
By Slave Bear

Published on Jan 13, 2023


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As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen and consenting adults, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, extreme body modification, bestiality, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Transformed - Chapter 31: Extra Help

October had begun and the first signs of fall were everywhere. The trees had started to turn colors, but it was still warm during the day. Chad had been out in the fields with Tex and Buck but had to leave them after midday to make his regular trek over to Charles's farm. The young man wiped his forehead off with a towel he kept in the back pocket of his overalls and walked over to the side of the barn where his truck was parked. As he neared it, he saw George talking to someone.

"Ahh, there he is now," George said as he beckoned Chad over.

The figure talking to George turned and Chad could see it was a young man not much older than he was. Tall, with broad shoulders and a full, dark beard with a thick mustache, Chad felt an instant movement in his groin.

"Chad this is Jeff, he is interviewing to join the farm as a hand."

"Hey, Jeff!" Chad replied as he extended his hand.

Jeff smiled and gripped him firmly. Chad could not help but let his eyes wander. The young man was in a pair of tight jeans and a t-shirt, and it showed off his muscled body. His round ass was well framed, and he had a massive bulge in the front.

"Eyes up, soldier," George said with a smirk.

Chad blushed and looked up at Jeff's green eyes.

"You look like you have been working hard today," Jeff said with a grin.

"Yeah," Chad said as he stumbled back. "Been out with the horses in the fields since sunup."

"Chad here is a hard worker, but his hormones tend to rage," George said with a smile.

"It's ok," Jeff said as he winked at Chad. "I think we all are horn balls in our twenties. Am I right?"

Chad chuckled and George laughed.

"That is for sure."

"Do you know much about what we do around here?" Chad asked.

"Oh yes," Jeff replied. "Ralph is my uncle. I've heard a lot of fun stories about this place. I just moved back here from out west and was needing some income. Ralph talked to Gunny here and they reached out."

"Things are getting busier and we could sure use the help," George said.

"Yeah," Chad replied. "Business is sure taking off for sure."

"I was just showing Jeff around the farm and introducing him to everyone," George said. "He will be starting officially next week. I am going to convert the loft of the barn into a small apartment for him. It won't be much, but I think we can make it cozy."

"Perfect!" Chad said with a smile.

"Well, I think you have an appointment to go to," George said to Chad. "Don't you boy?"

"Oh, yeah," Chad said as he lifted his hand to the back of his head and scratched it.

"Don't keep Charles waiting," Jeff said pointing at Chad's crotch. "I've heard you have some potent, prized seed down there."

Chad blushed again and stammered and George laughed.

"Get going boy!"

"Yes, Sir!" Chad said as he hopped to attention and saluted.

Jeff winked at Chad as the young man smiled and turned to leave. Reaching his truck, Chad turned to see the two of them enter the barn and he wondered just how much Jeff really knew about this place. The young man was hot as hell, though. Chad reached down and adjusted his semi-hard cock and balls and then got inside the vehicle to drive down the road.

When Chad reached Charles's farm, he parked and walked around to the building in the back that held the man's laboratory. Upon entering, he saw a large figure out cold and strapped down on a table. He had tanned skin and was covered in red fur. His black-stained cock appeared huge and sat nested in a dense fire crotch.

"Damn!" Chad replied.

Charles looked over from across the room and smiled.

"Like what you see?"

"Is that another horse in transformation?"

"Yup!," Charles said with a smile. "Ginger has been a prized addition. Though staining his white cock to black has taken several treatments. Still, once we get this thing grown to horse proportions, it will really be impressive."

Charles stepped back and took off his gloves and turned to Chad.

"Come over here, young man. I have a surprise for you."

"Oh?" Chad replied.

Chad had gotten into a routine of coming over to Charles's farm every Tuesday and Thursday to have his semen collected. Usually, he would have to lean over a table and endure the humiliation of having a probe shoved up his ass to jolt him with electricity and stimulate his prostate to orgasm into a cup. The entire procedure was over in less than a minute, and while it was more pleasurable now that Chad was off the orgasm blocking meds, it was uncomfortable.

"I've decided to make things a little more fun for you," Charles said. "I got permission from your Uncle to do this. I figured you might be getting tired of being treated like a subject."

Charles motioned to a piece of wooden furniture in the corner of the room that looked similar to the bull's milking benches. A masturbation tube was attached to the back and the entire frame was covered in padded leather.

"Oh wow," Chad said in shock. "Is this for me?"

"Strip down and mount it, boy," Charles said. "I'm sure you have seen this thing work many times before with your cattle. It won't be as quick as using the probe, but I expect you to stay on that thing till your are drained. In the end, I might end up with more volume in the long run."

"Yes, Sir!" Chad said with a smile as he kicked off his boots and unbuckled his overalls.

As the young man undressed, Charles turned and walked back over to work on the beast that was on the table. Chad folded his clothes and placed them on the floor and then stroked his hardening cock and climbed onto the bench. He was able to rest his frame on the center padded bar and place his legs and arms on the ones below as he slid forward. His cock slid easily into the tube and when he looked up, he saw a red button that said `START'.

Reaching up to press the button, Chad then instantly felt the suction start and his cock was pulled deeply inside the tube and massaged. It felt as though a silky hand was groping and stroking him and his eyes rolled back into his head as he moaned loudly.

"I think he likes it!" came the voice of Charles from across the room.

Chad's feet curled as he took a deep breath and felt the machine ramp up. Faster and faster it pulled at him until his shaft was fully engorged and his balls were starting to swing. The young man's mouth fell open and spit began to fall in a long thread extending to the floor. His mind wandered and he got lost in the rhythmic whirring sounds below him.

Charles looked over and smiled. He could see Chad's fuzzy ass clenching in time as his shaft was milked. Just then, the door to his right opened and he saw assistant Jake walk in.

"Looks like young Chad is doing well," Jake said with a smile as he looked across the room.

"I suspect we may have to physically pull him off that thing," Charles replied.

Jake laughed.

"It is a fun device. I tested it last night and it pulled two loads out of me."

"Oh, did it?" Charles said as he raised an eye.

"Don't get any ideas, boss," Jake said. "I'm not one of your cash studs."

Charles laughed.

"Well come over here and help me. I think it is time we stain Ginger's balls. I want to go with more of a brownish color with some pink blotches. But we need all this red pubic hair shaved off first."

"Shame to lose all of that," Jake said. "I think it looks good on him."

Charles laughed.

"It will grow back. It won't take more than a week with the hormones it is on."

"True," Jake replied.

As the two men continued their work, Chad was lost in bliss. The device had slowed and slurping sounds had begun as the copious amounts of precum that had been worked out of the boy slid around his shaft. The system then ramped up again and Chad grunted and tensed his body up. He knew it would not be long till his first load came. As he began to move forward and backward to go deeper inside the tube, he felt a familiar warmth building around his lower body. The sensation travelled around and up his spine just as his balls lifted and cum shot from his cock.

"Fuck!" Chad shouted as the orgasm raced through his body like a thunderbolt.

His head swam with pleasure as the machine tried to keep up and suck his seed away to a waiting sterile receptacle below him. As he came down off the high, he gasped and tried to move.

"Don't!" Charles shouted from across the room. "I told you. One of the rules of using that machine is to stay on it till you are drained dry! You are like one of your bulls back on the farm. Milked until finished!"

"Ugh," Chad groaned as he felt the machine continue.

He suddenly felt sorry for the bulls. He remembered how they would squirm when they first joined the farm and how they had to be strapped down to keep them from moving while the machine sucked on them again and again. He took a deep breath and pushed through the sensitivity on his shaft and before long, he was hard again and on the way towards a second load.

Chad stayed on the machine for thirty minutes before his third load made him scream loudly and Charles could see that the volume removed was trivial. The older man walked over and turned off the machine as Chad collapsed and gasped for air. Charles then bent over to retrieve the receptacle that contained the young man's seed.

"Damn. That's the biggest volume yet I have seen out of those balls of yours, son!"

"Thanks," Chad gasped

The young man's eyes were still closed and his body was shaking from the orgasm. Charles smiled and sealed the container and stored it in a cooler for transport to the fertility clinic. After several minutes, Chad stumbled off the bench and reached down to clean his softening cock off of the remaining cum that coated it. He looked up to see Jake smiling at him from behind the surgical table.

"Enjoy that?" Jake asked.

"Fuck," Chad groaned. "That was so much better than the wand up my ass."

Charles laughed.

"Well, it was worth it for that amount of semen. From now on, you can just come in and mount the bench and get your collections that way."

"Thanks, Sir," Chad replied. "I feel more like a man that way."

"Or a bull," Jake said with a wink.

Chad laughed and bent over to grab his clothes. After he had dressed and put his boots on, Charles pointed to a glass on the counter.

"Drink that, boy. I prepared some Lightning Boost with extra electrolytes to help you recover."

"Thanks," Chad said with a smile as he downed the thick, cold liquid.

When he was done, he took a deep breath and walked near the two men. Jake had finished shaving the bound man's balls smooth and Charles was applying a thick cream to them. As he did so, the skin instantly began to tint.

"That is pretty cool," Chad replied.

"It's just a permanent stain," Charles said. "It is the same thing we used on your Tex and Buck to color their cocks.

Chad watched as Charles carefully moved around and left spaces where a lighter stain could be added later.

"I like to have a little variability in the color of my horse's crotches," Charles said with a smile. "It helps to make them unique."

"How many do you have right now?" Chad asked.

"I still have Blaze and Ghost," Charles said as he stepped back and let Jake take over. "But, about a month ago, I added Ginger here and another big one I named Taurus. The drugs have taken hold already, and I have seen some good growth in their cocks and their muscle mass. It won't be long till we can start grafting the horse phallus tissues on them."

"Yeah, I think we are dialing in on the perfect formula for the transformation," Jake said.

"Well, I have been really impressed with our two," Jake said. "They work really hard and hardly complain."

"As long as they get your ass to breed nightly, I am assuming," Charles said with a smile.

"Yes, Sir," Chad said with a laugh. "I'm their mare, after all."

"Well, you best be getting home," Charles said. I'll see you for your next collection in a couple of days."

"Yes, Sir!" Chad replied as he walked out the door.

When Chad arrived back at the farm, he parked his truck and wandered into the barn to see what was going on before returning to the field to continue work with the horses. As he entered, he saw Ralph sweeping the floor and the new hand, Jeff bending down and looking at the milking machine.

"This is an amazing contraption, Ralph," Jeff said.

"It can sure drain a bull's balls dry, too," Chad said as he walked over.

Jeff raised his head and hit it on the underside of the bench and let out a yelp.

"Careful there," Chad said with a laugh.

Jeff smiled and rubbed his head as he stood.

"Don't go hurting yourself before your first day," Ralph said.

"How did your milking session go?" Jeff said to Chad.

Chad blushed and rubbed his crotch.

"Good. Charles set me up a stand similar to this at his farm to collect my sperm. Pulled three loads from me today."

"That's a damn good haul!" Ralph said as he paused his sweeping. "You sure we don't need to turn you into a bull too?"

"No, thank you," Chad said with a laugh. "But it did feel good."

"I wonder if this thing would work on me," Jeff said as he turned and looked at the machine again.

"Don't be getting any ideas, boy," Ralph said as he walked over and put a hand on Jeff's shoulders. "Those machines are just for our beasts here. Not the employees."

"Too bad," Jeff said.

Ralph could see that Chad was checking his nephew out, and he smirked.

"Besides, if you need those balls serviced, I am sure there is at least someone on the farm who will help you."

Chad turned red as Jeff looked back and saw that the young man was staring at him again.

"I see that," Jeff replied with a smile.

"Well," Chad said as he coughed and tried to change the subject. "What do you think of the place?"

"It is neat!" Jeff said. "Uncle Ralph has been telling me stories about what goes on here. I was looking forward to starting."

"Jeff is my big sister's oldest and the brightest of the bunch," Ralph said. "I figured he would fit in here."

"Well, I am glad to have you on board!" Chad said.

"Well, I am gonna head out, Ralph," Jeff said. "See you for dinner later?"

"Yeah, I'll catch ya then, boy," Ralph replied.

Jeff wiped his hands on his pants and then approached Chad.

"See you later!"

Chad smiled and nodded as Jeff walked by and patted the young man on the ass as he passed. When he had left the barn, Ralph chuckled.

"He's hung like a mule if you are wondering."

"What?" Chad said as he spun around.

"You heard me," Ralph said. "He is packing over seven inches in those pants. He got those genes from his old man. It sure wasn't from my family."

"Well..." Chad stammered.

Ralph laughed and picked up his broom again.

"He likes you. I can tell."

Chad grinned as the older man returned to sweeping.

"I assume that means he is into guys?"

"Oh yes," Ralph said. "He broke up with his boyfriend a few months ago. We are pretty close. He has always confided in me as he grew up. I've always looked out for him."

"He is hot," Chad replied.

Ralph smiled and looked over.

"I noticed you checking him out. I think you two will get along fine. Just be sure to keep any fraternization after work hours."

Chad smiled.

"Yes, Sir."

"Speaking of which," Ralph replied. "Don't you have more work to do today?"

"Oh yeah!" Chad replied with a chuckle. "Thinking with the wrong brain."

"I'll catch you later, boy," Ralph replied as Chad turned and headed back into the fields.

The next few hours were hard on Chad. The afternoon sun beat down on him, Tex, and Buck, and by the time it set, they all were feeling the soreness in their muscles and joints. However, they managed to harvest the back fields and were ahead of schedule. Chad was looking forward to kicking off his boots and relaxing as the three of them made their way back to the barn to cool off. The two horses washed off their bodies and then returned to the back of the barn, where they found Chad already mounted on the fuck bench.

Buck smiled as its foot-long horse cock filled with blood and stiffened. The dense brown hair on its back bristled as the beast flexed and reached down to stroke its shaft. Tex whinnied at its brother as it stepped back to let the alpha take the first rut. Chad, meanwhile, bit down on the ball gag he had strapped in his mouth and tried to relax.

The young man felt the wetness of Buck's thick cock first. Precum had covered the tip, which mixed with the lube Chad had already squirted into and around his hole. The rough hands of the beast gripped Chad's waist next, and then the young man felt his ass split in two as the giant cock pushed inside with one movement. Chad screamed and bit down on the gag as his feet and toes clenched. He had been the beast's mare for over a month now, but his ass still had not loosened enough to take the assault without some pain.

Buck groaned as its eyes rolled back in its head, and its long shaft disappeared into the bitch ass below it. Its large, hairy testicles were flying forward at the same time. When it was fully inside, it gripped the mare firmly, and instinct took over. It always fucked hard and fast, and the meds it was on meant that Chad would get a rough ride.

Tears fell down Chad's face as he bit hard into the rubber ball. It had already deteriorated, and his teeth found the slits and cuts from previous sessions as they slipped into the material. His muffled grunts and screams could barely be heard above the growls and huffs of the beast above him. Buck's body was in full motion. The thick hair over its body glistened with sweat, and the beast lifted its head to the ceiling as it pounded.

Tex was stroking its hard and dripping cock as it watched from behind. Its sore balls were just as full and low as its brother, and it could not wait for its turn. The mare's feet were twisting and clenching with each thrust of the thick shaft, and the slapping sound of Buck's balls as they hit Chad's and bounced off filled the room.

Chad gripped the bench hard as it squeaked and groaned under the pressure of the fuck. He had gotten into the habit of tightening the bolts once a week to keep it from falling apart. As his ass went numb, he could feel his hard cock as it slapped back and forth, swinging like a pendulum as his ass was used. Precum was flying under him and coating the bench and floor simultaneously.

A loud whinny came out of Buck's throat about seventeen minutes later. Chad held his head up and opened his eyes and grunted as he felt the full thrust of the beast behind him as it pushed in deep, and the cum erupted from its shaft. The heat filled Chad, and he felt like his stomach was descending from the impregnation.

Buck thrusted twice more to get the last shots of its balls out and then pulled out with one movement. Chad gasped into the gag and felt as cool air crossed his gaping and dripping hole. But the sensation did not last long. Tex shoved in a moment later. Its callused hands latched onto the young man's waist, and the ride continued.

It took another twelve minutes before the beast reached its orgasm, and Chad felt another wave of heat filling his intestines. Buck was already lying down and trying to cool off as Tex's cock slid out of its mare. Chad's ass was covered in froth and dripped cum onto the floor below as he removed the gag from his mouth and tried to catch his breath.

"Thank you, boys," Chad gasped. "Your mare thanks you."

Chad heard some whinnies from the two beasts behind him as he paused to catch his breath and get some feeling back in his body.

"Well, I have to admit," came a voice behind him. "If I had not witnessed it, I would not have believed it. Those two are fucking huge. I can't believe your ass took all that!"

Chad opened his eyes and looked back to see Jeff standing in the doorway.

"Fuck," Chad groaned. "You watched all that?"

"The entire spectacle," Jeff said with a smile. "Came in just as that first one mounted you."

"Its name is Buck," Chad groaned. "The other one is Tex."

"Fucking amazing," Jeff said as he walked over to where the two beasts were sitting in their stalls and cooling off. "You two must love fucking your mare!"

The beasts smiled and nodded at him, and Jeff turned to see Chad staring at him.

"Did you forget something?" Chad asked.

"Oh no," Jeff replied. "I'm riding back home with Ralph tonight. Just thought I would pop in here to see you again before I left, and I had to stay and watch."

"Fuck," Chad groaned as a burp of cum popped out of his ass and dripped down his balls and onto the floor.

"They sure filled you up!" Jeff remarked. "Do you need any help?"

"I could use some assistance getting off this bench," Chad said. "They always take it out on me."

Jeff smiled, walked over, and helped the young man up. As Chad stood, even more, cum dripped out of him.

"Damn!" Jeff replied.

"Hand me that towel over there," Chad said, pointing to a table.

Jeff smiled, grabbed it, and twirled his finger in the air.

"Turn around. Show me that sexy, used ass. I'll clean you off."

Chad smiled and leaned over the bench as he felt the towel wipe down his back and over his sticky ass. He spread his legs as Jeff pushed the cloth between his cheeks and then jumped with surprise when he felt Jeff's fingers replace it and massage his hole.

"Oh god!" Chad groaned.

"Damn, your ass is loose," Jeff said.

Chad looked behind him, saw Jeff's pants bulge, and smiled.

"It's plenty lubed, too, if you want a go."

"What?" Jeff replied.

"I see that bulge in your pants," Chad said with a smile. "Ralph did tell you there many ways to get your rocks off around here."

"Fuck, are you sure?" Jeff said. "I mean, you are hot as hell and I would love to, but you looked like you were in pain."

"Drop your pants and put it in me, stud," Chad said. "I've fantasized about you since I saw your hot ass earlier today."

Jeff grunted as he groped himself.

"Fuck I am glad I am not the only one. I've had a hard-on for the past few hours."

Chad turned, faced Jeff, and reached down and felt the front of the young man's jeans. Ralph was not kidding when he said the boy was packing. He could feel the large shaft beneath the fabric and the giant balls below it. As he unbuckled Jeff's pants, the young man sighed.

"This is like a porn."

"Nah," Chad said as he unzipped Jeff's pants and exposed the young man's wet boxers. "This is better."

Jeff smiled as Chad pulled the young man's pants and underwear down. Jeff's cock sprung forward immediately. Chad could see it was fully engorged and thick, and he bent down to lick the head and taste the fluids building at the tip.

"Fuck!" Jeff groaned.

"Yeah, you got no other option here, stud," Chad said as he licked it and spat on the shaft to stroke it. "This is a man's cock and it needs to be in me."

"Mount up, then, mare!" Jeff said as Chad smiled and got back on the bench.

The two horses watched from the side as the new hand moved behind their bitch and rubbed his cock up and down the crack. More cum bubbled out as Jeff's head ran over Chad's hole, and the young man used the extra lubricant to push in. Chad groaned as he felt the young man move inside. He was nothing in comparison to the length and girth of Tex and Buck, but it still felt good as the shaft filled his used ass.

"God, you are loose!" Jeff said with a laugh.

"Sorry about that," Chad replied. "You'll just have to go first next time."

Jeff smiled as he gripped Chad and pushed all the way in. As the thrusts began, Chad reached under the bench and felt his own cock. It had swelled with blood, and he stroked it. Jeff was at the right angle to gently but perfectly massage Chad's prostate, not pummel it numb like the horses usually did. It was not long till precum was coating the young man's palm, and his feet curled in pleasure from the fuck he was receiving.

"This is amazing," Jeff said. "I can feel all that cum in you."

"You ready to add your own alpha seed?" Chad asked.

"Alpha seed, huh?" Jeff said with a smile.

"Come on, stud," Chad said. "I know those big balls need to unload."

"It won't take long, I am afraid," Jeff said.

"Knock me up!" Chad said.

Jeff grunted and fucked harder as Chad stroked his cock faster. The bench began to groan and creak again as both young men sweated. Jeff could feel Chad trying to squeeze his ass around the young man's shaft. The pressure was just what he needed to send him over the edge. As his cock exploded and added a third load deep inside, Chad cried out as his orgasm hit simultaneously. Soon splashes of cum were hitting the floor below the two of them as they came off their respective highs.

"Fucking hell!" Jeff replied as he collapsed on Chad's back and hugged him.

"That was amazing," Chad panted. "God, your cock felt good."

Jeff laughed and pulled himself up and out of the young man and looked at the mess of cum coating Chad's ass.

"You are creampied."

"You got that right!" Chad said as he groaned and pulled himself up.

Jeff grinned, helped the young man to his feet, then rubbed the towel over and down Chad's ass again.

"I like the tattoo, too," Jeff said. "You are quite the mare for sure."

Chad smiled as he turned to look at the young man.

"I hope we can do that again soon."

"Well, I will be working here starting next week," Jeff said with a wink.

"Jeff!" came the voice of Ralph in the barn. "Where are you?"

"In here, Uncle!" Jeff said as he bent down and pulled his pants up. "Be there in a sec!"

Chad smiled as Jeff handed him the cum soaked towel and re-buckled his belt.

"Don't let those horses get you too loose, now," Jeff said. "I like a little grip in my mares."

"I'll try," Chad replied.

Jeff leaned over and kissed Chad quickly and then rubbed his back.

"See you next week!"

Chad blushed.

"See you then."

Next: Chapter 32

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