
By yoric horatio

Published on Jan 15, 2011


This is a story written over a period of time (when I had time that is) consisting of 10 parts. I regard it as highly erotic and covers one persons journey through 5 years of their life. If you are not into transgenderism then I suggest that this story is not for you. It is not all about sex, sex and more sex (granted there is a LOT of sex) but you may need tissues for other reasons too. A large part of this story concerns the feelings, the highs as well as the lows of the subject.

If you are offended by acts of a sexual nature, then you may find you are on the wrong site entirely. If you are too young to be reading this in your country/region, I will tell your mommy.

If you want to comment please feel free to email me at the address listed above, if you want to flame please feel free to drop a very large rock onto your head.

Al persons named and featured in this story are fictional and bear no resemblance to anyone living, dead or not yet born.

Part 1 – The Initiation

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Michaela, 31, I stand 5 foot 6 inches, and I have a nice pair of 36C tits, slimming down to a size 10-12 dress and narrow hips. My shockingly red hair reaches just below my shoulder blades and my face is nicely shaped. My body is entirely hairless and I am a complete slut!

That's not how it always was though, so follow me on a tale of adventure, sex, corruption, drugs and passion - of mine I hasten to add.

I used to be called Michael aged 26 and I worked for a large investment bank in the heart of London's financial district. I wasn't a whizz kid by any means but I did my job well and my employers were happy with me. I was single, but not by choice. I wasn't a virgin though; I wasn't that pathetic it's just that everyone I met on a romantic level never really cut the mustard. Okay it was fine to begin with but after a few weeks I got bored and had the nagging feeling that something was missing, without ever managing to put my finger on exactly what it was.

Then one day I met Marie. She was a manager in another department in our building; she was 31, slightly larger than my previous girlfriends, a good 2 inches taller than me and a little bigger in the chest waist and hips department. She had the dirtiest giggle on her and a definite swing to her hips that turned heads wherever she walked.

The company we were in was a very male orientated society; there was a definite bias towards having a dick in your trousers as opposed to a pussy, unless you were prepared to sleep your way up. However Marie never succumbed to these easy roads, what she did was hard, fair and above all, above board. In essence she was good at her job and it showed with her peers.

We met at the coffee machine, nothing fancy, no sparks/fireworks/immediate sexual tension, just a chat which ended up with her asking me out for a drink after work. Now bearing in mind this was central London, nobody drove anywhere so a casual drink after work was nothing unusual. Sure enough we met at the local pub, she with her vodka tonic and me with a pint of Guinness. We talked, we drank, we talked some more, we drank some more and next thing we knew it was 1AM closing time and I was looking at a 2 hour night bus back to my apartment in the west of the city.

On hearing this Marie did offer me the use of her spare room because she had a taxi account through the bank, and she was heading back to Chelsea. It wouldn't be too hard for me to pop back to my place in the morning, get changed and still be back at the bank by 9.

So off we went. I did wonder at this stage if it was a ruse just to get me back to her place and my cock stirred at the thought. Unfortunately, it was just a spare room in her somewhat spacious 3 bedroom apartment in the heart of Chelsea's "trendy" district. It must have been after 2AM by the time we finished our coffee and finally she called a halt to the evening.

"I always keep this room made up just in case one of my insufferable family turns up"

"You have much of an insufferable family?" I enquired

"Only my 2 sisters, but they only come to see me when they want to go shopping, I'm a sort of unofficial hotel for them. Anyway, its way past time for my beauty sleep"

"Not from where I'm standing" was my automatic reply "but I take your point, I normally get up at about 6, is that ok for you?"

Blushing slightly she replied "that's a bit bloody early but if you make coffee I'll smell it."

We bid each other good night and I undressed from my work clothes and settled into bed. I could hear her in her ensuite shower for about 5 minutes, the soft padding of her across her bedroom floor, the sound of her settling into her bed and the click of the light switch. The flat was silent - except for the ever present background noise of a large city.

Normally I sleep very heavily but for some reason that night sleep never really came in its full force, nothing like I am used to. Maybe it was the unfamiliar bed, possibly the thought that I was in a strange house, whatever it was I slept fitfully until I saw dawn breaking through the windows.

At 5:45 AM I gave up the pretence of getting back to sleep and decided that I may as well get myself dressed and ready. I fumbled my way into her tiny kitchen (how she ever managed to hold a party catered for out of that kitchen I'll never know) stubbed my toe on the cupboard and swore "SHIT!!" which had the unfortunate effect of waking up my generous host. I hastily started the coffee machine, dropped a mug, spilt the sugar and generally went to pieces. I don't know why but I just had the feeling that I should please this woman and so far I wasn't doing a very good job of it.

She appeared in the doorway in her black fleece dressing gown, her dark brown hair tousled and looking as if she could have quite cheerfully spent another 2 hours in bed. Large and poufy as her dressing gown was, it was doing a poor job of hiding her impressive 38C chest, something in my brain went click. Unfortunately that something was wired directly to my penis which immediately sprang to attention, not helped by the usual morning wood that I habitually sported.

I hurriedly turned back to the counter after realising I was gawping. Not only was I gawping but she knew I was gawping too. A little smile played on her lips for a second or was it my imagination.

"Coffee machines tend to work better if you turn them on at the wall socket" she said

DAMN!!!! Already I had ballsed up, could a look a bigger Muppet?

She leaned over slowly, still facing me, and flicked the switch on the wall. The action of her coming so close gave me a not so accidental display of the deep valley between her breasts, a sight I simply couldn't help drinking in. Concentrating so hard on her lovely physique it didn't occur to me that this whole process was taking considerably longer than it ought to.

"Enjoying the view?" she purred. I could only grunt an affirmative as I dragged my eyes away from her mounds and looked into her perfect blue green eyes. She leaned closer and down and our lips met, I was definitely the passive partner in this show and for once, I didn't mind. She turned us both around so my back was to the counter and the kiss became more urgent. She was forcing me back onto the counter and grinding her body against me as our tongue wrestling became more and more intense.

"Get those clothes off, I want to fuck!"

That order had me weak at the knees but I managed to fumble my belt open before she got impatient and almost tore my trousers from me. My hard cock (all 7 inches of it but a good thickness) sprang into her waiting hands which she grasped with an urgency I wasn't expecting. She moved back, holding my cock to pull me with one hand and undoing her dressing gown with the other until she was leaning back over the counter behind her. She placed her right foot behind me onto the edge of the counter and proceeded to guide my wick towards her waiting pussy.

"I assume you know what to do from here" it wasn't a question; it was a statement that would not go well if I couldn't comply. I gently pushed my cock against her pussy slit until I found her wet passage and then continued until I had about 2 inches inside her. I was just about to pull out to enter her again when her nails found by back and arse and she roughly pulled me full force to her and my cock slammed into her to the hilt.

We both let out moans of pure pleasure as out crotches mashed into each other and then I started thrusting. Not to be outdone she was thrusting back with even greater force, our sweating bodies moving together hard and fast. She put her other leg against the counter behind me so I was sandwiched between them and she was no longer in contact with the floor, only holding herself up with her hands behind her, our rhythm was intense as I felt my orgasm start to build in my balls. We kept this position for another 10 minutes or so when she suddenly dropped her legs which pulled my cock from her with a wrench. I didn't get a chance to ponder this situation before she was leading me again by my very hard cock, not to her room, but back to where I had slept.

She threw me mercilessly onto the bed and then climbed over, dangling those beautiful tits over me, which she proceeded to thrust into my face, occasionally swinging them side to side so I would be slapped on the sides of my face my them. Using this as an opportunity to rid herself of her dressing gown she repositioned herself directly over my cock and slammed her crotch onto mine. Again my cock was buried incredibly deep into her and the thrusting resumed with a sexual abandon I had never felt before. Again my sap was beginning to rise as she started to buck wildly on me. I could tell she was in the throes of a beautiful orgasm as she started to shake and moan uncontrollably, slamming down on my cock harder and harder until she peaked as I felt her cum gush out of her and all over my pubes.

Close as I was and erotic as it was, it wasn't enough to send me over the edge with her so my cock still throbbed motionless in her as she panted on top of me. It was only still because I couldn't move an inch with her frame lying on me so I had little choice but to let her calm down before starting again. It's not that I was complaining or anything, that was some of the best sex I'd had in years, it's just that it wasn't over for me.

She moved slightly in her recovery and I took the opportunity to show that inside her was still a real cock, still real hard too. Quick as a flash she grabbed my backside with her nails which made me yelp, more in surprise than pain, but it still stung

"Don't move a muscle!!" she commanded - and it was a command that would brook no disobeying. She slowly sat up so her breasts were now clear of my chest and all the way to fully vertical and sat down slowly until I could feel her pussy lips against my balls. We were as together as it was possible to get.

"So little Mickey has some action left in him does he? We'll have to see about that I suppose." without moving her body at all she squeezed her pussy muscles which sent a jolt right through me. Then it was more than a squeeze, it was a pumping action, then I could feel her cervix flick across the head of my cock, then another squeeze, another pump, another flick. It was the most incredibly erotic thing I had ever felt in my entire life and there was nothing I could do about it. Squeeze, pump, flick pump, flick, squeeze, flick and pump, squeeze flick and pump, squeeze and pump, no rhythm, no pattern just pure bliss as I started to buck ineffectually against her until finally my sperm erupted from me in great torrents but the squeezing, pumping and flicking just carried on regardless and she was laughing!! What kind of sadistic, beautiful, tormentress, wonderful bitch was this?

As I felt the last of my seed leave my rapidly withering cock and my body finally stopped twitching I opened my eyes to find them looking straight into hers. She had a self satisfied look on her face, probably something with me being under her full control when she asked the oddest of questions, "have you ever tasted you own cum?"

"Ummm ... No" whilst I have nothing against tongue fucking the occasional pussy, it's something I normally do before I fuck it. She grabbed my shoulders and rolled us both over into a position I was more accustomed to, me on top, missionary.

"Well I want you to clean me out, I can hardly go into work with your bollock yoghurt running down my legs can I." With this she pushed me off and gently but firmly guided my face between her creamy thighs until she had my lips clamped over hers. Well, in for a penny in for a pound I suppose, I started licking. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be and soon I was giving her the full benefit of a thorough tongue lashing as I licked and slurped our combined juices out of her hole. Her writhing soon became more urgent and I felt her building to another orgasm. She was almost suffocating me with her hairless cunt as I felt her second wash of pussy juices explode from within her all around my mouth.

With a shuddering sigh she went limp and simply lay there panting for a few minutes, allowing me to breathe but not to move too far.

With slow movements she sat up, let go of my head and swung her leg around my head and stood up. A little bit of her cum dripped from swollen pussy lips which she felt. "It looks like am going to have to hit the shower after all seeing as you can't do a proper job, you can use the one in the bathroom and I'll use my ensuite. There's towels in the airing cupboard and we'll see about getting you some new clothes because you won't have time to get back to your place and be on time for work." with that, she left.

We managed to find a shop in Chelsea that opened sufficiently early to allow me to buy more clothes that day and we returned to her place so I could change.

The rest of the day was spent just like any other, we made our separate ways to work, we only saw each other once throughout the day and that was when she was walking across the trade floor, I began to wonder if that was the end of it. All through the day I kept thinking how good it felt to have the pressure taken off me by her insistence, nay, her authority in sex. And her coup de grace this morning was simply mind blowing. I had never experienced anything like that, and so it appeared probably would never again.

At almost 5 o'clock however, I got an email

I could almost hear her voice saying "pick me up at 8; we are going to a club". Well it was Friday night and I thought why not?

Dont forget to read the next installment: Part 2 - The Proposition

Next: Chapter 2

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