
By Slave Bear

Published on Jan 15, 2023


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address and I accept the terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting to support the archivist and keep the archive online. You can learn more here:

As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen and consenting adults, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, extreme body modification, bestiality, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Transformed - Chapter 32: The Loft

It was Monday morning, and the sun had yet to appear on the horizon, though the sky was beginning to lighten. Lucas had already herded the bulls into the barn and was checking to ensure their udders were in position when Sub showed up in the doorway shivering.

"That cold air will get you," Lucas said with a smile.

"Especially when you don't wear clothes!" Sub replied as he rubbed his arms and closed the door behind him. "I guess I should be happy that I was able to keep my fur on my body and face."

Lucas laughed.

"It is a lot colder when you are denuded, for sure!"

"How are things going this morning?" Sub asked.

"So far, so good," Lucas said as he turned on the machine that sat under Bull and moved to do the same to Green next. "You might need to check Blue, though. I had a problem with him getting his udder into place correctly last night."

"Sure thing," Sub replied. "I guess you heard the new guy starts today."

"I'm already here!" came a voice from the other side of the barn.

Sub looked over and saw Jeff walking in from the back room with a pail of water in his hand. He was dressed in a pair of orange overalls, a brown flannel shirt, and large brown work boots.

"Oh, sorry, Sir!" Sub replied as he turned and stood at attention. "I'm Sub. I didn't get to meet you when you were here last week."

"No worries!" Jeff said as he put the pail behind Teal and walked over to greet the young man. "I got the rundown on you from Richard."

"I see," Sub said.

Jeff smiled and reached down and grabbed Sub's caged nub. It had been over six months since the young man had been given daily shots to deny him the pleasure of an orgasm while increasing the size of his testicles. They were now the size of small eggs. At the same time, the cream that had been applied to his shaft had dramatically shrunk the erectile tissues hidden underneath. His scrotum had been stretched by a heavy large metal band that forced his balls to hang like a door knocker under him. The metal prison attached to his cock ring that encased the head of his nub was now nothing more than a flat piece of metal nearly flush with his skin.

"How do you piss out of that thing?" Jeff asked.

"There is a small urethral tube attached to the flat portion of my cage, Sir," Sub said.

"Nice," Jeff replied. "Richard told me the goal was to get this useless thing down to just a button. I think it is even smaller than that now. How big were you before you joined the farm?"

"Seven and a half inches long and six inches around when hard, Sir," Sub replied. "I was about two to three inches soft."

"Damn!" Jeff said. "Well, you used to have a man's cock. Now it is just a small clit."

"Yes, Sir," Sub replied.

Jeff saw the tattoo above Sub's former cock that said, "For Decoration Only". He smiled and then moved down to squeeze and inspect Sub's balls.

"These things are absolutely huge. They feel heavy and full of sperm."

"Yes, Sir," Sub groaned. "They are permanently full most of the time except when I have a wet dream or the rare chance I get the privilege of taking Master's cock and they are drained. However, I cannot experience an orgasm anymore."

"I heard that, too," Jeff replied with a sly smile. "Just be glad you were allowed to keep them. Richard could have cut them off and placed them in a jar like Gimp's."

"That is true, Sir," Sub replied.

Jeff released his grip and lightly patted Sub's face.

"I think you look good just the way you are. Still furry and like a man, but obviously not one and proud to display your inferiority and proud to live with frustration the rest of your life. I'm sure you are a good slave."

"Thank you, Sir!" Sub replied. "I try, Sir."

The barn door opened, and Jeff looked up to see Ralph walking in.

"Hey, Uncle."

"Good morning, Nephew," Ralph replied. "Are the boys getting you all situated?"

"Yes," Jeff replied. "I met Slave as he brought the bulls in for milking. I was just about to sponge down Teal and groom him."

"Good," Ralph said. "Once the bulls are all milked, I will help you renovate the loft above us."

"What will we be using that for, Sir?" Sub asked as he sat behind Blue and adjusted its udder before turning on the milking machine.

"I'll be living up there," Jeff said with a laugh as he ran a wet sponge over the course, sandy-colored hair that covered Teal's body. "I just moved here from the Bay area, and Richard offered the space."

"Red here was originally from San Francisco," Ralph said as he rubbed and patted the beast as it was milked.

"Oh, really?" Jeff asked.

"Yup," Lucas said. "I think his original name was Noah before his transformation. He lived on the streets there."

"Well, I believe it," Jeff said. "Homelessness is a huge problem out there. Rents are crazy. I am sure he is better off here."

"What did you do for a living, Sir?" Sub asked.

"I initially moved to the area to work for a technology company," Jeff said. "I thought I would enjoy coding and such, but it got boring quickly, and I had a nasty breakup with my boyfriend not too long ago, so Uncle Ralph put in a good word for me here."

"And I am glad to have you back on this side of the country," Ralph piped in. "I missed my drinking buddy."

Jeff laughed.

"And I missed cleaning your wallet out of cash playing poker, Uncle."

Ralph rolled his eyes.

"Well, I forgot about that part."

Lucas laughed.

"Will you need assistance with the construction today, Ralph?"

"Wait, you are letting the slaves call you by your first name?" Jeff asked.

"I allow it," Ralph said. "I'm not a dominant like you."

Jeff laughed.

"I will need any help you two can provide," Ralph continued. "Just be sure to get your normal duties out of the way first. Richard is lending Pig and Chad to us for additional labor."

"He is letting Pig out of the house?" Sub asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah, surprised me, too," Ralph said. "That porker has gotten pretty round."

"Well, all he does is get bred and fed daily," Sub replied.

"And don't tell me you aren't jealous," Lucas interjected.

Sub laughed.

"It's not a bad life."

"Do you two regret your decision to come to the farm?" Jeff asked as he picked up a brush and ran it over Teal's back hair.

"I don't," Lucas replied. "It was an adjustment losing my body hair and my cock, but it allowed me to find my true self."

"I don't regret coming here, either," Sub added. "But I regret disrespecting Master Richard and forcing him to punish me. I learned my lesson quickly, though."

"That's a good attitude, Sub," Jeff said. "I have to say, when I heard all the stories about this place from Ralph, it was hard to believe. But now that I am next to this beast that used to be a man and seeing the huge testicles and cock it has being milked, it blows my mind. Those horses are amazing, too."

"Charles sure perfected his craft with those two," Ralph said. "You should see their dicks when they are hard. They look just like a real horse's cock."

"Oh, I have seen them," Jeff said with a smile. "I watched them fuck Chad when I was here last week."

"Oh, you did?" Ralph said as he raised an eyebrow.

"It was fucking hot as hell," Jeff said.

"And did he help you out after?" Ralph said with a sly look.

"Oh, I did," came the voice of Chad from the barn door. "Your nephew has a fucking huge cock of his own."

Ralph laughed as Chad closed the door behind him and walked over to pet White.

"Your ass felt good, boy," Jeff said with a smile.

"Ok, you two, enough of that," Ralph said. "We have work to do."

Lucas and Sub looked at each other and grinned before turning back to groom the bulls as they were milked. Chad continued past them to the back room to wake the horses, get them fed, and prepped for their workday. After the bulls had their first orgasms and the fluids were pulled away, George arrived and made his morning inspection.

"Good morning, Gunny!" Jeff said as he stood and shook the man's hand.

"How's your first day starting, Jeff?"

"Not bad," Jeff replied. "I think I am going to like it here."

"Well, I have all the materials that we will need to work on your little apartment above us being delivered as we speak. I want to try to get as much done today and tomorrow as we can since Pig and Chad are only on loan to us for labor for a short time."

"Understood," Jeff replied.

George turned to look at Sub and barked at him.

"Slave! Stand at attention!"

The young man immediately put down the brush in his hand, stood, and spun around.

"It is my understanding that your third anniversary of service to Richard is coming up in a few weeks," George said.

"Yes, Sir!" Lucas replied.

"We will have a little ceremony in the dungeon on that date. Richard has been very pleased with your attitude and service and wants to reward you. He has not decided how yet, but I want you to know ahead of time that the event is coming."

George turned to look at the rest of the barn.

"You all will be expected to attend."

"I'm assuming au natural?" Ralph said with a smile.

"You got it," George said with a chuckle. "We will all be naked."

"This sounds like fun," Jeff said.

George laughed loudly and turned to the young man.

"I knew you would fit in here. Well, I will go and get the supplies sorted and ready. Jeff and Ralph, come on out when you have a chance."

"You got it, boss," Jeff replied.

When the bulls were done milking, the sun had risen, warming enough to let them roam around in the yard. Lucas and Sub busied themselves with the morning production of Lighting Boost and its related products while work began on the loft above the barn. The area spanned the entire width and length of the barn floor and had been used mainly for storing old equipment. It was large enough to stand in but could only be reached by a small ladder in one corner of the building. Ralph and George got to work on a proper staircase for ease of access first, while Pig, Chad, and Jeff laid down plywood for the flooring and sectioned off a bedroom, small bathroom, and living area.

By mid-morning, Lucas and Sub could take a break from their duties to help, and they saw that Pig was busily sawing some lumber in a large pair of overalls.

"Damn!" Lucas exclaimed. "I didn't know swine wore clothing!"

Pig turned around and snorted.

"Oh, behave! Master didn't want me hurting anything vital while I was working."

"I'm just joking, Pig," Lucas said with a laugh. "You look cute in those."

"They itch!" Pig replied. "They are brand new, and I haven't worn clothes in almost a year!"

"You two need to cover up, too," George said from the side of the room. "I have two pairs of Carharts over there over Red's stall. Put them on before you start working."

"What about our feet?" Sub asked.

"Just watch where you are walking," George said.

"Yes, Sir," Sub replied.

Lucas and Sub walked over to grab their clothes and smiled as they put them on. George then directed Sub up the ladder to the loft to assist Chad and Jeff while Lucas helped Pig.

"Are you enjoying being out of the house?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah," Pig replied. "Though Master had to remove my pizzle to help me fit into these clothes."

"How does that feel?" Lucas asked.

"Different," Pig said with a laugh. "I mean, the thing is just magnetically attached to me, but it is a pretty strong magnet. Master has only removed it a few times, and I had gotten used to the feeling of the embedded magnet inside me rubbing against the remnants of my erectile tissues. It is a pretty awesome feeling."

"I didn't think you had any tissues left," Lucas said in a whisper close to Pig's pointed ears.

Pig smiled.

"They didn't cut it all out. I found that out after everything healed. I did tell Master as I didn't want to get in trouble, but he told me that as long as I was a good sex slave for him, I could keep it. I have to tell you when I am being fucked, the pressure that I get from that pizzle moving back and forth can give me pretty intense orgasms."

Lucas grinned.

"You aren't that young boy that was concerned about losing his cock anymore, I see."

"I've grown a lot since then, for damn sure," Pig said.

Lucas pinched Pig's sides and chuckled.

"Grown a lot. Horizontally."

"Oh, hush!" Pig said as he swatted Lucas's hand away. "Master likes meat on his fuck toy."

"Slave!" George called out. "Leave Pig alone and get to work!"

"Yes, Sir!" Lucas replied as he winked at Pig and helped him cut another board.

Above them, the sound of hammering and heavy boots on wood could be heard. Jeff was framing a wall when Sub crawled up the ladder to assist.

"Sub, get over here and hold this for me," Jeff called out.

"Yes, Sir!" Sub said as he quickly moved to hold the wall section as the young man nailed it.

"Don't get too used to those clothes, boy," Jeff said. "Those come off as soon as you are done helping us."

"I understand, Sir," Sub replied.

"Can't have slaves getting used to too many privileges," Jeff said.

"You sound like you have experience around subordinate men," Chad said from across the room.

"Oh, I have plenty," Jeff said. "My former boyfriend was my slave."

"Oh really?" Chad asked.

"I figured you would have heard all about me from Ralph by now," Jeff said as he nailed another board.

"Honestly, he hasn't said much," Chad replied.

"I got into the BDSM and leather scene when I graduated high school," Jeff said. "Collared my first boy the next year. He was older and could buy alcohol legally, so it was a win-win for me."

Chad laughed.

"So that is why things around here do not phase you."

"Nah," Jeff said with a smile. "It is good to see such obedient and well-behaved slaves. Richard must be a good master."

"Yes, Sir," Sub replied. "That he is."

Jeff grinned.

"Even after everything he has done to you?"

"Oh, yes, Sir!" Sub replied. "I take full ownership of everything I have done in the past. Master Richard has made me a much better slave."

"Good boy," Jeff said. "And has he trained you to obey any order given to you?"

"Within his rules, yes," Sub replied.

"Have you taken a man's piss before?" Jeff asked.

"Yes, Sir," Sub replied. "Master has done that before with me."

"Well, get on your knees, then," Jeff said as he put his hammer down. "I need to drain my bladder."

"Umm, Jeff," Chad interjected.

"Yes, boy?" Jeff shot back with a smile.

"Sorry, Sir," Chad replied, returning the grin. "Forgive my interruption. He is a slave, after all."

Jeff looked at Sub as the boy got down on his knees. The young man unzipped his fly and pulled out his large, soft cock.

"Open up, boy," Jeff said. "I don't want to see you missing a drop."

"Yes, Sir!" Sub said as he opened wide and leaned his head back.

Chad watched as Jeff let loose a stream of yellow piss into Sub. The fact that the young man had a dominant streak in him was turning him on even more. He could feel his cock stir in his pants as he heard the splash of liquid falling into Sub's open maw. The slave timed his swallows to leave room for more piss as it came out. Some liquid was dribbling out of the sides of his mouth and down through his trimmed beard, though, and was absorbed by the overalls he was wearing.

"Excellent, slave," Jeff said. "Take my piss into you."

Sub groaned as the warm, pale liquid filled his mouth. Jeff's piss tasted stale and salty, but Sub knew better than to complain. He was too focused on ensuring he did not gag or spill anything on the floor. As the stream finally began to trail off, Jeff moved forward and placed the head of his cock on Sub's lips to get the last dribbles licked away.

"Excellent job," Jeff said. "You missed a little there, but given it was your first time with me, I will call that a success."

"Thank you for the honor, Sir," Sub replied.

"Yeah, Richard has trained you well," Jeff replied.

"That was fucking hot," Chad said.

"You just need to know how to treat a slave," Jeff said with a wink.

"Yes, Sir!" Chad replied.

"Stand up, slave, and remove your overalls."

"Yes, Sir!" Sub replied as he quickly got to his feet and dropped his clothes.

Jeff ran his hand over Sub's fuzzy chest and through the slave's still-wet beard. He then raised his arm.

"Put your face in there, boy. I want you to mark your beard with my musk."

Sub immediately pushed his face into Jeff's armpit and could smell the pungent odor there. The young man had not worn deodorant, and his scent was strong. Jeff used his other hand to push Sub in deeper and rub his beard around.

"That's a good boy," Jeff said. "You need to get used to my scent."

Sub groaned as Chad watched from the side. The young man was rubbing the front of his pants, feeling the wetness of his precum as they saturated his boxers and pants.

"I like this side of you," Chad said.

Jeff smiled and pulled Sub off. As the slave watched, the young man kicked off his pants and stroked his thick cock. As it lengthened in his hands, he directed Sub to get on his knees.

"You look horny," Chad said.

"Always," Jeff replied. "And Richard said I could use the slaves as I saw fit as a perk of working here."

"Sub's ass feels perfect," Chad said. "I was the one that got him to come here in the first place, and I used to have the privilege of fucking him."

"Do you miss it?" Jeff asked Chad.

"I've accepted my role around here," Chad replied. "But yeah. I do miss fucking him."

Jeff grinned at Sub, who was looking at him and licking his lips of the remaining piss that covered them and his beard.

"And you can't orgasm anymore, right, slave?" Jeff asked.

"No, Sir," Sub replied. "I can cum with enough stimulation, but there is no rush of endorphins or pleasure associated with it."

"Well, your pleasure should come from servicing a man," Jeff interjected.

"Yes, Sir," Sub replied. "My manhood was taken away from me. I am a slave whose job is serving and pleasing real men like yourself."

Jeff's cock was now fully erect, and dripping precum from the tip, and Chad groaned with lust as he watched the interaction between the two in front of him.

"Well, get on all fours then, slave," Jeff said. "This man needs to use you."

"Yes, Sir!" Sub said as he turned around and fell forward on his arms.

Jeff leaned over and pushed Sub till his chest hit the ground and his ass was up in the air. The slave's bound, low-hanging testicles swung below him, and Jeff used his foot to push them back and forth. He then spat on Sub's hole and pressed his thumb inside it.

"Damn, you are still tight!" Jeff said as he looked up at Chad. "Nothing like that loose mare's hole over there."

Chad grunted as Jeff smiled and then crouched behind Sub. Jeff slapped his cock twice on the boy's hole and rubbed the precum that oozed from his head over it to lubricate it. He then took a deep breath and pushed slowly inside.

Sub grunted as he felt his ass spread open. He reached out and steadied himself on the plywood floor as Jeff gripped his back and pushed deeper.

"Fuck, yeah!" Jeff groaned as he lifted his head and closed his eyes.

Chad unbuckled his pants and dropped them on the floor with his boxers. Leaning against the wall, he stroked his cock and played with his left nipple as he watched the show. Jeff was pushing in and out of Sub smoothly, and Chad could see the young man's muscles flinch and ripple under his furry skin.

"Oh yeah," Jeff said. "This is a nice pussy."

"Thank you, Sir," Sub replied.

"I bet you are so glad you shrunk that nub to nothing so you could highlight this great asset," Jeff moaned.

"Yes, Sir," Sub replied. "I'm just a hole for pleasure now."

"My pleasure," Jeff replied. "And you feel nothing."

"Your pleasure only, Sir," Sub replied. "A slave does not need to experience an orgasm. He gets his pleasure from service to real men like you."

"That's a good slave," Jeff said as he fucked harder. "Tell me how much you like this."

"Fuck, your cock feels so good, Sir!" Sub replied. "It's a real man's cock. Thick and long. Your balls are full of dominant seed that is meant for breeding."

"Fuck yeah, boy!" Jeff groaned.

"Holy fuck," Chad said to himself as he watched the scene in front of him.

Chad's cock was now pouring precum which coated his hands and made a slippery sliding sound as he jacked. His balls were bouncing, and as he pinched his nipple, he felt energy waves move through his body.

Jeff had a firm grip on Sub's back and was pounding him hard. The slave's weighted testicles flew back and forth, and precum fell from a hole in Sub's flat cage attached to the urethral tube. It created a beaded thread extending to the wooden floor and forming a puddle.

"Fuck yeah!" Jeff cried out as he pounded the slave furiously.

The floor was creaking and groaning, and there was little doubt that those below could hear everything. Chad was pounding his cock as hard and fast as he could as he watched and imagined fucking Sub again, himself.

Jeff's body was building up a sheen of sweat, which rolled down and coated his chest hair. Droplets flew in directions as his legs moved back and forth, and his head bobbed. Chad could smell the young man's musk as the scent permeated the room and saturated the pleasure centers of his brain. Jeff looked up, saw Chad, and grinned.

"You like what you see, boy?"

"Yes, Sir!" Chad groaned. "Holy fuck, yes!"

"Cum for me, boy!"

"Fuck," Chad groaned, unable to hold back.

Ropes of cum spewed from the young man's cock and made plopping sounds on the floor as his legs gave way and he collapsed on a stack of boards. Jeff was pleased to see Chad's orgasm and smiled.

"That's a good boy! Good to see you can still cum like a man."

Chad looked over and smiled back as Jeff continued to fuck. Sub was now grunting and groaning under the pressure. Jeff's cock was splitting him in two and going deep inside him. He could feel the pressure on his prostate, and soon white fluids were shooting out of his bound nub to mix with the clear puddle below him.

"You fucked the cum out of the slave," Chad said with a laugh as he watched.

"What does that feel like, boy?" Jeff barked.

"Nothing, Sir," Sub replied. "I didn't even know I was cumming."

"Fuck yeah," Jeff said. "Well, I am about to cum and breed that ass."

"Give me your superior seed, Sir!" Sub begged.

"Fucking hell!" Jeff cried out as he pushed deep and felt his cock explode. Sub could feel the rhythmic pulsing deep in his bowels, and it reminded him of when he was tied and bred by his dogs. Warm cum filled his belly, and he panted as he squeezed his ass around the dick inside him.

"That's a good slave," Jeff said. "Get every drop out of me."

"Yes, Sir!" Sub replied as Jeff paused for a moment, wiped his forehead, and then pulled out.

Cum covered his cock and dripped from the tip, but Sub quickly got to his knees and spun around to shove it in his mouth to clean it. The sight of Sub's cummy ass pointed at Chad made the young man grunt in lust.

"Fuck, I do miss fucking him," Chad said.

"It's a good hole for sure," Jeff replied. "Maybe you'll get the privilege again in the future."

Sub pulled off Jeff's cock to lick it clean, and he looked up and smiled.

"Thank you for your cum, Sir. This slave is honored."

"Good boy," Jeff replied as he caught his breath.

Below them, George and Ralph were finishing work on the steps, and George climbed up to stick his head into the loft above.

"Well, that sounded like quite a romp!"

Jeff looked over and smiled at the man while holding up his thumb.

"It's a good ass."

George laughed.

"Well, playtime is over. We need to get back to work if we are going to stay on task."

"You got it, Gunny," Jeff said as he bent over to pick up his clothes.

By the end of the day, everyone was tired and sore. Gimp had prepared a roast for everyone and came out to serve them as the bulls were brought in for their evening milking session. Afterward, Slave and Sub took the semen collected to work on their batches of Lighting Boost, and Chad took the horses back to give them his ass for the night. An hour later, the young man reappeared, sore and sweaty, and found the barn lights had been dimmed and Jeff and Ralph smoking and relaxing next to the steps to the loft.

"Is the mare good and bred?" Jeff asked as he blew smoke into the aid.

"Yeah," Chad said with a laugh. "I was just about to shower and lay down."

"You both did good work today," Ralph said. "We are far ahead of schedule, and I expect you can move upstairs by the end of the week, Jeff."

"Yeah, it will be nice to have a place of my own again," Jeff replied.

"At least you got to christen it already," Ralph said with a wink.

Jeff laughed as he tapped the cigarette and let the ash fall to the dirt floor.

"That Sub has quite a nice ass on him. I will be looking forward to using that when I want."

"It was so fucking hot," Chad replied.

Jeff smiled.

"Hope you didn't mind me playing dom with you," Jeff said. "I read you as sort of submissive."

"Oh, not a problem at all!" Chad said. "I enjoyed it. I just don't want to be seen as at the level of the slaves."

"Well, no worries there," Jeff replied. "There is a hierarchy in all things."

Ralph laughed.

"I always figured you would be an alpha male. You always were the leader of the pack when you were growing up."

"Gotta go with your instincts, Uncle!" Jeff said with a smile.

"Well, I expect you and Richard will get along great," Ralph replied. "But my poor body is sore, and I need a hot bath. Do you need a ride back home?"

"Nah," Jeff said. "Richard said I could borrow the old truck he has here, and I want to stick around for a while."

"Good deal," Ralph said. "Just not too late. We need to be up early to continue work."

"You got it," Jeff replied.

"Night, Chad," Ralph said as he put his cigarette out with his shoe and turned to leave.

"Good night," Chad replied.

"You smoke?" Jeff asked.

"I will light up a good cigar from time to time, but not in the mood tonight," Chad said as he rubbed his ass. "I am sore back there."

Jeff chuckled.

"I heard you have some sons on the way."

"Yeah," Chad replied. "They should be due any time now. But please treat them as Uncle Rich's kids. I was just the DNA donor. He wants me to be known as their cousin."

"How do you feel about that?" Jeff asked.

"Oh, I am fine with it," Chad replied. "I would like to help raise them if I can in some way, but Uncle Rich sets the rules around here. I've fucked up enough as it is."

"You are still his blood," Jeff said. "I expect you can earn yourself back into his good graces at some point. Just be patient. In the meantime, if you ever want to talk about anything, let me know. I might sometimes act stern, but I would like to be a friend you can confide in."

"I would like that," Chad said with a smile.

"Well, go on and get cleaned up and rest," Jeff replied as he blew smoke above his head again. "I will relax here a bit and take in the environment before heading home."

"I am glad you came to work here," Chad said.

"Me, too," Jeff replied. "Boy."

Chad blushed and laughed.

"Night, Sir."

"Good night," Jeff said with a laugh as Chad turned and left.

Next: Chapter 33

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