
By Slave Bear

Published on Dec 21, 2021


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As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen and consenting adults, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, extreme body modification, bestiality, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Transformed - Chapter 4: Master's Slave

A month had passed since Lucas's final operation and he had healed nicely. His body was now completely smooth and not a hair was found on him from head to toe. His groin had returned to its normal skin tone and only a small scar was visible where his cock had once been. His balls had begun to grow and his hormones had increased, too. It had been difficult for him at first, but he focused his mind on his tasks and tried to distract himself in any way he could. Every morning he woke to a wet spot where his prostate was desperately trying to drain and his balls were constantly aching. As he sat and yawned next to Bull and brushed the beast's hair he felt the hand of Gimp on his shoulder.

"How is Bull doing today?"

"Well!" Lucas replied as he stopped and rubbed Bull's ass. "Already had two large milkings and ready for more, aren't ya my sexy cow?"

Bull wiggled its ass and let out a long gurgling sound. It was something it had started to do only with Lucas as a sign of contentment and pleasure. Lucas had become close to Bull and enjoyed taking the time to brush it and give it attention when he could and the beast had bonded quickly right back.

"Well, I am happy to see that," Gimp replied. "Master needs to see you upstairs before breakfast."

"Ok," Lucas replied.

As he turned and walked up the staircase to the upper levels of the house, he wondered what his owner needed. He had never been beckoned to the top floor of the home. When he reached the final staircase, he slowly moved upwards. At the top of the landing, Richard's bedroom stretched the entire length of the building. To the right, a door led to his master bath, and to the left Lucas saw the gabled ceiling above yellow pine flooring. A dresser was to the left with a large TV on it and to the right was a table and a small chair. The large, four-poster bed made of black metal sat in between under a window that had been covered with dark curtains. On top of the covers, his master laid naked, propped on a pillow with his arm behind his head. He was reading something on his phone and looked up when he heard the creak of the floorboards as Lucas stepped into the room.

"Slave, come and kneel next to my bed."

Lucas moved quickly to comply and Richard continued looking at his phone for a few minutes before putting it on a side table.

"The doctor tells me you are now healed and can move into your new role," Richard said. "Are you prepared?"

"Yes, Sir," Lucas replied. "What will you have me doing now?"

"Gimp has told me you have formed a bond with Bull and that its production has increased as a result of this. Therefore, I would like you to continue to help with its milking process. I want to keep it around as long as I can."

"Yes, Sir," Lucas replied.

"At all other times, you will be tasked with my pleasure only," Richard continued. "Gimp can take up the slack and return to his normal servant duties around the house. When you wake up, you will take Bull downstairs and start its morning milking. Once the first load has been removed, Gimp will take over and you will report here in this room. You will kneel against the wall there until I awake. When I do, you will immediately greet me and announce your willingness and readiness to pleasure me."

"Yes, Master," Lucas replied.

"Understand you are just a sex toy for me," Richard said. "I will use you until I am satisfied and then you will be stored until it is time for lunch and then Bull's afternoon milking, which you will supervise in its entirety. Afterward, you will go to the weight room and exercise for one hour. I want you to work to keep your body in shape and strengthen your arms, legs, and torso. When you are done, you may relieve yourself outside if you need to and then store yourself again until I return home. I want to see you waiting for me on your knees the moment I walk through the door. You will then be fed and will follow me the rest of the evening doing anything I tell you. When I go to sleep, you will return to your room to rest until the morning and repeat the routine."

"I understand most of that, Sir," Lucas asked. "But what do you mean by stored?"

Richard turned and pointed to a large crate that was in the corner of the room across from the bed. The front had a door that appeared to be able to be swung open and Lucas could see that it was just large enough for him to crawl into.

"That is where you will store yourself," Richard said. "I like my toys put away when they are not in use."

"Yes, Sir," Lucas replied.

"Understand me, Slave," Richard said. "If you are ever found not in your crate when you are not performing a duty in this house, there will be a punishment. Additionally, you are my toy and only my toy. No one is ever to use you unless I specifically permit it. Violation of that rule will result in severe consequences. I do not like to share my toys!"

"Yes, Sir!" Lucas replied, nervously.

"Open your mouth and move nearer," Richard said as he turned and swung his legs to the side of the bed to sit on it. "I need to piss."

Lucas took a breath and slid forward. As he opened his mouth, Richard pointed his cock at it and the stream began. No stranger to taking a man's piss, he expertly timed his swallows and only a few drops dripped from his mouth and down his neck. When Richard was finished, Lucas licked his lips and smiled.

"Thank you, Sir."

"Bend over the bed here and show me that pussy, Slave," Richard said as he stood up. "It's been a while since I had a chance to fuck."

Lucas did as he was told. He felt the softness of the sheets below him as he stretched his arms out and spread his legs. He could hear his Master spitting on his cock and stroking it. A moment later, he felt the head at the entrance to his ass and it pushed forward, forcefully. Lucas closed his eyes and bit the sheets below him trying to manage the pain. As Richard's shaft split him wide open, he grunted.

"Fuck yeah, Slave," Richard said. "It's been a while since I had a relatively tight pussy to play with. I don't expect this will last, but it is a treat."

As the dick slid deeper, he felt his Master rub over his prostate. The sensitive organ reacted immediately and precum dribbled from his reroute and down over his sore balls. Lucas gasped as Richard grabbed his waist and pulled the rest of the way in. The furious pounding soon followed. Richard railed his ass for five minutes straight. At first, Lucas didn't think he would be able to stand the pain, but the pressure on his prostate balanced it with a pleasurable sensation. He felt the fluids pouring out of him and dripping off his balls and onto the floor.

"You feel so good, Master!" Lucas called out.

Richard slapped his ass hard.

"Shut up! Toys don't speak!"

Lucas grunted at the impact on his skin and Richard went back to fucking him hard. He felt the large balls swinging and hitting his. He could hear the impact and the liquid that had drained from him that stuck to the skin and added to the effect. The piercings in his scrotum jungled at the same time. Richard's hands moved up his back and squeezed hard as the man intensified his thrusts. Lucas heard him begin to growl. He felt the pulsing of the shaft deep in his bowels as it was filled with seed. Drops of sweat fell on his body and he heard Richard gasp for air. His master pounded him twice after his cock finished draining and then withdrew quickly.

Lucas felt empty. His ass was still gaping and cum dripped out of him and down his leg. He remained motionless on the bed as he heard Richard grab a towel from the side table and wipe his chest. He heard the footsteps move away and the door to the bathroom open and close. Only then, did he cautiously turn his head to look across the room. He saw the light on in the bathroom and heard the water turn on. What was he supposed to do? He thought about just remaining there, but Richard had been clear he was to be stored when not in use.

Lucas lifted his body from the bed and felt his wet ass. It was obvious Richard had cum a lot. While he had not felt an orgasm, Lucas noticed his balls did not feel as sore. Perhaps the draining of his fluids had helped with that. He saw the drops of cum on the floor and he lowered himself to the pine boards and licked them clean. He then walked over to the crate and opened the door and looked inside. The interior of the wooden box was plain. Only bare wood and nothing more. There was a small opening on either side that was covered in metal bars. A similar opening was in the door. Lucas turned around so his ass faced the crate and backed into it, closing the door behind him.

The floor was worn and smooth to the touch. It was obvious he was not the first occupant of the container and he wondered if the slave before him had used it. Surely he had. The crate was old and looked to have not been moved in years. How many slaves had Richard had over the years? Were they disposed of in the same way when he was done with them? Lucas tried to get comfortable as he let his head fall to the floor between his arms.

Richard returned to the room sometime later. He heard his master's feet before he saw them through the barred openings. They walked over to the dresser and Lucas saw him pull some clothes out and get dressed. He sat on the bed and pulled his shoes from underneath last and slid them on. Richard did not even look at or acknowledge that Lucas was in the room. When the man was done lacing, he stood and walked by, turning the light off as he left.

Lucas closed his eyes. His body ached from the position he was in and he felt and heard drops of cum as they fell from his ass and fell to the floor of the crate. They had solidified before he heard movement in the room again. The feet of Gimp appeared outside his door before it opened.

"I'm here to feed you."

"Thanks," Lucas replied as he saw a dog bowl handed to him.

Inside Lucas saw some oatmeal mixed with Lighting Boost and some fresh fruit on top.

"I will let you know when lunch is ready," Gimp said. "Try to get as comfortable as you can. Master crates the new slave for the first six months or so. After that, you will be given more privileges. I know the first few days will be difficult, but you will manage."

"Thanks, Gimp," Lucas replied.

As the door closed, Lucas pushed his head into the bowl to eat. It was a messy endeavor and he was almost happy he had no hair that would get messed up. When he had licked the bowl clean, he wiped his face and then slid the bowl to the side before attempting to get in a better position. He was able to turn and rest on his side with his legs bent against the walls. He knew he would have some wicked cramps before too long, but he closed his eyes and tried to get some rest.

At midday, Lucas heard Gimp's voice from a speaker that seemed to be positioned near the floor behind his crate.

"Wake up, Slave. Wake up! It's time for lunch. Wake up!"

Lucas tried to turn, but he felt a pain in his side. He pushed on the door to open it and slid his body out of the crate before attempting to stand. His left foot had gone to sleep and he felt the pain and the pins and needles feeling as the nerves woke up again. As he stretched, he groaned and felt his crusty ass. He was used to taking a morning shower before his chores with Gimp. Well, as close to a shower as you could call it. There was a spicket outside of the house that he could turn on and rinse off with and a bar of soap was provided to clean his body. As he came downstairs and into the kitchen, he placed the bowl on the counter as Gimp turned to look at him.

"How are you feeling?"

"Sore," Lucas replied. "Am I allowed to rinse off and relieve myself before lunch?"

"Sure," Gimp replied. "Let the dogs inside and grab Bull from the barn, too."

"Ok," Lucas replied.

The barn, in this case, was a shack on the backside of the property. The yard behind the house was surrounded by a tall wooden fence and bushes that extended up above that. It was completely private and no one could see into it. Not that they would anyway. The house on the left had been vacant for years and the one on the right was separated by a drainage ditch that ran between the property line. As winter had approached, Bull had taken to spending his afternoons in the shack when it was not being milked or exercising.

Lucas opened the door to the backyard. Brutus curled up against Pup on a wool blanket under the stoop and he stirred and moved around to investigate.

"Come on inside, boy," Lucas said. "Pup? Pup? Are you awake?"

Brutus walked inside as Pup appeared from under the stoop and stretched. He hiked his leg and pissed before moving to crawl up the steps and woof at Lucas.

"Good boy," Lucas said as he petted Pup's head. "Get inside. Lunch is ready."

As Pup crawled in, Lucas walked down the steps and across the yard to the shack. He opened the door and looked inside. The air was warm and had Bull's musky scent. He saw the beast curled on a bed of hay in the corner. Bull opened its eyes when it saw Lucas and smiled before moving to stand and walk over to hug and rub its head on Lucas.

"You have a good nap, Bull?"

The beast let out its gurgling sound and rubbed its head on Lucas again as the boy moved his hands to rub on Bull's back, pulling a few stray hay pieces away.

"Aww, thanks big fella," Lucas said. "It's time for lunch. Go inside and Gimp will feed you. I am going to clean up outside before I eat."

Bull looked down at Lucas and nodded. Its eyes glistened and it smiled, turned, and walked out into the yard and towards the house. Lucas closed the door behind him before he found a place to squat and shit. When he was done, he let a stream of piss flow out of his reroute before standing to stretch again. The loss of his manhood had been traumatizing, but it had made the process of defecation easier. Especially since everything came out nearly in the same place. Lucas walked over to the spicket that hung from a metal pole and turned on the water. It was chilly outside and the cool water that came out made goose-pimples form on his skin and he squealed as he quickly grabbed the soap and cleaned his body, focusing on his ass. When he was done, he shook as much water as he could off and then grabbed a plastic baggy to retrieve his pile and throw it away before returning inside for lunch.

Once he had eaten and milked Bull and put it back in the shack, Lucas went into the exercise room. It had been many years since he had worked out, so he did not know where to start. Gimp poked his head in and smiled when he saw Lucas looking around.

"Need some help?"

Lucas turned and smiled.

"Yes. I have no idea where to begin."

"Well, you need to first start with some stretches," Gimp said. "Look over here."

Gimp moved to the wall and pointed to a poster that had some warm-up exercises demonstrated with some cartoon figures. To the side of it was a beginner's guide to strength training with similar illustrations.

"I put these up for you this morning," Gimp said.

"Thank you!" Lucas replied.

Gimp chuckled and pinched Lucas's upper arm.

"I figured it might have been a while. Do you need me to stick around and assist?"

"I'll be ok," Lucas replied. "Thanks."

"Just remember you only are given an hour to work out," Gimp said pointing to a clock on the wall near the ceiling. "There are cameras in here monitoring you. Pay attention and be sure to give yourself some time to cool down before you store yourself."

"Thanks," Lucas replied. "I appreciate it."

Gimp squeezed his arm once more before turning to leave. Lucas stared at the poster and got into position and stretched, attempting to match the illustrations as best he could. After twenty minutes, he moved over to lift some light weights on some dumbbells before moving to the other equipment to work on the rest of his body. When he had about five minutes left in his allotted time, he stopped what he was doing and caught his breath. He was more winded than he should have been.

"I guess it is a good thing I am starting to work out!" Lucas said to himself with a chuckle.

Lucas turned the lights out in the room as he walked down the hall. As he passed by the entrance to the front room, he saw someone standing there and he turned to see who it was. He saw a cop with a shiny metal badge and he froze. The man didn't notice him at first, but when he did he nodded and smiled.


"Umm, hello, Sir!" Lucas replied, hesitantly.

"I'm Sheriff Lamar," the man replied. "And who might you be?"

Lucas was in shock. He did not know what to say or how to respond. Had the sheriff been called for any reason? Was he here to arrest anyone?

"It's ok, boy," Lamar replied as he moved toward Lucas. "I know all about Richard and his objects. I am here to pick up some of that Lightning Boost!"

"Oh!" Lucas replied with a blush. "Well, my name is Lu... Slave. My name is Slave."

"Nice to meet you, Slave," Lamar said as he tipped his hat. "You're a damn sight better looking than the last one that Richard had. Looks like you have better manners too. Just be sure you follow Richard's orders to the letter."

"Yes, Sir!" Lucas replied. "I'm his personal toy and I know my place."

"Good, Slave," Lamar said.

"Here's your order, Sheriff!" Gimp said as he came out with a bag of filled jars.

"Thank you!" Lamar replied.

"Slave! You should be stored already!" Gimp said.

"Yes, Sir!" Lucas replied as he turned to Lamar. "Have a good day, Sir. I am happy to have met you."

"Be good, Slave," Lamar said as he turned to leave.

Lucas moved quickly to the stairs and up to the top of the house where he got to the floor and backed into his crate and closed the door behind him. As he sat there, his mind had been racing. It was obvious that Richard was well connected. He had doctor friends, the sheriff as a customer, and knew a local judge, too. It was no wonder he could get away with just about anything in his house. He felt his heart beating fast as he turned to try to get comfortable.

"Slave? It is time to get up, Slave! Master will be home soon!"

The voice woke Lucas and he pushed his way out of his crate to stretch and get feeling back to his limbs. As he walked down the staircase, he saw Gimp finishing vacuuming the main floor.

"Kneel by the door," Gimp said. "Master should be back at any time."

"Thanks," Lucas said as he tilted his head side to side to stretch it.

As he took his place on the floor, Brutus came over to him and sniffed his ass, and licked it.

"No, boy!" Lucas replied as he swatted the dog away. "Go find your bitch."

Brutus looked at him and licked his face before sitting next to him. If it was one thing that Lucas had learned in the time since he had joined the household, it was that Brutus was obstinate. He did what he wanted when he wanted and only occasionally listened to them. Well, except for Richard. He always obeyed Richard. As Brutus panted, Lucas rolled his eyes and turned towards the door to await his owner's arrival.

Richard was running a few minutes late, but when the door opened, Brutus got to his feet and wagged his tail before moving to rub against the man's leg. Richard leaned down to pet him.

"Good boy! Where is your bitch?"

Brutus turned and left the room and Richard turned to look at Lucas. He kicked his shoes off and walked around to sit on the sofa and stretched out his legs in front of him.

"You know the drill, Slave," Richard said as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

Lucas moved over to remove his socks and clean his feet before massaging them. He was just moving to the right foot when Pup and Brutus came into the room. Richard lifted his head and smiled.

"How are my dogs doing today?"

Brutus immediately barked and Pup made a similar sound. They both sat next to one another and Richard leaned over and grabbed a container and pulled two dog treats out that he threw at them. They both eagerly ate the reward before moving to lie on either side of his legs. Lucas continued to massage the foot in his lap as his master petted the heads of the dogs.

"Dinner time, dogs!" Gimp shouted from the kitchen.

The two immediately moved into the other room and Richard pulled his leg from Lucas's lap and leaned forward. He unbuckled his pants and pulled out his cock, which began to swell.

"On your knees, Slave. Take my load."

Lucas moved quickly to put his face in Richard's lap. He could smell the strong scent of sweat and musk as he pulled the meat into his mouth and sucked on it as it hardened. He gently teased the large orbs out of where they were packaged and massaged them as he felt the head of Richard's dick slide down his throat. Lucas closed his eyes and focused his attention on pleasuring the man. He heard Richard moan and shift as he bobbed up and down.

"Master?" Gimp said as he walked into the room. "Oh, I am sorry. Dinner is ready when you are done, Sir."

Richard did not reply as he continued to groan. He moved his hands down and placed them on the back of Lucas's head. He pushed down and Lucas felt the thick cock impale his throat. He tried to control his gag reflex, but he felt an involuntary response. Richard did not let up, though. He coughed as the dick went farther and he felt like he was about to throw up. As the sensation built to a climax, Richard growled and released his grip as a flood of cum erupted from his balls. Lucas backed off just in time to let his mouth fill and he swallowed it as fast as he could. He could taste the acid from his stomach that had backed up his throat as the cum went down. It was nauseating. When Richard's orgasm was over, he pushed Lucas away and stood and buttoned his pants. He then walked into the kitchen to eat.

Lucas sat on the floor cross-legged and tried to regain his breath. His heart was racing and his throat felt raw. He swallowed twice, still tasting the man on the back of his tongue. After a few minutes, he rose and walked into the kitchen and saw Gimp kneeling next to the table and he joined him.

When Richard finished, Gimp cleaned up and fed Lucas before the boy returned to the living room. His master had him get on his hands and knees and he propped his feet on his back as he relaxed and watched the TV. He felt Brutus lick his ass again, but Richard put a stop to it immediately and called Pup in. Lucas watched as Brutus walked around Pup twice before licking his asshole and forcing his long tongue inside. It wasn't long till he mounted and forced his knot in before turning and depositing his seed in Pup for the next fifteen minutes. The scene had almost become routine for Lucas and it barely phased him to see it happen a few feet away.

When Brutus finally pulled away from Pup, cum flooded out of the boy and onto the floor. Richard had shoved Lucas's ass and told him to clean up the mess. As Lucas moved over to lick the floor, he tasted the saltiness of Brutus's load. The dog watched him from the side as he licked his softening cock and balls. When the floor was cleaned, Lucas turned and put his face in Pup's ass and licked it clean after. Brutus was known for his large loads, and Lucas could taste it as it fell out and filled his mouth. When he was done, he backed away and Pup wagged his ass and looked at him and barked.

"I'm done with you for the evening, Slave," Richard said. "Go milk Bull and put it to bed."

"Yes, Master!" Lucas replied as he got to his feet to leave.

As he turned, he saw Brutus move over and lick Pup's ass. He seemed disappointed it was already cleaned and he stuck his tongue back in it and lapped. Lucas saw his cock engorge and the dog jump on Pup's back again as he left the room.

Next: Chapter 5

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