
By Slave Bear

Published on Jan 27, 2023


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address and I accept the terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting to support the archivist and keep the archive online. You can learn more here:

As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen and consenting adults, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, extreme body modification, bestiality, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Transformed – Chapter 37: Holiday Party

The day of the party was busy for everyone on the farm. As soon as the afternoon milking was over, Lucas, Omega, and Sub hauled out several steel buckets and went to work bathing and grooming the bulls. The soap had a lavender scent that made each of them smell wonderful. After brushing their long body hair out straight, they each had their beards and groins meticulously trimmed, and Sub even spent time braiding some of Red's dense facial hair.

In the back room, Chad was busy, too. Tex and Buck had never had so much attention paid to their bodies. After giving both beasts a sponge bath and a beard and groin trim, Chad coated their long horse shafts and enormous balls with lotion to make the skin soft and shiny. They both got erect in the process, but Chad had informed them that they would not be fucking him tonight, so they would be prepared for the clients that wanted them. After he was done, he injected them with an erectile drug to help keep them hard and ready to fuck for the next several hours.

As the sun set and the first vehicles pulled up, Chad bid farewell to the slaves and left to take care of the twins. Lucas brought the bulls into the main production room and asked them to sit on the floor till he returned. He then went back into the barn to check on Omega and Sub and prepare them for their use.

"Are you two ready?" Lucas asked.

"I guess," Omega replied. "I took a second shower a little while ago and used some of the bull's shampoo, so I have a floral aroma now."

Sub sniffed him and laughed.

"No more musky Boar scent!"

Omega rolled his eyes and giggled in response.

"Well, both of you need to be strapped into position," Lucas said. "I have removed the milking device from Teal and Bull's stalls. That is where you both will be mounted. Come with me."

Lucas led both slaves to the back of the barn and turned to Omega first. He grabbed a ball gag that had been left out and strapped it around the boy's head before turning to do the same to Sub. When both slaves were properly gagged, Lucas then picked up one of two horse masks. They were made of leather and would give both slaves more of the appearance of a mare. Omega was fitted first, and he found that the eye holes did not line up correctly but given he would be on a fuck bench for the next few hours, he didn't think that was a problem. After Sub's mask was put in place, both slaves mounted the benches, and then Lucas secured them with a wide leather strap over their backs that buckled in place.

"Are you both secure?" Lucas asked after strapping down Sub.

Both slaves grunted into their gags and shook their heads. Their asses were sticking out on full display, and their large, weighted balls hung low under their small chastity cages. Lucas reached up and cupped Sub's testicles and smiled.

"These feel extra full tonight, Sub. I hope you are ready to have them fucked empty!"

Sub groaned and nodded again, and Lucas patted his ass with a laugh. The slave then turned and walked into the back room, where the two horses were in their beds waiting.

"Come with me, boys," Lucas said as he opened the door and beckoned them.

The two large man horses walked by him, and when they saw the asses of the slaves, their shafts began to engorge.

"Now, hold on," Lucas said as he saw them moving towards them. "I know you two are horny, but those mares are for our clients. Come down here."

Lucas led the beasts down to where Blue and White were usually milked and had them sit on chairs he placed for them.

"Now, if a client comes in to be fucked and chooses you, they will mount the bench in front of you," Lucas said. "You can then use them until they tell you to stop. Do you understand?"

The two horses looked at him and appeared to nod, but Lucas was unsure if they genuinely could still comprehend him in their dumbed-down state.

"How is it coming down here?" came the voice of Jeff as he descended the steps from his loft.

The young man was naked except for his boots, and his cock was at full-staff and bouncing in front of him.

"Umm," Lucas said as he was distracted.

Jeff laughed.

"Gunny gave me some pills to keep me hard for the evening. I didn't think I needed `em, but he insisted."

"It is impressive, Sir," Lucas said with a smile.

"And how is it going?" Jeff asked again.

"Oh, right!" Lucas replied. "Well, the mares are ready to be used, and I have the bulls in their stalls, but I don't think they understand what is going on."

"I'll handle them," Jeff said as he walked over to Green's stall and put a towel over it. "Gunny wanted me to ensure they perform correctly, anyway."

"Oh, good," Lucas said. "Well, I will head back to the production room to be with the bulls."

"Sounds good, Slave," Jeff said as he cracked open a beer he brought down and took a sip. "I'm looking forward to a hell of an evening."

Lucas waved and left the room, and Jeff turned to scratch Buck's back. The beast curled and groaned in pleasure just as the door opened behind them, and a rush of cool air passed over the young man's body.

"Umm, hey," a gravelly voice said.

Jeff turned and saw a middle-aged man with sandy-colored hair standing there. The man's expression went blank, and his mouth fell open when he saw the two man horses on either side of Jeff with their erect phalluses and Jeff's own hard cock sticking out in front of him.

"What's up?" Jeff said as he took another drink of his beer and sat it on the stall rail. "You looking for a stallion or a mare?"

"Fuck," came the response as the man began to drool.

"So, a mare, then," Jeff replied.

"Umm, no!" the man said as he blinked and laughed nervously. "I meant fuck. They are huge!"

Jeff smiled and motioned for Buck and Tex to stand. He then ran his hands down Buck's long, girthy shaft and cupped the beast's hefty balls. Buck's eyes focused on the man, and it grunted and let out a huff as it was stroked. A bead of precum formed at the tip of its horse cock and glistened.

"I've heard stories about these beasts, but they are a sight to behold," the man said.

"You looking to have them ride you, then?" Jeff asked.

"Well, I would like to try," the man said with another awkward chuckle.

"Both stallions are primed and ready," Jeff said as he stood between the beasts and rubbed their backs. "You just have to pick the one you want."

"I like the one with the dark hair there," the man replied.

"Its name is Buck," Jeff said with a smile.

"What is the protocol here?" the man asked.

Jeff turned and pointed to the stall where the bulls usually were milked.

"Mount the bench, and I'll lube you up and let the beast at ya," Jeff said. "Nothing more to it than that. I will warn you, though. They are pretty dumb. They know how to fuck hard and rough and the command to start and stop, but not much else. I'll be here if you need help, though."

"Ok," the man replied.

"Well, drop your pants and mount up," Jeff said as he grabbed his beer. "Enjoy yourself!"

The man walked by and fiddled with his pants till the button popped and they fell to his ankles. Jeff could see the man was not wearing underwear, and his small cock was hard as a rock as he bent down and removed his shoes and slipped the pants off. As the man nervously mounted the bench, Jeff grabbed a container of lube that Ralph had set out, and he unscrewed the top and collected some on his fingers, which he used to slide over Buck's shaft.

"You ready, boy?" Jeff asked.

Buck grunted and smiled. Jeff could see the msan's hairy ass sticking out in the stall. The young man stuck his fingers in the lube and then used his other hand to spread the man's ass. He then brought the lube over and fingered the man's hole. The man's body shook, and his ass immediately dilated wide. It was apparent he was an experienced bottom.

"Good," Jeff said in a low voice.

After pushing one, two, and then three fingers into the man, Jeff stood up, wiped his hand off the towel he had brought, and turned to Buck.

"Mount him, boy!"

Buck grunted and took a position behind the ass displayed for him. The long, thick horse cock was now pulsing precum as it neared the man's hole. Buck grabbed the man's ass with both hands and held him firmly. The beast then pointed its cock on target and shoved forward slowly.

"Holy fuck!" the man screamed as he was split open.

"Ye haw!" Jeff said as he grabbed his beer and drank it.

Inch after inch disappeared into the man, and Jeff was surprised at how much Buck could insert. The beast almost bottomed out before it paused and then pulled out and started to fuck. Screams and groans emanated from the stall as the sounds of slapping balls and sex filled the barn. Jeff reached down to stroke his cock when he felt cold air again. When he turned, another man, this one not much older than he was, appeared.

"Fucking hell!" the man exclaimed as he saw the rutting in front of him. "How long are the stallion's cocks?"

"About a foot long," Jeff said with a grin. "You want a ride by Tex here?"

"No, thank you," the man said with a laugh. "I'm here to breed a mare."

"Nice!" Jeff replied. "Well, there are two slaves bound and ready in the far stalls there. Just drop your pants and mount them when you are ready. There is lube on the floor under them if you need it."

"Thanks!" the man said as he groped himself and walked by.

Jeff turned back to Buck and watched as the beast slid its thick dick in and out of the first man. The client was still screaming and groaning, but it was apparent it was more pleasure than pain.

"You must be a power bottom," Jeff said.

"Fuck yeah!" the man growled as his head bounced.

"Put your back into it, Buck!" Jeff said as he slapped the horse's back. "Fuck him like you do your mare, Chad."

Buck grunted loudly and then put its full force into the fuck. The man squealed loudly as the entire shaft penetrated him and lifted his rear end off the bench on the downstrokes.

"Yes!" the man screamed. "Give that horse cock to me, Buck!"

Buck went into overdrive and adjusted its grip to give everything it could into the rut. Its balls were sore and heavy and needed to release. Behind it, Tex looked to be upset.

"Don't worry, fella," Jeff said as he walked over and scratched its back. "You'll get your turn at a client soon enough."

Tex grunted and shook its head.

In the back of the barn, the younger man had picked out his mare. He saw the massively furry ass of Omega and rubbed it.

"You ready for a fuck, boy?" the man asked.

Omega gave a muffled reply and shook the horse head he was wearing. The man grinned as he ran his hand over the brand in the slave's ass cheek. It had healed, and hair had started growing over it, but it was still prominent. He then lowered his hands and felt the slave's giant balls. They were pushed down in their sack by a heavy metal weight, and the man could also see the metal ring of the chastity cage. The man let his fingers move forward to feel the trapped nub in front and felt the precum pooling there.

"Looks like we have a horny, chastity slave!" the man said as he brought the precum to his lips and licked it.

The man lowered his hand and rubbed his crotch. The bulge was poking out in front, and a wet spot had formed. When he removed his belt and unbuttoned the fly, his cock flew forward, and he stroked it.

"You need lube, mare?" the man asked.

Omega shook his head in the affirmative, and the man reached to the floor and opened the container to coat his cock before fingering it into the slave's ass. Then with one quick movement, he turned and shoved his cock inside.

Omega's eyes shot open under his mask, and he bit down hard on the gag as he screamed. The man was not small. His cock seemed as wide as a beer can, and it was being forced into him with one shove.

"That's a mare!" the man said as he slapped Omega's ass hard and then gripped the slave's waist to fuck.

On the other side of the building, Buck had found its rhythm. Its large hairy feet were firmly planted on the dirt floor, and its hips flew back and forth as the horse cock pistoned in and out of the older man's ass. Jeff was having a ball watching the show and stroking himself.

"I see the main events have started," came a voice behind him.

Jeff turned and smiled. He recognized the man as Gene, a regular customer who often came by the farm to pick up pallets of Lighting Boost to sell at his small store a few miles away.

"Howdy!" Jeff said as he put the beer down. "Yeah, already got one mare mounted and one stallion going to town."

"I see you are pretty hung yourself, young man!" Gene said as he pointed.

Jeff smiled and stroked his cock.

"I'm here just in case someone can't take the stallions."

"Well, I am into fisting myself, so I shouldn't have a problem," Gene said with a smile. "Is the blond horse here ready?"

"Go for it!" Jeff said as he pointed to Tex's stall.

The beast rose and let Gene pass by. As the man dropped his pants and underwear, Jeff lubricated Tex's cock and then pushed some in Gene's rosebud.

"Mount up, Tex!" Jeff said as he stepped back.

In less than a minute, Gene's grunts and groans mixed with the older man's as both were pummeled by the stallions. In the back, the younger man was starting to growl as well.

"Take it, mare!" the man shouted as he fucked Omega hard.

The slave's balls were like a pendulum now. They swung forward and back under the force of the man as his thick shaft went deep inside Omega. As the slave bit down on the ball gag in his mouth, he could feel the sweat building on his body as the pain and pleasure he was feeling overloaded his senses. He was happy that he was strapped down because he was unsure he could control the involuntary spasms that his body was being rocked by.

His ass was clapping as the man's crotch hit it repeatedly. Omega could not get over how much energy this man had. He could feel the firm grip on his waist as his insides were rearranged, and the pressure on his prostate had forced out so much precum that it had formed a long thin line from his cage to the floor.

"Fuck yeah!" the young man screamed.

Sub could hear everything going on around him. The grunts of the horses and the muffled screams from Omega in the stall behind him mixed with the sounds of sex now echoing off the metal walls. It made his caged nub swell painfully.

Buck let out a loud whinny as it orgasmed. As the beast lifted its head, its shaft undulated, and cum erupted from its enhanced balls and shot deep inside the older man underneath it.

"Holy shit!" the man screamed as he orgasmed simultaneously.

Cum shot from his tiny cock and painted the side of the bench he was mounted over as the beast slowed its thrusts and then pushed deep to deposit its load.

"Nice job!" Jeff encouraged the beast as it shook its head and huffed.

Behind, its brother horse, Tex, was still fucking hard. Gene was shouting for it to go harder and deeper, and the beast was doing everything it could to comply. Jeff was worried that the man might wear out Tex before it could cum, but after several minutes, the man was rewarded with a plentiful amount of cum up his ass.

Buck pulled out, and Jeff was wiping it down as the older man regained feeling in his legs and stood up. As he did, a flood of cum fell out of his ass and ran down his leg.

"God, that thing can breed!" the man groaned.

Jeff laughed.

"I guess we didn't plan for that one issue. I'll grab you a towel, Sir. Just one moment."

The man smiled as Jeff ran up to his loft to collect all the towels he had and bring them down in case they were needed. As he returned, he saw the younger man covered in sweat as he fucked Omega. The slave's body was rocking back and forth violently.

"Here it comes, boy!" the young man growled as he unloaded.

Omega grunted loudly into his gag as his ass was bred, and he felt the man shove hard. The pain was intense at first, but once the stinging sensation ebbed, the slave tried to catch his breath and ride through the impregnation.

"Fuck yeah!" Jeff shouted as he gave the young man a thumbs up and handed a towel to the older man.

"Again, again!" Gene shouted as Tex looked at Jeff with a curious look.

"Can you fuck some more, boy?" Jeff asked.

Tex shook its head up and down.

"Then, go again!" Jeff said as Tex smiled and mounted Gene again.

Two hours into the party, the heat had built up in the barn, and the area reeked of sweat, lube, and cum. The stallions had pleasured three clients each. Omega's ass had been loaded up four times, and a white froth matted the dense hair on his ass. Sub had only been used once, but the man bred him so wide that the slave nearly passed out during the breeding. As the cum leaked from him after, it was tinged red, and Jeff had put the boy on a mandatory break to let him heal and recover.

For his part, Jeff had mainly monitored the horses and mares and sipped on some beer. He had stroked himself at several points during the evening while he watched the different men come and go, but he had managed to avoid orgasming in case his load was needed. A lull in the action had allowed him to wipe the mares and stallions down with a cool, wet washcloth, and he was cleaning Tex's cock when the door to the barn opened yet again.

"Well, don't you two stallions look handsome!" came the voice of Charles as he walked inside.

Tex and Buck instantly recognized their original master and owner, and they smiled and grunted. Charles walked over and scratched Buck's back as Jeff finished with Tex.

"Have they been performing well tonight, young man?" Charles asked.

"Oh, yes, Sir!" Jeff replied as he moved back and patted Tex's ass. "Both stallions have been in rare form. They are a credit to your work."

"Good boys!" Charles said.

"Are you here for some service yourself, Sir?" Jeff asked.

Charles laughed.

"No. But I heard you were pretty hung, and I wanted to see for myself. It looks like Richard was not lying!"

Jeff grinned and reached down to stroke his hard cock.

"Thanks, Sir. I haven't had any action tonight, but I'm ready if needed."

"Well, that is what I wanted to ask you about," Charles said. "I have a guest with me that has been moody and needs a good dick down. However, he didn't want to be fucked in a stall. Would you be willing to take him up to your loft?"

"Sure, Sir!" Jeff replied. "But, I do need to have someone watching the stallions. They aren't too bright and need direction if a client comes in."

"I'll watch them," Charles said. "After all, I created them. I can handle them."

"Cool!" Jeff said.

"Go on up and get ready for him," Charles said. "I'll tell him to come over and meet you upstairs."

"Yes, Sir!" Jeff replied as he smiled and left.

Jeff was a true bachelor, and his loft was a mess. He quickly tossed his musky, dirty clothes in a basket and straightened the sheets on his bed while he waited for the client. When he heard footsteps on the staircase, he kicked off his boots, turned, and walked towards the landing just in time to greet an older man with a dense, white beard. The man was built like a brick chicken house with a massive, muscled chest and thick arms. His shirt was off, and his dense chest hair was a mixture of gray and white. His jeans were tight against his girthy legs and showed a nice bulge in the front.

"Howdy!" the man said with a grin when he saw Jeff and his hard, dripping cock. "I'm Winston."

"Nice to meet you," came the reply. "I'm Jeff."

"I see you are ready to breed there," Winston said as he admired the young man. "I was told you know how to fuck good."

"Yes, Sir!" Jeff said with a smile.

"Oh, you are going to be the Sir here," Winston said with a grin. "I like being treated like a bitch. I may look like a dom, but I am far from it. Been a long time since I got used properly."

Jeff grinned devilishly.

"In that case, quit your yapping and strip your clothes off, boy! You should be on your knees sucking this alpha dick!"

Winston's eyes widened, and he immediately responded.

"Yes, Sir!"

Jeff watched as the man quickly removed his boots and pants. Winston had an impressive set of hairy balls, but his cock was barely poking out from his bush.

"I'm afraid I have a micro dick, Sir," Winston said when he saw Jeff looking.

"Did I say you can speak, boy?" Jeff shouted. "I don't care about that nub."

Winston immediately quit talking and fell on his hands and knees. As he crawled over to Jeff, the young man could see the ample ass the man had, and he grinned. Winston opened his mouth and sucked Jeff down his throat. The young man gasped as he felt the pressure and the hands stroking his full balls simultaneously. Winston was a cock sucking machine.

"Fuck yeah, boy!" Jeff growled as he reached around, grabbed the man's head, and shoved him deep.

Winston had no trouble pulling Jeff deep down his throat. With no gag reflex, he bobbed up and down on the shaft, and soon spit dripped onto the floor. Jeff's legs were going weak. He closed his eyes and paced his breathing to ensure he didn't shoot his load right then and there. He had never felt such sensations and wished he could get Winston to train Chad on his technique. When Winston pulled on his balls and applied harder suction, Jeff lost his balance and fell onto the sofa.

"Fucking hell, boy!" Jeff groaned as Winston moved forward and continued to deep-throat. "You love that bone, don't you?"

Winston grunted and looked up at the young man. His eyes brightened, and they stared at one another as Jeff's balls rested on the man's chin.

"Good boy!" Jeff said as he rubbed the man's head. "Get in my bush deep and inhale. Take that musk deep into your sinuses."

Winston's eyes closed, and he groaned as he pushed his face so far down that his nose was embedded in Jeff's pubic hair.

"That's a good sub," Jeff said. "Breathe it in deep."

Winston took a deep whiff, and his ass wagged simultaneously.

"You suck dick like a pro, boy, but I think that hungry ass needs it more."

Winston pulled off Jeff and panted.

"Fuck yes, Sir!"

"Open wide for me," Jeff said as he leaned to his side and grabbed one of his sweaty socks from the dirty clothes pile.

Winston's cheeks puffed out as the young man shoved the fabric inside, and his eyes rolled back. Jeff's scent was strong, and he could taste the young man as his spit mingled with the sweaty sock and ran down his throat. Winston's tiny cock head was swollen and dripping between his legs, but he kept his hands off it and awaited his next orders.

"On the bed, boy," Jeff commanded. "Ass up for your Sir!"

Winston nodded, grunted into the gag in his mouth, and crawled to the bed on his hands and knees. Jeff got up from the couch simultaneously and watched the man's hairy ass as it shook back and forth. When Winston got to the bed, he stood up, fell forward, and spread his legs wide. As his ass parted, Jeff crouched down and dove his face between the man's cheeks.

Jeff could hear the groaning above him as his tongue darted over Winston's asshole and then pushed inside. The man's legs quivered as Jeff spat on him again and again until the young man could slip two fingers in easily.

"You ready, boy?" Jeff asked as he stood up and slapped his cock on the man's ass.

Another grunt came from the bed as Jeff smiled, pointed his dick in front of him, and shoved forward. Winston screamed as the cock slid inside and split him open, and he grabbed the sheets firmly. Jeff could feel the grip on his dick as Winston involuntarily clamped down, but he kept pushing forward, letting every inch of his fat cock slide inside. When his balls finally came to rest on Winston's, he slapped the man's ass hard and growled.

"This hole is mine!"

The fucking began. Jeff's cock had the perfect shape and ran right over Winston's prostate with each thrust. As the musky, sweaty sock juices continued to pour into him, his eyes glassed over, and he got lost in the sensation. It had been so long since he had received a good dick down, and Jeff was skilled.

"That's a boy!" Jeff shouted as he fucked hard and continued to spank the man. "You like that alpha dick, don't you?"

Winston grunted.

"That's a real man's dick," Jeff continued. "Nothing like that pathetic button between your legs."

Winston squealed into the gag in pleasure.

"You sound like a little piggy!" Jeff laughed. "Are you a subby piggy?"

Winston shook his head and grunted.

"A big, fat-assed piggy with a tiny dripping nub?" Jeff asked.

Winston grunted again.

"Fuck yeah, piggy," Jeff said as he grabbed onto Winston's waist. "You are about to get bred deep!"

Winston shouted into his gag as Jeff pushed down. It felt as though the young man was going to pierce his stomach. At the same time, his prostate was now being pummeled into oblivion. His body began to sweat at the same time as a warm feeling spread through his groin. As the young man continued to fuck him hard and fast, Winston's tiny cock exploded beneath him and coated the side of the bed.

"Fuck!" Winston shouted into the sock.

Jeff smiled as he felt the ass gripping him.

"Did piggy just cum?"

Winston shook his head as his vision went blurry.

"Time to get bred then!" Jeff growled as he violently swung his hips back and forth.

Winston's entire body shook, and the bedframe knocked against the wall. Jeff's feet barely gripped the floor as the momentum carried him back and forth. It took only three minutes for the inevitable to happen, and cum began to spew from his cock. Jeff pushed in once more until he passed Winston's second ring and bred his colon. Winston screamed into his gag.

"Good pig!" Jeff cried out as the orgasm swept through his body. "Fucking hell, that is a nice ass!"

Winston could feel the undulations in the young man's shaft as the seed was delivered into him. When Jeff was finally done and pulled out, the sock flew from Winston's mouth, and he groaned loudly.

"Thank you, Sir!"

"Turn around and clean this cum off me, pig!" Jeff commanded.

Winston immediately got off the bed and on his knees again to suck the young man dry. As he did, Jeff's load dripped out of Winston's ass and puddled on the floor.

"When you are done with that bone, lick that mess off the floor, too!" Jeff shouted.

Winston took his time, but when Jeff's cock was cum free, he moved to lick the floor clean, too.

"Good pig," Jeff said with a smile.

"Fuck, I can still feel you in me, Sir," Winston said when he finished and laid his head on the floor. "God, I needed that so bad."

"It's a nice ass," Jeff said as he walked over and grabbed a beer from the fridge.

"Thank you, Sir," Winston groaned.

"I just need a break for a moment, and then you are getting bred again pig," Jeff said.

It was after two in the morning before Chad could hand off baby duties to his father and head back to the farm for a few hours of sleep. As he pulled up, he saw that all the cars had left, but there was a light in the barn. Curious, he got out of his truck and walked over to see what was happening. When he stepped inside, he saw Jeff naked and smoking a cigarette, and Lucas was reinstalling the milking machines on the stalls.

"How was the evening?" Chad asked.

"Hey!" Jeff replied as he stood up and stretched. "It was a good time!"

"Well, your cock is soft," Chad said with a smile. "I assume you got some good use of it?"

Jeff laughed and offered Chad a smoke.

"Fucked a nice piggy of a sub three times in a row before I was shooting blanks."

"Nice!" Chad said as he accepted the cigarette, and Jeff lit it for him.

Chad sighed and groped himself as the young man drew in the nicotine and then expelled it above his head.

"I sure wish I could have drained these balls."

"What is stopping you?" Jeff asked with a smile.

"Just too tired to wank off at the moment," Chad replied with a chuckle.

"Then use the slave here," Jeff said. "I'm sure if you lay back on the hay, he could pull a load out of you."

Chad smiled.

"That's a dom's privilege, not a mare's."

"No, that is the privilege of being a man on this farm and not a slave," Jeff replied with a grin. "You are a man just like me. Besides, Richard told me today that he was fine if you used the slaves around here. I think you impressed him more than you realized with the duties you have taken on with his kids."

"Really?" Chad replied as his eyes widened.

Lucas stood up and came over to the young men when he heard the conversation.

"Can this slave drain your big balls, Sir?"

Chad grinned.


Jeff moved over and made room on the bail of hay he was sitting on, and Chad laid back next to him. Lucas unbuckled Chad's pants, and as he pulled them down, the young man's cock sprung forward and pointed skyward.

"Well, little Chad has energy, at least!" Jeff said with a laugh as he blew smoke over his head.

"There is nothing little about Sir Chad," Lucas said as he got on his knees and pulled the young man's engorged cock down his throat and ran his hands over his plump balls.

"Fuck!" Chad groaned. "That feels so good."

Lucas pulled off and looked up at him.

"I've missed this cock, Sir."

"Good boy!" Chad growled as he closed his eyes.

Jeff patted Chad's stomach.

"Relax and enjoy."

As Lucas worked him over, Chad sighed. It had been a journey, but the future was looking brighter for him. Chad finally felt like a man again.

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