
By Slave Bear

Published on Dec 20, 2021


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As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen and consenting adults, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, extreme body modification, bestiality, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Transformed - Chapter 3: The Daily Routine

In the morning, Lucas was awoken by the sound of the alarm clock on the nightstand. He looked over and saw Gimp stretching and turning to put his feet on the floor.

"How did you sleep?" Gimp asked as he poured a glass of water from a jug that sat next to the clock.

"Ok, I guess," Lucas replied. "My groin is sore."

Gimp opened the drawer in the nightstand and pulled out three pill bottles. He took one pill from each and then closed them before returning them to the drawer. He then handed them to Lucas along with the glass of water.

"Take those," Gimp replied. "It's your antibiotics and a pain pill. It should help."

"Thanks," Lucas replied as he swallowed the medications.

As Lucas stood up, he turned and noticed a wet spot on the bed. He reached below him and felt fluids leaking out of the hole behind his balls. Gimp was putting on his harness and hood and saw Lucas and smiled.

"You had a wet dream. Not to worry. That will likely become more common now. With the meds you are on, your balls will begin to grow and produce more testosterone and cum. Your body will find a way to release it since you don't have a cock anymore."

"My balls are still full, though," Lucas replied.

"Let's go get Bull up and milked," Gimp said. "That will distract you."

Once Gimp had his uniform on, Lucas followed him down to Bull's room. When they entered, the beast was sitting in its stall rubbing its udder. When it saw the two of them, it made a loud sound and shook its head before rising.

"Bull just said good morning," Gimp replied.

"Good morning, Bull," Lucas said with a smile.

Bull approached and followed them as they descended into the basement. When Gimp turned on the lights, Lucas saw that there was a large dog in one of the cages and Pup was laying down in the adjacent one.

"Is that where Pup sleeps?" Lucas asked.

"Yes," Gimp replied. "He's never far from Brutus, but they sleep separately to keep the big dog from using him too much."

Brutus opened his large brown eyes and watched as Lucas walked with Bull into the milking room with Gimp. He did not stir or make a sound and Pup stayed sound asleep. When they entered the room, Bull went directly for the bench and mounted it. Lucas attached the milking device as Gimp had shown him and put on the harness, adjusting it before turning on the machine.

"Bull usually sits on the machine for a good hour in the morning," Gimp said. "Why don't you go wake up Pup and take both dogs out for their morning piss. Pup will show you what to do."

"Ok," Lucas replied as he left the room.

As Lucas neared the cages, Brutus sat up and stared at him. The dog was massive. He looked to weigh at least a hundred pounds or more and Lucas could see the defined muscle in his front legs and torso. Lucas moved over to where Pup was sleeping and leaned down and put his hands through the bars. He could just reach Pup's face and he rubbed it.

"Pup? Wake up, Pup."

Pup opened his eyes and looked at Lucas. With the mask on, Lucas could not read his expression clearly, but it looked like he was smiling at him.

"Morning, Slave," Pup said as he turned to get on his hands and knees and arched his back.

Lucas could see some fresh scratches on Lucas's sides that were not there when he last saw him. Pup kicked the door behind him and made a woofing sound.

"Go ahead and unlatch the door," Pup replied. "I'll help get Brutus out and introduce you."

Lucas stood and walked around to the front of the cage and lifted the latch that held the door in place. As it swung up, Pup backed out and shook his ass. His tail that was attached to his chastity belt swung in response. Brutus pawed at his door as he watched Pup move around.

"I know, boy," Pup replied. "Hold on."

Pup crawled over to the other cage and lifted the latch. As he did, Brutus pushed against the door with his muzzle and then forced his way into the room. He bounded over to Lucas and went immediately for his crotch area. He smelled around the bruised area then moved around to Lucas's ass.

"He's just getting your scent," Pup replied. "Stand still."

Lucas followed Pup's advice and did not move as Brutus moved around and stuck his nose up Lucas's ass. He licked it next and Lucas felt the rough tongue push between his ass cheeks and then move down over his newly created hole behind his balls.

"That's enough, Brutus!" Pup replied. "I'm your bitch, remember?"

Brutus turned to look at Pup and then moved around to lick his ass next. As his tongue darted in and around Pup's crack, Lucas saw Brutus's red penis start to protrude outward. Brutus then began to snort and act excited. Pup immediately reached around and swatted Brutus's nose and turned to face him.

"Not yet, boy. You know we have to have our morning piss first."

Brutus's tongue came out and licked Pup's face and Pup smiled and rubbed the muzzle of his mask on the dog.

"What do I need to do?" Lucas asked.

"Lead us up the staircase," Pup replied. "Brutus will go first and I will follow him. Open the door to the backyard and wait on the top step for us."

Lucas nodded his head and walked up to the main floor with the dogs following him. When he opened the door, Brutus bounded out into the fenced yard and went directly for one of the back corners where he hiked his leg and began to piss. The warm fluids hit the cool ground and steam slowly drifted upward. Pup crawled outside next and found a place near the concrete path that led around the house to lift his leg. Lucas watched as piss flowed out of the tip of the rubber sheath that covered Pup's cage. When he was done pissing, Pup moved around and found another place and bent on his hunches and took a dump next. Brutus came over to him as he was finishing and walked around. When Pup moved away, the larger dog moved behind him and stuck his snout up Pup's ass to clean it.

"Well, that is nice of him," Lucas replied.

"I think he is in the mood," Pup replied as he moaned from the sensation of Brutus's tongue.

Lucas looked under Brutus and saw the red tip of his penis as it appeared again. The dog pushed his nose deeper into Pup and lapped at his ass.

"What do I need to do?" Lucas asked.

"Let him do his thing," Pup replied. "I'm his bitch. If he wants to mate, then that is his privilege. I was hoping he got worn out last night."

Lucas watched in amazement as the dog continued to lick Pup's ass. As he did, his red cock extended outward and glistened in the morning light. Pup arched his back and spread his legs to give the dog better access and it was not long before Brutus jumped on him. Brutus's front legs grabbed onto Pup's waist as his hind legs bucked. As the penis extended out of the sheath, it pushed forward into Pup's ass crack and attempted to find his hole. Brutus was bucking his hips and Pup groaned.

"Come on boy! You are almost there!"

Brutus pushed forward and Pup growled as the tip found its mark and pushed inside. Lucas had never seen a dog fuck before and was shocked to see how fast and forceful Brutus seem to be pounding Pup.

"Does that hurt?" Lucas asked.

Pup hung his head and gasped as he braced his body against the weight of the animal.

"I am used to it," Pup replied. "His penis shoots a lot of precum at first. Right now, he is pushing deeper into me and his cock is swelling. It won't be long till the knot starts going in. Come around here and watch if you want."

Lucas stepped down into the grass and moved behind Brutus and then leaned over to look under. He saw fluids covering Pup's ass and dripping down over his enhanced balls as Brutus's cock jackhammered. Lucas could see the knot at the base as it neared Pup's ass. Brutus adjusted himself and pushed deeper and Lucas saw the knot pop in and then out of Pup. Pup groaned loudly.

"Come on boy!" Pup replied with a gasp. "Get it in there!"

Brutus shoved his knot in again and it finally popped in and stayed there and the large dog slowed his jerking.

"That's a boy," Pup said. "Good boy."

Lucas continued to watch as Brutus's movements slowed and stopped. He sat on top of Pup for a minute or two and then began to lift one leg and shift his body.

"Step back, Slave," Pup said. "He is about to turn."

Lucas stood and moved back and watched as Brutus threw his leg over Pup and then turned till he was ass to ass with him.

"Is his cock still in you?" Lucas asked.

"Oh yeah," Pup replied with a grunt. "He's filling my guts up with his cum right now. The knot keeps us tied together."

Pup bent down and rested his body on his front arms and arched his back. Lucas could see a fresh scratch on Pup's side.

"He really got you there."

Pup felt his side and groaned.

"Yeah, I need to trim his dew claws."

"How long will you be tied like this?" Lucas asked.

"Anywhere up to a half an hour," Pup said. "He will let me know when he is done."

"Wow," Lucas replied.

"There are some plastic doggie waste bags in a box near the door," Pup said. "Use them to pick up my poo and place it in the trash next to the steps."

Lucas walked over to the steps that led to the back door and found the bags and then picked up Pup's morning shit. After disposing of it, he sat on the top step and watched as Brutus stood ass to ass with Pup and bred him. He panted lightly as his cock pulsed deep in Pup's gut but was otherwise quiet. After about twenty minutes, though, he wined and moved forward. When he did, Pup got back on his hands and knees and braced himself. Lucas watched as the large knot at the base of Brutus's cock emerged from Pup's ass. When it was fully out, Brutus walked forward and moved off to the side of the yard to lick and clean himself. Lucas saw a flood of cum pour from Pup's ass at the same time.

"That is amazing!" Lucas replied.

"Yeah," Pup replied with a groan as he felt his belly. "My mate sure fills me up."

When Brutus was done licking himself, he walked over to Pup and stuck his tongue up the well-bred ass and licked it clean. When the job was done, he turned and walked towards Lucas and up to the door. Lucas opened it for him and then Pup crawled over behind him.

"You better go back down and check on Bull," Pup replied. "I'll take care of Brutus."

"Ok," Lucas replied as he closed the door behind them and then descended back to the basement.

As Lucas entered the milking room, Gimp was sitting on the stool brushing Bull's body hair. He looked up at Lucas and smiled.

"Everything go ok?"

"Yeah," Lucas replied. "Brutus bred Pup. I have never seen a dog have sex before. It was pretty amazing to watch."

"Yeah, he is pretty horny in the morning," Gimp replied as he turned to adjust the device on Bull's udder. "Well, he is pretty horny most of the time, but morning and evening are usually when he breeds his bitch."

"How is Bull doing?" Lucas asked.

"It has had three milkings in the last half hour," Gimp replied. "It still has two more to go. Don't you, big fella?"

Gimp rubbed Bull's ass and thigh as the beast mooed in response and Lucas smiled.

"Do you mind taking over here?" Gimp asked as he handed the brush to Lucas. "I need to go feed the dogs and get breakfast started."

"Sure," Lucas replied.

"When Bull is done, unhook it and brush its beard, chest, and groin. Then, drain the collection into the jar there on the counter and scan it with that device before bringing it upstairs with you. Bull will follow you for its morning feeding."

"Ok," Lucas replied.

Gimp smiled and stood and left the room and Lucas took his place on the stool to watch Bull finish its milking session. The room was cool and Lucas shivered slightly as he brushed the thick hair on the beast's ass. The clock in the room read six o'clock when Bull had its final load sucked away. Lucas turned off the machine and disconnected it and moved under the big beast to gently suck its udder clean as he did the night before. Bull moaned quietly in response and its hooves curled. Lucas then stood and helped Bull to its feet and saw the eyes of the beast looking at him. They were deep blue and looked kindly. Bull leaned down and hugged Lucas tightly and the boy chuckled in response.

"Aww, thanks, Bull. I am glad I could help you."

Bull stood and smiled at him as Lucas finished grooming the beast's chest and groin hair. He then moved to comb and straighten Bull's beard before moving to pick up the container and empty the white liquid that had been collected into a flask. He capped it with a cork, scanned it, and then turned to Bull.

"Ok, big fella. Let's go upstairs! You will have to lead the way to show me where the kitchen is."

Bull smiled and went out the door and Lucas followed it upstairs to the main floor. They weaved around a few doors and hallways till they came to the well-equipped kitchen at the front of the house. It was square and had counters and cabinets on two sides and a table against the opposite wall. Pup and Brutus were on the floor eating kibble out of dog bowls and Gimp was at the stove stirring a pot. He looked up and smiled when he saw the two enter.

"Did you have a good milking, Bull?"

Bull replied with a high wine and shook its ass.

"Good boy," Gimp replied.

Bull moved over to the side of the room and sat on the floor and Gimp picked up a bucket that he placed in front of it.

"Eat up, boy," Gimp replied as he returned to the stove, and Bull reached into the bucket and picked out some semi-liquid material that it swallowed.

"Here is the production," Lucas replied as he held out the jar containing Bull's seed.

"Place it in the refrigerator for now," Gimp replied. "I'll get you to help me mix up today's batch of Lightning Boost later. For now, grab some dishes out of the cabinet and set the table for Master. You will need a large dinner plate, a cup and saucer for his coffee, and a small plate on the other side. In the drawer here you will find the silverware. Set out a spoon, knife, fork, and napkin.

"I can handle that," Lucas replied. "My grandmother showed me how to set a table. I will get it all looking good."

"Excellent," Gimp responded.

At precisely six-thirty in the morning, Gimp had everything plated on the table. He had made bacon, eggs, sausage, grits with butter, and a piping hot pot of coffee that he was pouring into the cup on the saucer when Richard appeared in the doorway. He was dressed in a pair of jeans that showed off his massive bulge and a button-down shirt with a V-neck t-shirt underneath. Lucas could see Richard's chest hair poking out of the top of it. His work boots made a loud sound on the tile floor as he walked over to the table and sat down.

"Looks good, Gimp," Richard replied as he grabbed the cup of coffee and took a sip.

Gimp was kneeling on the floor next to the table and Lucas was next to him. Brutus and Pup had finished their meal and while the larger dog walked over and curled under the table, Pup crawled to Richard's chair and laid next to it. Richard leaned over and rubbed Pup's belly.

"How are you settling in, Slave?" Richard asked as he dived into his meal.

"I am ok, Master," Lucas replied. "I have learned how to milk Bull and observed the morning routine for the dogs. Gimp is going to show me the preparation and canning process for the shakes after breakfast."

"Good!" Richard replied. "John will be by to pick up a case this afternoon. Be sure you settle his account before you hand them over, Gimp. He is a few payments behind."

"I will, Master," Gimp replied.

Lucas watched as Richard ate his meal. He felt his stomach growl. He and Gimp had yet to eat and he was unsure what the protocol was. To avoid making any mistakes, he was keeping quiet for now.

"The doctor will be by to check on Slave at three," Richard said. "Have him ready, Gimp."

"I will, Master," Gimp replied.

Richard continued to eat in silence. Gimp filled his cup twice during the meal. When he was done, he let out a loud belch and rubbed his belly before reaching down to rub Pup and Brutus's heads.

"That was good," Richard said as he stood and grabbed a cap to put on from a rack on the wall. "Be productive today, boys."

"We live to serve!" Pup and Gimp replied while Bull let out a sound to join them.

As Richard turned to leave for work, Gimp collected the plates and looked at Lucas.

"Come help me clean up and then we can eat."

"Ok," Lucas replied.

Pup and Brutus got up and wandered into another room as Lucas and Gimp cleaned. Bull sat on the side of the room and watched them quietly. When the dishes were done and put away, Gimp pulled out some older, beat-up bowls and ladled in some oatmeal with raisins from a pan on the stove. He then grabbed two glasses and filled them with a thick liquid from a container he retrieved from the refrigerator. He placed them on the counter and handed Lucas a spoon.

"Dig in," Gimp said. "We don't have much time to eat. We need to get to work."

Lucas held up the glass and stared at it.

"What is this?"

"Try it," Gimp replied.

Lucas lifted the glass to his nose and smelled it. It had a light aroma that he could not place. He took a sip and the texture was that of a thick milkshake with some grit in it. It was not unpleasant, though, and had a vanilla flavor to it.

"Not bad," Lucas said.

"That's Lighting Boost," Gimp replied as he took a sip out of his glass.

"The shake with Bull's cum in it?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah," Gimp said as he put his glass down and took a spoonful of oatmeal into his mouth. "We all drink it. It is put in the dogs' kibble and Bull's slop. It is an excellent source of protein and energy and it helps to retard the aging process."

"Wow," Lucas replied as he looked at the glass.

"Drink it up and finish your bowl," Gimp said. "Time is wasting."

When the two finished their breakfast, Gimp finished cleaning up and then picked up the flask that contained Bull's morning production. He then led Bull into another room where there were several pieces of exercise equipment. The beast moved over to the weight rack and began to work out as Gimp continued down to another room. Lucas followed him and when they got to their destination, he saw that there were countertops along one side of the room and three refrigerators opposite from them. Gimp opened one of the fridges and placed the jar inside. Lucas could see several similar flasks on the shelves. Gimp then turned to another fridge and pulled out three of the flasks that were inside, which he brought to the counter.

"What all goes into this thing?" Lucas asked as he walked over to Gimp.

"Apart from a special mix of chemicals, it contains fresh pineapple, bananas, peanut butter, Greek yogurt, milk, vanilla extract, and, of course, Bull's cum," Gimp replied. "We prepare it here every morning and can it. It has to stay refrigerated and can last up to a week before spoiling."

"I see," Lucas said as Gimp pulled out two large industrial blenders.

"With both of us in here, it will go a lot faster," Gimp said. "Go over to that large freezer and look inside. You will see a bag full of frozen fruit. I will grab the other ingredients."

Lucas complied and then brought the bag over to the counter as Gimp set out jars and containers. They put the frozen fruit in the blenders first followed by one bag that included dry ingredients and one bag that included wet ones.

"So, what is the mix of chemicals that are in those bags?" Lucas asked.

"I don't even know," Gimp said. "Master has a friend that is a chemist. He is the one that developed the drug that caused Bull's udder to develop and your balls to enlarge. At the same time, he found other combinations of chemicals that could retard aging and bring a youthful appearance back along with increased vitality. All I know is that the bags are delivered here once a week and are used in the process."

Gimp pulsed the machine as the various constituents were added, to mix them. Bull's cum was the last to be put inside. Gimp popped the top off of several flasks and emptied the contents of one and a half into each blender. He then put the tops on the machines and set them to mix the contents thoroughly. As the machines did their job, Gimp cleaned the counter and put things away.

"How long does this take?" Lucas asked.

"It has to blend for five minutes," Gimp replied. "Then we get to canning."

"What does that involve?" Lucas asked.

"We have to sterilize the mason jars with boiling water," Gimp replied. "Then we fill each one and secure the lid and then they go back to boil for a few minutes. It helps to kill off bacteria and increases the life of the product. Then we place them in the blue fridge at the end. That is where the finished product is kept."

"How often do you sell it?" Lucas asked.

"We have people coming by daily," Gimp responded. "They bring back empty jars and we sell them full ones. You will learn who the clients are over time. This is mainly my job at the moment, but that might change as Master determines what your daily role will be."

"I see," Lucas replied.

Once the blending was done, Gimp got the pots set up on a stove to start the canning process. When they were done, they placed the newly canned product in the refrigerator and took a break to grab some water. Lucas then helped Gimp with general cleaning before breaking for a light lunch of sandwiches. Bull was then taken downstairs for its afternoon milking and afterwards, he and the dogs were let outside to roam in the backyard. When the doctor arrived at the front door in the early afternoon, Gimp showed him in and Lucas followed him to the basement to have his groin inspected.

"Things are healing nicely," the doctor replied as he prodded the place where Lucas's cock used to be. "Any pain?"

"A little in the morning," Lucas said. "But Gimp gave me some pills."

"That is good," the doctor replied as he stood up. "Continue your antibiotics until they are done. If you see any discharge or experience sharp pain, let your Master know and I will come to evaluate you."

"Yes, Sir," Lucas replied.

The doctor moved around to inspect Lucas's reroute before squeezing his balls.

"Yes, you are looking good," the doctor said with a smile. "In a few weeks you will be ready to be used by your Master as he sees fit. I am quite pleased with the results. Do you feel the same?"

"Yes, Sir," Lucas replied. "You did an excellent job removing my cock. I don't feel any remaining erectile tissue and the scar looks like it will be hardly noticeable once things heal."

"Well, I have had some practice with that procedure," the doctor replied as he smiled and looked up on the shelf next to the staircase where the colored jars sat. He paused and reached up and grabbed the one containing Lucas's severed cock and examined it. "I am still amazed how well we were able to preserve this specimen. You made an impressive sacrifice for your Master."

"Thank you, Sir," Lucas replied as he walked over to the man. "I am glad you were able to save it. Master was pleased and is glad to have it as a trophy to show off."

The doctor chuckled.

"I was told you never used it properly."

"No, Sir," Lucas replied. "I jacked off a lot with it when it was not caged, but only topped a few times in my life and I was never good with it. I was a born subordinate, I guess."

"Nothing wrong with that," the doctor replied as he placed the jar back on the shelf. "You know I offered to buy that from him for my office at home to display next to the one removed from his former slave, but he wouldn't have it. Yours is much more impressive than the other one. But, anyway, once you are healed you can thank me properly, boy. Till then, take care of yourself."

Lucas watched as the man walked upstairs and then he turned to the jar again and stared at his floating former prick. He reached down and felt his sore balls. They ached in his hands and he felt a dribble of precum come out of the hole behind them.

"Fuck I need to cum," Lucas groaned as he turned out the lights and walked back up to the main floor.

When Lucas walked into the kitchen, he saw Gimp placing jars filled with Lighting Boost into a large sack.

"Come over here and help me, Slave," Gimp said. "John is here to pick up his daily delivery. The empty jars he brought back are over there on the floor. Pick them up and bring them back to the preparation room."

"Ok," Lucas replied as he turned and saw a paper bag filled with empty jars.

He picked it up carefully and moved down the hall, passing the room where Bull had been exercising in the morning. The beast had since moved on to roam around outside. It had turned out to be a pleasant day out and Bull had been napping the last time he saw him. When he reached the preparation room, he placed the bag on the counter and waited. Gimp came in several minutes later.

"What do we do with them now?" Lucas asked.

"There is an industrial dishwasher under the counter there," Gimp replied. "Load them in there and set it to the sanitize setting, I will grab the soap."

As Lucas complied, Gimp grabbed a bottle of blue liquid that he poured into a dispenser in the door of the machine. He then closed the cover to contain it and then returned the bottle under the sink. When Lucas was done placing the jars inside, he closed the lid and pressed the appropriate button, and heard the machine start up.

"We will return in an hour to put those away," Gimp said.

"Now what do we do?" Lucas asked.

"Poo duty," Gimp replied. "Go out and pick up any mess that the dogs or Bull made and then you can take a brief nap if you want. I will wake you when it is time to get ready for dinner."

"Sounds good," Lucas replied.

After disposing of the piles of excrement in the yard and pausing to pet Bull, who was still snoozing, Lucas returned inside to rest. Gimp woke him an hour later and then the two began preparations for dinner. The dogs were fed their kibble, Bull was fed its bucket of slop, and the table was plated before Richard arrived home. Gimp and Lucas were kneeling as he entered the room and Brutus came up to him wagging his tail.

"Good to see you, boy!" Richard said as he petted the large dog. "It smells good in here!"

"Steak and potatoes for you, Sir!" Gimp replied.

"Excellent!" Richard said as he sat down to eat.

Pup came over later and laid beside him as he did in the morning and Gimp and Lucas were quiet as the man ate. Richard kicked his boots off and sighed as he paused from cutting the slab of meat in front of him.

"Slave! Get under the table and remove my socks and clean my feet!"

"Yes, Sir!" Lucas replied as he moved under the man.

As he approached, he could smell the scent of Richard's large paws. He grasped one and felt the wetness of the fabric that covered it and as he pulled it off, the scent intensified. He placed his face on the underside and brought his tongue out and licked from the base to the tip, pausing to bring the man's toes into his mouth to suck on them. Richard groaned in pleasure above him as he ate. Lucas had always had a foot fetish and this sort of duty was no issue for him. He spent a good deal of time cleaning the right foot before moving to remove the sock of the left and repeat the procedure. While he did so, Pup moved over and grabbed one sock, and played with it in his mouth.

When Richard was done eating, he let out a loud belch and pulled his foot from Lucas.

"I'm going to go change and watch TV. Come, Brutus! Come, Pup!"

Pup moved to grab the other sock and carried them both as he followed his Master into the other room. Lucas looked up at Gimp.

"Clean up time?"

"Yup," Gimp said. "Then we have a brief rest period before milking Bull and bedtime."

"So, this is the routine, huh?" Lucas asked.

"Pretty much," Gimp said as he stood to make some sandwiches for him and Lucas. "At least till you are healed and your service to Master is more defined.

Lucas crawled from under the table and stretched.

"I'm interested to see how that works out," Lucas replied. "But, I have a question for you."

"Sure," Gimp replied.

"You don't have sex with Master, correct?" Lucas asked

"No," Gimp replied.

"And Pup and Bull are not used for his sexual pleasure, correct?" Lucas asked.

"No, they are not," Gimp replied, nervously.

"So, he had a sex slave before me?" Lucas asked. "The doctor mentioned one earlier today."

Gimp paused and looked at Lucas. Lucas could not tell if it was fear in his eyes, but it was obvious this was a topic he was not comfortable with.

"It is not something I can discuss right now," Gimp said before turning to finish preparing the food for them both."

"But..." Lucas asked.

"I can't, Slave," Gimp replied with a hushed tone.

Gimp passed an old plate to Lucas that contained a sandwich and vegetables and handed him a glass of Lightning Boost.

"Eat and then we can clean up the kitchen."

"Ok," Lucas replied.

The sun had set and Richard was lying on the sofa napping with dogs at his feet when Lucas and Gimp put Bull to bed after his milking and headed for their door. As they passed the linen closet, Gimp paused and opened the door and then grabbed Lucas and pushed him inside, closing the door. Lucas was caught off guard by the movement and stared back in the tiny, dark room.

"What's going on?" Lucas asked.

"Slave, this house is wired with cameras and microphones," Gimp said. "Very little goes on here that Richard is not aware of. This is one place where we can talk freely."

"Is there something wrong?" Lucas asked.

"You were asking questions earlier that are off-limits," Gimp said. "But I wanted to provide you with answers. You are owed that."

"Ok?" Lucas replied, concerned.

"We had a sex slave that served Master for almost two years," Gimp said. "He was modified as you were and his former cock was displayed in the basement as all of our donations are. At first, he was the perfect toy for Master. He pleased him in many ways and was well used. However, as his balls grew from the injections and his hormones made him hornier, he found ways to self-pleasure himself. He used some of the dildos in the basement dungeon to attempt to stimulate an orgasm without Master's permission numerous times. He was finally caught on camera and was punished. But that did not stop the bad behavior."

"I see," Lucas said. "So, what happened to him?"

"About a month before you arrived, a regular client named Charles stopped by to drop off empty jars and buy a new batch of Lightning Boost from us. Charles was an attractive man who had a large package that you could not miss between his legs. He had taken a liking to our former slave, but I did not think it was a huge concern. I was busy in the production room, so I had him take the delivery to Charles, but he did not return immediately. So, I went looking for him. I found him in the basement. Charles had his cock up his ass and was fucking him furiously. I was horrified and immediately went upstairs and used the emergency phone to call Master."

"What happened?" Lucas asked in astonishment.

"Master returned home faster than I have ever seen him do. He stormed through the front door and down into the basement and I heard a horrible loud cry and shouting. Charles came up dressing as fast as he could. He had a look of horror on his face and his softening cock was dripping cum on the floor as he ran out the door. I never saw him again."

"What about the slave?" Lucas asked.

Gimp paused.

"Slave, Master has very few rules, but one is that you are under his absolute control. We are his property. Our former slave knowingly let another man violate that property without permission. He was, thus, soiled, and damaged in Master's eyes. There is no greater transgression."

"So, what happened?" Lucas asked. "Was he told to leave?"

"No one leaves this house," Gimp replied. "Ever."

Lucas was frightened.

"Master called me to the basement and I saw our former slave bound to the fuck bench. Charles's cum was still dripping from his ass as he was being beaten severely. Master was using a large wide strap and whipping him hard enough to make him bleed. He was struggling and moaning through a gag that Master had placed tightly on him. When I arrived, he turned to me and told me to get a double dose of the second chemical from the milking room."

"Second chemical?" Lucas asked.

"Slave, Bull is not the first production animal that Master has owned," Gimp said. "The drugs we give him increase its hair growth and body mass, enlarge its genitals, drastically increase its sperm production and potency, and they have a side effect of dumbing down its mind. However, you can't give them to a human forever. Over time, it takes more of the drug to get the same results and the body can only take so much production. Eventually, it will slow to a point that it will not be economically viable to keep milking it. When that happens, it is a sad day, but we strap it down and inject it with a mix of chemicals to help put it down, quietly."

"It is euthanized?" Lucas said, shocked.

"Yes," Gimp said. "It is painless for the beast and when the body is cremated, the ashes are buried in the backyard in an area that is tended."

"Holy fuck," Lucas replied.

"When Master told me to get the second chemical, I knew what was coming," Gimp said.

"He meant to put the slave down?" Lucas asked.

"Yes," Gimp replied. "Normally, it is a two-dose injection. One chemical to sedate and calm and then one to stop the heart. It is important to give them in that order. The second chemical will make your veins feel like they are on fire before it stops your heart and it can be a painful way to go. When he told me to get a double dose of the second and none of the first, I knew that the slave would be going out horribly."

Lucas shook as Gimp continued.

"When I returned, I saw that the slaves back was bruised and bloody. Master was using a long stick to cane his feet, balls, and ass. The slave's muffled cried could be heard as he struggled. I knew he had to be in serious pain. He begged for mercy, but Master did not let up. When he dropped the cane he pulled a knife from his pocket and opened it. I heard him tell the slave that he was an ungrateful piece of shit and he grabbed the slave's low hanging balls and used the knife to cut them off. He then threw them on the floor and stomped on them."

"Fuck!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Master then grabbed the syringe from me and plunged it into the slave's arm, picking up the leather strap after and continuing to whip the former slave as the drug burned through him," Gimp said. "He was writhing and screaming into the gag the whole time. I felt sorry for him and it took almost a minute for him to pass. When it was over, Master pulled the bloody body from the bench and threw it on the floor. He called to have someone remove it and it was cremated. The ashes were then tossed in the trash. Soon after, he set up an ad for a new sex slave."

"That is insane," Lucas said as his body shook.

Gimp reached out and stroked his arm.

"Master is a fair man if you follow his rules," Gimp said. "He takes care of us, sees that we are fed, and provides us a home at no charge. I am telling you this so you can avoid any mistakes in the future. Just please him and serve him and you will live a long and happy life here. Well, a frustrated one, I guess, with no cock. But, you know what I mean."

Lucas looked back at Gimp and paused before speaking.

"So that is what the doctor meant."

"Sorry?" Gimp replied.

"When he was examining me earlier he mentioned trying to buy my former cock to display it next to the other one," Lucas said.

"Yes," Gimp replied. "Master sold it to the doctor when the last slave was gone."

"This is a lot to take in," Lucas said.

"I didn't want to scare you," Gimp said. "Just give you a warning. Be careful how you act and what you say. Master is always monitoring now through cameras and speakers throughout the house. I am sure you will be fine, but we need to get to our room and get some sleep before things look suspicious."

"Ok," Lucas replied.

Gimp opened the door and the two went across the hall to their room. As Lucas laid down to sleep, he thought about the boy that must have once slept in the same bed. It was something he would take to heart. He wanted to make sure never to cross or violate the trust of his master in the future.

Next: Chapter 4

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