
By Slave Bear

Published on Jan 22, 2023


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As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen and consenting adults, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, extreme body modification, bestiality, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Transformed – Chapter 35: Omega

Night had fallen, and Richard's beasts and slaves gathered again in the dungeon under the main house. Behind the flickering candles on the altar and the glint of the colored jars containing the slave's sacrifices, their Master bit down on a lit cigar in his horned headgear, surrounded by lingering smoke and incense. George was standing next to him. Kneeling in front was Joel, naked and watching the last things he owned, his clothes, burn to ash in the furnace at the far side of the room.

The young man was nervous. He had committed to this path, but as he felt the dark room closing in on him and heard the breathing of all the farm's residents that were out of sight, his strength had started to fail.

"I accept the donation of your worldly possessions," Richard said. "You will now leave your former life as you entered it. Naked and worthless. I will provide all the purpose you need to live from now on."

"Thank you, Master," Joel replied.

"When was the last time you had an orgasm, boy?" Richard asked.

"Two weeks ago, Master," Joel replied. "I have not touched myself since I was here to interview Sir Gunny."

Richard smiled.

"Good. I like my slaves horny and ready to serve."

Richard put his cigar down and picked up some paperwork and a pen.

"Here in my hand is the contract you will sign. It states that you willingly give your body to me to become my slave. I may use and modify your body as I see fit. Once you sign this, there is no going back. Your life in the outside world is over. Your remaining days will be spent in servitude to me. This is your last chance to stand and leave. What is your choice, boy?"

"I will sign, Master," Joel replied. "I want to become your property as your slave."

Richard placed the document on the altar and held the pen out. Joel stood and signed it without even pausing to read it. He then returned to kneel in front of the altar as Richard folded the paperwork and put it in a box on the floor.

"Your body and soul now belong to me, boy," Richard said with a deep, booming voice. "Slaves and beasts, please rise and come forward!"

Each of Richard's slaves was introduced individually, and their donations to the altar of service were highlighted. Even though Joel knew them all, he was still amazed to see Lucas's and Pig's severed cocks and Gimp's balls as they floated lifelessly in their respective jars. His body also began to shake as his sentence would soon be announced.

"And now we come to you," Richard said, finally. "I have given great thought as to what your sacrifice will be. After talking it over with Gunny, we have decided that it will be two-fold. First, you will be strapped down, and your foreskin will be removed tonight."

Joel's body went numb, and his lip quivered at what he had heard.

"Once you are healed, you will be put into a chastity cage, and a cream will be used daily to desensitize and shrink your cut nub to nothing more than a button," Richard continued. "You will eventually be fitted with a chastity device like Sub's that has a small catheter in place to allow you to piss and drain your balls when you are allowed. A circumcised nub will be more hygienic under a cage and reduce the sensations and pleasure you feel down there. After all, your pleasure now comes from service to me."

Joel was still shaking when Richard paused and smiled at him.

"You seem quiet, slave. What do you have to say about your donation to the altar of service?"

"Your will is my command, Sir," Joel said in a broken voice. "I will gladly give you my foreskin and nub. My body is yours after all now."

"Good," Richard said. "But you need a name now that your former life is over. I have given this some thought as well. You will be working with Slave and Sub in the production room. Slave will be your alpha for all intents and purposes, and as the newest addition to my property, that would make you the omega slave around here. So, your name will now be Omega from this point forward."

"Yes, Sir," Omega replied.

"Gimp!" Richard said as he snapped his fingers.

Omega looked scared as the older slave helped him to his feet and brought him over to a fuck bench which he was then strapped into. Gimp then injected his arm with a cloudy fluid. His head spun as the sedative took hold, and he watched as his Master picked up a branding iron and plunged it into the furnace. While it heated, he felt cold water on his ass and then the sharp blade of a razor as Gimp shaved his left ass cheek.

"He's ready," Gimp said as he stood back.

"Gunny, you can mark him," Richard said.

George turned, and when the iron was red hot, he pulled it from the flame and brought it over to the bound slave. With a smooth movement, the older man plunged the brand onto Omega's ass, and his dark skin sizzled as the boy screamed. When the iron was removed, the slave now carried the mark of his Master, a circle with an R in the middle. Omega was still sobbing when Richard spoke again.

"And now we will start your injections. While your balls are quite impressive now, slave, there is always room for improvement. Within a few months, they will be even larger, and with some installed weights, they will hang prominently below your tiny cage."

"Thank you, Sir," Omega replied as he felt the syringe plunge into his right ass cheek.

"And now to formally make you mine," Richard said as he put his cigar down and removed the codpiece from his jock.

As his large cock and balls fell out, Omega's eyes widened. The man had a massive slab of meat, engorged with blood as he stroked it. Richard's large fingers soon invaded his hole as lube was shoved into his ass, still sore from the brand and injections he was given. He then felt the heavy shaft slap against his cheeks twice before it was forced into him with one push.

"Fuck!" Omega screamed.

The cry was so loud that it echoed all over the room. The boy's entire body tensed, and his nub instantly got hard below him.

Richard fucked hard. It was evident he was not looking for a pleasure fuck. He wanted the slave to remember who now owned him. As Richard's shaft shoved back and forth, his heavy balls swung under and hammered Omega's. The slave's nub was dripping, and after five minutes of heavy thrusts, a thick load shot out of the boy's balls. The contractions of his prostate caused his ass to squeeze around his Master, and Richard growled.

"That's a slave! Grip your master's dick!"

"Oh fuck!" Omega groaned as the fucking continued.

Lucas was amazed at the scene. He had seen Richard fuck during induction ceremonies before, but he seemed more primal and forceful this time around. The slave could even feel precum dribbling down his balls as he was turned on.

Richard took almost fifteen minutes before he finally unloaded inside the slave. When he was done, he pulled out, and Gunny stepped in to fuck the boy next. The older man was not as aggressive, but his thick cock still split Omega in two and caused the boy to continue to scream and foam at the mouth. When the second load was delivered, Richard wiped down the slave's ass and then stuck a large plug in him to lock the fluids inside.

Omega was groaning and panting as he was released from the fuck bench. Figuring the worst was over, he was surprised to be hauled over to a padded table in the corner of the room. As he was strapped down, his head was elevated so he could watch what was about to happen to him. Once he was ready, a door opened, and Jake appeared dressed in scrubs and wearing rubber gloves. Richard and George stood behind and watched as Omega's pubic region was shaved clean, bathed, and then betadine was applied over the slave's cock and balls.

"He's got a rather large foreskin," Jake said. "How tight are we going here?"

"As tight as possible," Richard said. "Take it all off. It has no use anymore."

"You got it," Jake said as he put on a mask and applied a white cream over Omega's shaft.

Once the area had started to deaden, he grabbed a syringe and injected a local into and around Omega's balls and cock till it was completely numb.

"Can you feel anything?" Jake asked.

"No, Sir," Omega replied nervously."

"Well, here we go then," Jake said.

Omega watched as the man grabbed a plastic device and placed it over the head of his nub. It had a metal part that ended down over his head and isolated the entire foreskin within it. The device sat on him for several minutes before Jake picked up a scalpel and started cutting. It was evident that the man was skilled because he made no hesitation in his cuts, and the process went smoothly. Once the tissues were excised away, they were placed on a silver plate, and then the device was removed.

Omega looked down to see his exposed head now, and the incision that was around it. Jake had indeed made the cut very tight. As the man used a surgical adhesive to seal the wound, he could tell that the area would be very smooth when healed. When he was done, Jake cleaned Oemga's nub one more time and then stepped back.

"And he is done!" Jake said.

Richard opened a small teal-colored jar and smiled.

"The donation goes in here."

Jake smiled and placed Omega's foreskin in the fluid, and as it slowly sank, Richard screwed the lid on the jar and had Gimp take it to the altar.

"I still need to put some tape and absorbent gauze on the area. It should be kept as dry as possible. The gauze must stay in place for two days and the tape for two weeks."

"I will have him stay in bed for the next two days," Richard said. "Gimp, you will be in charge of his care."

"Yes, Sir," Gimp replied.

"Once he is healed, put him in the full belt chastity device until he is ready to be put in a normal ball trap device," Richard said.

"Understood, Sir," Gimp replied.

The next day, Omega awoke and found Gimp standing over him.

"How did you sleep?" Gimp asked.

"Ok, I guess," Omega replied. "That sedative knocked me out last night. I started to feel pain in my cock a few hours ago, though."

"Nub," Gimp corrected. "That is your nub now. Only real men have cocks. You are a slave now."

"Oh, yeah," Omega groaned as he tried to sit up. "Sorry about that."

"See if you can roll over for me," Gimp said. "I need to check to ensure your brand is not infected, and I need to give you another dose of your ball-growing serum."

Omega slowly shifted to one side and felt as a bandage was pulled from his ass. Gimp cleaned the seared area and reapplied a fresh bandage before injecting the slave and letting him lay back down. Omega then watched as the older slave pulled the sheets down and removed and changed the bandages on his nub. The incision was weeping but, overall, was looking rather good.

"Looks like this will heal nicely," Gimp said as he rebandaged it. "You'll be up and on your feet again soon."

"Can I have anything for the pain?" Omega asked.

"Certainly," Gimp replied as he grabbed some pills from a bottle and a glass of water. "Take these. It will help."

"Thanks," Omega replied as he swallowed them. "When will I report to work?"

As soon as you are out of this bed," Gimp said. "Master is impatient to have Pig back in the house full-time again."

"I can understand," Omega replied. "Would it be possible for me to talk to Slave or Sub today? I don't want to stay in this room alone for two days."

"I will have them come by when they are done with their work," Gimp said. "In the meantime, I want you to let me know if you feel any sharp pain or a burning feeling. I want to make sure you do not get infected."

"I will," Omega said. "And thanks for assisting me, Gimp."

"That's my role here," Gimp said with a smile. "I have to go back to the kitchen now. I will check on you in a bit."

"Ok," Omega said as the older slave left.

The pills kicked in about thirty minutes later, and Omega drifted in and out of consciousness during the rest of the day as Gimp periodically checked on him. He was brought a light lunch of porridge and bread and a large glass of Lighting Boost, but other than that, he only had access to water, which was kept in a large pitcher next to his bed. When the sun finally set, he felt his stomach starting to growl, however, and he was hoping that a more filling meal would soon appear.

"How are you doing?" came the voice of Lucas when the door to Omega's room finally opened.

"Hey!" Omega replied. "I am doing ok."

"We have a surprise for you," Lucas said with a smile.

Omega pulled himself up in bed just in time to see Sub carrying a tray behind Slave, and it smelled wonderful. On a plate were several slices of ham, some mashed potatoes, and sliced carrots.

"That looks wonderful!" Omega replied.

Sub smiled as he brought it over and placed it on the bed. Lucas then set a fresh bottle of Lightning Boost on the table, and the two slaves then grabbed some chairs and brought them over to sit next to the bed.

"I was so hungry!" Omega replied as he grabbed some of the meat and ate it.

"Well, the slaves eat after our Master and Gunny are fed and leave the table," Lucas said. "But Gimp told us you were lonely up here, and we brought this up as soon as possible."

"We haven't even eaten yet!" Sub said with a smile.

"Oh, please go down and do that," Omega replied with a concerned look. "I know you two work hard."

"It's ok, Omega," Lucas said. "We can wait. It isn't going anywhere, and we both know what the first few days here are like. We just wanted to ensure you felt welcome and were doing ok."

"I'm fine," Omega replied with a smile as he opened the bottle of liquid and drank some of it. "I am still getting used to my new name, though."

Lucas laughed.

"Before long, you won't remember being called anything else."

"Any pain?" Sub asked.

"I am sore," Omega replied. "But nothing I cannot deal with. At least I still have most of my bits and parts."

"Count yourself lucky!" Lucas replied. "I still remember waking up and looking down to see a smooth crotch where my nub used to be."

"Well, it was a little traumatic to see my nub flayed open and my foreskin removed, but as Master rightly said, I don't need it anymore," Omega said. "It is not like I will be jacking off ever again."

"At least you had a pretty good orgasm," Sub said with a smile. "Pup had to lick the floor clean after you left the room last night, and he said your load was massive and tasty."

Omega laughed.

"That's common for me. I shoot massive loads and Master's cock felt so good inside me."

"You should see the ones that shoot out of my nub when Sir Jeff fucks me," Sub replied. "That man also knows exactly what to do to drain a slave's balls."

Lucas looked at Sub and Sub immediately stopped smiling.

"Oh, shit, I am sorry, Slave. I am such an inconsiderate bastard sometimes."

"What do you mean?" Lucas asked.

"Here I am talking about shooting huge loads, and you can't even orgasm anymore," Sub replied. "And it is all my fault."

"Sub, it was my choice to take your punishment, and I don't mind," Lucas replied. "I can still ride Master's dildo and drain my balls. I may not experience pleasure from it, but I will survive."

"Well, I want to thank you both for coming up here and visiting with me," Omega broke in. "I am looking forward to working with you both soon."

Lucas smiled.

"You say that now, but wait till we work you till you are ready to drop!"

Sub laughed as Omega fell silent.

"Oh, quit playing with him. Slave is a pushover, Omega. We can't wait to have you in the barn as well. It will mean a lot fewer hours for all of us."

Lucas grinned and snagged a carrot from Omega's plate.

"Well, if you are settled, I will go grab dinner."

"Please do," Omega replied.

"Yeah, I am hungry myself," Sub replied. "We will check in on you later tonight before bed."

"Thanks, guys," Omega said as they left the room.

On the morning of the third day of Omega's convalescence, Gimp appeared in Omega's room carrying a large metal device. As the younger slave watched, the older one put the frame on the floor, and he smiled.

"What do you have there?"

"That is your chastity belt," Gimp said. "Once I check your bandage this morning, you will go in it, and then you will be sent down to work in the barn. Your time in bed is over."

"How does it work?" Omega asked as Gimp pulled back the covers and checked on the slave's nub.

"I'll show you in a moment," Gimp replied as he changed the bandages. "How is the pain?"

"Just a little discomfort now," Omega replied as his modified bits were handled. "Nothing that I cannot manage. I just used the bathroom a moment ago and I think I irritated it a little."

"Very well," Gimp replied. "Well, from the looks of things, you are healing perfectly. Stand up, bend over, and I will give you your shot."

Omega did as he was instructed, and once Gimp injected him with the ball growth drug, he had the slave stand at attention. The older slave then picked up the metal device and had Omega step into it. The band went around the younger slave's waist and had a large metal codpiece in the front that covered his nub and balls. A smaller band went under and behind him and attached to the band in the back.

"How do I go to the restroom in this?" Omega asked as he was secured.

"You will have to come to me for permission," Gimp replied as he used a tool to lock things in place. "I will have to remove this each time, and then it will be put back on. Normally, you could piss inside the codpiece and let it run down and out the bottom, but we need to keep your nub dry for a few weeks. Defecation is impossible while that locking band is in place, as is access to your ass to be fucked. However, Master wants you to abstain from being used in that manner for the time being since you orgasmed during your initiation."

"I understand," Omega replied as he reached down and felt the prison that now contained his balls and nub. "I guess it is back to being horny and frustrated again."

"Sit back down," Gimp said as he turned and pulled out a jar from the bedside table.

Omega watched as the older slave opened the container and motioned for the younger slave to put his foot in the man's lap. Gimp then put on some rubber gloves and proceeded to coat the young boy's soles and toes heavily.

"That feels warm," Omega said. "What are you doing?"

"This is a skin toughening cream," Gimp replied as he rubbed. "You must put this on your feet three times a day for the next week. Then two times a day the following week. After that, you can switch to once a day. Slaves do not wear clothes or shoes around the farm; your skin down here is far too soft. You will hurt yourself if you don't build up calluses quickly. We use this on the new bulls when they are brought to the farm, and it works well."

"I see," Omega replied.

"Just be sure you use gloves or wash your hands as soon as you are done," Gimp said. "Otherwise, you will end up with thickly callused hands."

"Ok," Omega replied.

"Damn, your feet are hairy," Gimp said.

"Sorry about that," Omega replied.

Once the young slave's feet were coated and the cream had dried, Gimp directed the boy to head to the barn to start his day. The sky was beginning to brighten as he pushed the door to the house open and felt the cold air hit his body.

"Fuck!" Omega grumbled as he ran to the barn and quickly opened the door.

Inside, Lucas, Sub, and Pig were getting the bull's udders hooked up to the milking machines, and Lucas laughed when he saw Omega shivering at the threshold.

"Little cold out there?" Lucas asked.

"Fuck me!" Omega replied as he closed the door.

"Maybe later, Slave," Jeff said from the side of the room where he was putting on his boots.

"Oh, sorry to curse in your presence, Sir," Omega replied.

"No worries, slave," Jeff said as he stood up and dusted off his jeans. "I was just heading out to get some coffee."

"I take it you are here to work?" came the voice of Ralph in the back of the barn.

"Yes, Sir!" Omega replied when he saw him.

"That means you are back to sex slave duty, Pig," Jeff said. "Come with me back over to the house."

"Yes, Sir!" Pig said as he stood and followed the young man out.

"What do I do?" Omega asked.

"Come over here," Lucas said. "I'll show you how to groom the bulls as they are milked. It is pretty easy to pick up."

"Ok," Omega replied.

"I like the chastity belt!" Sub said as Omega walked by him.

"Thanks," Omega said. "It is pretty tight around the waist, but it is doing the job it is designed for, I guess."

"Yeah, no getting access to your nub in that thing!" Sub replied. "The tattoo is nice too!"

Omega smiled. Bob, the man who had tattooed all the slaves, had visited the farm the day before. He had carefully shaved the young slave's chest smooth and inked a large Greek omega symbol that was about six inches square.

"It itches like a motherfucker, though," Omega said.

"And when that fur of yours comes back in, it is only going to be worse," Ralph said with a smile.

"Ain't that the truth," Omega replied. "It is the first time I have seen my bare skin since I hit puberty. In high school, they used to call me the big furry beast, and on the football team, I was called Boar."

"Football, huh?" Ralph replied.

"Yeah," Omega said as he ran the brush through the leg hair of Green, who was being milked in front of him. "I was a lineman."

"I can see that," Ralph replied. "You got the build for it."

"Yeah, but all this fur makes me sweat a lot," Omega said. "I can start to stink really quick. That is why they called me Boar. I was a musky pig."

"Well, just be sure you wash up at the end of the day, then," Lucas said. "If you will be sleeping with us, I would rather not have the room smelling like a sty."

"With you?" Omega asked as he looked over at Lucas.

"Of course!" Lucas replied. "That room you were in was the guest room. We used it to let you get better. You will be sleeping with us in the slave quarters now."

"Master replaced my old bed with a bunk bed for the two of us," Sub replied. "Hope you don't mind sleeping on top."

"Not at all!" Omega replied. "It sounds like fun."

Lucas laughed and Omega turned back and blushed.

"I'll be sure to wash up before dinner every night, boss."

"Oh, you are the boss now, huh?" Ralph said, poking fun at Lucas.

Lucas rolled his eyes as the two other slaves laughed.

Next: Chapter 36

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