handle work, would people notice, what about my family, previous girlfriends ... The list was endless.

"In order to make you into the best domme around however, you need to be able to appreciate what the sub goes through, and for that you must become one. Nobody can truly appreciate it until they have experienced it firsthand. I don't expect you to answer straight away, it's a big decision that can transform your life, what I can do is show you a glimpse into your future ..."

Saying that she stood up and walked to Mistress Kate who was the picture of attentiveness itself. She talked for a few minutes in her ear. They appeared to be scanning the remainder of the club looking for people who may interest them. She returned eventually and told me that in order to make an informed decision; I should witness what I would become should I decide to go through with her plan. Everything was apparently being put in place and we should go through to the back where everything would be revealed. Had I known then what I know now, I would not have hesitated for a second. As it was, I did.

"You can still walk out whenever you feel like it - the door is over there"

My dick however chose for me. Almost without knowing, I was sporting an impressive hard on, and as far as I could figure out, I had been sporting it for over half an hour already. Testosterone supplied the answer which my mouth could not.

"In that case, follow me"

She led me through a door at the back, along a short passageway and up 4 flights of stairs when we entered something that looked like a theatre box. We sat and saw that this was only 1 of many arranged in a circle, we could see the boxes but not inside. The focus of the action was quite obviously the raised dais in the centre of the large room. This was currently occupied by 2 of the clubs visitors. The female half, resplendent in her bright pink skin tight latex body suit, matching gloves and boots, was whipping the male half of the pair who was strapped face down over a table with a riding crop. He was quite obviously male and quite obviously turned on by the torture he was undergoing as his cock and balls were fully exposed, as was his tight puckered ass, seen between his rosy and ladder marked butt cheeks.

She moved round to his head "are you going to do it properly now, do I have to bring you back in front of all these people to show them how worthless you are and incapable of bringing me to the orgasm you owe me???" finishing this tirade she reached under her crotch and opened a zip, baring her pussy to his mouth. Straining at his bonds he raised his head in order to please his mistress, tongue poking as far out of his mouth as his body would allow. Riding crop still in hand she rammed her pussy onto his tongue, held the back of his head with her other hand and proceeded to fuck his face with her pussy. Sure enough she was soon moaning and grinding her pussy onto his mouth, eyes closed and obviously having the time of her life. For no reason whatsoever she then proceeded to spank the helpless man again, over his back concentrating on his tender ass. From that angle she could manage to get the crop to penetrate between his cheeks and impact directly on his hole and amazingly he loved it. His cock began to twitch as her moans got louder, both of them lost in their own pleasure and the spanking and licking merely an autonomic response to their impending orgasm.

Finally after much squealing and bucking, she came on his face. At almost the same time his cock began spurting wad after wad of thick creamy cum all over the floor without it being touched even once.

The male was unbuckled from the table by one of the stage hands and was ordered to help his mistress from the stage. From various boxes came sounds of shuffling, some doors opened and closed, in others glasses tinkled. There was definitely an audience for the last show but an air of expectation was pervading the theatre, whispered voices and people being told to hush.

The stage hands had finished cleaning the man's cum from the floor and had removed the table. In its place was brought what looked to be a school vaulting horse that had had a terminal case bulimia. There were no sides left, just the padded top and legs. Onto those legs were attached various loops, chains and leather restraints, some were on ratchets and some were on complicated swing arms that I could not figure out a use for. I settled myself back into the luxurious leather on the seat I was on and glanced at Marie. She sat impassively watching the activities, listening to the half heard comments and occasionally nodding to herself. It appeared that my presence was totally inconsequential, but I didn't feel like leaving just yet, maybe after the next show I'd take Marie up on her alternative offer and walk out.

The next set of contestants for London's kinkiest couple were mistress Kate and her 'partner' he was brought in by herself, a leash on the dog collar around his neck. His torso had been oiled and his jockstrap had changed to a gold coloured pair of jockey shorts, even briefer than his previous attire. She was dressed as previously in her basque and stockings.

I found myself becoming more and more aroused by this charged atmosphere, the smell of sex coming from the auditorium was almost tangible. The background noise I could hear sounded more like people in the throes of passion all the time, maybe it was just my ears adapting to the noise levels but I swear I could hear tongues lapping, the muffled sound of a woman's orgasm, the stifled cry of a man's pain.

Mistress Kate had tied her slave to the horse; face up with his legs firmly attached to one pair of the cantilevers through two of the copious straps at her disposal and his arms above his head, crossed at the wrists and was currently surveying what looked strangely like a pill trolley from a hospital. "This should be good" said Marie, "Kate always was good in the face of an audience". I noticed that Marie's face and neck had become flushed, her breathing was deeper and by the way she fidgeted in her seat made me think that her crotch was probably quite lubricated. This only intensified my own arousal and my cock was becoming quite uncomfortable in my trousers.

From the box mistress Kate withdrew a chain with what appeared to be three complicated bulldog clips, I enquired what they were. "Nipple clamps, although I see she has added a third now ... Nice" purred Marie. She attached a clamp to each nipple and dropped the remainder of the chain. The slave (I never did learn his name, if he had one) just lay impassively. This was obviously his station in life and if it was not for the steady rise and fall of his chest, you could almost think he was a manikin lying there prostrate for all to see.

Kate started out with a pinwheel, starting at his forearms and all the way down to his chest, first the left, then the right, back to the left, returning to the right. On her last pass she continued her pin wheeling down his side, across his stomach and back to his opposite armpit, then all the way back round again. I was transfixed by this sight, she was in no hurry and her movements were slow and deliberate. Next was the turn of his legs, starting from one ankle, across his inner thigh and back down, then back up again. It was almost mesmerising. From our vantage point I could see the bulge in his jockey shorts start to lengthen and thicken, every time the pinwheel traversed his inner thighs it twitched and I found myself craning further forward to see exactly how far it could go before his head started to peek out over the top.

My attention was suddenly diverted by a familiar sound, Marie was leaning forward, a picture of rapt attention, her eyes glued to the dais and her hand glued between her legs. I was torn between the eroticism of the stage and her hand as she stroked herself in front of me. The crack of a paddle on skin brought my gaze back to the stage where I saw the slaves legs had moved, they were now spread wide apart and Kate was concentrating her attention onto the insides of his thighs. The rustle of silk to my right swivelled my head back round as Marie hooked her finger inside the crotch of her body suit and started to play with herself without hindrance.

I don't know how long I watched her, but more noises from the stage forced me to turn again, the paddle had been replaced with a cat'o'ninetails and his whole body was the target. His cock head was clearly visible now; only half its erect length was contained and was leaking precum copiously. I could sense his sex but I could also smell Marie's and the smacking of fingers into pussy once again drew my full attention. I felt as though I was watching the most erotic tennis match in history. The fingers of Marie's other hand was rubbing her clit furiously as she tried to force more and more pleasure from her pussy and her writhing became extremely urgent as her eyes closed, she bit her lip and convulsed hard on her fingers. The slightest whimper escaped from those gritted teeth as she relaxed from what was obviously quite a powerful orgasm.

Her breath returned to normal slowly and her gaze returned to the stage and mine followed. What I saw was incongruous with what had preceded anything before. Kate had wrapped her hand around her slaves cock and was slowly wanking it; its full length glistened in the light. She spread some lube over his ass and inserted 2 long fingers into it, I saw his eyes close in pleasure as she moved them, not in and out as I thought she would but there was definite movement.

"You should be keeping a close eye on this, she is milking him"

As I learned later, the male G spot is the prostate gland and this can be manipulated manually. It is roughly 2 inches inside your ass and if your partner makes a 'come here' movement it apparently causes the seminal fluid held in the prostate to be released. "He has not had a proper orgasm in over 3 years apparently, this does instead."

Kate kept this up for over 15 minutes and the slave was powerless to resist. Soon however his precum turned into an almost constant stream of pulsing creamy fluid running over her hand but still she continued until no more flowed and he wilted like a flower in the heat.

By now my attention was completely fixed on the floorshow without really taking in what I was seeing, it was though I was looking through a fog, all that really registered was pure unadulterated eroticism. I jumped when I felt a hand on my thigh, without me knowing Marie had managed to procure from somewhere a large dildo and was making fuck me motions with it. To make things easier, she squatted down in front of me and hooked the crotch of her cat suit to one side. "I don't want you to miss the next part so I'll stay right here while you fuck me with that dildo."

My eyes snapped back to the stage and I saw what she meant. The slaves legs had been raised high and wide and Kate was in between them sporting the largest hard on I had ever seen. Seriously, this woman would have made a fortune in porn she was that hung. Her cock hung swinging gently between her legs; it must have been 11 inches long and thick. She positioned herself with the tip of her cock resting on the lubed up hole of her slave and pushed. It was like watching continental drift, with all the inevitability of it too. You knew that she would not stop until the whole of her length was buried inside this beautiful slaves arse. Just when I thought she couldn't go any further, just when her ball sack was touching his arse she gave a small jerk that proclaimed she was in, mashing his arse cheeks to allow that extra 1/4 of an inch.

Slowly she pulled her cock out just short of the head and quicker now pushed it back in. I felt Marie place the dildo into my hand, pull it down to position the weapon to her crack and pulled it into her. "fuck me to her rhythm" she gasped hoarsely, so I did.

Kate was slowly increasing her pace, sliding her cock in and out of her private fuckhole, every time she found her depth she rocked him up the horse with the power of her thrusts. Reaching over, she collected up the chain and third clip that was attached to his nipples, attached the final clip to his penis and the chain to a ring on her bodice. Now every time she thrust into him, the clips tightened on his now flaccid cock and his nipples. His cock didn't remain flaccid for long though. With all the attention the head of his cock was getting, it had no choice really. In the meantime I was keeping up a steady rhythm with the dildo in Marie's pussy and I felt her juices start to soak my hand, she was obviously having the time of her life riding that rubber cock.

The slave was obviously enjoying himself as his mistress upped her tempo, pushing her cock into his arse harder and harder. I was having quite a job keeping up the pace inside Marie as her humping got quicker and harsher along with her breath. By now Kate's cock was in and out of the slaves arse like a piston occasionally coming all the way out, revealing her huge glistening head before slamming it back in, both their bodies rocking to this frantic pace. I felt Marie's breath coming in huge gasping sobs as her own hand went to her clit and rubbed herself hard. Kate's thrusts became more and more frantic and everybody could sense her impending orgasm. Even her slaves cock was leaking cum like a river, the pace quickened still further, no longer the long powerful confident strokes but now animalistic short spasms as her orgasm finally wracked her body, as she pumped her seed directly into this willing hole that she had been pounding only moments before. Simultaneously Marie bucked with her own orgasm and I rammed the dildo into her for the final time and her body was overtaken by her nervous system, no longer under her own control.

After a minute that felt like an age, Kate withdrew her softening cock from the ass she had occupied and let loose a torrent of cum from it, such an erotic sight made me look down at my own softening bulge and feeling the tell tale wetness of my own sperm, let loose without my knowledge or any outside interference. How could this have happened, how could I possibly cum in my own pants just watching a transsexual fuck some guys arse?

But it was so much more than that wasn't it - the build up, Marie's 2 orgasms one of them with my help, Kate's fucking rhythm, the slaves pool of cum on his belly and the puddle of Kate's spunk now lying on the floor, the sounds and the smells, everything added up to a total loss of control on my part.

I never did take the easy way out, I didn't walk out that door ... At least not alone. I wanted to experience more of this wonderful sex and my mind was reeling.

Dont forget to read the next installment: Part 3 - The Hook

Next: Chapter 3

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