
By Slave Bear

Published on Aug 21, 2022


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As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen and consenting adults, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, extreme body modification, bestiality, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Chapter 29: Mated

As the barn door opened, the stallions got their first look at their new home. Chad led them down the central corridor between the bull's stalls, three on either side. At the end of the room, he opened the door to the area that had once been the primary production room. In the months since the addition to the barn had been completed, it had slowly been turned into storage space, though a desk and computer had been set up for Chad on one wall so he could maintain the spreadsheets that monitored the bull's production and health.

As the young man switched on the lights, the stallions saw that the area had been renovated with them in mind. Two large stalls sat in the back corners of the room. In each, a soft mattress had been placed on a low bed, and hay had been laid down on the ground below. Their names had been carved into plaques secured to wooden doors that led into each stall, where small windows had also been installed to afford natural light to the beasts.

Chad turned and lifted the harnesses off each of the beasts, then allowed them to explore their living quarters and test out their beds as he placed the leather equipment on pegs sticking out from the wall. Buck went for its stall first, recognizing its name on the door. It turned around, sat on the bed, and made a pleasant sound. It was much softer and nicer than what it had been used to. Bald Tex lumbered over to its stall next. Its massive frame squeezed through the door and laid down on its bed. It, too, was pleased with the accommodations.

Chad smiled as he sat on the chair next to his computer and stared at the beasts.

"I hope you like living here. We have been looking forward to your arrival for several weeks now."

"Are they settling in?" Lucas asked as he leaned on the door frame.

Chad turned and smiled at the boy.

"Hey, Slave. Yes, I think they are going to like it here."

Lucas walked over and rubbed Chad's shoulder.

"How do you feel about being their mare?"

Chad patted Lucas's hand and sighed.

"I am not going to lie, Slave, I am a bit scared. Their cocks look huge right now, and they are soft. But the chance to experience my orgasms again will be worth it. I was hoping to earn the right to be a true man around here again, but maybe this is the next best thing."

"You will be fine," Lucas replied. "Besides, they didn't say you couldn't go out and fuck whatever you want now. It is just your ass that is off limits."

"That is true," Chad said with a smile. "Maybe you can help me use the milking machine again once I get all my sensations back."

"I would be happy to!" Lucas replied.

"Chad!" George called out as he walked into the barn.

Chad immediately leaped to his feet and walked past Lucas. He stood at attention in the doorway and saluted the older man as he approached.

"Sir, yes, Sir!"

George smiled as he walked up and stood before the young man. He put his hand on Chad's shoulders and spoke softly.

"I'm proud of you, boy. I told you if you did a good job around here, you would eventually get back into your uncle's good graces. Giving up your ass to these beasts is a small price to pay in the end."

"Yes, Sir," Chad replied. "I agree, Sir."

George put his hand down and nodded when he saw Lucas step into view.

"Slave, you should be tending to the bulls."

"Yes, Sir," Lucas replied as he nodded and hurried past them.

"Chad, please take the stallions out to the back pasture," George said after Lucas left. "Hook them up to the plows and start working on getting the ground tilled and prepared. By the end of the week, I want to see all the fields prepped for planting."

"Yes, Sir!" Chad replied.

Behind George, Ralph walked in carrying several planks of wood. He placed them on the floor and left to get more as George turned and looked back at Chad.

"Ralph will build you a bench to be mounted on," George replied. "It should be ready by dinnertime. When the stallions have completed their work, bring them back here to be fed, and then Richard wants you to offer your pussy to be mated and bred. I'll leave some poppers and lube here for you to help for your first time."

"Thank you, Sir," Chad replied, remaining at attention. "I appreciate all of your support."

"Well, get to it, boy," George said. "Time is wasting."

"Sir, yes, Sir!" Chad replied as he spun around and walked over to collect the beasts.

By 6 pm, the heat had become so bad that Chad had removed his shirt and tied it around his head. His muscled frame was coated in a sheen of sweat, and he could smell his musk as the soaked cloth dripped down his face. Buck and Tex were similarly soaked. Their long body hair had beads of water dripping from them as they placed their callused feet firmly on the ground and heaved against the metal plow attached to their bodies. They had not complained all day. They had been given a task, and they did it. Chad was amazed at their strength as the caked ground parted and gave way as it overturned. Each of the beast's legs was as massive as tree trunks. Their thighs and calves rippled with each step, and they grunted with each pull.

Between their legs, their large balls bounced, and their soft horse cocks swung from side to side. Chad couldn't help but watch and be mesmerized by the slabs of meat that Charles had crafted. He tried to mentally prepare himself for what he knew would be coming later in the day, but he knew it would be a challenge. He usually got his orgasm-blocking shots in the morning, and with them being discontinued, he was hoping to start feeling something different in his body by now. He groped himself at several points in the day, but it had been so long since he had experienced pleasure down there that he didn't notice a difference.

Chad felt it was time to call it a day when the beasts finished the next row.

"Ok, boys," he said as he walked over to the two of them and petted their soaked backs. "How about we grab some water and rest before dinner."

Buck sighed and nodded its head, and Tex grunted as it dropped the straps that connected the plow to its shoulders and stretched.

"You both did excellent today," Chad said. "We still have a lot of work to do, but we will get there. Follow me, horses."

Chad turned and walked towards the direction of the barn in the distance, and the beasts followed without uttering another sound. It took them twenty minutes to reach the main living areas, and when they arrived, they saw Sub sweeping up the barn.

"You all look like you need cold showers!" Sub said.

Chad chuckled as he rubbed his shoulders.

"That is not a bad idea."

Chad turned and looked at the two beasts that had stopped and stood behind him.

"Come with me, boys," Chad said as he turned and walked around to the side of the barn.

He led the beasts over to a spicket that protruded from the wall. As he turned the rusted knob, cold water shot from the metal pipe, and he threw his body under it as it coated his overalls and body. The initial impact sent a shiver through his body, but it was worth it for the relief.

"God, this feels good," Chad said as he kicked his shoes off, and they sailed through the air, making a plopping sound on the ground and spraying water over the dirt.

The young man peeled off his clothes and tossed them to the side as he grabbed a bar of soap and ran it over his body. Buck and Tex watched as their new handler and mare cleaned himself. Chad was quite attractive. His upper chest had a thick coating of hair that ran down his belly in a treasure trail that led to a trimmed pubic region surrounding his cock. As the young man turned, the beasts could also see the light colored fur that covered his firm ass. Tex smiled, and its cock twitched at the same time.

Chad knew he was putting on a show for the beasts, but if he was to be their mare, it was probably a good idea they got to see him in the buff now, so they knew what they would be mated to. As he threw some water on his face, he turned to smile.

"Come on over here," Chad said as he beckoned them over. "Let's get you cleaned up."

Tex grunted and moved first toward the water stream, followed by Buck. Chad turned the water on full blast and stepped to the side to let the huge beasts duck their head into the stream and cool off. As the water cascaded over them, Chad admired them more. It was amazing to think that they were once just men. He had known that such transformations were possible after seeing the bulls, but these two were on a completely different level.

Buck let out a guttural groan and shook its head. As its body cooled down, it started to relax. Tex was rubbing its hands over its brother's shoulders. For the last several weeks, they had spent more time together. It had been Charles's idea to let them bond as they would be living together for likely the rest of their lives. Tex had come to care deeply for its brother and groomed it whenever possible. As its large hands moved through the dark hairs covering Buck's back, the slightly smaller-framed beast moaned and smiled. Buck then reached out and pulled Chad over to hug him. Chad smiled as he felt Buck squeeze him. It was a gesture of gratitude for being kind to them, but he also knew it was the start of something more. He felt Buck's cock against his back thigh and noticed it swelled. The young man turned and looked at the beasts and smiled.

"Come on, boys. Let's get you inside and dried off. Then you can mate with your mare."

The two beasts grinned widely as Chad turned off the water and collected his wet clothes. They followed him as he walked naked over into the barn. Sub had left to join Lucas in the production room, and the barn was empty. The three walked to the back and into the horse's living quarters. When they entered, Chad saw the new bench constructed for him on the side of the room. Across it sat two fluffy towels. He grabbed one and wrapped it around Buck's shoulders before using the other to help dry Tex off.

As Buck absorbed the water from its body, it stared at Chad. The young man was running the towel down both Tex's legs, and his ass was sticking straight at the beast. Buck's cock immediately began to stir, and blood poured into the tissues of its shaft. The base widened first and then the tip. The new tissues that had been grafted onto it reacted immediately. It was as if they had always been part of its body.

Tex began to react as well, and it occurred right in front of Chad's face. The beast's cock pulsed as the half-black and pink shaft lengthened and stretched. The young man's eyes widened, and his jaw dropped when he saw how long they were getting. Tex was just shy of a foot-long in length and looked to be girthy enough that it would take two hands to hold it. As Chad stood up, Tex grunted and patted the young man's back.

"Fuck, you are huge," Chad replied as he turned to look at Buck.

The beast behind him was at full mast as well. The foot-long shaft bobbed in the air through the mat of dark pubic hair, and the baseball-sized testicles underneath undulated, full of cum.

"I guess it is time," Chad said. "I was going to offer you dinner first, but we should get this out of the way."

Chad took the towel from Buck and ran it over his body to dry himself as he walked over to the fuck bench that had been made for him. He could smell the scent of the beast, and it was strangely intoxicating. His cock began to stir, and he felt a surge of warmth collect around his groin for the first time in months. He smiled as he grabbed the bottle of lube set out for him and coated his finger.

The young man put one leg on the side of the bench and pushed his finger into his ass to lubricate it. The beasts behind him just watched in fascination. They were used to just mounting Steer raw. They had never seen someone prepare their ass for them.

Chad pushed a second finger into his ass and moved it back and forth. He knew he would need to be well and open to accommodate the beasts. He saw a bottle of poppers that George left for him, and he paused to take a hit in each nostril. As the chemical flooded his system, he felt his sphincter relax, pushing more lube inside. He then took a deep breath and put the lube on the table. Turning to the beasts, he smiled, nodded, and then mounted the bench.

Ralph had done an excellent job. The structure was sturdy and had padded areas for him to rest his chest and legs. Chad spread his legs until he felt they were firmly in the places made for them and then pushed his ass backward and arched his back. He then opened the bottle of poppers and took a deep hit before speaking.

"Your mare is ready to be bred, boys."

Buck snorted and moved before Tex could react. The beast was ready to mate. The large black head of its cock glistened as precum flowed from the tip. As it lumbered over and stood behind Chad, the young man closed his eyes and gripped the bench.

Chad felt the large head first. It rested on the crack in his ass for a moment. The young man could feel the warmth of the tissues and just how large it was. He was used to taking a dog's knot, but usually, there was a warm-up first. This would be like taking the knot from the tip. Buck, who was not used to being gentle, pushed forward. The head of its cock moved between Chad's cheeks and reached his hole. As it entered, searing pain shot through Chad's body. Heavy, callused hands gripped his waist before he could move. He was immobilized as the dick pushed in. Chad's hole dilated, and his lips spread apart to the point of rupture. The flat horse cock went inside.

"Fuck!" Chad screamed.

Buck just kept moving forward. This mare's pussy was tight. Tighter than anything it had experienced before. Its cock pulsed twice and coated the young man's insides, but the additional lubrication was not helping much. It felt the friction and resistance, so it just pushed harder. Chad felt his insides ripping apart. His entire body was on fire, and he felt tears pouring down his face as he continued to scream. Inch after inch of cock entered him. When the ring passed inside, he knew he was over halfway there. Then the flare towards the root hit him. As his hole spread further, his body tensed, and he dropped the bottle of poppers, hearing it shatter on the floor below him.

Buck finally pushed the rest of the way inside and felt its foot-long cock resting inside. Maintaining the firm grip it had, it began to thrust. Loud screams and whimpers could be heard from its mare, and it felt the body below it writhing, but the pussy felt so good. It was Buck's to breed first. The beast's brother would have to settle for seconds. It pulled out and then shoved in again. The scream that could be heard was blood-curdling. It echoed off the walls and even made Tex jump as it watched its bother mate. Buck only knew it needed to unload, so it kept fucking hard and fast.

The beast's balls swung back and forth and impacted Chad's. The young man was in such pain that he nearly passed out. He bit down hard on the leather padding of the bench, almost breaking his teeth in the process. The fucking he was receiving was brutal. He was sure his insides were being turned inside out.

Buck was fucking so hard now that the bench began to creak and groan. The beast lifted its head to the ceiling and grunted with each thrust. But, it had plenty of stamina. This was going to last a while. Tex reached down and stroked its cock as it watched its brother rut. It took almost fifteen minutes, but when it heard its brother's familiar whinny, it knew that the mare was about to be bred.

Chad had lost all track of time. His body was numb and on fire. The beast behind him grunted loudly one last time, and then the cock inside undulated like nothing the young man had felt before. Warm cum coated his insides and filled his lower intestines. The beast pulled on its new mare and made sure to impregnate it deep. As the orgasm ebbed, Buck gasped and stepped back. Its cock slowly fell from the mare's ass. When the tip fell out, it was covered in a froth of blood and cum.

Chad went limp as fluids poured from his abused hole. Tex walked behind him, pointed its cock at the pussy next, and went inside. The beast was slightly larger than Buck, but the young man was in so much pain that he did not even notice. He screamed, and spit fell from his mouth and streamed onto the floor as his ass was split in two again. Tex was just as forceful as Buck. The grip on Chad's waist was even stronger, and he felt as the beast pulled him back and skewered him on the thick pole. The pounding that followed was so strong and rough that the bench shook and moved backward till it hit the wall.

Chad felt his head bobbing up and down. He held onto the bench for dear life as his ass was mated. Then, between the throbbing pain he was experiencing, there was a warmth. He had not noticed that his cock was now at full mast and dripping so much precum that ropes were tossed around on the floor with each of Tex's thrusts. His balls shifted, and the warmth spread. He felt his cock engorge even more, and as the bulbous flat head of Tex ran over his prostate, cum spewed from the boy. At the same time, an intense orgasm, stronger than the young man had ever experienced in his life, flooded his body and brain. He shook as the pleasure washed over him and more cum spewed from his balls.

"Yes!" Chad screamed. "Fuck, yes! Finally! Fuck, yes! Thank you! Thank you! Fuck me, Tex! Breed your mare!"

Tex grunted and fucked harder. Chad's orgasm started to wane but was followed almost immediately by another one. The young man yelled loudly as cum sprang from his cock again.

"Yes! Again! Yes! Hell, yes! Breed me, Tex! Mate with your mare!"

Tex went over the edge. As its new mare encouraged it, the beast felt its balls empty. It bred and mated with the young man, adding to the fluids that its brother had deposited. As it marked its territory, Chad continued to scream in joy as he felt his orgasms again. The pain momentarily left his body as the beast finished.

When Tex pulled away, it grunted, leaned over to kiss Chad's back, and then turned to rest in its stall. Buck stared at the wrecked mare that sat lifeless on the fuck bench. Fluids coated its pussy and ran over the young man's balls and down each leg. A puddle of cum had collected below Chad's now softening cock on the floor below. The beast huffed and smiled and then went to its stall to lie down and enjoy the afterglow of an intense orgasm.

Chad did not move. As the cool air ran over his body, he felt the pain return again. His ass was on fire.

"Fuck," Chad groaned.

Lucas had heard the screams from the next room. He and Sub had been working on a batch of Lighting Boost. They had been told not to enter the room until the mating was over. When the screams died down, Lucas waited another five minutes before entering. When he saw Chad's form on the bench, he gasped. The young man looked like a bad crime scene. Blood and cum were smeared over his ass and legs, and only small whimpers could be heard. Lucas rushed over, ran his hands over the young man's back, and Chad gasped.

"Are you ok?" Lucas asked.

Chad cried.

"I orgasmed, Lucas!"

Lucas was shocked to hear his given name after so long.

"I fucking, orgasmed!" Chad screamed. "Fucking hell! It was all worth it! I'm a mare! I'm mated to be bred by Tex and Buck, but it was all worth it!"

Lucas turned and grabbed one of the towels and ran it over the young man's ass to clean it. He spread Chad's cheeks to check for any damage. There were some tears, but nothing that would not heal. He moved over to wet the towel under the sink and then returned to run the cool rag over Chad's sensitive ass.

"Fuck," Chad groaned.

"That must have been intense," Lucas said. "We could hear you in the next room."

"That was like nothing I have ever experienced," Chad replied. "Slave, am I ok down there?"

Lucas smiled and patted Chad's back.

"I am not going to lie, it looks bad, but I don't see anything that is permanently damaged. Do you need help getting up?"

"Yes, please," Chad replied.

Lucas turned and saw Sub watching from the doorway. He motioned the boy over, and the two helped Chad off the bench. As the young man stood up, a spurt of cum and fluids belched from his loose hole and slid down his leg.

"Fuck, I am wrecked," Chad said as he felt the pain in his lower abdomen.

"You sure came a lot, though," Sub said as he saw the puddle of cum on the floor below the bench.

Chad laughed.

"Charles will be upset he didn't get to collect that to inseminate women with."

Lucas smiled as he ran the wet towel over the young man's ass again.

"Why don't you go inside and rest and eat. Sub and I can clean up in here and feed the horses."

"Thanks," Chad said. "But, I don't think I can walk alone."

"I'll help you inside," Sub said.

"Thanks," Chad replied as he leaned on the boy and hobbled out of the room.

Lucas looked at the mess on the floor and then over at the horses lying in their beds, smiling and coming down off their orgasmic highs.

"This is going to be an interesting relationship," Lucas said.

Next: Chapter 30

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