Transgender/TV - Going Conservative

By S M

Published on Dec 6, 2004



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Going Conservative In P

I had done some various searches online over the years on the topic of men wearing panties and lingerie and came across a few articles that I found very interesting. Now, I have been wearing since I was a young man and now that I'm in my 30's, I have grown as a person both physically and in my views but I still have a fetish for wearing lingerie. If anything, now I can afford all the nice things I used to fantasize about wearing.

Anyway, many articles online that concern men dressing address the type of person that wears. In general, it seems that men that like to wear lingerie and/or crossdress are typically straight males and they are conservatives. This is what I've found on the web, it's not my opinion, just my observation. So I found it interesting that there are people who can be so fundamentally different from myself (I'm an independent voter that usually goes liberal on domestic issues and conservative on international issues while being a closeted bi married male) that share this unique fetish. The context of this information comes from anything ranging from advice columns and forum posts to some articles that appear to be closer to psychological analysis papers. At face value, I'd always assumed that men that dressed were usually liberal to a degree in life -- but as I've found, everyone is different and just when you've got someone figured out, they surprise you.

So as the political season came this year with the presidential posturing, it was easy to get whipped up by all media frenzy. Each side says things back and forth and it's never very pretty. In fact, it seemed to get downright nasty more and more. I was really getting caught up in it myself. I'd find myself online looking at all manner of facts on both of the candidates, trying to decide who to vote for. As a liberal, I'd always reserved the right to vote either way. So I went to a few forums and would post questions, thoughts, opinions to see the response.

I even found more than a few chat rooms about politics where I could debate with others on all sorts of subjects. It was actually fun to get into it with someone who I disagreed with. Usually, chatting with someone on the other side of the fence led to a rather harsh ending -- lots of f-bombs were not uncommon. I liked it because I never took it personally; I tried to see if I could make someone see it my way with persuasion. When that didn't happen, I tried to learn from the message the others were sending -- to find a way to do a better job the next time. It was quite fun when you don't take it too seriously -- I mean, I don't think that most talk shows try to fix things, they try to stir up controversy so you'll tune in again for more of the same.

So, not long before the election I was in a local chat room for my state and came across a guy who was different than the rest. He was what I would call "scary smart". He knew his stuff and was very good at getting his point across. Like an expert salesman who owned not only the information he was talking about, but he owned the way he described it. I watched him talk to some of the others in the room in public on several occasions. His handle was "gr8conservman". After seeing him take a few of the liberal regulars to task, I waited until I had seen him on several occasions and decided to try my luck.

He was slick, never getting mean or nasty, just tough -- and focused. He wouldn't give an inch on anything -- you had to beat him with facts and an argument that was rock solid. It was like going into a presidential debate of your own.

I was another of the victims in his arguments. I thought I was convincing but he was able to make a point that was strong enough to make me waiver just enough to have to concede. He was damn good at debating. I exited the chat room not humiliated, but I was beaten and that always sucks.

I went down to the basement and grabbed the small bag of things I had stashed and decided to put on some panties, garter, stockings and a cami top. My wife was away with her parents for the night and our 2 year old daughter was asleep so I had the chance to dress. I mean, if you're going to console yourself, you might as well be comfy. So I changed and went back to the computer to sign back on. Just to be clear, I have a few online identities -- one for work, one for home and one for those times I want to go online and talk about lingerie with other men.

I went to a few different rooms looking to chat with some panty guys. Nothing was very interesting, mostly a bunch of guys who were rude, vulgar and basically were desperate for some kind of quickie thing. I've had a few relationships but each time it was something that was way more than a: "I just met you, gotta do you" adventure.

So after about a half hour of clicking around, I came across something that really shocked me. It was "gr8conservman"! I almost fell out of my seat when I saw him enter. At first, I thought that I was reading the name wrong but when I checked it against the chat log of our discussion, it was him. "Holy crap" I thought as I saw him. Here was a guy who was a bedrock of conservative thinking and he was mingling with men that wear lingerie.

Of course, I was using my ID handle that I only use in the "men in panty" rooms so he, or anyone else would have no idea who I was -- the web can keep you anonymous if you try. So I tried to figure out what to do, I wanted to talk to him because I respected him but also wanted to find out more about how enjoyed wearing.

Before he could bounce out of the room, I started a conversation with him. It rather quickly went to a private conversation, one on one. We started talking about a desire to wear and how we had both started. I had him at some sort of disadvantage for the first time; I knew who he was to a degree while I remained a total stranger to him. We talked for a bit about how we both started wearing, why we like it and how we are both happily married with kids. He however was a bit older than me -- 52 to my 34 but age is no big deal to me. We both had similar taste in regards to lingerie and attitude about wearing. He really was an interesting guy that I seemed to have a great deal in common with. We hit it off rather well and I was dying thinking about how I'd approach him about how we had actually first met online in a political debate forum.

I finally asked him about whom he was thinking of voting for and he rather dryly gave me a non-answer saying that he didn't like to talk politics much -- especially when he'd rather talk about lingerie. I laughed it off and finally broke it to him that I had chatted with him a short time earlier about conservative versus liberal issues. He waited a long time before answering me -- I thought he had actually dropped off. When he finally did reply, he said that he knew that he'd finally see his two worlds meet at some point.

I told him how unique the situation was and that I just had to be honest with him. This he was appreciative for and he told me that he actually liked to wear panties when he was debating, felt like it gave him an edge. It was stunning how well we met on so many levels -- and the feeling was mutual.

The one thing we didn't meet eye-to-eye on was politics of course. His conservative stance and my more centrist, if not liberal position was the divide we had philosophically.

This discussion led to several in-depth talks over the next few weeks. His name is Stuart and we both discovered that we were so very similar and had a yearning to see a better world, but with different ways of getting there. These discussions made us both more and more comfortable until there was a point that we mutually discussed getting together to meet face to face. We had met online in a chat room for our state and it turned out he was less than an hour from where I lived. This is the step that always is a turning point, where you really find out if there is an attraction past the words you type on a computer.

Our discussion was interesting -- we made small talk but found it tough to talk further about dressing. There's something about talking of wearing while people are sitting around on their laptop computers. It's just something that we both laughed about as we talked, saying that the discussion about politics might be less infuriating with people.

Stuart was a good looking man. In shape, with dark hair and gray temples. He was smartly dressed in a suit, I'm sure he's an executive in a decent sized company. I'd guess he was 6 ft -- and maybe 180 to 190 pounds. We both are in shape, though I'm a bit heavier, my frame is a bit stockier and I weigh in at 205 but have been working out religiously for 3 years now.

It was a good meeting. Seeing him and talking in person changed our relationship. That night, we were online and he proposed having a more discreet meeting. One where we could talk politics and lingerie without having to worry about what people in a coffee shop had to say. I laughed and told him that would mean a private meet and his response was: "exactly".

It was really a no-brainer for me, I wanted to have a chance to dress with someone and Stuart seemed to be the best person I had come across in ages. Plus, the fact I'd met him face to face made it all the easier to say yes -- I could just get a good vibe that we were similar -- and that was critical to me.

Being married always makes it a challenge and he took the initiative, setting up a meeting with me that would occur during the day. We worked out our schedules so that I was taking a sick day away from work and he would do the same. Stuart got a hotel room at one of the more upscale places only 20 minutes from my home.

I called in at work, said I was not feeling well and had my home calls re-routed to my cell, just in case. We met in the hotel lobby; Stuart had stayed the previous night and had the room through the next day -- so that we wouldn't have to worry about getting a room. He showed me up to the room and I was honestly blown away by how nice the suite was.

Once the door was closed, he showed me around and pointed out the he had brought a bag of many things to wear and I would have the option to wear them if I would like to. We decided to get changed in separate rooms, so that we could then reveal to each other at the same time. I went into the extra room and changed into the things I had brought -- a pair of black thigh highs w/lace trim, black cami top with lace ruffle and black lace panties with a tiny pink waistband. I walked into the master bedroom to find Stuart dressed in a navy blue corset with garter straps and stockings, matching blue satin panties and a pair of heels as well.

We stood silently for a moment -- when Stuart finally said: "Fantastic, even better than your pictures my boy"

I actually was blushing and responded: "I must say that I like what you have as well."

Stepping close to me, Stuart said softly: "This has been a surprising set of meetings we've had, from online, to coffee shop to now -- let's see how everything develops." As he said this he walked around me, looking me over, and I could feel his eyes on me. His hands cupped my pantied bottom and I heard him let out a soft groan of approval as I gave a gasp of surprise.

Stuart: "My, I do love your choice in panties. So cute on you, do you like this pair the best?"

Me: "Yes, I love how they look and feel, and I'm glad you like them" I responded.

Stuart: "Well, you could always use some more conservative' suggestions" with smirk in his tone. His hands gripped my ass more strongly when he said conservative'.

Me: "Oh really? You think that you can convince me to be more `conservative' do you? I know you're good in debating but you haven't convinced me yet."

Stuart: "Well now, don't you know that all politics is about who you kiss up to and who you screw?"

Me: "Don't all politicians just want to screw the public?"

Stuart: "Well, I think we all want to screw, there's a select group that will suck up to get the opportunity to screw you."

His hands moved from my ass, down my legs to my thigh highs, caressing them from behind, and then moving slowly. I was now breathing deeply as we did this coy discussion. He was talking in my ear; I could feel his body move closer to me from behind until I could feel his pantied cock, very stiff, up against my pantied behind.

Me: "I don't like getting screwed. If someone wants my support, they have to earn it."

Stuart slid his hands around and rubbed the front of my panties and said: "The conservative movement is all about making this a better world, if you'd just trust conservatives, you'd find a lot to enjoy."

I groaned as he felt me up. Letting out soft sounds as my cock was being felt in panties. I was so turned on by the touching but this discussion was so full of double meaning I tried to keep up.

Me: "That's what a politician would say; trust me because I say so."

Stuart: "That's what all you liberal's say, you want more and more don't you?"

Me: "You have to win me over and over again, no free pass here." I groaned as he played with my cock in lace.

Stuart: "I think that you liberals just want it all, like some pain in the butt sissy."

Me: "You need some of us liberal types to win don't you? There aren't enough on the far right to win, you've got to convince us to vote for you, and you love to bully us on your positions"

His hands slipped in the top of my panties. Sliding down to my balls he rubbed them and then used one hand on my cock and one on my balls. I was now starting to move my hips to his hand motion, and I found my ass rubbing against his hard cock and it made me so hot.

Stuart: "I think all of you liberals just want to see us give in all the time, both at home and all over the world. Making this country the biggest sissy of the world."

Me: "No, I want a strong country, one that does what it needs to but tries to do it the right way." Stuart: "So we have to be soft and sissy at times but strong and bully other times?"

Me: "Yesssssss" I groaned as he now had me rock hard.

Stuart then kissed my earlobe. The wet feeling shot through my body as he held me and made his move.

Stuart: "I think that you sissy's on the liberal side are more like us than you'd admit, you want someone who's strong and take charge."

I whispered back: "Yes, we want a strong man to lead."

Stuart let go of me and walked around to face me. Both of us breathing deeply and passionately. Stuart's talking had twisted politics and sex together. His tone was something he had never had when he debated, now he was into some humiliation and it was so hot!

Facing me he got right to my face and said: "You liberals are such fairies, you know u want me in charge don't you? You want your daddy to be in charge."

I melted and said: "Yes -- yes daddy"

He smiled and leaned in and gave me a kiss. I'd never kissed a man but this was so hot. Moaning, we made out like mad with tongues mixing. Our bodies met and we ground our cocks together. Legs in hose rubbing and hands all over each other.

Stuart broke the kiss: "You see, conservatives know what's best for everyone, don't they boy?"

I just smiled and started kissing him again.

Stuart slid to his knees before me: "Tell me you're a sissy boy". He then started to rub his face on my pantied cock.

I groaned and said: "I'm a sissy -- I'm a sissy boy"

Stuart looked up and said: "You want me to take care of you don't you boy? Your liberal body needs a conservative man to take care of it -- right boy?"

I could only moan and say "yessssss"

Stuart smiled and said: "Tell me boy, tell me u need me to take care of you -- I'll make you love what a conservative does to you."

"Yes" I moaned. "Yes daddy."

Stuart pulled my panties down and let my cock spring free. He gave it some loving licks which made my legs tremble. His hands on my legs, caressing them he laughed as he licked me like a lollipop.

I groaned as he looked up at me, licking my cockhead. He smiled and said: "Tell me you'll vote for W -- do it boy and I'll suck you off like you've never had it."

Every fiber of my body wanted to scream "No!" but my mouth was only able to say "yes!"

He sucked me deep. Stuart was an incredibly talented cocksucker. He had built me to a peak of passion and took it a step further when he sucked me. I moaned out like a sissy slut. He was in control and I loved it. The way we had turned politics sexual was something so new, yet so hot, I was taken over.

My cock slid in and out and I could not last long. I cried out and came down his throat which he sucked up without losing any. Stuart sucked and sucked until I was dry. He finished me by pulling my panties off and I stepped out of them.

Standing and facing me -- we smiled silently while our hurried breath filled the room.

Grinning, Stuart said: "Good boy, very good sissy boy action"

I didn't think of any of this as an insult, the talk only made me hot.

Pointing to the desk, behind me, Stuart said I should look at something he had for me. I turned and saw some very fine print on a memo. I looked and leaned over to read it. It said: "Now, the true nature of a politician can be revealed to you."

Before I could turn, I felt an intruder on my bare behind. I looked up into the mirror before me and saw a wicked grin on Stuarts face as he pushed a finger into my ass. I groaned and looked at him in the reflection. He moved his finger in and out, slick with some lube, he readied me.

I looked at him and gave him a playful scowl, saying: "Oh you tricked me."

He grinned and said: "No boy, I told you what you wanted to hear from a politician and I sucked your cock to make you happy. Now, I'm gonna screw you good."

I smiled: "You gonna do me now that I've voted for you?"

He nodded his head and placed his cock on my asshole, pushing in slowly making me groan deeply.

Stuart smiled and let out a deep groan as well. He said: "Don't worry, I think you'll love it so much you'll love it enough to come back and be `conservative' with me."

All I could do was grimace as he entered me and groan: "Yessss."

And of course, we all know how the election turned out.

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