
By Slave Bear

Published on Jan 19, 2023


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As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen and consenting adults, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, extreme body modification, bestiality, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Transformed - Chapter 34: A New Slave

Two weeks had passed since Lucas's anniversary celebration. While it had taken about a day for the slave to walk normally again, he had not suffered any permanent damage from the orgy that had happened on his ass. However, he had begun taking the orgasm-blocking drugs the morning after and they had done their job. His prostate was now numb to all feeling. While he could still ride the dildo attached to the wall in the barn that was in the shape of his Master's cock and force out the cum in his balls, there was no pleasure attached to the experience. Lucas had not complained, though. He had seen the light return to Sub's eyes when Jeff found him in the barn a few days after the party and fucked the young boy till he experienced his first orgasm in almost a year. Sub nearly passed out and begged Jeff to pound him until he was raw. He became Jeff's fuck toy pretty regularly in the afternoons after that.

"How are things going in here?" Chad asked as he walked into the production room just before lunch.

"Going pretty well, Sir!" Lucas replied with a smile as he wiped down the tables. "Sub and Pig are herding the cattle into the barn for milking, and I was cleaning here. How is your day?"

"Not bad," Chad replied as he sat down on a chair and wiped his forehead. "We are done with the fields for the season. We fixed some fencing that had holes this morning, but I will send them to the gym with the bulls this afternoon."

"Sounds good!" Lucas replied.

"Come here for a moment," Chad said as he turned, reached over to lock the room door, and pulled a chair next to him.

Lucas was curious about what was going on, but he put down the towel in his hand and walked over, and sat next to the young man.

"What's up?" Lucas asked.

"I need your advice, Lucas," Chad said.

"Sir, I don't think you need to use that name," Lucas replied.

"Lucas, I need to talk to you as a human being and friend," Chad said. "Work with me here. Pretend you are not a slave and talk to me."

"Ok, Chad," Lucas replied.

"Charles called me a moment ago to let me know that the kids were born today," Chad said.

"Oh wow! Congrats!" Lucas replied.

Chad blushed.


"Aren't they a little early, though?" Lucas asked. "I figured you would not hear anything till after the new year."

"Well, that is the thing," Chad said. "There was an unintended side effect of Charles's genetic tinkering. They are maturing at a more rapid rate. Even as twins at a development age of seven months, they came out fully formed and looking more like full-term."

"Oh, wow!" Lucas replied.

"Charles seems to think that they may continue to grow at an accelerated rate, and Uncle Richard is ok with that," Chad said. "I don't know how I feel about it. I know that they are his kids. I am the DNA donor, but they are my blood, and I can't help but feel worried for them."

"Have you talked to Master about this?" Lucas asked.

"You know you cannot just talk to him," Chad replied.

"What about your dad?" Lucas asked.

"I thought about it," Chad said. "I just was unsure what to do."

"Chad," Lucas said. "Master has put a lot of money and effort into producing these two boys to have someone to pass this farm on to in the future. I don't think he would do anything that would harm them."

"He cut your and Pig's cock off, gelded Gimp, turned Pup into, well, a dog, and look at the bulls and horses," Chad said. "Do you honestly think he cares that much about the kids?"

"We are his property," Lucas replied. "They are his blood."

"I am his blood, too," Chad said as he let his head fall. "And he still treats me like shit."

Lucas reached out his hand and grabbed Chad's.

"Chad, look at me."

Chad looked up and Lucas smiled.

"The boys will be fine. Trust me. And if you are worried, then talk to Gunny. He is on your side. That I know."

"That's true," Chad replied. "He's a hard task masker, but he has always advocated for me."

"What are their names?" Lucas asked.

"Humm?" Chad asked.

"The kids," Lucas said. "Your kids. What are their names?"

Chad smiled.

"Richard Donald Westlake II and Shane Allen Westlake. But they will go by Don and Allen. Shane was my grandfather's name."

"I'm sure they will be handsome boys no matter how fast they grow up," Lucas replied.

"I hope so," Chad replied.

Lucas stood, smiled, and unlocked and opened the door behind him.

"Talk to Gunny, Sir," Lucas said. "But, if you need an ear, I am always here as well."

"Thanks, Slave," Chad said with a smile as he stood up.

"There you are, Slave!" came the voice of Jeff in the doorway.

Lucas turned and bowed.

"Yes, Sir. What can I do for you, Sir?"

"Gunny needs you in the house," Jeff said.

"Yes, Sir!" Lucas said as he turned to leave.

"You free, Chad?" Jeff asked as he looked over at the young man.

"Well, I was about to grab lunch here in a bit, but yeah," Chad replied.

"Think you could come to the loft for a quick fuck?" Jeff asked. "My balls are full, and I don't want to wait till the afternoon to pound Sub."

"I'd love that!" Chad replied with a grin.

"Good, boy!" Jeff replied with a sly smile. "Then get that ass upstairs. I wanna see you stripped and ready for my cock when I come up there."

"Yes, Sir!" Chad said as he quickly ran into the next room and climbed the stairs.

"You asked to see me, Sir?" Lucas said as he knocked on the doorframe to the office that George and Richard shared.

George was dressed in tight jeans and a flannel shirt and was doing some bookkeeping when the slave arrived. He turned and motioned for Lucas to enter but did not speak until he was done with the calculations he was trying to balance.

"Slave, your master was called away from the farm today and may not return till tomorrow," George said.

"Chad let me know that Sir's boys were born," Lucas said. "Is that where he went to?"

"Yes," George replied. "So, I have to take over interviewing a potential new slave for the farm that will be here later today."

"That is good to hear, Sir!" Lucas replied. "I didn't expect to have a candidate this soon."

George smiled and leaned back in his chair.

"Richard found what he thinks will be a great prospect through an online ad. The boy is about 22 years old and lives in the next state. I just spoke to him a few minutes ago, and he is on the bus and should be here about 4 pm."

"Good to hear, Sir!" Lucas replied.

"Normally, I would turn to Gimp to help me with recruitment, but Richard told me how much of a benefit you were when he brought Sub and Pig into the fold," George said.

"Both of them just needed someone to talk to," Lucas said. "As their brother slave, I am happy to provide that ear."

"Well, this new slave position is being created to help you and Sub so that Pig can return to the house full-time again," George continued. "They will be working closely with and under you since Richard, and I want you to continue to be the slave manager in charge of production. So, I want you to join me as I interview the boy this afternoon."

"I would be honored to help," Lucas replied. "Will we have a formal ceremony if he continues?"

"Likely not," George said. "If this boy is what we need, we will talk with him about what is expected and send him back home to prepare himself for his future. We can have a formal initiation ceremony for him when he returns, and Richard is back. But I want to make sure he will be a good fit."

"I understand, Sir," Lucas said. "Has Master considered what the donation of this slave will be should he sign on?"

"Not yet," George replied. "I will size the boy up and make a recommendation to Richard after the interview today."

"Very well, Sir," Lucas replied. "I am here to serve."

"Be back in this room at 4 pm," George replied. "And, Lucas, please put on those overalls you had on when we were working on Jeff's loft. Have Sub and Pig do the same. I don't want the prospect to be scared off by your modifications."

"Understood, Sir," Lucas said with a smile. "I'll be back this afternoon."

"Good, boy," George said as he returned to work.

Chad could barely get his jeans off fast enough as he hurried up the steep steps into Jeff's loft. The space had turned out better than anyone had expected. The ceiling height was low, but with the erected walls, there was a comfortable bedroom, living room, and even a small bathroom with a stand-up shower. As Chad got to the landing, he dropped his clothes next to the small couch and climbed up on the chair facing it, letting his ass and feet hang off the back. When he heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs a few minutes later, he gently shook his ass and let his balls swing back and forth.

When Jeff got to the top step, he saw the view to his left and he smiled as he reached down and groped himself.

"Fuck, now that is a nice sight!"

Jeff kicked his shoes off and walked over to kneel behind Chad and shoved his face in between the young man's cheeks.

"Fuck!" Chad groaned as he felt the bushy beard move up and down his crack and Jeff's tongue run over his hole.

Jeff groaned as he pulled Chad's ass wide and spat on it a few times before diving in deeper. Chad's ass had loosened up considerably due to his daily breedings by the man-horses, and after only a few minutes, Jeff had the area lubricated enough to push in three of his fingers and move them around. Chad's feet curled in response, and Jeff reached down to unzip and release his hard cock from its confinement.

"You ready for me, boy?" Jeff asked.

"Yes, Sir!" Chad replied.

Jeff grinned as he got to his feet and let his pants drop. As he slapped his dripping cock against the open hole in front of him, he ran his hands over Chad's muscled but furry back and the tattoo covering most of it.

"That's a good mare."

Jeff spat on his hand and stroked his engorged shaft three times before placing the head of his cock at the entrance to Chad's ass and then gripping the young man's side. After taking a breath, he pushed in slowly, and Chad's feet curled again as the young man grasped the chair and groaned.

"That's a good boy," Jeff said. "Take your Sir's cock."

Chad loved the role-play that he and Jeff had fallen into. On the farm, they were nearly equal. Due to his prior infractions, Chad was considered on a lower rung overall than Jeff, but both were still higher than the slaves. When they played around, however, Chad quickly took the submissive role and relished the dominance that Jeff portrayed. Chad also loved the feel of Jeff's dick. It was thick and long and rubbed his prostate just the right way.

Jeff pushed all the way in till his ample balls rested on Chad's before he spanked the young man's ass playfully and then began to thrust. With every downstroke, Chad grunted and encouraged him.

"Fuck yeah, Sir! Fuck your mare's ass!"

"That's a boy!" Jeff replied. "That hole was needing a good breeding wasn't it?"

"God yes!" Chad replied. "It needed your cock so bad!"

"Fuck yeah!" Jeff growled loudly as he fucked harder.

The chair was now creaking. Chad held onto it with all his strength and felt it rock on the back legs whenever Jeff got in really deep. The sheer force that Jeff could create when he was fucking amazed Chad. The young man was built to breed. As his chest heaved, beads of sweat built up and ran down his fur till they dropped onto Chad's back. Feeling the wetness, Chad grinned, arched his back, and spread his legs more.

"That's a good boy!" Jeff groaned. "Let your Sir in deeper!"

"Fuck!" Chad cried out.

The young man's cock was hard as a rock and bouncing as his ass was assaulted. Precum was dribbling out and flying in ropes onto the towel that Jeff kept on the cushion to collect such emissions. Chad's balls were swinging back and forth violently and as his prostate was pummeled, he knew he would not be able to last long.

"I am going to cum soon, Sir," Chad replied.

"Hold it, boy!" Jeff growled back. "You know I cum first!"

"Yes, Sir!" Chad groaned as he closed his eyes and clenched his ass.

Jeff was expecting the response and as the ass gripped him tighter, he fucked harder. The extra sensation was just what he needed.

"That's a boy," Jeff replied. "Just like that."

"Oh, fuck, Sir!" Chad cried out as he held his breath and tried to forgo the inevitable.

"Here it comes, Mare!" Jeff screamed as his cock shoved in deep and exploded.

"Fuck!" they both screamed together as Chad felt the flood of warm cum fill his insides.

The young man could not hold back any longer. Moments after Jeff came, Chad's balls began to empty and ropes of thick white fluids flew onto the towel below and saturated it.

"That's a good boy!" Jeff replied as he spanked Chad's ass and pulled out.

Removing the cock from his ass caused Chad to shoot one last time. He paused to catch his breath for a moment and felt Jeff spread his hole and finger it.

"Yeah, you are good and bred now," Jeff said. "That will make good lube for your horse mates later."

Chad grinned and moved backward to put his feet on the floor. As he felt the blood come back to his lower limbs, he stood up and turned to Jeff and smiled. The furry beast of a man was grinning back and licking his lips.

"God you are so hot," Chad said as he threw his hands around Jeff and made out with him.

Jeff chuckled as he felt Chad's tongue explore his mouth, and he reached around and groped the young man in response, causing cum to leak out and run down Chad's leg. When they finally broke their embrace, Chad was a sticky mess.

"Best get back to work," Jeff said as he wiped his hands on the towel on the chair and then pulled his pants up.

"Yeah," Chad said with a grin.

"You gonna wash up before you come down?" Jeff asked.

"Nah," Chad replied as he grabbed his clothes. "I'll wear your seed and scent on me for the rest of the day."

"Hot," Jeff said as he gave Chad a peck on the cheek and then walked downstairs.

In the afternoon, an old, beat-up car caked with mud pulled up at the entrance to the farm. In the passenger seat sat a young, husky boy with a thick, dark-colored beard, deep brown eyes, medium-colored skin, and fur everyone on his body, including poking out of the top of the old shirt he had put on hastily on his way out the door. Joel had at least remembered to shower when he woke up, which was a good thing since he had been running late ever since.

"This is your stop, son," said the older man behind the wheel.

"Thanks for the ride, mister!" Joel replied as he opened the squeaky door and exited.

He had arrived in town fifteen minutes late due to another passenger that had held up the bus he was on two cities back. Fortunately, a local had spotted him wandering around the gas station next door and had offered him a lift. Otherwise, he would have never arrived.

Joel took a deep breath and walked up the dirt path towards the barn and large farmhouse on the property. His journey had been the culmination of a whirlwind communication over the past two weeks with a hot dominant he had met on recon. Richard seemed to be everything he was looking for in a master. Joel had been submissive most of his life and had just ended a three-year relationship with a man where he was kept in chastity and made to be the dominant's plaything. The two months he had been on his own had been torture, and he longed to be under the lock and key of another.

Richard had offered to interview him for a potential spot in his household. Joel had been told the man was looking for a full-time slave willing to give their body, mind, and soul over to be owned and used as he saw fit. The conversation soon turned serious when the boy told Richard he had few limits. The only thing that Joel was unsure of was living in the country. He was no stranger to hard work if that was what he was required to do, but he had lived his entire life in the city.

"Can I help you?" Ralph said as he grabbed something out of his truck.

"I'm looking for Master Richard," Joel replied as he took his cap off in a show of respect.

"I'm afraid he had to leave unexpectedly, son," Ralph replied. "Are you the candidate for the slave position?"

"I am," Joel said with a smile.

"You are late!" Ralph exclaimed.

"Yeah, I know," Joel replied as he hung his head. "Not a good first impression."

"Head up there and knock on the front door, son," Ralph said as he pointed towards the main house. "They are expecting you."

"Thanks, mister!" Joel replied.

"Just call me Ralph," he replied.

"Thanks, Ralph," Joel said as he continued to the house.

When Joel reached the door, he knocked twice, and it soon opened, and he was greeted by what he thought was a cute young man in overalls. However, Joel was puzzled that he had not one hair on his body.

"You must be the candidate," Lucas said. "Come on in."

"Thanks," Joel replied as he walked in, and the door closed behind him.

"My name is Slave," Lucas said.

"I'm Joel," came the reply.

"Well, Joel, my master had to leave unexpectedly, so your interview will be conducted by the farm manager. Everyone calls him Gunny."

"Ok," Joel replied nervously.

"You are running late, so we need to get this started," Lucas said. "Please remove your clothes and fold them neatly next to the door. In this house, only dominants are allowed the privilege of clothing."

"Good rule," Joel replied as he pulled off his shirt and kicked his feet out of his shoes.

Lucas could tell this was a beast of a boy. His dark fur seemed to be growing everywhere, and he had thick hair on his head to match. Joel quickly slipped his pants and underwear off to reveal an ample set of testicles hanging below a modestly-sized uncut cock, nestled in a bush of pubic hair. The boy had stopped shaving his crotch after his break-up, and it had filled in quickly.

Joel's frame was stocky in every way. He had thick arms and legs and a belly that was proportionate. He was shorter than average but had big hairy feet and hands. He appeared to have worked out at least at some point in his life, but he had been more sedentary as of late.

When the boy was naked and said he was ready, Lucas asked him to follow and led him down the hall to the office at the end.

"The candidate has arrived, Sir," Lucas said as he brought Joel to the center of the room and then moved to kneel to the side.

"About time," George said as he spun in his chair and looked at the boy from head to foot. "Well, aren't you a little furball!"

"Yes, Sir," Joel replied with a smile.

"So, what brings you to the farm, boy?" George asked as he leaned back and put his arms behind his head.

"I am interested in the slave position I heard about online, Master," Joel replied.

"You can call me Sir or Gunny," George interrupted.

"Understood, Sir," Joel said.

"You may continue," George said.

"Well, I just got out of a relationship not too long ago with a man who had collared me as his sex slave," Joel said. "I enjoyed serving him, but he encountered financial troubles and let me go. I was hoping to find someone else that I could serve and who could help me be a better submissive."

"I see," George replied. "Are you aware that the position will entail long hours of labor, and you may or may not be used for sex? In fact, you may go long periods without use."

"Yes, Sir," Joel replied. "Master Richard informed me that service and devotion to him were the most important aspects of this position and that my desires or wants were of little consequence."

"And you are sure that is what you want?" George asked.

"Yes, Sir," Joel replied.

"Before we continue, I would like you to spend some time with Slave," George said. "He will show you around and explain what you will be expected to do."

"Thank you, Sir," Joel said.

"Meet back here when you are done, Slave," George said as he sat back up and turned to his desk.

"Yes, Sir," Lucas said as he stood and led Joel out the door.

"Where to first?" Joel asked.

"Let's go to the barn," Lucas said as he turned left.

Joel had turned right, and Lucas spun around when he saw the boy was not beside him.

"This way, Joel," Lucas said.

"Oh, sorry," Joel replied. "I was heading back to dress."

"You'll stay naked the entire time you are interviewing here," Lucas said. "I know it is cold out, so we will move quickly where we need to be outside."

"Ok," Joel replied.

Lucas opened the side door, and a gust of cold wind blew it open. He pointed to the barn, and Joel quickly moved towards the front door. His bare feet hit some rocks along the way, and he was in pain when he finally stopped.

"Your feet toughen up when you don't wear shoes," Lucas replied. "And we have a cream here that can help make the skin even thicker. Are you ok to continue?"

"Yeah," Joel said as he turned and followed the boy into the barn.

Joel saw the stalls to the left and right of him and what looked to be milking machines installed at crotch level in each of them attached to what looked like modified fuck benches.

"What goes on in here?" he asked.

Lucas smiled.

"The main product this farm produces is a drink called Lighting Boost. While it has several natural and artificial ingredients, the base is semen."

"Cum?" Joel exclaimed.

"Yup!" Lucas replied. "We have six individuals who have given their bodies over to Master. They have been transformed into what we call bulls through drugs, exercise, and conditioning. They are milked in these stalls at least three times a day, and the fluids they make are then collected and brought back for production."

"Wild!" Joel said as his cock stirred and chubbed.

Lucas looked down and smiled, and Joel covered himself and blushed.

"It's a natural reaction," Lucas replied. "Don't feel ashamed."

"Is this what Master wants me to become?" Joel asked.

"No," Lucas said. "We are looking for an assistant to help in the production room. You would work with me and my fellow slave, Sub. Would you like to meet him?"

"Sure!" Joel replied.

"He is back here in the production room," Lucas said as he made his way to the back of the farm and to the door to the annex that had been built. "He and my other slave brother Pig are making some Lighting Boost right now."

"You said I would be helping you and Sub," Joel said. "What are Pig's duties?"

"Normally, Pig is Master's dedicated sex slave," Lucas said as he reached the door. "But he has been tasked to help Sub and me temporarily until the new slave is acquired. Come on in."

Lucas opened the door, and Joel stepped into the brightly painted room. There were metal tables with equipment on them, and he saw two individuals mixing liquids in a large blender.

"Sub and Pig, this is our slave candidate, Joel," Lucas said.

"Hey, Joel," Sub said from one side of the blender.

"Hey," Pig said from the other.

"Pig is the chubby one, and Sub is the other," Lucas whispered.

"Good to meet you!" Joel said with a smile.

"This is where you will be working most of the time if you take the position here," Lucas said. "Sub and I would be your slave brothers, and our primary purpose will be to produce the product and keep up with daily quotas."

"It smells good in here," Joel said. "For some reason, I expected it to have the scent of cum."

Sub laughed.

"When we pour it in, you smell it, but the fruits and powdered additives have a much stronger, pleasant smell that takes over."

"Well, I think cum is quite pleasant," Pig replied with a grin. "I know I enjoy it in my holes daily."

Joel giggled, and Lucas smiled.

"As you can tell, Pig is... well... a pig!"

Pig held his nose up, snorted, and everyone laughed before the two slaves returned to work.

"We are up before the sun, and we help the bulls to the barn for their morning milking," Lucas said. "After they are done, we sterilize the milking machines and take the collected product back here. It is stabilized and stored in a fridge until needed. We mix the drink here in the mornings. After the lunchtime milking, we work on the energy bars, cookies, and other solid products."

"Sounds like quite a business!" Joel replied.

"It has taken off since I started here," Sub chimed in. "It is one of the reasons we need three people working here now."

"What time are you usually done?" Joel asked.

"We work until the evening milking, and then after the cows are done, and the equipment is cleaned again, we assist with packing the product so that it can be picked up first thing the next morning for delivery," Lucas said. "Sometimes we do not get done till late, but with three people here, it has been going a lot quicker."

"Yeah," Pig said. "But it is still at least a ten to twelve-hour workday. You have to love to work in the service of our Master."

"I understand," Joel said.

"In return for our service, Master gives us a place to live, three meals a day, and we have the chance of being used by one of the dominant men that work here at any time, including Master himself, on rare occasions."

"When he is not loading me up, that is," Pig said with a grin. "I'm his prized breeding stock."

"How many dominants work here?" Joel asked.

"Gunny is the farm manager and Master's right-hand man," Lucas said. "Chad is Master's nephew. He is considered a dominant on the property, but he is lower than the rest in terms of the pecking order. I can explain that later. Sir Jeff often works with Chad in the fields when he is not handling delivery or shipping of the product, and then there is Ralph."

"Oh, I met him," Joel said. "He seems nice."

"Yeah, Ralph is the handyman around here," Lucas said. "He works with us often, but you will find him everywhere. He likes us to call him by his first name, but most of us address him as Sir as we do all the dominant men here, regardless of their rank in the household."

"I understand," Joel said. "Is there anyone else that is on the farm?"

"Well," Lucas replied. "There are other slaves and transformed boys and men that are here. If you decide to join us, you will be introduced to them."

Sub stopped the blender and removed his gloves to walk to Joel.

"Can I offer you some advice?"

"Sure," Joel replied.

"If you decide to come here, you must understand that commitment is final," Sub said. "There is no going back on Master's contract. You will be his for as long as you live or until he has had enough of you. Be sure this is what you want."

"You are making me nervous," Joel replied.

"I am not trying to," Sub said with a slight smile. "I want you to understand. I made the mistake of disobeying Master in my first week here, and I was severely punished for that transgression, and just recently, a good friend had to make a huge sacrifice for me to have that punishment eased."

Lucas smiled at Sub and then got Joel's attention.

"Master is a hard man. He expects much and demands total obedience from him. But, I have served him for three years, and I can not see myself anywhere else."

"If you truly want to be a slave to a man and give yourself completely to him, then you will fit in fine here," Sub said. "I just wanted you to have all the facts."

"I understand," Joel said.

"Are you ready to return to Gunny's office?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah," Joel replied.

"I hope to see you again and call you a brother," Sub said.

"It was good meeting you," Joel said with a smile. "And you too, Pig!"

Pig waved and snorted again, and Joel chuckled as Lucas led him out of the barn.

"I noticed you all have names here," Joel said as they walked through the barn. "I am assuming these were given to you when you joined?"

"Yes," Lucas said. "When you have your induction ceremony, Master gives you a new name to replace the one you were given in the outside world."

"I see," Joel said as they reached the barn door.

"Shall we run back across to the house?" Lucas asked.

"One thing," Joel said. "I don't mean to pry, but I could not help but notice you have a massive bulge in your pants. I can see some tattoos on your chest, too. You appear to have no hair, and neither did Pig, who had pointed ears. I also saw you all have various piercings. Are these the modifications that Master requires of you?"

Lucas paused and considered his response. He pulled Joel into Blue's stall and sat him on the wooden stool.

"Listen, Joel," Lucas began. "The truth is that we all have a lot of modifications. We are Master's property, and he requires us to donate to the altar of service when we are inducted."

"Altar of service?" Joel asked.

"Yes," Lucas replied. "As I told you, slaves here do not wear clothes. The reason that I and Sub and Pig were in overalls today was an attempt not to scare you away, but I think you deserve to know the whole truth so you can make an informed decision. Stay right there."

"Ok," Joel said with a perplexed look.

Lucas left him in the barn for a moment, and when he returned, he had stripped off his overalls, and Sub and Pig were behind him, naked as well. Joel's eyes widened when he saw the size of each of their balls, and then his mouth fell open when he saw that Lucas had no cock anymore and a rubber-coiled pig cock was sticking out of Pig's crotch.

"Holy fuck!" Joel exclaimed.

"I know," Sub said as he rubbed the flat metal on his cock cage that covered his now atrophied member. "It is shocking at first."

"As you can see, we all gave up something," Lucas said. "Sub had his once quite large cock reduced to nothing and imprisoned in a cage. Pig had his removed and replaced by a fake pig pizzle, and mine was removed along with all my body hair."

"But your balls," Joel said in shock.

"We are given drugs to enlarge them," Sub replied. "Not as much as the bulls, but they still are something to see. Master likes us to have prominent decorations."

"That is amazing," Joel said as his cock engorged uncontrollably.

The boy covered it with his hand when he noticed and blushed.

"Sorry about that. Here I am, getting rock hard, and none of you can. Speaking of which, can you cum?"

"We all can cum," Lucas said. "Pig and I have rerouted urethras that now come out behind our balls. Our fluids leak out there. Sub has a small catheter tube as part of his cage, and his fluids come out naturally there."

"This is freaky," Joel said. "I mean, I am familiar with chastity. I wore a device for my former Sir. But mine was a rather large cage since I have a hefty cock even when it is soft. You two are next-level shit!"

Lucas and Pig smiled.

"Remember that here we live to serve Master," Lucas said. "He determines our sacrifice to him, and we are proud to obey and do it in honor of him."

"It is a lot to think about," Joel said.

"You can go back to work, fellas," Lucas said. "Thanks for coming out."

"Sure thing!" Pig said as he waved at Joel.

"Good talking to you, Joel," Sub replied as he left.

"Come on," Lucas said. "I'll let you see the bulls and horses here. Since you have seen what Sub, Pig, and I had to do, it is just as well you meet everyone. I'll see if we can find Pup as well."

"Pup?" Joel asked.

Lucas smiled.

It was after 5 pm before Lucas and Joel returned to the office where George was wrapping up his day. When they entered, the older man was surprised to see that Lucas was naked and his modifications were in view.

"I thought we agreed that you would stay clothed, Slave," George said.

"Joel had a lot of questions, and one thing led to another," Lucas replied.

"I hope you are not upset with him, Sir," Joel said. "He was kind enough to be honest with me about what was truly expected, and he even showed me the transformed bulls and horses. They are an amazing sight."

"I see," George said. "Well, that will make the rest of this interview easier. You can both kneel."

"Yes, Sir," the two replied as they got on the floor.

George sighed, picked up a fresh cigar, and lit it before continuing.

"So now that you have seen everything, what are your impressions and thoughts, boy?" George asked as he blew smoke into the air.

"This is an amazing place, Sir," Joel replied. "Slave, Sub, and Pig are nice, and I love how playful Pup is. It would be amazing to work with the bulls and put my efforts towards service towards a dominant like Master Richard, but I have a question."

"Yes?" George asked.

"I understand everyone has to donate to the altar of service," Joel replied. "What would my donation be?"

George smiled and smoked for a few moments before replying.

"Ultimately, that is up to your owner, Richard," George said. "However, as you will primarily be used as a worker in the production room, I expect it won't be too radical. Stand up and slowly turn around for me."

"Yes, Sir," Joel replied.

George checked him out from head to toe as the boy moved around.

"You are a very furry boy," George said when Joel stood facing him again. "If Master wanted you denuded to your bare skin, would this upset you?"

"It would be different," Joel replied, "But I could live with that."

"And you look to have an impressive piece of uncut meat down there," George said as he pointed at Joel's crotch with his cigar. "If that was completely removed, could you live your life without it in service to your owner?"

Joel hesitated.

"Be honest with me, boy," George said. "Richard is not here, and although we have similar interests, I believe in total honesty with a slave. What you say to me here will be between us."

"I don't want it cut off, Sir," Joel said. "No offense to Slave, but that goes beyond what I am comfortable with."

"Why is that?" George asked.

"It would be a loss of what makes me a male," Joel said. "I guess."

Joel turned to Lucas, embarrassed.

"I am not saying you are not a male, though."

"I am not offended," Lucas said with a smile.

"A cock does not make you a male," George said. "There are plenty of trans men in this world that could tell you that. But you need to understand that we want a slave here. A slave focuses not on himself but on service to his master. In this case, it would be Richard. Even if he were to turn you into a eunuch by removing your cock and balls, the only difference would be that you would look more like the slave he wants, and that pleasure is your service to him."

"I guess that is true, Sir," Joel said.

"Listen, son," George said. "I'll be honest with you. Richard likes his sex toys to be emasculated so he can dominate them. Slave was his first toy before he was sent to work in the production room, and Pig was his second. That is why their cocks were removed. Since the position is to work, I suspect you would be modified like Sub. In other words, your cock would be caged and shrunk till it was not visible, and your balls would be enhanced for decoration. Though looking at you, you have some pretty huge balls, to begin with."

Joel smiled.

"Thanks, Sir."

"Ultimately, that is Richard's call, though," George said. "But I have to give him an answer when he returns, so I need you to make up your mind, or else we will have to look for someone else."

Joel stood for a few minutes watching George smoke and then looked at Lucas before kneeling again.

"I trust you, Sir," Joel said. "I'm in."

"Good boy," George replied. "Your induction ceremony will be in two weeks."

"That quick?" Joel asked.

"Yes," George replied. "We need this position filled quickly."

"I understand, Sir," Joel replied.

"You will need to sell everything you own and empty all your bank accounts," George said. "Report here in two weeks on Sunday night no later than 7 pm. You can come in normal street clothes, but the only thing else you should have with you is a cashier's check that reflects your net worth. You will be signing that over to Richard as your first gift to him."

"Understood, Sir," Joel said.

"Do you have a chastity device?" George asked.

"The one I used to wear belonged to my former master, and he took it when I left," Joel said.

"No worries," George replied. "But I don't want you touching that thing between now and when you return. You will be asked about this, so be sure you do not break the rules before you even start. Richard likes his slaves to arrive at the induction ceremony with full balls and topped off on hormones."

"Yes, Sir," Joel replied.

"I believe the bus to get you home leaves in about an hour," George said. "You better get going. Slave, tell Ralph to drive him to the stop as he heads home."

"I will, Sir," Lucas replied.

"I'll see you in two weeks, boy," George said as he nodded, and the two stood and left.

Joel was quiet as they returned to the front door. As he dressed, he looked at Lucas and grinned.

"I am looking forward to working with you," Joel said.

"Me too!" Lucas replied. "It will be nice having another brother around here."

Next: Chapter 35

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