
By Slave Bear

Published on Aug 23, 2022


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As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen and consenting adults, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, extreme body modification, bestiality, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Transformed - Chapter 30: The New Normal

Richard's Great Dane, Brutus, was breathing heavily. His front paws were locked around Pup's chest, and his hind legs quivered. His giant, red cock was impaled deep within the skinny boy's body all the way to the knot, which had swelled and locked in place right over Pup's prostate. Behind his dog mask, the boy was panting and groaning. He had been Brutus's bitch for years, but the extreme pressure that the beast put on his internal organs when he tied and bred was something he never fully got used to. Pup could feel the heartbeat of Brutus as its weight rested on his back. The heat radiated through Pup. The boy breathed in deeply and spread his legs to accept the beast deeper into him. Pup felt as his permanently limp cock pulsed precum within the metal prison of his chastity cage. While he could no longer achieve erections as his dorsal nerves had been severed, he had no problem pouring out clear prostate fluids.

"Wruff!" Pup barked in encouragement to his mate.

Brutus panted as he laid on his bitch. Pup could feel the rhythmic pulsing of the thick canine cock inside him slowing down. It was switching from shooting copulatory fluids to pure, virile, warm cum that was being driven deep into his bowels to breed him. The boy could almost sense the heat as it radiated through his abdomen. The dog gave a jerk and lifted its leg. As Brutus turned, the knot spun inside Pup's ass, and fireworks went off inside the boy's brain. He experienced an intense orgasm from the sensation. Cum flew out of the tip of the red dog sheathe that covered the curved cage on his chastity belt and hit the concrete below him in forceful splashes.

Pup groaned loudly and hung his head as he sat ass to ass to the dog. Beside and above him, Chad was also being fucked on the wooden bench. The man-horse, Tex, shoved its foot-long dick into the young man's well-bred ass hard and fast. Behind him, Buck watched as the remnants of the load it had deposited in the young man dripped from its still stiff shaft. Chad had worn a ball gag in his mouth the past several weeks so he would have something to bite down on and muffle his screams. His ass had been repeatedly abused and torn open by the two beasts so much that it had started to loosen. It was still a painful process, but the regular morning fucks he received from his two horse mates were getting easier to take. He had fallen into a routine now. Pup would follow him out to the barn every morning with Brutus right behind. They both would present their asses to their respective mates and submit to be bred. Once they were done, the horses were cleaned, and their manes were brushed. They were given their daily injections and then sent out into the field, where Chad would monitor their progress and assist.

"Fuck!" Chad shouted as Tex whinnied and the modified human-horse cock inside the young man began to pulse.

The beast behind him squeezed Chad's waist firmly as its large, low-hanging balls drained. Buck smiled as it watched its brother breed the young man. It always fucked Chad first. The beast had taken the alpha spot over Tex. It always took at least fifteen to twenty minutes to cum, and when it did, it flooded the young man to the point that Tex could slide in right after with one thrust. The second beast typically lasted only ten minutes, so Chad was usually done with his duty within half an hour.

A splash of warm human-horse cum hit the floor as Tex pulled back, and the black and pink shaft slid out. The beast rubbed Chad's ass and patted it twice in appreciation. The young man paused to take a breath. Chad could feel the air in the room as it wafted by his open hole. He squeezed his ass a few times and then climbed off the bench. As he removed the gag from his mouth, he felt warm fluids run down his legs. He turned and kissed Tex and then moved to do the same to Buck. He had started to bond with them. Though he was free to fuck what he wanted now, he had concentrated on being the horses' sole mare.

"They sure have full balls in the morning," Lucas said as he handed a towel to Chad.

Chad smiled when he looked over and saw the boy. He accepted the cloth to wipe his ass and legs down.

"Yeah, Slave," the young man replied. "I am beginning to crave their horse cocks. It is amazing what those drugs do for them."

Lucas grinned and bent over to scratch Pup's ear. The boy was still tied to Brutus and moaned in pleasure in reaction.

"Is Brutus still knocking you up, Pup?" Lucas asked.

"You know it," Pup replied with a groan. "I can feel him breeding me deeply this morning. Those horses aren't the only ones that wake up horny."

Lucas laughed and turned to return into the barn. Sub was helping Green get its udder in place as he walked inside, but the other cows were busily being milked. The hum of the various machines as they sucked back and forth on the enlarged cocks of the beasts was almost melodic.

"Is it having issues again?" Lucas asked as he walked over to Sub.

"No," Sub replied. "It just mounted the bench weird, and you know how thick its udder is. It has to be just right to get into place. I was just adjusting it."

Sub hit a switch, and the machine began to suck on Green. The beast groaned, and its balls shifted as the device took hold.

"There you go, fella," Sub said as he rubbed Green's ass. "Drain that udder good."

"Good morning, boys!" Ralph said as he walked into the barn.

"Morning, Sir!" the boys replied.

"I see our cattle are all in place," Ralph said.

"Yeah," Lucas replied. "Red needs good grooming, though. It must have tossed and turned last night cause its back and leg hair is all matted."

"I see that!" Ralph replied as he ran his hand over the thick ginger hair. "I'll grab a brush and take care of him."

"Thanks, Sir," Lucas replied.

As the boy walked over to the beast, Chad walked through the barn naked with his ass still dripping. His horse mates were right behind. Their semi-hard cocks were still dripping and bouncing from side to side. As they reached the door to the barn, George appeared and smiled. Chad immediately stood at attention.

"Headed to the shower?" George asked.

"Sir, yes, Sir!" Chad replied. "This mare is full of horse cum and needs to clean up, Sir!"

"Good mare," George replied with a smile as he patted the young man's shoulder. "I've got a new routine we will work on later in the morning in the gym. Your arms might be on fire this afternoon, but I think it will help you develop your chest more."

"I look forward to it, Sir!" Chad barked back.

"Carry on, son," George said as he continued into the barn and nodded at the two horses.

Chad relaxed and turned to head towards the side of the barn to wash off with the beasts.

"Good morning, Slave and Sub," George announced as he neared the boys.

"Morning, Sir!" the boys replied.

"Hey, Gunny," Ralph said as he tipped his ball cap.

"Looks like Red has some bad tangles!" George replied as he walked over.

"Yeah," Ralph said as he ran the comb through the beast's hair. "I need to trim its groin and beard too. It is amazing how fast all this stuff grows."

"Well, it's good evidence of its virility," George said as he patted the beast's ass. "It is a good producer for the farm."

"That's for sure," Ralph replied.

Outside the barn, Chad let the cold water run down over his body to wash the soap away that he had applied. Tex and Buck had already washed up and were leaning against the wall drying in the sun as they watched their mare. Chad's body had thickened and buffed up. His upper arms and chest had swelled with the strenuous exercise regime, and his legs had become firm and powerful. Any fat he had on his body was limited and lean. He kept his head shaved military style, and his beard was reduced to a short goatee. He looked like the rugged, strong soldier George and his uncle wanted.

"Hello, Chad," came a voice behind the young man.

Chad wiped the water from his face and shook his head as he turned off the spicket and spun around. In front of him, a thin man covered in ink stood carrying a satchel.

"Oh, hey Bob," Chad replied with a smile.

Bob looked at the beasts next to the young man and whistled in amazement.

"So, these are the horses I have heard about?" Bob asked.

Chad chuckled and walked over and rubbed Tex and Buck's furry chests.

"These are my mates," Chad replied.

"That is simply amazing," Bob said in astonishment. "They even have cocks that look like horses!"

"You should see them hard!" Chad said with a smile. "A foot long and thick as a soda can. My ass is still trying to get accustomed to them."

"You are no longer a stud anymore, eh?" Bob asked.

"Well, I am still donating my sperm for the fertility bank, and my boys will be born soon, but yeah, I am just breeding stock for these two handsome beasts these days. What brings you out here?"

"I am here for you, actually," Bob replied. "Did your uncle not tell you?"

"No," Chad replied.

"He wants your back tattooed with a special design to indicate you are a mare now," Bob said.

"Oh," Chad replied with a groan.

"Something the matter?" Bob asked.

"No," Chad replied as he walked over and grabbed a towel he had hung up and placed it over his shoulders. "I mean, that is what I am now. I just didn't expect to be permanently marked as one. That will take some explaining if I am with another person in the future."

"Are you refusing?" Bob asked.

"Absolutely not," Chad replied. "I will do anything that Sir asks me to do. I just was not prepared."

"Well, get dried off and join me in the basement of the house," Bob said. "This should take several hours."

"Yes, Sir!" Chad replied.

In the afternoon, Lucas assisted Sub and Ralph as they loaded pallets of Lightning Boost into a waiting truck. They had just finished when Chad emerged from the main house's basement and walked over to them. Lucas had always thought Chad was hot before, but the young man looked even better, built up, shirtless, with beads of sweat on his chest.

"Howdy," Lucas said with a smile.

"Hey, Slave," Chad replied.

"What were you up to today?" Lucas asked. "You disappeared, and I couldn't find you in the fields earlier with the horses."

"I was being marked," Chad said as he turned around.

Lucas's eyes enlarged as he saw the big, black, bold lettering stretched from one side of Chad's back to the other and from his neck to his midsection. The letters M-A-R-E were written in a slightly curved large script, and below them, in a smaller font, was written 'the horse's bitch'.

"Geez!" Sub replied. "That is a lot of ink!"

"Yeah," Chad replied. "It stings too. But does it look good?"

"I mean, I like the design," Sub said. "I guess you are officially part of the farm now."

"Yeah," Chad replied as he rubbed his shoulder. "No hiding it now. It should be interesting explaining that to my kids."

"How are your sons?" Lucas asked.

"Doing well," Chad replied. "The surrogate is in her second trimester. I was told they are healthy and developing well. She will be due to give birth at the start of the new year."

"How does it feel to know you will be a dad soon?" Lucas asked.

Chad smiled.

"Well, Sir Richard will be their dad. It has been agreed that they will be told as much. I have proven I cannot be the man or role model my uncle wants me to be, and he doesn't want my dad to take care of them since I had behavioral issues. But I will be allowed to help raise them. As far as they will know, I will just be their subordinate cousin."

"Are you ok with that?" Sub asked.

"I am," Chad replied. "It was important that I be allowed to step up and assist with their rearing, but I agree with Sir that I have failed as a man, and he should take the lead role. I'll just be their DNA doner."

"Well, with as good as you look, I am sure they will grow to be handsome men," Lucas said.

Chad blushed and patted Lucas's back.

"Thanks, Slave."

"I think you better get out into the field, Chad," Ralph said from behind them. "Your mates have been plowing the fields for the past few hours on their own. You know they need to be supervised."

"Yes, Sir!" Chad replied as he winked at Lucas and left.

Ralph watched the young man go and saw the large amount of ink across his back.

"Well, that turned out better than I expected."

"You knew about that?" Lucas asked.

"Oh yes," Ralph said with a smile. "Richard wanted to tattoo the boy more with some other phrases, but Gunny stepped in and told him he needed to limit it a bit. He got off a lot easier than what his uncle wanted for sure."

Sub grinned.

"Sir is demanding but fair, though. His word is the law."

"Now I know you are Richard's property," Ralph said with a chuckle. "You two get back into the barn. I need to sign some paperwork before this is hauled off to sell, and then I will join you."

"Yes, Sir!" Lucas and Sub replied.

"I can't imagine being a father at his age," Sub said as they walked inside. "Chad isn't much older than me."

"Yeah, I know," Lucas replied. "It is crazy to think about. He is so different than when I first met him. I always wanted to be bred deeply by him."

Sub smiled and pointed to Lucas's large swinging balls.

"That's the horny talking."

Lucas laughed.

"Oh, I know. Sir let me use the dildo last night to orgasm. But it does not take long for me to recharge."

In the area that used to be the production room, across from the bench constructed for Chad to be fucked in and the stalls for the horses, a giant phallus in the shape of Richard's cock had been installed on the wall. Below it sat a metal pan. As long as the boys performed a good job during the day, they were given the ability to get on their hands and knees and back onto the phallus and fuck themselves till they came. For Lucas, the cum would dribble out of the reroute behind his balls, and for Sub, it would come out of his permanently caged nub. The fluids that were expelled collected in the pan, and the boys had to lick it clean so as not to waste anything.

For Lucas, it had been a welcome reward. The new formulation of the drug he took weekly kept his halls enlarged and in prime production but also allowed him to enjoy the full range of orgasmic pleasure. He had never failed to thank his master for that gift. Sub, however, had a completely different experience. As a result of his infraction when he came to the farm, he was given drugs to block the pleasure of cumming. Fucking himself on Richard's rubber phallus helped empty his balls and drain his prostate, curing him of the feeling of blue balls, but left him horny and unsatisfied. It was a state he had come to accept. His balls had grown larger than Lucas's, while his nub had shrunk simultaneously. Richard had changed his cage twice since he came to the farm.

"You are so lucky you can orgasm," Sub groaned. "Understand that I am not complaining, Slave. I accept my punishment, but it would be great to feel that release again."

Sub was holding his large balls as he walked and squeezed them.

"I am sorry," Lucas replied. "I wish I could change that for you."

"Don't mind me," Sub said. "I need to stop thinking about it."

"You look like you are even smaller in your cage today," Lucas said.

"Yeah," Sub replied. "It is amazing how fast that cream that Ralph puts on me every evening has worked. Before long, it will just be only a small head and no shaft. Hard to believe I used to be over seven inches hard."

"But Sir said he would remove your cage when you shrink down, though," Lucas said. "At least you won't have to endure the metal prison around your balls and nub forever."

"That is true," Sub said. "That would be a reward in itself. I am used to its weight and feel, but having it off would be nice."

"Just no touching!" Lucas said as they walked into the production room.

"Oh, I know, Slave," Sub said with a chuckle. "I learned that lesson. It might be small, but at least it is not floating in a jar."

"Hey!" Lucas shouted.

"I mean, not that your former cock isn't nice there, but I like mine attached," Sub added. "No offense."

Lucas laughed.

"I am just dissing you. It's fine. Besides, I can still visit and see my former member whenever I want, and it certainly looks bigger in that jar than it ever did attached to me."

"But smaller than Pig's, though," Sub said with a wink.

"True," Lucas said with a smile. "That was a hell of a cock they removed from him."

In the main house, Pig stretched as he woke up from his nap. The young cub/bear of a boy that had once been called Henry had fully transformed into a porker under Richard's direction. His smooth skin showed no evidence that he used to have dark body hair, from his bald head to his big feet. Large, dark metal rings hung from his nipples and septum. His ears had been modified and pulled to a point, and his above-average, thick, uncut cock now floated in a jar of formaldehyde in the basement. The flat area that remained in his groin area had been implanted with a strong magnet that was directly attached to a rubber, coiled pig pizzle that made the boy look like he had been born a pig. His full balls had tripled in size due to weekly drug treatments, and precum nearly always leaked from the reroute that had been installed behind them.

Richard fed the boy well, and his belly had grown and widened. As a result, stretch marks had formed at his sides, and his belly button nearly reached the floor when he was on all fours. The added weight had necessitated him wearing black knee pads to protect his joints. He had initially been tattooed with the letters P-I-G across his chest, and the image of a pink pigtail had been added to his skin above his ass. This was in addition to the colorful tattoos of bear paws and rainbow flags he had received long before he came to the farm. In the months since, however, Richard had added a blue tattoo on the boy's ass in the shape of a USDA logo that said, "Prime Beef". He had also had Bob carefully tattoo the boy's scrotum, so it was a fiery red color that stood out as the large orbs inside swung when the boy waddled around.

"You are needed in the office, Pig," Gimp said as he came in from the kitchen.

Pig snorted and nodded as he turned and crawled down the hall. While he was not barred from using language, he had been trained to vocalize as much as possible.

As Pig reached the threshold of Richard's office, he saw his master sitting back in his chair. The large, hairy man was in a tank top and boxers and had his hand in his crotch, scratching his balls. His feet were propped on a stool, and Pig crawled over to them. The boy shoved his snout under them and breathed deeply before licking them. Richard looked over and smiled at his slave and pushed his foot forward.

"That's a good pig. Get them piggies nice and clean."

Pig shook his rump and moved to suck on each of Richard's toes before he moved to lick the top and soles of the man's feet. Richard put them on the floor when they were clean of the dirt on them and spread his legs. In the opening of his boxers, his thick cock flopped out, and precum glistened at the tip. Pig snorted as he sat mesmerized by his master's groin.

"I bet Piggy misses his master's scent," Richard said. "It's been a few hours."

Pig looked up at Richard and snorted again as he nodded.

"Come get a whiff, boy," Richard said as he moved forward.

Pig crawled closer and pushed his nose into the fabric. It was wet where the man's sweat had accumulated in the warm room. The smell of Richard's musk was intoxicating to Pig. Its earthen tones stimulated his olfactory nerves, and he felt the precum start to dribble out and down the back of his balls. The boy took a deep breath as he reached the warm orbs below Richard's hardening shaft. Pig stuck out his tongue and tasted the saltiness of the area and felt the weight of the cock resting on his forehead.

Richard reached down and pushed Pig back. He stood and dropped his boxers and then sat on the edge of the chair, letting his heavy testicles fall and his shaft point forward at Pig. The boy waited patiently for the command. He had been well trained over the past few months.

"Now, boy," Richard said as he snapped his fingers.

Pig moved forward immediately. Richard's shaft disappeared down the boy's gullet until it reached his throat and made it expand. He had been trained to lose his gag reflex, and Richard watched as the boy expertly took his meat deep and worshiped it. Pig used the back of his hand to gently rub under the man's heavy balls, feeling how full they were. They moved in response, and Pig tasted Richard's sweet juices as they began to flow out.

"Good, boy," Richard groaned as he picked up his cigar and took a deep draw in.

As he exhaled the smoke into the room, he closed his eyes and let his head fall back. He used his free hand to rub and play with his nipples, stimulating his cock to engorge and fill the slave's mouth fully. Pig moved back and forth at the same time. Pulling entirely off and then going down till his nose was embedded in the man's pubic bush.

"Fuck yeah!" Richard groaned as his feet flexed and curled.

Richard liked to breed Pig first thing in the morning and once before lunch. His afternoon pleasure, though, was something he looked forward to the most. This was when Pig was allowed to fully show off his oral skills before he was bred again. The boy did not disappoint. Pig had already come to the man well trained in that regard, but once he had learned Richard's pleasure spots, it made the experience much better.

Precum was now flowing out of Pig's reroute and dripping onto the floor, making a puddle. That would be licked clean later, so Richard did not mind. The boy's large rump wiggled in pleasure as he worked on his master, a reaction that Richard loved to see and made him smile. He took in more smoke and blew it over the boy as his cock was worked over.

"Piggy loves his master's cock, doesn't he?"

Pig looked up at the man and grinned, and Richard's laughed as he saw the boy's stuffed face.

"You're a good slave, Pig. I told you that you didn't need a cock to feel pleasure. My dick is all that matters."

Pig grunted in response as he applied more suction and twirled his tongue around the man's shaft, pausing to flick at the tip.

"Fuck!" Richard groaned as he put his cigar back in the glass dish on the table. "Get me lubed up, boy. You are getting a nice load this afternoon."

Pig closed his eyes and concentrated on the oral service he was providing. His belly touched the floor as he spread his legs and shifted his frame to be able to bob up and down better. His fake pizzle bounced in front of him and rubbed on an area where his cock used to sit. While his operation had removed all the erectile tissues and most of the nerve endings, a few had been missed, and the movement sent electricity up through his spine and into the pleasure centers of his brain. His testicles pulled up and fell as more precum poured from his reroute.

"Someone is leaky today!" Richard said as he saw the puddle on the floor. "I think you need your master's seed."

Pig pulled off the cock in his mouth and snorted as he nodded his head. He then turned and bent over to present his ass. Richard leaned down, collected the boy's fluids, and pushed them into Pig's stretched hole. As the man's thumb slid in, it rubbed the boy's prostate, and Pig grunted loudly.

"Is Pig ready for Master?" Richard asked.

Pig grunted again and shook his ass. Richard smiled, moved onto his feet, and squatted so his glistening cock was pointed directly at the boy's hole. With one swift movement, he impaled the boy. Pig let out a loud squeal as he felt the man fill him. Richard had a firm grip on the boy's waist and locked his legs around the thick rump as his balls reached the boy's. When they met, Pig's fluids coated Richard's scrotum a moment before the man began to pound hard.

Richard didn't take his time in the afternoon. After his blowjob, he fucked hard and fast. He still had work to do, after all. As he thrusted back and forth, the sound of his shaft sliding in and out of Pig's hole resonated off the walls, as did the smack of his heavy balls as they clapped against the boy's.

Pig held his head to the floor and endured the onslaught. From this angle, Richard's cock ran right over the sensitive organ inside his ass and generated warmth in his large balls. As his prostate was repeatedly stroked and pounded, the boy felt the warmth spread through his lower abdomen, and his legs quivered. The orgasm that followed was intense. Pig could feel it spread through his brain as the cum poured out of the back of his balls. Richard continued to pound. His balls slapped the fluids, churning them into a froth that dripped and splashed onto the floor below.

"Piggy came early today!" Richard growled as he fucked harder. "Master needs to breed you deep, now!"

Pig grunted as Richard pounded even harder. The pressure on the boy's legs and arms was immense, and he groaned as he came off his orgasmic high and felt the full impacts. His ass began to burn from the friction as the thick shaft slid in and out with only spit for lube.

"Here it comes, Pig!" Richard shouted.

"Pig, thanks you for the honor, Sir!" Pig shouted. "Pig lives to serve and be bred by Master!"

The boy knew to thank the man for what was coming. Richard smiled and closed his eyes as he felt his balls lift. Warm blasts of cum came soon after, and he shouted into the room as he orgasmed. Richard pushed deep into pig, passing the boy's second ring. Pig shook in response and gasped as he felt sweat falling onto his back.

When Richard finished, he pulled back and sat in his chair, exhaling loudly. Pig immediately spun around and cleaned his master's cock before putting his snout on the floor and licking it clean of all fluids and juices. When the boy was done, he bowed before the man as Richard picked up his cigar and blew smoke over him.

"Good Pig," Richard said after several minutes. "You may go to the corner."

Pig nodded, crawled to the edge of the room, and sat quietly as the man pulled his boxers back on and returned to work.

In the evening, Lucas was back in the barn. The bulls had finished their final milking of the day. The cum had been collected and stored, and Sub had gone to help prepare the beasts for bed. As Lucas wiped down and sanitized each milking stall, he felt a cool breeze move in from the door. Summer was ending, and fall was fast approaching. He could hardly remember his life before he came to the farm. He loved working with the bulls, and Sub had become a close friend. While he was hardly ever fucked by Richard anymore, he had the phallus on the wall to use, something he planned to ride before he went to bed, himself.

"Almost done, Slave?" came the voice of Chad.

Lucas spun around and smiled.

"Yeah, it was a long but productive day."

"I hear ya," Chad said. "My back is still burning from the tattoo."

"Be sure to use plenty of moisturizing cream on it," Lucas said.

"Oh, I know," Chad said. "Gunny said he would help me."

Lucas wiped down the last stall and placed the towel in the bucket he was holding, and then moved to put it in a small sink in the back of the barn.

"You sure have changed a lot," Lucas remarked as he did so.

"You think?" Chad replied as he walked over. "I mean, I guess I have but am I completely different than when you first met me?"

"Not totally," Lucas said as he turned and smiled. "But you certainly aren't the hot-to-trot-and-breed young man that was going off to college."

Chad laughed.

"Yeah, now I am a mare bitch that is milked for money."

"But you look great, though," Lucas added. "Gunny has made you a hot, buff man. You should be proud of yourself."

"Thanks, Slave," Chad said as he flexed his arms and showed off his guns. "Yeah, I guess there have been some positive changes."

"And hopefully, the future will bring more positive ones," Lucas said.

"Agreed," Chad said as he patted the boy's back.

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I hoped you have enjoyed the last few chapters. Pausing to write more. Please keep the feedback and constructive criticism coming. I have incorporated ideas from fans into the story, so please continue to pass them on.

Next: Chapter 31

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