
By Slave Bear

Published on Dec 25, 2021


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As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen and consenting adults, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, extreme body modification, bestiality, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Transformed - Chapter 6: The Vacation

As the weather warmed, Richard was looking forward to a break from work to get away and relax. Gimp had told Lucas that their master liked to take trips out into the country to stay at the family farm. So, it was not a surprise when Richard announced that he would be leaving on Monday and returning the following Sunday. He told them that Pup and Brutus would be coming along and that Lucas would be joining them, as Richard did not want to leave his favorite toy behind. Gimp would stay at the house and handle the milking of Calf and Bull and the canning and sales of Lightning Boost.

When the day arrived, Richard put harnesses attached to leashes on Pup and Brutus and had Lucas take them around to the side of the house where his van was parked. When Lucas opened the rear doors, he saw that the back of the van had been carpeted and the windows blacked out. There were several cases of Lighting Boost along with some kibble for the dogs on one side and blankets had been put on the other. Brutus immediately jumped into the vehicle and curled up on the blankets and Pup climbed in to lay next to him.

"Ok, you too, be good," Lucas said as he closed the doors.

Richard came out of the house wearing a t-shirt slightly smaller than would fit his broad frame, though it showed his chest off nicely. His shorts enhanced his large package. Lucas smiled as he approached.

"The dogs are inside, Master."

"Good," Richard replied. "On the passenger side is a crate. Go store yourself in it. We will be leaving in just a moment."

Lucas moved around to the side and when he opened the door he saw a large metal box where a seat would have been. He opened the lid on top and saw it was padded inside. There were air holes in the top and sides and it looked like it would be a tight fit. He was able to squeeze his frame in, however, and as the lid closed, darkness enveloped him. Only pinpricks of light came through the tiny holes. Lucas was happy that he was not claustrophobic.

The driver's side door opened a few minutes later and Richard climbed in. Lucas heard the click of a lock as the large man latched the box he was inside closed. The next thing he heard was the sound of the engine starting up and then the vehicle made its way down the driveway and onto the road.

The journey took about an hour. Lucas had no idea where they were headed. He could hear the sound of the radio playing and Richard singing. Brutus barked on a few occasions, at what he was not sure. The ride was smooth at first, but near the end, the box bounced and shook. Lucas wondered if they had moved onto less improved roads. When the vehicle finally stopped, Richard jumped out and closed the door behind him. Lucas heard the back doors open and Pup and Brutus got out, but when the doors closed again, he laid quietly in the box for a long period. He was concerned that he had been forgotten. When the passenger door finally opened and he heard the click of the lock on his box, he turned to wait for the lid to open.

As it lifted, light poured in and he blinked to adjust his eyes. Lucas looked up and instead of Richard staring down at him, it was the face of a teenager. He had a few days' growth on his face, though his beard was patchy and not filled in. He had some acne on his upper cheeks, but his pale blue eyes were attractive. His hair was a dusty brown color and when he spoke, his voice was deep but cracked occasionally.

"Come on out, Slave. My name is Chad. I'm your master's nephew."

Lucas grabbed the sides of the box and pulled himself up and out of the van. As he stretched, Chad smiled at him.

"Damn Uncle Rich was right. You are a hot-looking thing."

Chad reached down and rubbed Lucas's crotch and felt the smooth area where his cock had been and his large balls. Lucas felt the kid's rough hands and he tensed up.

"They did a good transformation on you, too," Chad said as he reached around to finger Lucas's ass. "How's that pussy feel?"

Lucas felt embarrassed that this youth was feeling him up and he was concerned that his master might not like his toy played with. He moved away from Chad's hand and smiled.

"You will have to ask Sir," Lucas replied. "I was told I am his toy alone."

"Yeah, yeah," Chad said. "Follow me, Slave. Rich wants you inside."

Chad turned and walked towards an old farm home that was set on a small hill next to a winding dirt road. The area around was relatively flat. Cows were grazing in the distance and a large red barn was to the right. The kid was in a pair of overalls with an old worn set of boots, but he had no shirt on. Lucas had seen the beginnings of hair developing on his chest and shoulders. He had no idea how old Chad was, but he had to be in high school.

Chad bounded through an old screen door and Lucas followed him in. The room before him was large and open. Brutus and Pup were laying on the floor next to Richard, who was sitting in a chair with his shirt off drinking a beer with another man. This new person looked a lot like his master, only older. There was more gray and white in his beard and body hair and he had on only a pair of thin boxers. It was obvious he was just as hung as Richard, too. Chad leaned on the sofa and looked at the older man.

"Can I have a beer too, Pops?"

"Not till you finish your chores," the older man said. "Get out in the barn and take care of those horses."

"Yes, Sir," Chad groaned as he walked to the other side of the room and out a back door.

"Slave, come over here and stand at attention!" Richard shouted.

Lucas walked over and stood with his hands behind his back.

"This is my new toy, Jim," Richard said.

"Looks a damn sight better than the last one you had," Jim said.

"Lot better behaved than that piece of shit, too," Richard said as he took a sip out of his bottle.

"They did a good job with the operation," Jim said. "Can barely tell he ever had a cock. I love how big the balls got, too!"

"Yeah, I've been happy with it so far," Richard said. "It learned to stay quiet and be used and its pussy feels great. Flip it on its back and you get lube on demand out of his new pee hole when you stimulate him."

"Congrats!" Jim said as he clinked his glass against Richard's. "Do you share it?"

"You know how stingy I am with my toys," Richard said.

"Oh, I know," Jim replied with a laugh. "But I thought I would ask."

"Slave, go stand in the corner till you are needed," Richard replied.

"Yes, Master," Lucas said as he moved over to the side of the room.

"Has Chad decided where he is going to school?" Richard asked.

"Yeah," Jim replied. "He's going to Valley State this fall. About the only thing that piece of shit could get into. His grades aren't the best."

"I know where he gets that from," Richard said with a laugh.

"Oh, fuck off," Jim replied with a grin. "Anyway, he is going to study agriculture science. He will be taking over the dairy farm when he graduates."

"Nice," Richard replied.

"How's the Lightning Boost production coming?" Jim asked.

"Not too bad," Richard replied. "Got a new Calf I am training. Shouldn't be too long till its udder is developed fully. My old Bull is nearing the end of its life."

"Well, it has done a pretty good job for you," Jim replied. "I've heard others talking about how much they like the stuff."

"Yeah," Richard replied. "Jake recently updated the formula on some of the stuff we add to it. It seems to give a lot more energy to the consumer. The drug we give to the new calf has been slightly altered. I am hoping its udder will grow even larger and produce more as a result. We will see. Course it makes the cattle dumb as fuck, so I am glad to have Gimp and Slave around to monitor them so they aren't pissing on the floor or making a mess."

Jim laughed.

"Any plans while you are visiting?"

"Nah," Richard said. "Just relax and chill. Needed a break."

"Fair enough," Jim said. "Well, I leave tomorrow to go on my buying trip. Got some friends that have some new breeds of cattle they are trying to get me to consider and I want to look at a young stallion that I might get. My old riding horse passed away a few months ago."

"Well, I am sure I can hold down the fort," Richard replied.

"Just keep Chad busy," Jim replied. "He gets up to no good when he doesn't have something to do."

"Will do," Richard replied.

The two men talked for several hours before they decided to get up and drive around the property. Pup and Brutus were let outside and Lucas followed them since he had nothing better to do. Brutus headed directly for the barn. As Pup crawled next to Lucas, the boy looked down at him.

"So, have you been here before?" Lucas asked.

"Oh, plenty of times," Pup said. "Brutus is going to see our friends Dom and Alex."

"Who are they?" Lucas asked.

"Two male labs," Pup replied. "Dom is black and Alex is yellow-colored."

"I see," Lucas replied.

When they walked into the barn, Lucas saw that either side had stalls and equipment set up to milk the cows. The loft above was filled with hay and at the far end, he saw Brutus smelling and licking the two dogs. Pup crawled quickly over to them and the two immediately came over to lick him when they saw him. Dom moved around to stick his nose up Pup's ass and Pup licked Alex's after he was greeted. When they saw Lucas, they eyed him cautiously. Lucas stayed absolutely still as they walked around him. Alex seemed interested in his free-hanging balls and licked them while Dom nosed his ass. After they determined his scent was non-threatening, they moved back to play with Brutus and Pup.

"I see the dogs are greeting one another," Chad said.

Lucas turned and saw the kid staring at him while he was leaning on a rake. He was sweaty and his musk was present in the air. He took his hat off and wiped his brow and smiled. Something stirred in Lucas and he was glad he didn't have a cock as it probably would be getting hard.

"They seem friendly," Lucas said.

"Oh, they are," Chad replied with a laugh as he pointed.

Lucas turned to see that Dom had jumped onto Pup's back and was humping behind him. His red cock was sticking out and engorged and poking into the bitch's butt. When it found its mark, it pushed into his hole and Pup grunted as the dog thrusted quickly.

"That's it, Dom! Tie 'em!"

Dom's front paws had a firm grip on Pup's waist as his backend gyrated. His tongue hung out of his mouth as he panted hard and Pup lowered his head and raised his rump to give the dog better access. When the knot slid in, Pup cried out and jerked. The movement made Dom slip out and he adjusted his grip and thrusted forward till the knot forced its way back in.

"Fuck!" Pup groaned.

"That Dom has a hell of a knot on him," Chad said. "Not for beginners, for damn sure. Nearly the size of a baseball."

"Wow," Lucas replied as he watched Dom start to slow down.

The black dog laid on Pup's back and panted. His chest heaved back and forth as his cock pulsed deep inside the bitch below him. He picked his leg up and moved to turn, swinging it over Pup in the process. When they were ass to ass, he tried to move forward and Pup grabbed the dog's hind legs.

"Oh no, you don't!" Pup groaned. "You'll pull my colon out!"

"Why is he trying to move?" Lucas asked.

"Dom is still young," Chad replied. "Impatient too. Pup learned to hold him after he ties because the first time Dom bred him the dog almost pulled out of him too soon. If he had done that, it would have likely torn his ass up."

"Ouch," Lucas replied.

"You ever felt Brutus's knot?" Chad asked.

"No," Lucas said as he turned to the boy. "As I said before, I am only for the use of my master."

"Ahh," Chad said as he groped himself. "Well, I'm in a mood, so if I can't use you, then I'll have to make due. Brutus!"

Brutus, who had been playing with Alex turned and ran over to Chad as he unbuckled his overalls and let them drop to the floor. Lucas could see the boy had a fuzzy ass and scratch marks on his sides just like Pup. His balls were impressive, but his cock was slightly below average. Low hanging orbs sat below a thin shaft that was swelling in his hands as he stroked. He kicked off his boots and stepped out of his clothes and then got on all fours near Pup.

"Come, Brutus! Mount up!"

Brutus panted and walked around Chad a few times. He paused at the boy's ass and sniffed it and then opened his mouth to shove his tongue in. Chad groaned and stroked himself as the dog licked him. Lucas saw the red tip of his cock appear and his legs gyrated. With one quick motion, he jumped on Chad's back and locked his paws on the boy's waist.

"That's it, boy!" Chad groaned.

Brutus's cock continued to extend forward and swell. Lucas could see the glistening tip as it pushed between the furry cheeks below him. As it slid in Chad's ass, the boy groaned and beat his meat. Brutus pushed forward quickly and pounded furiously. Lucas could hear the sound of liquid as the massive amounts of precum coming out increased the lubrication. As his knot neared Chad's ass, the boy tilted his butt upwards. It slid in and locked inside.

"Fuck yeah!" Chad groaned as he leaned down and stroked his cock.

As Brutus began to turn, Chad felt the knot slide over his prostate and he groaned loudly. As his orgasm hit, cum spewed from his dick and covered the floor below him. Brutus, now ass to ass with the teen, filled his guts up and he felt the warm liquid deep inside. Pup smiled next to Chad.

"My mate loves to breed."

"Fuck he feels good, too!" Chad replied.

Alex was watching from the side and seemed distressed. He moved back and forth as he watched the two other dogs breed. When Dom pulled at Pup again, the boy let the dog's legs go and Lucas watched as his knot slowly emerged from Pup's hole. It looked massive as it popped out and cum flooded out. Dom moved to the side and sat down to lick himself and Lucas moved over to get a better view of the results.

"Damn he came a lot!" Lucas said.

"Yeah," Pup said. "That is pretty normal. He..."

Pup was interrupted by Alex who jumped on his back. Lucas could see his cock was engorged and dripping as it pushed into Pup's used hole. The sloshing sound of Dom's load and the fluids coming out of Alex's cock were loud. Pup groaned as Alex locked his legs around him and plunged forward. As his knot locked inside, the boy seemed to be in pain.


"Is he in?" Lucas asked.

"Yes," Pup groaned. "Fucking hell!"

Alex gyrated his hips for another minute before he turned. Lucas could see the pulsing of the area just below Alex's tail, an indication that the muscles were contracting and breeding. Lucas wondered how much cum could fit in Pup before he exploded. Ten minutes later, Brutus moved and pulled out of Chad with a plop as his knot disengaged. Lucas saw the boy's hole spread wide and then attempt to tighten up.

"You definitely are not loose," Lucas said.

Chad chuckled.

"I told you about that baseball knot that Dom has," Chad said. "I've gotten used to it, but it stretched me out."

Cum spurted from Chad's hole as he moved to sit up and Lucas smiled.

"I think you both are filled!"

Chad laughed as he held his head in his hands and came off the high. Not long after, Alex pulled away and with another plop, cum began to flow out of Pup again. The dog turned to lick at the abused hole and Pup groaned in pleasure.

"You think you can take one more?" Chad asked as he stroked his cock again.

"Sure," Pup replied with a smile.

Chad grinned and got to his feet and moved around behind Pup. The loads from Dom and Alex were still dripping out as Chad slid his hard cock into the boy.

"Damn you are sloppy!" Chad replied.

Pup laughed as he felt Chad grab his hips and push in deep. Lucas could see the fluids that were displaced as they dripped down Pup's massive, enhanced balls and legs. As Chad thrusted, the sloshing sound was all Lucas could hear.

Lucas watched as the older teen's chest heaved as he pounded Pup. Cum leaked from his ass as his balls swung back and forth. The scene was hot and Lucas could feel precum coating the area behind his balls. He reached back and collected it and tasted it as he watched Chad fuck. He did not go long. After about four minutes, he threw his head back and growled as he dumped his load inside Pup, adding to the mix. As he held himself inside to finish, Lucas could see both boys had fresh scratches on their sides and were panting heavily.

"Fuck, that is hot," Lucas replied.

Chad pulled himself from Pup and rubbed the boy's ass.

"Thanks, dog."

Pup shook his leaky ass and barked as Brutus mounted him from behind.

"Oh fuck," Pup groaned. "Not another one!"

Twenty minutes later, Pup was crawling over to the side of the barn to try to recover from the multiple loads he had taken. Chad had wiped his ass down with a towel and put his overalls and boots on again and grabbed his rake.

"I best be getting back to work. I'll catch you all later."

Lucas watched as the boy walked outside to the back field and he smiled.

"He seems nice."

"He is," Pup said. "But his dad is not thrilled about him playing with the dogs. I mean the evidence is obvious, but he doesn't like it."

"I got ya," Lucas said as he walked over to where Pup was laying down. "Are you going to be ok?"

"Just keep the dogs off me for a while," Pup said. "I need a breather!"

The morning light came through the window and fell upon Lucas's face. He was sleeping on the floor at the foot of his master's bed and rubbed his eyes as he stretched. He looked up at the clock on the dresser and saw that it was about time for Richard to wake. He crawled near the side of the bed and knelt quietly. Richard had one leg outside of the covers. His cock and balls were covered by the top sheet, but Lucas could see that he had a massive case of morning wood. The toes on the exposed leg began to move and flex and his master lifted his arm to his head and rubbed his face, exposing his furry pit and releasing his scent. Lucas could smell it and smiled.

Richard opened his eyes and looked at his toy and grunted. He tossed the sheet away revealing his stiff shaft and it bounced in the morning light. As he pulled his body up towards the foot of the bed, he stroked himself.

"Slave, get your pussy up here. On your back."

Lucas moved immediately to the foot of the bed and laid back, lifting his legs into a V formation. Richard held onto Lucas's ankles and lifted the boy's ass to slide a pillow under it. He then grabbed Lucas's large balls and squeezed them. The boy grunted in pain and felt as the precum spurted out and over his hole.

"Lube on-demand," Richard said as he slapped his hard cock on the boy's asshole and used the fluids to push inside.

Lucas fought the urge to cry out as his master split him open. He had learned to bite his lip and keep his eyes focused on the large man when he was being used. As the shaft slid farther in, Lucas took in a breath and relaxed. His ass was no longer tight and he had gotten used to rough sex. Richard spread his legs wide and pounded him hard once he was inside. Each thrust sent a shock through Lucas's body and precum began to flow readily out and over his hole, covering the cock that was entering him.

His sore balls bounced around. It had been over a month since he had last had an orgasm. They were becoming more infrequent. He could feel the pressure on his prostate from the cock filling him, but the sensations were not as pleasant anymore and could not be relied on to get him off. The constant state of horniess left him leaking nearly all the time.

Richard lifted his head to the ceiling as he growled loudly. His large, hairy chest heaved as sweat began to form. He moved his hands down to Lucas's thighs and pressed hard to push them apart as he went deeper inside the boy. Lucas looked up at his master and stayed silent.

Sex was no longer enjoyable for him. He was truly just a tool now. He loved to please Richard, but he enjoyed spending time with Bull more. At least the animal gave him affection. He did not regret his decision to enter the household but he longed to grip his cock again and stroke it. He wanted to feel the cum building inside him and flowing out and covering his body.

"Fuck yeah, boy!" Richard shouted as he pounded furiously.

The bed bounced and creaked as the man rutted. He reached down and squeezed Lucas's balls again and the boy winced.

"You like that, boy?" Richard asked.

"Of course, Master!" Lucas replied.

"Squeezing those large balls I gave you. Feeling how full they are and seeing how you squirt over my dick. Your pussy is so juicy today! Tell me how much you love serving me, boy!"

"I'm your personal toy and object, Sir!" Lucas replied. "My whole life is dedicated to your pleasure. My ass is yours and yours alone."

"That's right, boy!" Richard replied as the smack of his dick inside Lucas began to echo in the room. "You are all mine. My bitch. My bitch!" Richard growled as he orgasmed. Lucas could feel the shaft pulsing as cum flooded his guts. His master pushed deep to breed him and the boy gasped as his legs were pulled apart. Richard hung his head and caught his breath before looking down to watch his massive cock slide from the well-used hole. As it came out, cum fell to the pillow. He pushed Lucas's legs to the side and the boy slid off the bed as the man collapsed backward.

"Go milk Bull, Slave," Richard said as he caught his breath.

"Yes, Sir!" Lucas replied as he stood and left.

As the week progressed, the dogs spent their day running around the farm and breeding Pup to their heart's content. Richard liked to nap in the hammock while reading a book and would swim in the lake on the back half of the land when he was not using Lucas's holes. Chad was busy working most of the day milking the cows and tending to the horses and chickens that were on the property, too. Lucas was asked to stay in the house unless Richard specifically asked him to leave. The rule was established on the morning of the first day when Dom and Alex wouldn't stop trying to lick and get into Lucas's ass.

As Lucas looked out the window of the second floor, he sighed. He was bored and wanted to be running around with the dogs and enjoying the weather. He had asked if he could assist Chad with any chores, but Richard had never gotten back to him. As the sun descended, it was time for the 5 pm milking and he watched as the cows made their way back into the barn and Chad followed them in.

"Slave!" Richard called from the front porch.

Lucas stood and quickly moved downstairs and out to meet him.

"If you want to do some work around here, go help Chad with the afternoon milking," Richard said. "That is something you should be familiar with at least."

"Yes, Sir!" Lucas replied.

He smiled and walked over to the barn and as he entered he saw Chad putting the cows in their stations and attaching the machine to their teats.

"I'm here to help!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Oh, great," Chad replied. "Well, it's not hard. Just put some gloves on before you attach things."

"Ok," Lucas replied as he grabbed one of the devices that had multiple sucking tubes on it.

It was similar to the one that he was using on Calf and Bull, but not as large in girth and of course, there was only one attachment for his cows. As he moved to turn the machine on and place each tube in place, the Cow mooed at him and he rubbed its belly.

"Mine at home do the same thing when I hook them up!"

Chad laughed.

"It's a little different here."

When the machines were all set up, Chad went and sat in an empty stall and Lucas came over to sit with him.

"How long have you been serving Rich?" Chad asked.

"I was brought in about a year ago," Lucas replied.

"I see," Chad said. "Did he dress up in his horns?"

"Yeah," Lucas replied.

Chad laughed.

"That has something to do with a fraternity thing when he was in college. For any important ceremony, he brings those things out. Makes him look all demonic and threatening, I guess."

"I thought he looked pretty hot," Lucas said with a smile.

"And you were ok with them removing your cock?" Chad asked.

"I knew that body modification was part of the deal, but I didn't expect that," Lucas said. "It was a shock, but I have adapted. Master kept my cock and it is preserved in a jar at home, so I am never far from it."

"That's a fucking head trip," Chad said. "I know mine isn't that big, but I do enjoy it."

Lucas smiled.

"Was yours impressive?" Chad asked.

"Above average," Lucas replied. "Of course, Master injected it with some drugs to fill it with blood before it was removed, so it looks huge floating in the jar."

"I see," Chad replied. "I remember Rich's former slave, but he wasn't that nice. We didn't talk much. He disappeared not too long ago, though."

"Yeah," Lucas replied. "Gimp gave me the backstory on him. It sounds like Master got rid of him for not following the rules."

"I see," Chad replied. "So, what is your real name?"

"Slave," Lucas replied.

"I know that is what Rich renamed you, but what were you called before?" Chad asked.

Lucas was quiet and unsure of what to say.

"Listen, I know all about rules and shit," Chad said. "I love my uncle, but I can keep secrets. I wouldn't want you telling Pops that I have sex with the dogs as much as I do either."

"Lucas. Lucas was my name."

"You're a cute kid, Lucas," Chad said. "Thanks for being cool."

Lucas smiled.

"Listen, I normally milk myself at the same time I do the cows," Chad said.

"Oh really?" Lucas said.

"Yeah," Chad replied. "Can you help hold the device so it doesn't move on me?"

"I'd be happy to!" Lucas replied.

Chad grinned and brought a hay bail over and then dropped his overalls. He leaned back on the bail and stroked his cock as Lucas readied the machine. Chad applied some lubricant to his thin, but long shaft and stroked it till it was hard. When he was ready he held it up and Lucas turned the machine on and slid one of the tubes over him.

"Fuck yeah!" Chad groaned as the machine began to massage him.

Lucas held the tubes still as they did their work. Chad closed his eyes and groaned in pleasure as his body shifted below. He curled his feet into a ball and Lucas remembered how Bull did the same thing.

"How many times do you go on this?" Lucas asked.

"What?" Chad replied with a grunt.

"How many loads do you let it pull from you?" Lucas said.

"Just one, why?" Chad said.

"Well, my cows at home go five times each session," Lucas replied.

"Five!" Chad exclaimed. "I knew they were on meds to produce more, but five times?"

"Yup!" Lucas replied.

Chad's eyes rolled back in his head and he groaned. His legs shifted and he went to grab his nipples. As he pinched them, he growled loudly.

"Fuck, Lucas. I am going to cum!"

Lucas saw his cock pulse as the boy's balls emptied.

"Nice!" Lucas replied. "You are a virile man!"

Chad smiled as he came down off his orgasm.

"Yeah, I can't wait to get to college and start fucking some real ass and pussy."

"Well, you should probably go for another one then," Lucas replied. "You know, to build up your production so you really can give it to them."

Chad smiled as his cock softened and the device shifted. Lucas held it on him and the boy groaned. His cock was sensitive, but not overly so. It took a few minutes for the blood to return, but when the suction took hold, he prepared himself. Lucas held the device steady and waited. The cows around him were starting to finish their session when Chad squealed and his balls emptied again. The intensity of the orgasm nearly made him black out and he gasped for air as he came down from it. Lucas held the device in place as the load pulled away, but Chad grabbed his hand.

"Please, Lucas, I need to stop."

"Too much?" Lucas asked.

"I'm not one of your cows," Chad said with a laugh.

Lucas pulled the device from Chad and then leaned over to pull the softening cock into his mouth to clean it. Chad groaned from the sensation. Lucas spent his time licking around the boy's balls and taking in his scent. He may have been young, but he smelt and tasted like a man. When he pulled back, Chad smiled.

"Thanks, man. That was nice!"

"I do that for my cows when they finish as a reward," Lucas said.

"Now I am jealous of them!" Chad replied with a laugh. "Listen, you bend over the bale."

Lucas looked at him questioningly as he got to his feet.

"Go on," Chad said. "I told you. You keep my secrets and I will keep yours. You deserve a little something."

Lucas leaned over the hay bale and Chad spread the boy's ass. He flicked his tongue over Lucas's hole gingerly and rubbed his sore balls.

"Damn, Uncle Rich sure has stretched your ass out," Chad said. "You might not even be able to keep Dom inside you!"

Lucas chuckled and then moaned as he felt Chad move deeper inside, massaging his large testicles at the same time. Precum dribbled out of his reroute and Chad lapped it up.

"You are really producing!" Chad said. "These balls feel heavy too!"

"I haven't had an orgasm in a very long time," Lucas replied.

Lucas felt a finger in his ass and as it went deeper, he closed his eyes and held his breath. When Chad found his prostate, he began to rub it in a circular motion. The sensation was not as intense as it had been before he came into Richard's house, but it was pleasurable. The boy was taking his time. He read Lucas's cues and watched as more precum dribbled out behind his balls. He leaned over to lick and swallow it and continued to massage Lucas's orbs with his other hand. Lucas was lost in the first moment of pure pleasure he had experienced in a very long time.

"That's it, Lucas," Chad said. "Imagine you have your cock again. It is long and engorged. I am below you and you have it deep in my ass. I am squeezing your shaft as you push deeper in me. I'm gripping you with every thrust."

Lucas groaned and clear fluids gushed from below his ass.

"That's it, Lucas," Chad said. "Man, your cock feels so good. Your massive balls need to be emptied. I know it. Do it inside me, Lucas. Fill me up. Pound that cock deep into me."

Lucas was breathing heavily and began to gyrate his hips as Chad continued to stimulate and massage him. He felt a deep warmth in his groin and it spread through him.

"Fuck me, Lucas," Chad said. "For just this moment, you are in charge. Fill me with your seed. Do it now!"

Lucas cried out as his prostate pulsed. Cum flowed out from behind his balls and covered Chad's hand faster than he could catch and swallow it. He continued to rub the sensitive organ as Lucas's body shook. After a minute, Chad removed his finger and leaned down to lick and clean Lucas's ass. Lucas opened his eyes and gasped.

"Oh fuck!" Lucas replied as he sat up, horrified.

"What is it?" Chad asked. "Didn't you like that?"

"Chad," Lucas said. "Your Uncle will not be happy with this! I am his toy!"

"It's our secret," Chad said. "Remember? I just wanted to do something for you, Lucas. No one will ever know. I promise!"

"Thanks, Chad," Lucas said. "You are really nice."

The rest of the week had been uneventful. Lucas continued to help Chad with the milking of the cows and later of his cock, eventually getting him up to three loads every session. When he was not in the barn, Lucas spent the rest of the time in his room being used by Richard. He was pounded every morning and evening and a few afternoons when his ass was raw and hurting, Chad took the time to rub a cream on it and make him feel better. When the week was up, Lucas was truly upset to be leaving and he snuck into the barn one last time as Richard was packing up.

"You all heading out soon?" Chad asked.

"Yup!" Lucas replied. "I just wanted to say goodbye and I hope to see you again sometime."

"I'll be headed to school this fall, but who knows," Chad said with a smile. "Maybe I can help you cum again sometime."

Lucas moved forward and quickly kissed him. The gesture surprised Chad, but he reached up and embraced Lucas at the same time. When they moved back, Lucas blushed and turned to leave.

"Be good, Lucas!" Chad said.

Lucas turned, smiled, and waved as he left.

Next: Chapter 7

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