
By Slave Bear

Published on Aug 17, 2022


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As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen and consenting adults, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, extreme body modification, bestiality, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Transformed - Chapter 27: The Mare

Charles turned around when he heard a knock on the door to the lab.

"Can I come in, Sir?" Chad asked as he poked his head through the door.

"Yes, come on in," Charles replied as he rubbed his sore eyes.

Standing up from behind the microscope he had been slumped over, he stretched and smiled.

"Are you here for your semen collection?"

"Yes, Sir," Chad groaned as he walked over to one of the steel tables. He leaned over it with is ass facing the man, dropped his pants and underwear, and spread his legs without saying a word.

"Your Uncle still have you on that drug?" Charles asked as he moved around to grab the ejaculator probe.

"Yes, Sir," Chad replied as he closed his eyes. "It has been almost three months now. I don't even bother jacking off anymore. There is no point. I don't feel any pleasure from it."

Charles used his foot to spread Chad's legs farther apart as he lubricated the probe and grabbed a specimen container. Breaking the seal, he removed the lid and held it over the boy's limp cock. In one swift motion, he shoved the probe up Chad's ass, located the boy's prostate, and activated the electricity. Chad's let out a groan as his cock reacted immediately. It stiffened halfway and began to spew cum almost immediately. Charles repeated the procedure twice more to get a good sample and then removed the probe. Chad gasped in response.

"Well, you did fuck up pretty badly, boy," Charles said as he turned and put the device down before screwing the lid on the container.

"I just hope he gives me a second chance," Chad said, dejected, as he caught his breath and bent over to pull his pants up.

"At least your sperm production is still good," Charles said as he examined the side of the container. "You shoot some big, virile loads."

"I always have, Sir," Chad replied as he stood at attention. "I used to have a high opinion of myself and my ability to breed. That is over now."

Charles grinned at the boy. He wasn't the brash young man that he had met not long ago. Like any good stallion, Chad had been broken and rebuilt. He was disciplined, respectful, and quiet. His daily routine with George had led his body to develop thick muscles on a leaner frame. Gunny had trained him well.

"Well, I wouldn't say that," Charles said as he put the container in a small fridge. "That seed of yours is pretty popular at the clinic. You will father many kids in this state over the next few years. You should be proud your balls have produced such hardy DNA even if you can't feel pleasure from it."

"Of course, Sir," Chad replied as he stood at attention. "I am happy to serve you and Sir Richard. May I be permitted to ask about the woman you chose to carry my two boys?" Chad asked.

"You mean your Uncle's boys?" Charles replied. "After all, it was his idea. They belong to him. You are just the genetic donor."

"Yes, sorry," Chad replied. "I forgot my place. How are Sir's boys?"

"The pregnancy is going well," Charles said as he removed his rubber gloves with a snap. "The heartbeats of both of them were detectable in the last checkup. Everything is fine."

"That is good to hear, Sir," Chad replied.

"You are dismissed, boy," Charles said. "I am sure you have duties to return to on the farm."

"Sir, yes, Sir!" Chad replied as he spun around and marched out of the room.

"The change in him is amazing," Jake said from across the room.

Charles looked over at his assistant, who had been watching the collection and resulting interaction from across the room.

"Surprising what some discipline, punishment, and hard work can achieve, right?"

"Indeed!" Jake replied.

"How are the stallions doing?" Charles asked as he returned to his microscope.

"I no longer have to chain them in their stalls," Jake replied. "They have submitted completely, and we are already seeing noticeable drops in their intelligence levels."

"Just watch that," Charles replied as he stared into the instrument. "I don't want them to become vegetables. I just want them obedient."

"No, Sir," Jake replied. "Their muscle growth and body hair are exponentially increasing, and I am even noticing daily growth now."

"How about their cocks?" Charles asked.

"A huge improvement," Jake replied. "They all have larger testicles, and their shafts have lengthened and increased in girth. I think we can start operating on them in August."

"Increase the dosage by ten percent, then, and let's see what happens," Charles responded. "I would like to see how fast we can accelerate the transformation. Just monitor their vitals to ensure their bodies do not start to have adverse reactions. The quicker we can make them into beasts of burden, the faster we can make money off them. The warden has already promised me new subjects if these work out."

"I am worried about the dramatic increase in their testosterone levels, though," Jake said.

"What do you mean?" Charles asked as he sat up.

"I've already noticed some aggressive and territorial behavior from a few of them," Jake said. "Nothing to be concerned about. It is more pushing and jockeying for position to be noticed. But, I have also noticed them stopping to jack off more. I understand that the increase is needed as they develop muscle and strengthen, but it would be good to give them an outlet for their sexual urges. We don't want their work here to suffer from raging hormones."

"You have a good point," Charles said with a smile. "It is a good thing we have Steer, then. Make it the mare for the four new stallions. It has a good pussy to fuck anyway."

"Great idea, Sir!" Jake replied.

As the sun set, the stallions sat on the floor and finished dinner. Jake walked in to check on them and tapped Gerald on the shoulder to tell him something. The boy stood and left and, when he returned, was dragging a wooden bench into the center of the barn.

"Steer!" Jake shouted. "Come here, boy!"

Steer grunted, stood, lumbered over to the man, and stared blankly at him.

"Mount the bench, mare!" Jake replied.

Steer moved over to the bench and laid on it. It spread its legs and arched its back to present its ass to the man. Its ass lips parted and engorged, and the large, fake balls hung below him. Above the orbs, the reroute created to allow him to piss glistened as precum poured from it.

"You are always ready to be used and producing good lube, aren't you, boy?" Jake said as he collected the fluids and pushed them into the beast's stretched hole. "Stallions, get out here and stand at attention!"

Blaze, Buck, Ghost, and Tex licked their fingers of the gruel they had been eating and stood and walked out of their stalls and stood next to them.

"It has not gone unnoticed that you all have become hornier since you have been on your drug cocktails," Jake said. "As you continue to transform, this will only increase. We will increase the time you spend in the gym and out working on the farm to burn some energy, but your master Charles has agreed to give you an additional daily outlet to release the semen stored in your balls so that you might sleep easier."

Buck grunted and smiled. The beast had the highest sex drive of the group and was pleased to hear the news.

"Steer will be your dedicated mare," Jake continued. "After dinner, it will be presented to you to breed. The stallion that is the most obedient and/or performs the most work during the day will have the honor of going first. Then, each of you can use it before preparing for bed. In time, you will earn the right to use him more, but in the meantime, you are only to breed once a day. No more jacking off. Is that understood?"

Each of the stallions nodded. Fucking ass was something they had all done in prison. An alternative to their manual masturbation was a welcome change.

"Very well," Jake said. "Blaze, you can go first today since you volunteered to help Steer pull the plow today. Gerald, when the stallions are done, please see that they are put in their stalls and the lights are put out. Just send Steer to its stall after it is bred. There is no need to clean him out."

"Yes, Sir," Gerald replied.

Blaze smiled as it walked behind the large, hairy ass that faced him. The beast's cock was already at full staff as it thought about what it was about to do. It reached down and stroked its shaft and felt how it had increased to almost nine inches in length. It spat on the black-stained engorged tip and jacked it as it placed it on Steer's ass.

The beast below him grunted twice. It was used to being fucked by Charles, Jake, and even Gerald on occasion. It followed orders. That was its purpose.

Blaze hooted once, grabbed Steer's waist, and shoved its cock inside the beast with one movement. Steer was loose, but Blaze sliding in with only spit caused the beast to squeal as it felt pain. Steer's thick, hairy legs shook as Blaze went deeper.

"Fuck, this pussy is nice!" Blaze thought as it felt its balls reach the beast's ass.

As it started to pump, its cock began to coat the insides of Steer's ass with precum. Blaze was a constant leaker with the drugs he was on. The additional lubrication eased the friction and allowed him to move faster and faster. The beast was never one to take its time during sex. Even when it was fucking its girlfriend, it only lasted a minute or two. But, for some reason, it didn't feel the unmistakable warmth in its groin yet. Had its stamina increased?

"Fuck yeah!" Blaze thought as it closed its eyes and grunted.

It threw its head back and slammed into Steer so hard the beast slid forward on the bench.

"Watch it there, Blaze," Gerald said with a laugh. "You will slide out the door if you keep pounding that hard!"

Blaze opened its eyes and grinned. It squeezed Steer harder and pushed deeper. The feeling was incredible. Its cock had swollen thicker than it had ever been before. It was a stallion now. A hung stallion! The hair that had started to develop on its chest and body began to be coated with sweat, and its muscles rippled.

"Hurry up and breed your bitch, boy!" Gerald said. "You got three brothers waiting on you!"

Blaze grunted and adjusted its stance. It pounded so furiously that its hair began to fly back and forth. Its large balls bounced on Steer's fake ones, and each impact sent a wave of energy up its spine. Eventually, it felt an unmistakable heat build in its loins. It grunted twice as the sensation spread through its balls and down its shaft. When its cock finally released its seed, the beast whinnied loudly and threw its head back. Its shaft pulsed five times before it finally finished, and when it pulled out, the massive amount of cum it had injected into the beast dripped down Steer's balls and onto the dirt floor.

"Good boy!" Gerald said as he patted Blaze's back. "Now, go rest in your stall. Stallions, your mare is now lubed and ready for more. Who is next?"

Buck immediately stepped up. Its ten-inch cock was sticking out in front, and the black-stained tip glistened. Without making a noise, it pushed into the cum filled hole of the mare and started to pound. It, too, was amazed at the increase in its stamina. It took him a full ten minutes to cum, and it nearly wore its legs out in the process. Ghost moved to plug Steer next, followed by Tex. When the large, bald stallion finally shot its load after a pounding that lasted nearly fifteen minutes, Steer was left with a froth-covered ass with cum dripping onto the dirt below.

"Excellent," Gerald said. "I hope that release will allow you to sleep well tonight. Steer, get up and return to your stall!"

Steer grunted as it stood. Its ass hurt, but it complied with the order. As it walked to its stall, fluids poured out of it and down the long fur on its leg. It would crust overnight and make its body hair stiff and sticky. The rest of the beasts headed for their mounds of hay after and quickly nodded off and slept through the night.

As June progressed to July, the stallions had to contend with the added stress the heat put on their furry bodies. They all had found their body hair had increased to nearly that of Steer's, their muscled frames had doubled, and in Blaze's case, even tripled in size. The higher doses of drugs had sent their bodies into overdrive and the transformation over just a month was stark. Through the use of a cream applied to their feet daily, thick calluses had developed, and the stallions no longer had to worry about any ground they walked over causing pain. Their intelligence had quickly dropped, and they began to obey any order without question.

However, the biggest change was what was hanging between their legs. When soft, their black and flesh-colored cocks hung impressively below balls the size of a baseball, but when erect, they all were nearing the foot-long length Charles had intended. Ghost experienced the most significant change. The man had started below average, but as a stallion, it was one of the most impressive of the bunch. When fully engorged, its length was just over a foot, and its girth exceeded seven inches; while soft, the massive meat swung heavily back and forth with each step.

Steer had adapted to the massive change in the Stallion's cocks well. It was fucked daily, and its ass soon gaped and offered no challenge to the beast's increased sex drive and stamina. Indeed, each stallion could fuck for up to twenty minutes before cumming, and their loads had quadrupled in size.

Charles had taken the month of July to travel to Italy on a much-needed vacation, and when he returned, he was extremely impressed with the results. Jake and Gerald had the stallions line up in front of the barn to greet their master upon his return, and the older man went straight for Blaze and felt the heaviness of the beast's testicles.

"Fuck, they turned out better than I could have possibly imagined!" Charles remarked. "Its balls are so heavy and warm. How is its semen volume?"

"Off the scales, Sir," Jake replied. "It is a shame we can't use them in Richard's 'Lighting Boost' production. They would put the bulls to shame."

"Well, as you know, the formulation of drugs we are giving them would not make for a good product in that regard," Charles said. "These stallions were transformed for strength and stamina. Still, if there are clients around that like to be fucked by a huge cock, we can get some money out of them that way."

"True, Sir," Jake replied with a laugh. "Their vitals are off the charts. Each of them can effortlessly pull, lift, and haul anything on the farm now and their intelligence has leveled off to that of a five-year-old, but with better obedience."

Charles laughed and petted Blaze's thick, black fur.

"I am going to keep this one," Charles said. "Blaze has always been my favorite. I love how long its black hair has gotten."

"I will be sure to tag him as one of ours, then, Sir," Jake replied.

"And Ghost, too," Charles said as he moved down the line. "I like the contrast in having a pale, ginger stallion. And, that massive cock is beautiful."

"It will be done, Sir," Jake replied. "Will that mean Buck and Tex will go to Richard?"

"Yes," Charles replied. "They have the strongest physiques, anyway. Richard can put them to good use. But, before they are sold, we must first operate on their cocks. I think they are at the point where we can start the transplant of the horse tissues to their foreskins and glans and the insertion of the preputial ring in their shafts. Prepare Buck on Monday of next week."

"I'll put it on the schedule and have two assistants from the clinic on hand to help," Jake replied.

"Excellent!" Charles replied.

Next: Chapter 28

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